By Jon Rappoport

MARCH 9, 2010.  Let’s say you’re nine years old.  You’re determined to cross a stream by jumping from rock to rock.  If you think about it too long, you’re going to turn back and forget the whole thing.  You see the rocks.  You see how you can jump from one to the other and reach the other side.  You want to do it.  So you do.  You do it.

People get into a muddle when they don’t understand the power of WANTING TO DO SOMETHING.  They have relatively little experience with that.  For them, desire is like a radio station that cuts in and out.  Sometimes it’s clear and strong, and sometimes it’s all static.

They can remember a time when the desire to do something was strong—but then it was buried.  It went away.

As I wrote in Part One of this series, my work with private clients often involves digging up these abandoned desires.  Rethinking them.  Seeing if they still make sense.

In people’s lives, there is a see-saw.  A person looks at one of his very strong desires, and he thinks about it.  Can I really accomplish this?  Should I try?  Do I believe it can work out?  Yes?  No?  Maybe?  And with each minute of reflection, the see-saw moves.  It moves away from the person, and it moves toward him.

It comes closer, and it goes farther away.

When it comes closer, the person is imagining the fulfillment of the desire in his life.  He’s imagining the path and work to get there, he’s imagining what it would be like to make it come true.

When the see-saw moves away, the person is thinking that his deep desire probably won’t work out, he’s thinking it’s impractical or difficult, he’s thinking about what other people will say, he’s thinking he should take a safer course.

This is the quandary, the indecision, the back and forth, the postponing.

This is the lack of determination.

In my practice, I move directly into this back and forth situation and work with the client to explore it.  What’s it really all about?

The imagining of a desire, fleshing it out, the vision of it being fulfilled—this is the kernel of a new life.  Much has been said about this kernel.  For example, there are people who will tell you it’s all about the law of attraction.  If you know what you want and if you can really see it and feel it, you will attract the fulfillment to you.

Well, I’m not going to spend time exploring the law of attraction here, except to say this: most people are missing the point.  The most important thing that happens when you imagine, with power, what you truly and deeply want is YOU ATTRACT YOURSELF.

This may sound like a mal-formed sentence, but it isn’t.

You are the one who can expend the effort and do the work and make a vision come true.  Focusing on that is a prime fact, and it shouldn’t be ignored in favor of waiting for the iron filings of the universe to line up around the magnet of your dreams.

To put all this in a slightly different way, there is a natural feedback loop between what you truly desire and YOU.  Your desire gives you power, and your power imparts life to what you desire.  But you can cut that loop, you can interrupt it, you can stop the flow of energy and inspiration.

These are important matters.  One’s future hangs in the balance.

Exploring and casting light on this situation is a fundamental part of my work with clients.  The exploring is all about changing the relationship between what a person really wants and his actions, his lack of action.  When that relationship is put back together, when the feedback loop is restored, a life is transformed.


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