If the virus actually existed

by Jon Rappoport

October 14, 2021

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…and it doesn’t…

There would be no way to stop it.

It would have spread so far and so deep…

The only answer would be: LIVE THROUGH IT.


Have a look at the open borders of the US. Have a look at the packed football stands every weekend across the US. Have a look at Israel, where lockdowns and high vaccination rates have failed to stop the progression of cases. Of course, those cases are nothing more than false positive tests. Nevertheless, you get the idea.

The very concept of a virus and its spread implies: UNSTOPPABLE.

The war against the virus was always a losing idea. And it was never that war anyway. It was always a war against the people and against freedom.

The planners calculated that freedom had withered to such an advanced degree that it would be possible to take away what was left of it.

The war against the virus is very much like the war against freedom of speech, aka censorship. Governments are never going to be able to stop the flow of independent ideas. The seal is never air-tight.

Of course, as I’ve been proving for the past year, the virus doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy. It’s the ghost in the dark closet at night, when the child is lying in bed thinking that random noises are a threat to his safety.

A well-known scientist with impressive mainstream credentials recently confided to me that he believes the virus (which he accepts as real) will eventually infect everyone. EVERYONE. Therefore…

There is nothing to be done. LIVE WITH IT. LIVE THROUGH IT.

Even the false premise that the virus exists implies the continuation of freedom.

The notion that a war against a virus can be won is on the level of the notion that a war against the natural flow of air on the planet can be won.

Nations that have fought a relatively mild battle against the virus—Sweden, Denmark, and Norway—have officially stated they’re ending that battle. Why? Because only small numbers of people are becoming ill. Those numbers mirror the recent years before the pandemic was declared.

In those countries, the nightmare of the ghost in the closet is over, for now.

The leading pornographer of fear in the US, Anthony Fauci, is still turning out his little movies. Every week, he “adjusts the data,” in order to bolster his claims. And every week, his sales force of media personnel put him on television to spread the message:


Fauci is the envy of sadists everywhere.

For the past year and a half, he has been the de facto president of the United States.

His style reflects the decades-long machinations of the CIA: invent endless enemies, and then attack them. All for the purpose of establishing CONTROL.

On some nights, while I’m asleep, a part of my mind that operates on entirely conventional premises calculates the odds in the war against the virus. It spins, all on its own, fragmented scenarios: the infection rate, the degree and extent of lockdowns, the barriers against the virus created by masks, the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated, and so on. That ridiculous piece of my mind is a cameo Pentagon.

As I wake up, I realize the fantastical nature of these wartime calculations. I see them clearly for what they signify. A rooting interest, no more meaningful than sitting on the sidelines watching a contest of tiddlywinks, with a bet of a few pennies riding on the outcome.

It’s instructive to have these dreams. They convey an insane fool’s errand.

If the virus existed, there would be no way to stop it. Since it doesn’t exist, there is no “it” to stop.

However, the war against freedom is an entirely different matter. It has always existed, and it always will.

There are certain men who have lost their own vivid life-breathing creative freedom, and they have chosen, as their only substitute, the path of destroying freedom wherever they find it.

They are the virus.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

41 comments on “If the virus actually existed

  1. DSKlausler says:


  2. Rick in Phoenix says:

    Jon wrote “Nations that have fought a relatively mild battle against the virus—Sweden, Denmark, and Norway—have officially stated they’re ending that battle. Why? Because only small numbers of people are becoming ill. Those numbers mirror the recent years before the pandemic was declared.”

    Rick says- The small number that became ill may indeed have experienced initial EMF radiation sickness from the switching on of 5G, in general, worldwide, at about that time– the end of 2019 going into 2020. The entire idea of EMF sickness is very intriguiing to me. (Source: The Invisible Rainbow). The 5G microwaves are 100X smaller than 4G and interfere with cellular processes. The covid-vax contains nano-graphene oxide which is a super-conductor and interacts with 5G. (Sources: ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.com and Orwell.city.) TPTB are said to think that they ought never let a crisis go to waste. They piggybacked the injection/5G/Internet-of-bodies onto the fake-covid-virus-health-crisis which was really a 5G-microwave-radition-poisoning crisis.

  3. NoMoreLies says:

    Anybody else seen this 18 minute video? If not.., I suggest all watch it. Scary reality!

    • Thank you for the link. Yes, it is scary. But we can’t succumb to fear. Stay strong!

