SEPTEMBER 3, 2011. I want to give you further perspective on the energy exercises I offer in two audio seminars—MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM, and THE TRANSFORMATIONS.


The exercises are all about projecting energy across space. It’s a natural capacity we all have, but we’ve largely forgotten it.


Let’s start here. The world, physical reality, ordinary reality, society, civilization—in one sense they are all names for a hypnotic effect that is transmitted to the individual.


The transmission occurs in several ways: as images, as frequencies, as space itself. The underlying purpose is FAMILIARIZATION.


Familiarization causes a person to accept things as they are, which is really the substance of a light trance.


For a mundane example, consider driving to work on the same route every day. You’re so familiar with the process you sometimes blank out and come to, a few seconds later.


Well, life can be like that, too. The light trance is actually a droning interaction between mind, perception, and the “presentation of things as they are.”


Here is a quote from my late friend and colleague, hypnotherapist Jack True: “That-which-is, reality, has a somewhat numbing effect over time. It’s almost like holding a pendulum in front of a person. The pendulum gently swings back and forth, and the person becomes comfortable to the point of being suggestible. But when the pendulum is physical reality itself, the suggestion that is being delivered is: ‘this is life, this is all life is, this is the way it is, accept it more and more, accept it more deeply.’ The person begins to lose energy and vitality. It leaks away. The response to life becomes more automatic. You’re losing energy in the process…”


These energy exercises transcend the trance. They “crack the egg” of ordinary reality. They open up space. They wake up consciousness and cells of the body.


As a person does the exercises, he realizes he’s interacting with ordinary reality, but from a place of power. He’s not being transmitted to. He’s the “operator.” He’s pulling the switches.


This is a very interesting experience.


The trance breaks apart.


In many ways, subtle and overt, we’re being preached to. We’re being told we have a limited amount of energy. This is a fable, but there a consensus around accepting it as truth.


When people wake up to the lie of the fable, they feel better. When people experience new energies, they change many of their old attitudes. They approach life in a different way.


We’ve reduced ourselves, but the condition is not permanent. It can be cracked apart.


I began developing these energy exercises one day, when I was painting in my studio, and I realized I was projecting energy. I felt alive in a way that surprised and excited me. I felt layers of acceptance and “sleep” peel away and disappear, as if I had walked out of a cocoon. An old injury that had been nagging at me for years (to the point where I didn’t even notice it anymore) suddenly showed up like a fire in my arm and then burned off and vanished.


But more importantly, when I left the studio and went out on to the street, I noticed I had a new attitude. I wasn’t inhabiting normal reality anymore. I wasn’t in “neutral space.” Instead, I had power.


After that, I never lapsed back into the old sleep again.


It’s one thing to think about this. It another thing to feel it and know it.


On all levels, the world is moving toward weaker energy exchanges between people. It’s the individual who can reverse the tide.


The civilization we now live in has cast its lot with machines and technology. Projection of energy is thought of purely in those terms. However, this is yet another illusion. The idea that we can only reach across space by physical means is a cultural artifact. It is ingrained now. Waking up from it, to return to our natural power, requires a new attitude and point of view.


This adventure is bracing. It brings us many rewards, including the capacity to span space with our minds and the understanding that we can, in a real sense, be in two places at the same time.


This was the subject of the famous book, Zen in the Art of Archery. The archer could be holding the bow and be at the target simultaneously. In that case, space would change. It would become more flexible, more like an instant of time.


Space also becomes more theatrical, a living stage for the production of energy phenomena. And the individual can turn on and off those phenomena, as if he is holding a switch. Experiencing this is more real than real—you graduate into a mode of improvisation that is “you in action,” at a level that is exceeding natural and creative.


It all starts with working with energy, using it, inventing it, projecting it, moving out of the John Q Citizen apparatus of “the average and normal,” which is only a role played out in a neutral and dead setting. This is where most people are, polishing confined parts in an old play, thinking they are only this and nothing more.


They strive and hope for something better—but it’s all taking place inside scenes from a stage production called The Average. Instead, they need to step out beyond that space and take on the power they actually have…and then things change.


I am now developing exercises that, based on my present energy techniques, allow and initiate new roles and new parts in new plays in much wider spaces, utilizing more power. For these, we need live seminars for small groups…


I call it The Magic Theater. Metaphorically, it is connected to a locale in Hesse’s landmark novel, Steppenwolf, where the main character finds he can live out extraordinary situations and emerge from his restricted cocoon.


In our world, we attribute great power to detestable people, and we end up believing that is where power IS—whereas we are weaker, though righteous and moral. This whole dynamic is like a crystal, a structure that keeps us in one place. The crystal can be blown apart, and we can then discover and regain our own power, our own magic, and use it to live quite different lives, without interfering with the freedom of others.


People don’t grasp the fact that our societies and civilizations are built to create a rigid balance of forces and energies that, ultimately, crystallize and hold the status quo in place. They may see this on an intellectual level, but experientially, they lack the venue in which to work with the forces themselves and break them open, to start the free energies flowing again.


I want to provide such a venue. Fortunately, people like Hesse, JL Moreno, Fritz Perls, and going all the way back, the Tibetan magicians, have laid vital groundwork for a breakthrough.


Again, we need a group to take new steps on this road.


Jon Rappoport