FREE Podcast: THE REVOLT IN CHINA: What It means

How the chief propagandists are trying to derail the story and kill it

by Jon Rappoport

November 30, 2022

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I hope you’ll join me in this revealing podcast (link below) and send it to your friends.

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Okay, that’s my pitch.


How the chief propagandists are trying to derail the story and kill it

We’re on the cusp of potentially enormous changes.

China, the great superpower, is experiencing a human earthquake at its roots.

The revolt in China has huge implications for the West and the world — unless we’re convinced to pass it off like a car crash on a highway thousands of miles away. China’s version of fake COVID science has resulted in enormous blowback; they’re building the tightest Surveillance State on Earth and now huge cracks are showing.

Actions have consequences. For decades, the Chinese regime has been trying to avoid what’s coming to them. We in the West have been treated to outrageous propaganda designed to show us that China “is doing quite well with its model.”

The truth is, their COVID restrictions have imposed a new and even more frightening version of their police state.

And those restrictions have gained widespread support from Western elites!

The last thing these elite globalists want now is EXPOSURE. Exposure for praising and trying to copy the Chinese “model” of slavery in the West.

That EXPOSURE is EXACTLY what can happen now.

Because the Chinese people are sending a message to the world. They’re saying, “What our leaders are doing has nothing to do with health or protecting us from harm. They’re building a Brave New World, and to them we’re the guinea pigs who fit into assigned slots. Don’t fall for the con.”

And globalist leaders in the West, who have been supporting China’s Brave New World, are trembling.

Buckle up and listen to this podcast.

— Jon Rappoport

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

7 comments on “FREE Podcast: THE REVOLT IN CHINA: What It means

  1. Roundball Shaman says:

    “THE REVOLT IN CHINA: What It means”

    The desire for freedom is a pesky thing. Bully Thug ‘Authorities’ over thousands of years have done everything in their power to stamp out and crush freedom. And yet… even though freedom can seem to disappear and be lost for a time… it comes back again.

    Why? Well, it just might be that freedom is a core manifestation of being human. That to be free is to be alive. And in reverse, to not be free is to be dead even when the body lingers.

    “The revolt in China has huge implications for the West and the world… China’s version of fake COVID science has resulted in enormous blowback; they’re building the tightest Surveillance State on Earth and now huge cracks are showing.”

    The China Model has been promoted and championed for some time now by the Globalist Predator Bastards as the coming World standard for organizing power and society. The Vulture Bastards have gone all-chips-in on this Social Atrocity in the hopes that freedom and autonomy can be crushed forever. To Their eternal benefit, of course.

    And even though the China model is getting some serious push-back right now… the sad fact remains that the Globalist Bastards might still succeed in forcing this exercise in Planetary Deviancy on the World.

    But guess what? That pesky truly human trait of the desire for freedom which is stamped into our bodies and souls still won’t be gone. It might be pushed down for a time… but it WILL be back again. And then again. And again.

    And the Globalist Bastards simply HATE that.

    It has long been said that we humans were created in the image of God. And that is certainly true. And what is that ‘image’? It’s not sitting on some throne in some distant heaven or that we all look like benevolent grandfather figures.

    That image of God is FREEDOM. In Freedom is where we find our godhood. In Freedom is where we prosper. In Freedom is where we find definition and meaning. In Freedom is where our soul truly dwells.

    And in Freedom is where our destiny lies. If not on this wayward Earth… then in the Realms to come.

    • Roundball Shaman, I always L-O-V-E reading your comments.

      What is going on in China is the heartbeat of humanity! I know this because it resonates with my heartbeat and the ways that I have been remaining free despite the crackdowns by fake authorities.

      You are right that we are made as spark and sparkle of the Divine Creator, and that freedom is our very essence. However, Mother Earth is our home and we are the rightful beneficiaries of Her Domain. Earth Herself is not a wayward realm; the problem is “the world.”

