Neil Young and Joni Mitchell: mental midgets

by Jon Rappoport

January 31, 2022

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COVID psychosis is a state of mind in which sufferers believe what doctors are telling them.

And what doctors are telling them justifies all the restrictions and mandates—and the need to censor and cancel those who ignore and disagree with the doctors.

Official doctors promoted by the government and major media are doing the gross forms of hypnosis; and lesser doctors are working the same street with modifications of the official messages.

Official doctors: “Vaccinate everybody. Give them as many boosters as necessary.”

Lesser doctors: “We shouldn’t vaccinate children. And no more than three booster for anyone.”

Mental midgets Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are pulling their music from Spotify, because Joe Rogan, whose Spotify podcast draws in 11 million people, criticizes the party line on COVID.

Free speech no longer means anything to Young and Mitchell. They’re tuned in nice and tight to the official doctors.

These two goofs have bought the whole enchilada.

And it’s a chance to stand out front and wave flags and urge their troops forward.

They’re actually urging the government forward. They’re on the side of big government and big corporations and especially drug companies and elite foundations and all sorts of petty little would-be fascists who want their day in the sun.

They’re civilian Fauci’s.

Celebs for repression.

One aspect of medical hypnosis is the phrase: THIS TIME IT’S DIFFERENT. As in: My God, it’s a pandemic, all bets are off.

Young and Mitchell actually believe all the horseshit being shoveled into their brains about the virus and the spread and the testing and the contact tracing and the quarantining and the lockdowns and the “safe and effective” vaccine—which add up to the absolute need for a State of Emergency and the need to wipe out anyone who doesn’t believe there is an emergency.

Because their basic educations were so thin to begin with, the Young-Mitchell duo have never been able to THINK about the fact that free speech is NEVER overridden, no matter what the current crisis might be. They never got that lesson in school. They’re idiots.

And as far as “the science” is concerned, they’re so dumb and incurious, they can’t even recognize the possibility that unofficial scientific FACTS might contradict official lies.

The two of them are regular dyed-in-the-wool knee-jerk liberals, acting as operatives for big government, because liberals (who’ve turned into weirdly shaped “radicals”) have taken over the machinery of the government. They own it. So whatever it wants, these two jokers want.

If back in the old days, Young and Mitchell whined and yakked and sang about freedom, that’s gone. That’s off the table. That was always a pretense. They don’t know what freedom is. They’re cherry-pickers. They take what they want from freedom and throw the rest in the garbage.

They can’t take the heat of competition and debate and strong opinion, so they just insist on canceling it. They’re chicken-shits.

No guts, no glory.

If they had a few active brain cells to rub together, they’d say, “We disagree with everything Joe Rogan says about COVID. We think he’s dead wrong. But because of a little thing called the First Amendment, the idea of censoring him or removing him from Spotify is grotesque…”

They can’t do it. They don’t have what it takes.

I wouldn’t pay a nickel to listen to their music on any platform. I wouldn’t listen to it if they paid me.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

167 comments on “Neil Young and Joni Mitchell: mental midgets

  1. STARR says:

    This clown show is old. Wonder what is coming around the corner.

    • ReluctantWarrior says:

      How about a remake of trading places where Neil becomes a transsexual female and Joni becomes a butch male?

  2. Henry Barth says:

    (“You go to the supermarket and you see a faggot behind the fucking cash register, you don’t want him to handle your potatoes”) and welfare spongers. “Stop being supported by the government and get out and work,” Neil Young advised. “You have to make the weak stand up on one leg, or half a leg, whatever they’ve got.”

  3. GMW says:

    Neil Young has an autistic son. How did the boy become autistic? Undoubtedly Young followed the Canadian government’s “schedule” of “vaccines” when his son was a toddler. Has he ever said anything about what happened to his boy? Young and Mitchell…fame and money…How? Talent? Yes. But the coridors of the music industry have always been dark and satanic. Why would anyone be surprised when famous people (actors, musicians, politicians, corporate folk, sports stars, etc.) are called by the dark side to speak up for the dark agenda? And finally, Young sold his entire catalog of music for $150 mil. He has no say in whether Spotify plays his music or not.

  4. Jt K says:

    “The Ratings and The Damage Done”

    You caught me reading
    off of Pharma’s script
    I’m a vaccine shill
    cause my ratings slipped
    Ooh, ooh, the damage done.

