Your life outside the Matrix
by Jon Rappoport
December 19, 2016
This is a set of notes I made while preparing my collection, Exit From The Matrix, which contains a series of imagination exercises designed to increase the scope of the individual’s creative power:
“You pursuing the future you truly want…is quite different from you not pursuing that future.”
“You may remember a time when you were creative, when that impulse filled your mind and body. Reflecting on it can be quite productive. What made you so thrilled then? How did your view of your own life and future take on new meaning? That’s not a memory to discard. It’s vital. It contains many clues. It’s a storehouse of treasures…”
“Your moments and experiences and feelings are given importance or relegated to the dustbin according to a standard: will other people respect them? This is misleading. You give those feelings and experiences the status you decide to give. You’re the arbiter and the authority. The more you take on that power, the more power you have—and the more you perceive your future as yours and not someone else’s.”
“People who place a high value on conformity and doing the expected in life don’t deserve the truth from you, unless you want to give it to them. If you’re pursuing a goal or direction beyond their capacity to understand, why should you be obligated to share it with them? Sharing truth is your choice. The cultural trend of ‘spilling everything to everyone all the time’ is a gimmick designed to make people equal, when in fact they aren’t. ‘Equal’ is really a fantasy. People aren’t the same. They never were.”
“Viewed through the lens of history, former moments of creative breakthrough seem rather ordinary. Why? Because people have come to accept these disturbances in the continuum as smooth ripples in the stream. This is done through a fallacious analysis of cause and effect, in which every event seems to have flowed automatically from previous events. But individuals make quantum leaps of insight. Jumping from A to G in a single bound seems impossible, but it happens. This upsets scientific materialists. They want pre-determination. They want a smoothly progressing wave-front of events. They want no holes or breaks. But, as it turns out, the breaks occur frequently.”
“How does quantum insight happen? Many times, it happens when the individual introduces a dissonant or disruptive note. He doesn’t go along with the pervasive harmony. He isn’t heavily invested in a balanced system. He isn’t wedded to symmetry. In informational mind control, people are fed the notion that ‘everything fits’, all the pieces are in place and have defined relationships. ‘There is a system and it is good’. That’s the mantra. It casts a hypnotic glaze over the workings of life. Waking up from informational mind control—the individual takes over power from an externally imposed ‘movie’. The lights go on in the theater. He looks around and sees other people. The happenings on the screen fade out.”
“The imagination exercises [in Exit From The Matrix] help to facilitate spontaneous moments of new insight, which turn into a platform from which to launch a new future.”
“Is a person going to become iron filings drawn to a magnet outside himself? Nothing more? The deciding factor is his imagination, and how he uses it to see a future he truly desires.”
“More than that, imagination is an engine. It gives off giant quantities of inspiration, because it views possibility as reality. It closes the gap. It teaches that reality without possibility is only a default setting. Life is so much more.”
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.