    • doodlefarbe says:

      […] That’s a patent application, not a patent. The application doesn’t say what she thinks it says. Also the app that Western Australia is beta testing, while horrific to anyone with a sense of privacy and liberty, doesn’t do what she thinks it does. It’s a tool to track people who are forced to quarantine if they are sick. It isn’t a general use tool for everyone who’s dumb enough to take an unnecessary vaccination

  4. Opike Poik says:

    Jon Rappoport earns honorary doctorates in microbiology and epidemiology for his 2021 discovery of an actual virus: nihilism, grown in a culture of despair, transmitted via indoctrination, with an incubation period of millennia. He describes both the treatment and prophylaxis protocols as consisting in continuous application of robust imagination.

  5. Opie Poik says:

    Jon Rappoport earns honorary doctorates in microbiology and epidemiology for his 2021 discovery of an actual virus: nihilism, grown in a culture of despair, transmitted via indoctrination, with an incubation period of millennia. He describes both the treatment and prophylaxis protocols as consisting in continuous application of robust imagination.

  6. Michael Burns says:

    It is always about controlling the narrative. Well a narrative is a story, and they have changed reality into fiction…

    “The post-totalitarian system touches people at every step, but it does so with its ideological gloves on. This is why life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and lies: government by bureaucracy is called popular government; the working class is enslaved in the name of the working class; the complete degradation of the individual is presented as his or her ultimate liberation; depriving people of information is called making it available; the use of power to manipulate is called the public control of power, and the arbitrary abuse of power is called observing the legal code; the repression of culture is called its development; the expansion of imperial influence is presented as support for the oppressed; the lack of free expression becomes the highest form of freedom; farcical elections become the highest form of democracy; banning independent thought becomes the most scientific of world views; military occupation becomes fraternal assistance. Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to persecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.”

    – Vaclav Havel, “The Power of the Powerless”

    • Great quote from Vaclav Havel! He also said that our freedom from their self-appointed tyranny is to LAUGH at their pathetic ridiculousness. They have no love, no creativity, no sense of connection to inner Divinity. They are weak, fearful psychopaths whose only power is in using black magic to throw out ILL-usions designed to manipulate ensouled people into handing over their own power. Don’t be fooled by these “career clowns” as I call them; they’re fakes, losers, and liars.

  7. Sean says:

    Maybe mandatory injections of anti-sadistic and slavery serum and scheduled booster shots would interest them. And then they could sell this idea to the world and impose freedom on everyone, to try of coarse. They could get the credit for spawning freedom for all, in deeply secretive ways, creating a profit frenzy from their new freedom merchandising campaigns resulting in untold chain reactions of power and freedom in the multiverse. Flying high.

  8. Orpheus Owl says:

    Great quotes, Jon: “If the virus existed, there would be no way to stop it. Since it doesn’t exist, there is no “it” to stop… They are the virus.”

    Also, if it was a “real virus,” wouldn’t it hypothetically end up infecting everyone anyway since the injected still “test positive”? And what about all the unfounded fearmongering that the vaxxed are “shedding spike proteins” onto the unvaxxed?

    No doubt it was the shot-pushers who started spreading that rumor, because that’s what they want you to think – that even if you refuse the shot, you need to live in fear from the Inescapable Virus. (Which doesn’t explain why they want every man, woman and child to take the shot if you can just “catch” its effects from someone.)

  9. MAGGIE IN FL says:

    If the people who present with “the virus” was given doses of penicillin (old stanby) they would probably survive, but most of the antibiotics known to cure pneumonia and the flu, is hidden away and people are getting injected by a horrible death, either from stroke or blood clotd.

    You do not see the illegals falling down dead because of the virus, it is NOT. I refuse to be injected by lead or the live bug someone looking thru a microscope found to be in the anti-virus. This antivirus shot is much like the first polio vaccine, instead of injecting dead to fight the live, they planted live polio in others who developed polio. And some died from it.


  10. STARR Rebecca STODDARD says:

    I like to ask people this: Do you really think that these GHOULS, who have been around for EONS, who have always manufactured these hoaxes, would really tell the peasants/slaves/masses that there was a “deadly virus” on the loose in order to “protect and keep you safe” knowing “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) are out to kill us in all the many ways that they have always done throughout time?

    I digress, though. Most people have been so hypnotized and entranced/ mind controlled that they don’t even believe “THEY” exist, anyway; it’s all “crazy, paranoid, conspiracy theories.” Which is exactly how “THEY” get away with these dangerous scams, swindles, BONANAZAS, hoaxes, false flags, etc.

    • Great analysis! I’m in alignment with your thinking.

      Most people are indeed mind-controlled, as this latest Satanic + Luciferian (black magic + exotic technology) campaign has been “infecting” the minds and souls of weak people, via tv/film/magazines, sports and celebrities, Science™, pharmaceuticals, processed “food,” environmental poisoning, reliance on government including the indoctrination camps known as public education, and of course the fake feminist campaign combined with materialism and economic manipulation to get women out of the home and lease (or out-right sell) their souls to the Matrix. (I won’t even go into the pedo/porn death culture, since I imagine you are well aware of this as the foundation of the dark occultism.)

