When you take a Person’s Mind

by Jon Rappoport

September 28, 2021

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From a great distance
You see little puppets down there
Injecting RNA into arms
Faces behind masks
People locked up in their houses
It looks all very normal
As if people have always done this
But when you swoop down
And take a person’s mind in your hands
And turn it over
And really look at it
You see eternity
Reshaped into a toy
That buzzes
This mind couldn’t be what it is unless it was once ENDLESS
This is obvious to anyone who looks
In fact there is a museum of misshapen minds
Relics of bygone ages
Examples of how you could take infinity and drop it down into compartments and weasel holes and mazes and dead end alleys at midnight
Each “new” mind is a system
Bells and lights and buzzers
Always looking for add-ons
Because you see
A planetary vaccine campaign is really just an extension of misshapen minds
More bells and lights
From a great distance the whole thing looks like
A giant tinker toy
It’s only when you come much closer
Do you see the swollen hearts and the blood clots
And the dying
And the weeping

I have a collection of my own minds I used to have
here and there, now and then
MY minds
I take them out once in a while
When I had THIS mind I thought THAT
And when I had THAT one I thought THIS
And believed THAT
So many times and places
Too many to count
These minds will get a person embroiled
In all sorts of trouble
He’s inside a mechanical buzzard feeding on dead ideas
He’s crawling up the steps of a cathedral like a toy soldier with a hernia to listen to the sound of velvet Pope money rustling under robes
He’s clanking like an old rusty robot into a doctor’s office
And a nurse injects genes on to his iron arm where they sizzle like end-stage breakfast in a pan in a lost diner…
This is called CIVILIZATION
This is what people are doing to each other
700,000 vaccine injuries in America alone and you can multiply those reports by a factor of 100 to get the real number
And now in Massachusetts they’re testing babies
Churches are saying the Lord is all right with vaccination
The Sunday bells are ringing
Take the shot before you receive the blessing
Some toy minds are shaped into killers
They’re issuing the edicts
And lining up with shields and truncheons on the streets
And some minds are believing television news
And submitting with pride
On the lawns of Concord, where the first shots were fired in the American Revolution
They’re now injecting children with RNA
It’s a Saturday picnic
Balloons, pony rides, ice cream, a laser show in a tent
A bald man with a drooping moustache calls in the President through a bullhorn
And the old doddering leader shuffles into view, a ghost, gazing around him in wonder, looking for his childhood or his doctor or a penny piece of gum…

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

21 comments on “When you take a Person’s Mind

  1. jane mariouw says:

    the sounds
    mosaic of images shifting
    extracting out the sickening
    emotions from
    us, the helpless watchers

  2. ReluctantWarrior says:

    If life is a tragicomedy as the ancients believed then where is the comedy? God, I want to laugh but it ain’t so easy anymore. Your words are evocative and heartbreaking to me.

    The myth of the divine comedy of the soul,according to Joe Campbell, ‘is to be read not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man.’

  3. Dr. E. Black says:


    Keep up the good work Jon !

    Here’s a clip with English translation from Spain:

    Blood Before and After Pfizer Vaccine

  4. Larry Austin says:

    Jon, your writing whether in poetic fashion like this, or your journalistic efforts, are always fantastic! Breaths of fresh air, shining light on the frailities of mankind and their thinking. Our thinking. Thank you for your work. God bless you!

  5. Lewis Papier says:

    Listen to NEVERMORE: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/nevermore


    (1) In the harbor we can see
    A statue shorn of dignity
    We curse the day that you were born
    A shattered visage, cracked and worn

    Now it’s time you stand accused
    It’s the fear that grips the multitudes
    The fear that’s seen on every face
    You hold us down, within our place

    (1a) Now we stand with tears of rage
    Stuck inside the gilded cage
    Could it be an awful dream?
    A world gone mad—this quarantine
    Our isolation’s in your name
    The days they pass, they’re all the same
    All the love that you abhor
    Lost forever, nevermore

    (2) The color’s gone, the world’s turned gray
    The rules have changed, we must obey
    No one near for us to greet
    A silent portal, an empty street

    A brave new world no accident
    The church is empty, none repent
    Just like 1984
    Our love has vanished—nevermore

    (2b) As you laugh within your lair
    There’s no rebellion in the air
    No one protests, not one fight
    While we’re stripped of all our rights

    The Statue smiles within the gloom
    We stand back and start to fume
    With our love, they’ve shut the door
    The statue whispers, “Nevermore”

    Chorus: You claimed that you had found the gold
    We believed the tales you told
    A pretty picture you did paint
    We raised you up, called you a saint

    The lighthouse blasts its steady beams
    And all your gold ‘snot what it seems
    Now for us there’s more in store
    A life together nevermore!

    (2a) So many questions never asked
    Put it on: the filthy mask
    The air is free, we still can’t breathe
    A world shut down—no time to grieve

    The fetid swamp where you preside
    A lifeless statue—you’re our guide
    Save us now with threats of doom
    While we remain in lonely rooms

    (2b) Long ago a bold decree
    A monster lives that we can’t see
    So very small there is no sign
    Here it lives, this Frankenstein
    As we watch the dark parade
    Invisible we’re still afraid
    Your contagion–mighty lore
    Where’s our courage? Nevermore!

    Bridge: Tip the hour glass and watch the sand course
    The fleeting hours those we can’t ignore
    Wary of the Statue and his dark force
    Shall all our joyful days be nevermore?