    My music’s faded
    I lost my brand
    I watched Spotify
    rate another man
    Gone, gone, the damage done.

    I attacked Rogan
    cause Pfizer told me to
    I know that some
    of you don’t have a clue
    to keep from running out

    I’ve seen the ratings
    and the damage done
    a little part of it in everyone
    But every has-beens
    like a setting sun

    Ooh, ooh, the damage done

  5. Claus says:

    Well said Mr. Rappoport,

    Now I have the opportunity to tell ho much I “admire” neil young’s “music” and I don’t know anything about the other midget…

    Again, two of the “values” that think that they can manipulate us with their ignorance.

    You know something? Ignoring them from now on is going to be the worse punishment coming from us!

  6. SebastianX1/9 says:

    “Who’s Joni Mitchell” asked my 24 year old niece and my 32 year old wife. Indeed.

  7. AJ says:

    Jon’s Article puts most of this delusion in perspective. Clearly these two celebs have voiced their opinion. You just accept it for what it is worth!!! Sad fact, many are sinking to the depths of despair and created their own facts and reality. This deplorable situation will continue because many cannot think for themselves and are easily influenced by fame, fortune and the continued endless assault of mass hypnosis. Contributed by fear promoted hourly by those trusted to protect them. Beyond the fact of complacency to ignore personal research to be informed.
    Death has come to the world by mass acceptance, being vaxxed. And half the population will pay the price of compliance, death. Provided by those that have controlled society’s path into darkness. Nothing will change unless we can expose […] each devil behind this genocide.

    Distractions, from where and whoever, bloom like flowers to permeate the air, your thoughts, with deception. Many comments herein state this also in different words. Safety and Freedom cannot be purchased but demands substantial diligence and personal sacrifice to avoid tyranny.

  8. Stef says:

    My guess is they’re paid influencers, like Howard Stern, Gene Simmons and a Cadre of left wing libs who couldn’t muster a C+ in 8th grade biology.

  9. Roundball Shaman says:

    “Neil Young and Joni Mitchell: mental midgets”

    What these badly misguided ‘60s ‘activist-artists’ proves to one and all that Age is not kind to everybody.

    Some people can get better with age. Some people can pretty much stay the same. And some people can have what’s left of their minds and spirit turn to mush and rot and begin to smell like rotten garbage that was left out far too long.

    The idea is: When you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about… you should just SHUT UP.

    And in the case of these wrinkled has-beens… When you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about BUT YOU THINK TO YOU… you should just SHUT UP EVEN MORE.

    Water-carriers for the Con artists. Lackeys for ‘The Establishment’ (as it used to be called) that these misguided guitar pickers used to rail against and call out.

    So it’s sad but true that Neil is Not So Young any more. In many ways.

    And Joni is not so much Mitchell but a Ritual love of The Covid Faith. A priestess preaching her gospel of lies.

    What was it that Joni used to say?

    “Help Me…
    When I get that crazy feeling
    I know I’m in trouble again
    I’m in trouble
    Help me…
    Are you going to let me go there by myself
    We love our lovin’
    But not like we love our freedom.”

    Well, we can forget about that last line for her from now on. And Neil, too.

    Always best to throw out the garbage before it begins to smell.

    • Roundball Shaman says:

      That line was supposed to read…

      ‘And in the case of these wrinkled has-beens… When you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about BUT YOU THINK YOU DO… you should just SHUT UP EVEN MORE.’

  10. Brian Pearce says:

    To stay relevant and afloat, the two have them have sold the rights to their music catalog to corporations. So those corporations now ‘own’ them and can and are forcing them to tow the fascist corporate lies.

    It’s like fellow sellout Bob Dylan said “Just keeping up my end of the bargain’!”. We all know who these ingrate unrepentant liars made their bargain with. The fallen ruler of this world, the liar and father of lies. Now, they have to ‘keep up their end of the bargain’, even if that ‘end’ exposes them for the lying souless hypocrites they are. They were never heroes to begin with. Mitchell gets paved over in her ‘Parking lot’ and Neil goes from “The needle and the damage done” to “Take your Needle and get covid dumb’. How fitting.

    • Elena Alvarado Marcos says:

      The corporation you refer to is the Blackstone Group, which wants to own the planet, and is a main pusher of Covid mania and the Great Reset.

      See my comments about this elsewhere in this thread.

