The China epidemic—staging the production

by Jon Rappoport

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Continuing my “greatest COVID hits” articles. To read my introduction to this ongoing series, go here.  To support my work and get value for value, order My Matrix Collections here and subscribe to my substack here.

January 30, 2020

Continuing my series on China and the supposed coronavirus epidemic…

Let’s suppose someone wanted to teach China a lesson. Perhaps a group of elite Globalists. They want to flex their muscles and bring China to heel.

“Okay, boys, let’s stage an epidemic there in a major city. Hit them hard. Cause major economic damage. How do we do it?”

That’s an important question, because germs are notoriously unpredictable.

Some years ago, I wrote a piece about staging a bioterror attack. I used the example of a small town in the US as the target. But what I wrote could be adapted to a large city. Or several large cities—launched by psychopathic lunatics.

Again, the vital point is: using germs is a loser. It’s not predictable.

Here is the piece I wrote about another tactic:

How to stage a fake bioterror attack

“Imagine this. A big-time doctor from the US Biological Warfare Group waddles into a meeting room, where a collection of Army, CIA, NSA, and DHS representatives sit quietly in their chairs. He says: ‘So I understand you boys want to put on a little domestic bioterror show, to keep the natives from becoming too restless. Well, the first thing you need to know is, germs don’t obey orders. Forget all that sci-fi nonsense. Germs work and they don’t work. It’s a crapshoot. You could have a big fat dud on your hands. I can tell you how to make it work, though, if you give up on your fancy high-tech wet dreams…” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The primary fact is: no matter what kind of germ you’re talking about or where it came from, releasing it intentionally does not guarantee predictable results. Far from it.

For instance, people whose immune systems operate at different levels of strength are going to react differently.

The perpetrators may find that far less than 1% of people exposed get sick or die.

But there is another strategy that should be understood:

The use of a germ as a cover story for a chemical.

In other words, there is no germ attack. It’s called a germ attack, but that’s a lie. The perps bring in researchers to the affected area, who go on to claim they have isolated a germ that is the cause of death and illness. It’s a sham. What really happened was:

The spread of a toxic chemical that can’t be detected, unless you’re looking for it.

The chemical has severe, deadly, and predictable effects for a week or two. Then it disperses and loses potency and the “epidemic” is done.

In some town, a fairly isolated community, the word goes out that people are suddenly falling ill and dying. The CDC and the Army are called in to cordon off the area and quarantine all citizens. A peremptory announcement is made, early on, that this is a biowar attack.

Major media are allowed outside the periphery. Network news anchors set up on-location and do their wall to wall broadcasts “from the scene.”

The entire nation, the entire world, is riveted on the event, 24/7.

People inside the cordon fall ill and die. Reports emerge from the town:

The networks state that “heroic doctors are taking samples of blood and the blood is being analyzed to find the germ that is causing the epidemic.” The DOD confirms over and over that this is, indeed, a biowar attack.

Human interest stories pile up. This family lost three members, that family lost everybody. Tragedy and horror produce the desired empathic response from “the world community.”

It’s a soap opera, except real people are dying.

The medical cartel promotes fear of the germ.

All controlling entities obtain their piece of the terrorist pie.

Finally, the doctors announce they have isolated the germ causing death in the small town, and researchers are rushing to develop a vaccine (which they produce in record time).

Everyone everywhere must be vaccinated, now. No choice. Do it or be quarantined or jailed.

In this declared martial law situation, the doctors are the heroes. The doctors and the Army. And the government, and even the media.

Then, after a few weeks, when the potency of the secret chemical has dispersed, it’s over.

In the wake of a staged “biowar” terror attack, new laws are enacted. The State clamps down harder on basic freedoms. The right to travel is curtailed. Criticizing the authorities is viewed as highly illegal. Freedom of assembly is limited.

“Citizens must cooperate. We’re all in this together.”

A new federal law mandating the CDC schedule of vaccines for every child and adult—no exceptions permitted—is rushed through the Congress and signed by the President.

There are people who are determined to inflate the dangers of germs. They trumpet every “new” germ as the end of humankind on the planet. They especially sound the alarm when researchers claim a germ may have mutated or jumped from animals to humans.

“This is it! We’re done for!”

However, if you check into actual confirmed cases of death from recent so-called epidemics, such as West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu, Ebola, and Zika, the numbers of deaths are incredibly low.

If political criminals, behind the scenes, wanted to stage a confined “biowar” event, they would choose a chemical, not a germ, and they would leverage such an event to curtail freedom.

Understand: researchers behind sealed doors in labs can claim, with unassailable ease, that they’ve found a germ that causes an outbreak. Almost no one challenges such an assertion.

This was the case, for example, with the vaunted SARS epidemic (a dud), in 2003, when 10 World Health Organization (WHO) labs, walled off from view, in communication with each other via closed circuit, announced they’d isolated a coronavirus as the culprit.