      This current wave of ILL-usions and poisoning has been ramping up for 7 decades, so the mind-control is well-embedded throughout society. Those of us who haven’t succumbed or who have broken the spell must out ourselves to each other, so we know who to trust as we work to bust wide open the SCAM!

  11. W Frank De Priest says:

    How much longer are we to put up with this charade ?

    • Rich says:

      How do we stop it? Do what they do, I call these psychos in charge Opposite people. Just do the opposite what they tell.you to do. Get the shot oh no not me. Don’t go outside, go outside. Most importantly, do Not get anymore shots. Ever.

  12. Rosline Loutsios says:

    I just love your ingenious writing skills. Regarding this so-called virus, I am always at a loss to figure out how anybody can connect any deaths to this non-existent virus.

  13. Lewis Papier says:

    Echoing Jon’s call for freedom, here is a music video of a song I wrote which I hope you might share. Go to:


    Forever Freedom Brigade

    (Verse 1) How do you know when you’ve been had?
    And do you deny that you’re feeling quite sad?
    Time now to stand up and join the parade
    It’s the Forever Freedom, Freedom Brigade

    (Verse 2) And how do you know when you’re hearing the truth?
    Are you now certain, you’ve been shown some real proof?
    Time now for you to stop feeling afraid
    Join the Forever Freedom, Freedom Brigade

    They slink into town always in stealth
    They say they’ll protect us, concerned for our health
    But if you don’t follow and play by their rules
    They’ll vilify you, as some kind of fool

    But now it grows worse, they say you’re dangerous
    Don’t take their shot, they’ll throw you under the bus
    Will you submit to all their crushing demands?
    Or let freedom ring all ‘cross this great land?

    (Verse 3)
    How do you know when you’ve been conned?
    Can you really see that they’ve broken the bond?
    Locking us down, yes that’s no even trade
    Look for the Forever Freedom, Freedom Brigade

    Bridge: They try to impress with you with all their degrees
    But offer a world of insanity
    They keep us apart we all have been fooled
    Freedom is something you just don’t learn in school

    (Verse 4)
    How do you know it’s good to cover your face?
    And don’t you know, that’s a disgrace?
    Don’t listen to them and you’ll now make the grade
    Catching the Forever Freedom, Freedom Brigade

    (Verse 5) Instrumental

    They slink into town always in stealth
    They say they’ll protect us, concerned for our health
    But if you don’t follow and play by their rules
    They’ll vilify you, as some kind of fool

    You can’t ignore tyranny’s source
    They’re ruined the land, took it by force
    Now throw off the yoke, push them into the sea
    Forever Freedom is your destiny!

    How do you know, you no longer fawn?
    The sky has just opened, you’ve reached a new dawn
    Your head held up high
    You’re no longer dismayed
    You’re in the Forever Freedom,
    Forever Freedom,
    Forever Freedom
    Freedom Brigade
    You’re in the Forever Freedom, Freedom Brigade!

  14. Kyle says:

    Great piece Jon. Here’s my take on the same theme.

  15. Roger welsh says:

    Very good.

    Can you help?

    Ivermectin is doing wonders against a non existantb Clovis virus! What is the organism that is being suppressed by ivermectin?

    Simple question! No one answers!!

  16. D. Smith says:

    Oh but the democraps think the “vaccines” are getting rid of the virus.

    Hoo-boy, they really ARE as dumb as Joe Biden looks . . . 😉

  17. AJ says:

    The false science/lies continue to influence even some doubters to get vaccinated. Axios posted Arizona voter fraud was only 182 cases with no convictions. The Arizona frorezenic audit was just not mentioned. Over 57,000 ballots involved in the fraud. People simply don’t take the time to look further into most articles to confirm the facts. This is why we/our country are heading to destruction and communist slavery. There appears to be no way to stop this tyranny but by force and complete irradiation of the treasonists traitors.
    Resist or become slaves!!

    • George McFetridge says:

      Here’s a hard one to face: we are all born slaves, or at least prisoners. When Mr Rappoport correctly says ‘they are the virus’ he’s complaining. Complaining is futility. I came here in 1947. Even if you’re older than me, you were born a prisoner. Do the analysis. Look at the long historical buildup to 2020’s overt ruination of freedom to act in the world.

  18. Roundball Shaman says:

    “If the virus actually existed… The only answer would be: LIVE THROUGH IT.”