  11. Tike says:

    Thank you Jon. I share your justified anger and outrage. Your words came at an opportune time since I just received two e-mails from former musician friends who requested that I remove their names from my music albums since they no longer want to be associated with me, given my public position on… well… freedom and the First Amendment.

    Your descriptions of Young/Mitchell are so apt to these friends of mine. What’s sad is that there seem to be just so many people brainwashed like this. Is there really any hope? Well, all I know is that speaking out and looking for open minds is the right thing to do, so I’ll carry on.

    The other choice would be to completely cower away and let the chicken-shits rule the roost. Ain’t gonna happen. And yeah, I can’t listen to their music now, even though Mitchell was a big favorite — at least the early Mitchell. “Don’t it always seem to go That you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone?” — like FREEDOM, you ignorant sell-out?!

    Woodstock was another one — “we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.” Hmmm… now I’m thinking that was code. She, Queen Joni, wasn’t speaking for herself in that statement — she was speaking to her subjects, who she wanted to get out there and grow food for her, while she lives sheltered away in her own private Hollywood castle.

  12. D. Smith says:

    And now it looks as thought Rogan has sold out, too, in order to stay on Spotify. Hmmmm, yeah, he’s a real fighter.

  13. Opie Poik says:

    Thou shalt not repeat history (20 min. sermon):

    Note: I am an atheist. Speaking truth to power is all that matters. Eff labels. Eff divide & conquer.

  14. nfw says:

    Well Young and Mitchell are from That Place. What more do you expect?

  15. I tried hard to like their music in the day because they were “cool”, but it was a struggle. I must say the news that they were demanding their music be taken off Spotify thrilled me because I dreaded coming across their music by chance in some playlist

  16. R says:

    I honor the context of we are all human beings… of this interview, also drawing your own conclusions. There is no one not being bs’ed here, no one knows everything, and perhaps one of the most famous phrases of all time “Follow The Money” is of most importance. In my experience throwing stuff against the fan, splatters all of humanity. Humane Honorability. 12/30/21 “ Rogan and Malone: Most Important Interview of Our Time?”

  17. Karl Pomeroy says:

    Thank you Jon, Your first two paragraphs outline succinctly the madness of the covid hoax.

    I am happy to say I don’t even know who Joe Rogan is, though I’ve been seeing his name in headlines lately. As for Joni Mitchell, I never much cared for her whiny goody-goody voice.

    These two has-been singers are what famed travel writer Paul Theroux calls “Agents of Virtue”, a dangerous bunch.

  18. AnCap Barbie says:

    Both of them were neck-deep in Laurel Canyon. The entire 60s “counterculture” was “intelligence” agency controlled opposition.

    It was the popular position at the time. Neither of them were “sticking it to the man” until it was safe to do so.

    I’ve been warning these assholes for years that their masters would throw them under the bus as soon as they were no longer useful or even if it just entertained Darth Klaus to do so.

    Nevertheless, it’s still a manufactured distraction – palace intrigue. Rogan frames the outside edge of the official narrative. He is not pushing back against that narrative at all, except for the theater side-show of aging statists pretending to fight with younger statists.

    He’s not about to interview Reiner Fuellmich or Christine Massey or Jon Rappoport. Bet your ass on it.

  19. Rick in Phoenix says:

    I think everyone is over reacting to musicians talking past their competence level in an area they known nothing about. I still like the song of both of them and simply dismiss all the baggage. I’m a musician and play their songs and simply ignore what they say on other topics. Jon– please comment on the convoy in canada.

  20. Truth Seeker says:

    This is disappointing that my “favorite artist” at one time, Neil, has exposed himself to be a sell-out. But as I reflect, the entire rock-n-roll movement of the 60’s and 70’s, both lyrics and music frequencies, greatly influenced the values and ideologies of the baby boomers, mostly during their impressionable teenage years, that we are currently experiencing. Most likely, they were all sell-outs from the beginning and participated in one of the greatest influential means — the social engineering agenda.

    Thanks for sharing, Jon.

  21. Elena Alvarado Marcos says:

    “Mental midgets Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are urging the government forward. They’re on the side of big government and big corporations and especially drug companies and elite foundations and all sorts of petty little would-be fascists who want their day in the sun.”

    Neil Young and Joni Mitchell work for the Blackstone Group.