      The “world” was made by the invading imposters for their benefit alone. They had to (and must continue to) hypnotize people into their false-white-light projections: Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Religion, Big Education, Big Entertainment, and on and on. Everything these black magicians do is a “scale” project, not a Divine Design. They steal from outward manifestations of Divinity but cannot and will never be able to manifest that which is based on truth, love, freedom, and justice. And so they copycat, they pilfer, they mirror, and they machinate, but they never truly CREATE.

      That’s why they hate us and desire only to punish and enslave us. They need our energy to even EXIST!

      Despite their efforts in manipulating human consciousness to try to take over this Divine Realm, they cannot and will not succeed. They KNOW THIS.

      The problem is still that most people have misplaced their courage. They are scared sh*tless to acknowledge their own divine power and stand up to the pathetic losers and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns!🤡

      Anyway, thank you again for your heartfelt comments.💖

      • Roundball Shaman says:

        Sharine Borslien says: “The ‘world’ was made by the invading imposters for their benefit alone. They had to (and must continue to) hypnotize people into their false-white-light projections… They steal from outward manifestations of Divinity but cannot and will never be able to manifest that which is based on truth, love, freedom, and justice. And so they copycat, they pilfer, they mirror, and they machinate, but they never truly CREATE.”

        There is a possibility that we who live in Spirit must consider.

        Yes, the World as we experience it as a creation of the Predator State is at its dark heart anti-human and anti-freedom. But the Great Spirit is not sitting around just letting the Bastards have Their way with us. Or to have them just highjack his Creation and we who are sparks of that Divine.

        It just might be that the Predators are serving a useful (Great Spirit) purpose… not in any way being Their intent to do so but in a much larger cosmic sense and process.

        And what is this useful purpose? To give us The False Reality so that we can find the True. Each of us, in our own time and in our own way. To awaken within our human spirit the very realization that we exist in such a twisted false matrix of – as you say – imposters… hypnotizing… false Light… pilferers, etc.

        Said another way… The Dark Powers and Their false creation exists TO CREATE THAT Dark Cave that we must all emerge from. So that we can know what it means to live in their darkness and the joy and liberation once we have found our way out of that Pit and into Light.

        Perhaps They exist only BECAUSE They are to be false copycats that we humans must identify and transcend on our own.

        The best way to deal with the Dark Powers… other than our main quest of transcending Their evils… is not to get dispirited or disempowered… but to sit back and laugh at Them. That we now see Them for what They are (and why They are here) and that They have become powerless over the Great Spirit’s true Creation. And us, too.

        Something to consider.

  2. les online says:

    What’s really taking place in China?

    It’s not about “covid”…

    Behind the calls for “Democracy” lurk the propertied classes…

    Property arises out of, and is seen as an antidote to, Insecurity…

    The forces unleashed by the opening up of China to capitalist forces have created widespread insecurities…

    The industrial cities seem to be the main target of Zero Covid lockdowns…The workers must be restless…

    There must be the threat of real or potential serious unrest for the “covid” sledgehammer to be used…

    Are labour agitators being hauled off to “quarantine camps” (Gulags), having been “diagnosed” as infected, for re-education ?

    While the lower classes calls for democracy are genuine, the propertied classes want to break the grip of The Party…A convergence of class interests that will mainly serve the propertied classes…

  3. William R Hall Jr says:

    They know!

    The Chinese know that viruses do not exist.

    “The truth is always exciting. So speak it then. Life is dull without it.” — Pearl S Buck

  4. Saeger says:

    Some time ago had come across a link on cameras in china and ‘skynet’, which, people have been very lax on the vile doings of those in the schemes, and the number was something such as twenty two million cameras everywhere, which to see large numbers makes more the point, though fact is, there are that many here, everywhere. Those cameras over intersections are not for ‘counting traffic’, and, they are not for ‘us’ either, such as traffic accident record. Also all larger stores have cameras everywhere, not just overhead but hidden in shelves etc, then, ‘smart’ phones, have cameras behind the screen most people don’t realize, and, tvs, most of them also. The point is, none for our benefit.

    Appreciate Jon noting the china situation, because it’s really all the same. We should be doing the same, making effort, where we live.

    If we did our part where we live, it affects others, and others, us.

    Will listen to the podcast now.

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