The guts of a Writer

by Jon Rappoport

July 15, 2022

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(This article is Part-6 in a series. For Part-5, click here. For Part-7, click here.)

Continuing my series on writers and writing…You can read about my collection, Power Outside The Matrix, here and also here. One of its aims is to help writers…

A writer can invoke all sorts of reasons to stop writing. He can choose from thousands of excuses.

But I want to focus on the type of excuse that comes from evidence. For example, over a period of years, the writer has accumulated information that leads him to believe the human race is doomed and nothing can be done to change that.

Therefore, why write?

Why? Because there is a higher priority. YOU FIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT.

Once you digest THAT, you’re back in business.

And of course, there is counter-evidence, too, because the war for freedom that has been going on since people lived in caves is never over. We’re talking about the long and true view. 10,000, 20,000 years into the future.

I’ve known writers who gave up because they turned into dyed in the wool cynics. They gave away everything. They submitted to “an objective assessment of humanity.”

But writing isn’t objective. It never was.

It can use facts, but that’s just the beginning of what it is.

Writing is ultimately about writers.

When is commitment really a commitment? When it carries the day, come hell or high water.

If a writer has that, everything else falls into place. If he doesn’t have that, nothing works. It falls apart.

I’ve been writing for 67 years. On perhaps half of all those days, I paused—TEMPORARILY. I had nothing in mind—FOR THE MOMENT. But I knew that an idea, a thought, a phrase would come to me, and then I’d be off and running again.

And it did, and I was, usually in a matter of hours.

Because I wanted to write. Because I was committed.

You keep going long enough, for enough years, and your energy expands. It doesn’t fade away. You can do more, not less.

You SEE that problems, troubles, and excuses are NOTHING compared to your commitment and desire. It’s no contest.

No writer thinks reality is just fine as it is. He’s always reaching for more. He’s always overturning reality.

And there is much to overturn, at many levels. There is no lack of material to work with.

Society at large is always holding out its hand and making promises involving: surrender, giving in; allied with perks, freebies, groups to join, causes to uphold, victim plot lines to embroider. All of THAT is sensational material a writer can work with. As long as he doesn’t take the bait himself.

“Should I sit down and write 5000 words or eat the cotton-candy of the State?”

“Should I remain an individual or disappear into a group?”

The voice of a writer has clear answers. It engraves those answers for public consumption.

It announces that something the State can never touch will never die.

— Jon Rappoport

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Writers.

16 comments on “The guts of a Writer

  1. Paul says:

    PHEW !!!
    Surprisingly, Freeing.

    “What a staggering notion!”

    But I gotta still Study more.
    Small bites, at first, aid Deep digestion.

    Can’t rush a Good meal.


  2. William R Hall Jr says:

    Viruses do not exist. Therefore all vaccines must be banned.
    That is the message the world needs to know or I’m afraid there is not much hope for us.

  3. William R Hall Jr says:

    Does anyone else think that it is possible that Zelensky and Putin are in collusion together on behalf of China? Who really benefits from the United States bankrupting itself to support Ukraine?

    • Thomas Palm says:

      It may be more likely Putin and Trump, with or without Xi Jinping, are in cahoots. The world has come to the conclusion “The American Century” was a bust and its proponents had to be exposed and removed. Zelensky and his supporter’s actions may be assisting, but I doubt it is intentional. Zelenskyy, Hunter B, and Obama could very well be team mates, however, each in contention for top honors in several categories of depravity.

  4. God love you Jon!!!

    These are great!!

  5. Peter Harter says:

    Once I wrote 5000 words and then suddenly pressed ctrl-alt-delete. It was probably not a mistake to erase it. Immediately afterward, I felt sadness, excitement, and power. It was an unpremeditated act of self-censorship. Before a writer begins, the page is perfect; unblemished. Art is always a risk, like telling a joke with people you don’t know well. Will your audience connect with your work, or will they despise you for it?

  6. Roundball Shaman says:

    “… over a period of years, the writer has accumulated information that leads him to believe the human race is doomed and nothing can be done to change that. Therefore, why write? Why? Because there is a higher priority. YOU FIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT.”

    And there is another reason, too. ‘Reality’ is FLUID. It is not fixed. It is an endless number of potentials that will appear to eventually collapse down to one.