    Here is how…

    There are three reasons for the current attack on Spotify

    [1] Obviously to silence all questioning of the Covid narrative.

    [2] Corporate media outlets envy Joe Rogan’s audience share, and they want to destroy Rogan as competition. This part is also obvious.

    [3] Blackstone wants to create a monopoly on music rights. In Oct 2021 the Blackstone Group announced that it would invest $1 billion in Hipgnosis Songs Management Fund to acquire song catalogs and music rights, so that Blackstone can have a monopoly on digital music control.

    This month Neil Young sold 51% of his music rights (1,180 songs) to the Hipgnosis — i.e. to Blackstone, which now owns Neil Young songs, and wants its property removed from Spotify for financial reasons.

    I’ll bet it’s the same with everyone who wants his songs removed from Spotify. All are owned by Blackstone.

    Blackstone wants to rule the planet, and is one of the chief movers of the Great Reset and vax mandate mania. Neil Young supports them, since Young already pocketed $50 million from selling the rights to his music.

    All the liberals who attack Spotify and who support Neil Young support Blackstone, which is widening the gap between the rich and the rest.

    Blackstone also has a stake in Hidrovias do Brasil (“Brazilian Waterways”), an infrastructure company that is cutting down the Brazilian rain forest.

    In April 2020 Blackstone invested $2 billion in Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (a Massachusetts biotech company) to push new vaccines that will be mandated.

    The stupidity if liberals is truly boundless.

  22. BDBinc says:

    Controlled opposition puppets all of them Rogan, Rand and all the other celebs spinning the Big lie covid. For as long as they sell the one narrative ” covid” these sensationalized low level dramas that seem to work on the minds of the covid infected /sleeping /hypnotized. They also work on those that dont understand how the State use controlled opposition ( + false flag productions) .

  23. Graeme says:

    What happened to Neil Youngs lyrics, ” The needle and the damage done”?

  24. Paul says:

    It has been reported, by Rebel News, that swat teams have been dispatched to the US-Canadian border, at Montana, sealing off truckers trying to cross the border.

  25. Linda says:

    Just an observation: These 2 are performers. They are paid to put on an act. They have their opinions, quite rightly, but their opinions are completely separate from their talent as performers. Their opinions, without factual back up, are no more or less valid than yours or mine.

  26. No More Lies says:

    Neil Young: Burned out hippie. Brain is fizzling. Needs more money is, sells out to big farm uuhhhhh. Joni Mitchell…, follows suit. “Let’s do it Neil”! ” No, Neil. I meant to cave in to the propaganda for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now.., pull you pants back up”. Tony and Billy are going to be here, soon , with safe and effective brainwashing syrums” :()

  27. C Wels says:

    These 2 old fools are a disgrace and embarrassment to Canada and Canadians. I will NEVER listen to one of their songs again. Neil Young looks like a miserable old son of a bitch, gee I guess 150 million doesn’t buy happiness after all. Joni Mitchell is dotty and perhaps senile. I don’t believe she has good health so probably all medicated up like PIG PHARMA likes to do to everyone especially old people as they’re an easy target for experimental drugs and kill shot clot shot vaccines. Traitors to the human race is what they represent now and forever more. Fame and fortune turn the majority of people into horse’s shitty asses and these 2 are a perfect example.

  28. Tenzin Kalzang says:

    This may help explain: “Joe Rogan Up Against Powerful Interests” – huge conglomerates that own the music catalogs of Young et al and have ties with Big Pharma!

  29. Jerzy says:

    You nailed it Jon… and I love the comments.

  30. gepay says:

    Initially i was no fan of neil young. Later on I heard some very good lyrics that he wrote and began to like some of his songs. i liked Joni’s music from the beginning. i was disappointed when they came out against Joe Rogan interviewing dissidents of the corona cult. Sad to say I can only speculate that their success and money have insulated them from reality. They just accept what I imagine their liberal peers believe in their group think. Just about all of my former alternative lifestyle friends have been jabbed and are still wearing masks. One of them even said I had to get out of her house as i was endangering her life by not wearing a mask or not being “vaccinated”. Mass hypnosis

  31. Greg says:

    The 2022 concert scene is getting started. Many shows this year. You’ll have the pro mandate bands and the anti mandate bands. Take your pick and they will sell it to you. However all of them get paid by the same companies. Although it won’t happen people should boycott all concerts and refuse to buy any music. Library has all you need.

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