    This answer is found at the heart of self-reliance. Self-reliance is the very thing that the Dark Ones are trying to drive a fatal stake in to. Self-reliance is the opposite of… Dependence. Dependence is their holy grail of control and dominance over humanity.
    Dependence is also the fast track to the demise of the human family.

    “The notion that a war against a virus can be won is on the level of the notion that a war against the natural flow of air on the planet can be won.”

    This is also on the level of the nonsensically-framed ‘War on (The ‘T’-word). As others have observed, you can’t wage war on a tactic. But of course, that was never the intended purpose. It was a war alright and it has successfully been prosecuted against the intended targets. And you know who they are.


    There is nothing wrong ‘Obedience’ itself. The problem is in what one is obedient to. And too many on this planet are obedient to the very things and demons with degrees that are doing them in. There are some good and virtuous things to be obedient to. And some courageous people today continue to follow that path.

    “Fauci is the envy of sadists everywhere.”

    Fauci is irrelevant. It is misguided people who give this little egotistical weasel his purported importance. Keep going, Doctor ‘The Science!’ Your karmic tab is running and it is quite hefty already.

    When you find those legendary Pink Elephants, you will find ‘The Virus’. Turns out that those Pink Ones are the carriers.

  19. seasons says:

    If it was a real virus than you would have to actually quarantine locations that had outbreaks. Entrance and exits would need to be sealed. Hazmat teams would need to be sent in. All masks, gloves, and clothing exposed to the virus need to be disposed in specialized biohazard bins. If you don’t do proper quarantine and biohazard disposal this than none of the lockdowns can possibly work. =

  20. stephen langley says:

    Forgive my forever making this comment to many of your posts: Effects (viruses) are being cited as cause. Just to reiterate, as you’ve sussed, Jon: Toxic contamination (chemical, radiological, etc.) is the real culprit, i.e. toxins create a healing response (dis-ease) in the body which generates viruses, i.e. dead genetic material caused by poisoning (“virus” literally means “poison”). Viruses are not living organisms; they have no self-replicating metabolic processes. Nevertheless, it’s the patsy hiding the real weapons in our midst.

    Viruses are not transmissable discreet entities that cause discreet “diseases”. Studies from a bit more honest, less psychotic time 100 years past unequivocally demonstrates the reality of non-transmissibility:


  21. Mac says:

    – In the article — The planners calculated that freedom had withered to such an advanced degree that it would be possible to take away what was left of it. —

    Anyone remember this last year –

    ‘Biden won’t mandate getting COVID-19 vaccine, wearing masks


    December 04, 2020 President-elect Joe Biden on Friday said that he won’t impose national mandates to get vaccinated for COVID-19 or to wear a mask. …’

    They always do increment step down, so people don’t revolt when they do one step, then another, until everyone is in some sort of jail or in the ground. I still can’t believe people locked themselves in last year. I didn’t. Whatever supposed increase in death would not be phony covid its suicide, and otherwise regular death from poison food and chemicals cancer. The suicides from lonlieness and the tyranny.

    Now I think of it by the way don’t do that, not ever. Or if have cancer or something and decided to if you hadn’t revenged people who did you wrong should do that first. Put rotten eggs in their mailbox or something. I can’t stand when people do that and don’t clear the slate first. Seems only good people who feel frustrated do that and it needs to stop. We need to be together to stop the vile people, not leave.

    Also imo most supposed suicides in jails are false, they let favored criminals out the back door and phony coroners and media coverup. They don’t let suicides happen because they make more money on prisoners. Anyway they always use step down trick, people should see through it by now.

  22. Rich says:

    Well said, Jon. They are the virus.

  23. SLee says:

    I agree with much of what I’ve read here in the blog/comments/writings, but I don’t have the time to review all of the prior posts (et al) to find the answer to my question.

    A middle-aged non-vaxxed person that I know was diagnosed with Covid late last year and it really did a number on her normally-healthy body at that time. She had a doctor prescribe the 5-medication cocktail that president Trump talked about and she was able to pull through in just a few days, with only prevailing fatigue being the constant remainder for several weeks afterwards. She was never hospitalized.

    My question is… if not the Covid virus, then what did she contract to cause the ailment? Are we talking about radiation from 5g or some other closely related viral load?

    And, if not the virus then why did the medical cocktail seem to work do well, unless they didn’t and she came through on her own? Anyone have an idea?

  24. Low Voltage says:

    The “War on the Virus” sounds a lot like the “War on Climate Change.”

    The vaccine can’t prevent you from getting “COVID,” it just won’t be as bad.

    Climate Change is now inevitable, but if we stop using fossil fuels now, we can lessen the impacts.

  25. Anne Beckett says:

    That anyone believes in this virus voodoo is, to me, quite annoying.

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