More on writing: hand, eye, and stars

A man and his wife: she who cooked up magic

by Jon Rappoport

July 11, 2022

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(This article is Part-3 in a series. For Part-2, click here. For Part-4, click here.)

It seems I’m doing a series on writing.


And yes, these articles are in conjunction with my mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, which you can also read about here. I did my best to make it a rocket for writers.

Today, I have a story about a writer who was close to giving up and found rescue.

I give you the story, because I want to remind you that if you’re a writer, or want to be, your breed will go to the ends of the Earth to find what they need. And if you have THAT, you’re electric. You’re launched. You can outdistance anything.

This is a story about the great Irish poet, William Butler Yeats.

And his marriage. There are several versions. The one I prefer illustrates what I mean when I say: no one can predict what reality a writer will create when left to his own devices, when freed from the restraints of what he is supposed to believe. The story also illustrates the lengths to which individuals will go to forge a unique vision.

For almost 30 years, Yeats pursued the love of his life, Maud Gonne. She refused to marry him. A year after she turned him down for the last time, in 1916, grief-stricken and at the end of his rope, at age 52, Yeats married Georgie Hyde-Lees, who was 25.

Almost immediately, Georgie saw their marriage was doomed to fail.

Four days after their wedding, she suddenly told Yeats she could perform automatic writing. “Instructors” dictated highly esoteric texts to her.

This intrigued Yeats. Together, he and Georgie began to work out myriad systems to make metaphysical sense of the huge cascades of strange pages Georgie began setting down—-eventually resulting in the 1925 book, A Vision.

Their marriage endured. They had two children. Yeats dug deeply into the automatic texts and extracted images and phrases which he used and reworked in his late (and some say his greatest) poems.

In my preferred version of this story, Georgie, desperate to hold on to her husband, INVENTED both the claim of her ability to perform automatic writing AND invented the ensuing mystical texts.

It worked.

Once the new alliance with her husband was formed, the marriage survived; and Yeats, his writing up against a brick wall of exhaustion, suddenly found new sources and material and inspiration.

New life, new poetry, new partnership, new love.

Georgie decided to risk everything, and she won.


Whether you believe in God, or rocks, or something in between, or something you assert is greater than any of these, the question is: how far will you go to find what you want?

A few feet, a block, a mile, a hundred miles, the ends of the Earth, farther?

A writer is dealing in great spaces and distances, as well as things close to home.

He has a nose for the grindstone and other galaxies.

Nothing stops him from his work.

And because of that, he finds help in the most unexpected ways.

— Jon Rappoport

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Writers.

9 comments on “More on writing: hand, eye, and stars

  1. Paul says:

    A hopeful writer
    Can find no words
    To This Piece.

  2. Mika says:

    And a shout out to Ezra Pound (the persecuted), who taught him (and many others) how to write.

  3. Jennifer Arnold says:

    I believe that the female is more likely to be open to consciousness , as she is more integrated inside of her body . I think that your need to even be concerned with a explanation of what was going on between them should be questioned by you .

    The other day , I was in a sleeping dream , and I was texting someone in my sleep , and I was writing words , which I could read with my eyes , but the words were not coming from my rational mind .

    So , try to follow me here , my words were being read by a mind that could remember , but were coming from a place where there was no memory . So I read what I wrote , then I read what that OTHER person wrote , who was on the other side of the text , in my dream .

    Suddenly , the other person wrote something of such perfect beauty , that I woke up from the joy of it . And remembered it in my waking mind . What is interesting to me , is that you see Mrs Yeats actions as suspect , in that she is creating a union , and a cause of relationship , but you do not trust that her body actually did marry that man , and would know exactly what was to arrive , just as it knew how to create a child . If the substance of biological perfection can be so easily tolerated , why then can not the substance of intellectual experiential perfection be tolerated ?

    A side note : There is a collection of Irish Stories by Yeats , which is fabulous . Every story starts with a wake , and then the ghosts start walking . Its wonderful and I gave it as a gift to a lawyer , I should ask for it back but instead I will just go find another copy of it . I was actually thinking of the book this morning .

  4. Eluard says:

    The problem nowadays is that there are TOO MANY writers and the best ones can’t often get heard. The best ones are often NOT skilled at social media, blogs, obtaining an agent, connecting to an audience, etc. And that’s what the game is about today. It’s marketing far more than actual writing. And many slip through the cracks.

  5. Roundball Shaman says:

    “Whether you believe in God, or rocks, or something in between, or something you assert is greater than any of these, the question is: how far will you go to find what you want?”

    Some people will encounter a slight bump in the road and throw up their hands and give up. Forever.

    Others will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and greatness. You can be cut from your high school basketball team in Carolina and then go on to become the Greatest Of All Time.

    How did that happen? Dumb luck? No. Finding the fire within. Never taking ‘no’ for an answer.

    Before one asks the question about ‘how far will you go to find what you want’ there’s other questions that must be asked…

    What are you made of? What is inside you? Where is your passion? Where is your bliss to be found? How strong are you? Are you SURE? Isn’t there MUCH MORE there? What really lights your fire? What makes you come alive?

    You must get in touch with your inner Warrior first. You must summon your strengths and passions. You must question any limitation that you dare to put on yourself.

    Then… and only then… can you ask with any authenticity about how far you will go to find (or get) what you want. You have to first understand what inner platform you are working from and whether you truly understand yourself.

    You first have to ‘Know Thyself’. And then, dig deeper. And then, deeper still.

    And when you do that, you are introduced to Yourself for the very first time.

    And then… all questions and answers are on the table.

  6. A Reader/Writer emailed my the following comment:


    I am almost sixty years of age and I’ve been working on my first novel for the past four years. I want to thank you for all of your insights and encouragement, it means more than I can say.

    You’ve done such an incredible job, and this series on writers is really hitting me in the breadbasket.

    Thank you Jon, and may this letter find you well.

  7. Jules says:

    Um, that really ‘got me’.

    I came here after listening to your chat with Dr Sam Bailey from New Zealand.

    Seems I have a lot to explore here on your blog and website.

    Thank you for you.

  8. eceres says:

    ~ good to remember moon phases also, farmer’s almanac. Looks a little digital-y these days, used to just be paper book, anyway best time to start things is new moon to full moon. Thanks for the encouraging JR.

  9. ReluctantWarrior says:

    And because of that, he finds help in the most unexpected ways.

    This is so true and it is a miracle when it happens and in some pretty amazing ways. We just have to remain open to unexpected influences and inspirations that surround us. We can stay tuned to life’s miracle which surrounds us…which infuses us…which is us. We can feel, with passion, the mystery of life. I call it the passion of the mystery…the passion of the mystery that lives though us.

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