Later, in Canada, a WHO microbiologist, Frank Plummer, wandered off the reservation and told reporters he was puzzled by the fact that fewer and fewer SARS patients “had the coronavirus.” This was tantamount to confessing that the whole research effort had been a failure and a sham—but after a day or so of coverage, the press fell silent.

SARS was a nonsensical farce. Diagnosed patients had ordinary seasonal flu or a collection of familiar symptoms that could result from many different causes.

But the propaganda effort was a stunning success. Populations were frightened. The need for vaccines, in the public mind, was exacerbated.

Several years ago, I spoke with a biologist about the fake bioterror scenario I’ve sketched out above. His comment was: “Do you think any mainstream scientist would dare go into that cordoned-off town and actually check the area for a highly toxic chemical? He’d be blackballed, exiled, and discredited in a minute. The authorities would call him crazy. And that’s if he were lucky.”

Such is “science,” these days. A researcher can discover anything he wants to, if it’s approved. Otherwise, the door is closed.

These “Greatest COVID Hits” Series Of Articles are archived under the category Covid Revisited

These articles — at the time of original publication — are archived under the category Covid

(Episode 28 of Rappoport Podcasts — “Why Do I Spend My Time Fighting All This Bullshit? Or, Have We Reached Paradise Yet with the Rainbows and Marshmallows?” — is posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

5 comments on “The China epidemic—staging the production

  1. RosaryKnight says:

    These events aren’t “launched by psychopathic lunatics.” They aren’t lunatics, many of them are psychopathic, but the main ingredient common to the “inner ring,” a.k.a. the ruling elite, is there allegiance and even worship of Satan, whom they usually like to call Lucifer. Satan wants human sacrifice, especially babies and children, and in return offers wealth and power.

    The “Cabal” apparently thinks the vax is a religious rite:

    “No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer. No one can enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation.” — David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative Project, Findhorn, 1978

    Using fetal tissue from live unborn babies in the manufacture of the “vaccines” is apparently part of the pleasing sacrifice to their “god.”

  2. Paul says:


    “Dozens of venom peptides have been identified and confirmed in the bodies of covid victims.

    In addition, a patent has been identified that describes a bioweapons aerial drone delivery system designed to kill “100 percent of enemy troops.”

    This drone bioweapons delivery system can be outfitted with aerosolized venom peptides to air drop toxins onto any population, in any city, at any time,

    faking a pandemic outbreak

    (no virus necessary).”

    ~ Mike Adams {Brighteon}

    • Cora says:

      Venom is a virus. The field of Toxinology VALIDATES the etymology of
      virus (n.)
      late 14c., “poisonous substance” Latin virus “poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice,” from Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) “poison,” which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-, perhaps originally meaning “to melt away, to flow,” used of foul or malodorous fluids, but with specialization in some languages to “poisonous fluid” (source also of Sanskrit visam “VENOM, poison,” visah “poisonous;” Avestan vish- “poison;” Latin viscum “sticky substance, birdlime;” Greek ios “poison,” ixos “mistletoe, birdlime;” Old Church Slavonic višnja “cherry;” Old Irish fi “poison;” Welsh gwy “poison”).
      VIRUS (among Physicians) a kind of watery stinking Matter, which issues out of Ulcers, being endued with eating and malignant Qualities. [Bailey’s dictionary, 1770]

  3. Roundball Shaman says:

    “Such is ‘science’, these days. A researcher can discover anything he wants to, if it’s approved. Otherwise, the door is closed.”

    Scientists USED to conduct honest research and then at some point come to a tentative conclusion.

    ‘The Science!’ today is a process where a ‘Scientist’ asserts a final and ‘Settled!’ conclusion FIRST… and then conjures some kind of fabricated ‘research’ to justify and ‘prove’ his or her fantasized ‘scientific conclusions’ of patched-together lies and delusions.

    There IS NO SUCH THING AS SETTLED SCIENCE. No one knows anything for sure and for all time. There is always new data and new experience and new things to evaluate and re-evaluate and then re-re-re-evaluate. All ‘Conclusions’ are faulty because one can NEVER come to a true ‘conclusion’ about anything.

    Everything is a product of our mind. We do not have a grasp of the majesty of Reality as it truly exists because we don’t have the tools to do so. This is beyond our grasp.

    And our minds are easily fooled and mislead and coming to bad judgments and conclusions all the time. And yet, people want to trust this wondrous yet prone-to-making-mistakes human facility?

    If someone asserts ‘Settled Science’… run like hell away from them and clean the taste buds of your thoughts.

  4. Tracy Kolenchuk says:

    80 percent rule for viruses… 80 percent of people exposed to a potentially deadly virus or bacteria have minimal response. 80 percent of those who have a response do not have a life threatening response. 80 percent of those with a life threatening response do not die. Your mileage may vary.

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