    And our MIND is involved in which version of ‘Reality’ we will get.

    Change your Mind… and you change ‘Reality’.

    So if things appear ‘doomed’… that is when we know we are looking face-to-face with a LIE. It is doomed only if and when we choose that outcome.

    “You SEE that problems, troubles, and excuses are NOTHING compared to your commitment and desire. It’s no contest.”

    You see this when you are fully connected to your True Self. When we become alienated from our true self is the time we get into all kinds of trouble. We forget who and what we truly are. We forget our personal power and many resources. We shut off our creativity and turn off our energy. We turn ourselves into lifeless ‘things’ and not vibrant expressions of Life Force.

    The Dark Powers do everything They can to keep us alienated from ourselves and from each other. Why? Because this scares the hell out of them. They know where the power and energy is… and They hate that most of that is always out of their reach.

    That’s why they never let up on us. They can’t afford to.

    And we can’t ever let Them get what They want from us.

    • I like the words, especially these ones…
      ‘Reality’ is FLUID. It is not fixed. It is an endless number of potentials that will appear to eventually collapse down to one.

  7. Paul says:


    Protector of Seamen
    & Fishers of Men

    (in an non-organized religious sense)

    Good is Good.

  8. Thanks, Mr. Rappoport, for all your work but especially your recent essays encouraging writers and would be practitioners of that art. I have been writing for years but only recently trying to draw attention to my offerings. Last year I published this:

    I have recently signed up for your Substack work.

  9. A Reader/Writer email me the following comment:


    Thank you. I hear you.
    I have put off writing for a very long time.
    I respect those that carry-on without excuses.
    I have plenty… Excuses that is…

  10. A Reader emailed me the following comment:


    I’m a huge fan of you, I have shared your brilliant articles to friends, and on social media. I have saved your articles , just in case they should be lost. You are are a true hero. I’m from Denmark 🇩🇰

    I try very hard to wake up the World, and know very soon that we likeminded are winning the war against Evil.

    Thanks for all your work and your love for Humanity.

  11. A Reader/Writer emailed me the following comment:


    I’ve been reading you for years and am a big fan. This one gave me chills and a few sniffles. It is the anthem cry for us writers and I bow in gratitude to your clarion voice.

    Thank you!

  12. A Reader/Writer emailed me the following comment:


    This is so relevant to me at this time.

    I have given up on writing cause I felt what’s the use. Plus I don’t know I could handle the push back in my Liberal small town.

    I have so much to share about my linage and how it relates to the current situation up here in Canada but I’ll get torn to pieces by the left.

  13. Paul says:

    As Easy As A Walk In The Park

    So I’m walkin’ down the street, Mindin’ my own business.

    I turn left to enter a great green sea, a green park of-sorts, & take a green seat, with my green tea in hand.

    I sit down on the horizontal slats, & rest me back, on those vertical stack.


    I look ’round & about, at the stage enfolding & unfolding, scene & scenery.

    Then this.

    This guy sits down besides me. I looks around, & notice all others seats around, are found, bodied unbound.

    Well. Ok. I reckon. It’s just a sunny day. Anyway.

    We’re sittin’ in the shade. Obscured by sunny delight.

    So he says, “How are you doing, my fine young guest?”

    I guess he’s just a visitor, from some other land, just visitin’ The Big City, on layover, or some other plan. Accent & all, I recall.

    So I reply, “I’m doin’ just fine, how-about-you?”

    He muses to sky, “Oh fine, just fine.”

    Then adds, “Would you kindly direct me to the great museum?”

    “Oh, it’s just down the road, a piece.”

    I then add, “But the real action is on the streets, ya know.”

    “I know,” he assures, assuredly.

    He the adds, “You know…there are many different kinds, around here.”

    “Yes, I know,” I resonate back to he visiting.

    “And you know, they don’t know. Or can’t tell. Or is it see? Is that it, mister.”

    I take a sip of tea, & look him straight to the eye, & reply, “Ya never know.”

  14. ReluctantWarrior says:

    “No writer thinks reality is just fine as it is. He’s always reaching for more. He’s always overturning reality.

    And there is much to overturn, at many levels. There is no lack of material to work with.”

    Well said and inspirational.

    Writing can be a tool of true liberation. We create the wings with which to fly away into new worlds and higher dimensions.

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