    Instrumental to (3a) Instrumental

    (3b) The statue claims there’s still much fun
    But no embrace so now we’re done
    Wounded so, our mouths agape
    We hear the words—there’s no escape
    “You’re dangerous, why can’t you see?”
    Like Typhoid Mary—never free
    “Shelter wisely stay indoors”
    Quoth the statue, nevermore

    Chorus: You claimed that you had found the gold
    We believed the tales you told
    A pretty picture you did paint
    We raised you up, called you a saint

    The lighthouse blasts its steady beams
    And all your gold ‘snot what it seems
    Now for us there’s more in store
    A life together nevermore!

    (4a) Now get it over very quick
    Your needle waits, our arms to prick
    A rotting corpse now washed ashore
    Still no one saved, nor been restored

    We’ve gone too far, we’re in too deep
    Our isolation’s now complete
    Free at last within our core
    Quoth the Statue: Nevermore!

  6. Error says:

    Wow, that will be endless that phrase!

    “This mind couldn’t be what it is unless it was once ENDLESS”


    Respect, and keep up the good work!

  7. Jon, may I suggest you sell GOD’s Mind short? I shall reference here “The Mind”, a series of lectures by one Yogi Bhajan — easily found on the web. Though not a “bible”, not a “textbook”, the collection serves as an expert, experienced guide and map wrapped into one.

    I highly recommend the volume for those seriously interested in the subject MIND, given short shrift throughout Time by Power$ That Be, who would have you oblivious to your best (and worst!) friend, The Mind.

    One can CONceive of a host of little minds, all discrete and separate and individualized. At one level, the most basic in this densest of all planes of existence Man has set up shop, no problem, rings true, gives Freudians something to do, gives nephew Edward Bernays toys and tools with which to play with us.

    I submit, The Mind we tap into, thanks to the intricacy of GOD’s creation, especially the “brain”, has far greater reach than even you suppose in this poetic essay and your earlier writings. (I did purchase and have for study your Matrix package, a legacy that will bring honor to thee in times a’comin!) Prayer, fasting, and meditation serve as means to feed one’s access to, appreciation of, and application of Mind.

    Thanks for your work, Jon. You are one who removed the basket and lets the Light shine daily. You brighten my days, for sure!

  8. Lisa Franklin says:

    And we looked down from on high
    Tiny people like ants in plastic bubbles
    Sterile smiles frozen to their lips
    We are happy slaves they say
    Clanking their chains
    Oblivious to the acrid smoke
    As the world burns

  9. Roundball Shaman says:

    “When you take a Person’s Mind”

    Is it so much ‘taking’ a person’s mind as it is someone just surrendering it? One can take something by force. It might not be possible to take someone’s mind by force. But it is damn easy to take over someone’s mind if that person gives it up.

    “It’s only when you come much closer
    Do you see the swollen hearts and the blood clots
    And the dying
    And the weeping”

    The amount of misery being inflicted on the human race is beyond comprehension. And – for the Dark Powers – this is the gift that keeps on giving. The children whose minds are being warped. The children and family lines that will end because the Cult Shot is terminating the ability to procreate. The businesses that are already destroyed and the many yet to be obliterated. This shall reverberate for… eternity. These actions cause a domino chain of effects that keeps on affecting other things for… eternity.

    Do people really comprehend what it means to lose something… Forever? That too is beyond the normal human mind to comprehend. That a Thing is gone for all eternity. That something can never return. That something can never happen. Sure, there are always new possibilities that emerge. But the Losses… those things are permanent absences that will never again be filled by what was once there.

    One day, the weeping will end when one can no longer must the tears. But the emptiness and loss of what was once there will remain… forever.

    “Churches are saying the Lord is all right with vaccination”

    Churches lost sight of the Lord a long, long time ago. Churches would not recognize the Lord if He appeared right in front of their faces. Churches worship… themselves. God has no place there.

    This is not to diminish anyone’s chosen faith. If one honestly seeks The Almighty in such a place… this is a worthy sentiment. But sadly, they will not find Him there because He is not allowed in.

    Churches simply substitute the sacrament of Holy Communion with the sacrament of the Death Vial of Submission. As one would expect once the Lord was ushered out the church’s back door.

    The old hymn goes… “Daughters of Zion… Weep for yourselves… Weep for yourselves and your children..”

    And for all the children who never see the light of day thanks to the injection of obliteration.

    • miker says:

      Shaman, To your excellent points made: I’ve never seen a “Second Baptist Church”. Nobody wants to be #2 in the days of “I know! right?”

      And yet, the truth is so simple and pure.

  10. miker says:

    “…And the old doddering leader shuffles into view, a ghost, gazing around him in wonder, looking for his childhood or his doctor or a penny piece of gum…
    somewhere within the 70,000 x 100 (70,000,000!) vaccine injured he swore an oath to protect…

  11. Larry C says:

    Not all minds have been captured….it just *feels like that* at times…e.g. NYC: Thousands of anti-vaxxers demonstrate…ZERO MEDIA COVERAGE.


  12. Anne says:

    “700,000 vaccine injuries in America alone and you can multiply those reports by a factor of 100 to get the real number
    And now in Massachusetts they’re testing babies
    Churches are saying the Lord is all right with vaccination”

    It is heartbreaking, scary… the holocaust of babies
    Too sad, too horrible a thought

  13. ladylongstride says:


  14. CK says:

    LQC (La Quinta Columna) are receiving videos from people, who say pandemic infants (mother got vaccinated during pregnancy) are abnormal: black-eyed and even crawling at 2 weeks!


    On Stew Peters, more confirmation the vaccines have Graphene Oxide and even nano-tech? Also, another Dr. Zelenko interview:



  15. Fanny Adams says:

    …and the unexpected illnesses and deaths that follow the lethal injection are the new normal…

  16. Sean says:

    Pretty cool how you can describe so accurately about this situation and do it with a richness.

  17. Benjamin Martin says:

    Quite a lament – I often find myself in this ‘pajama tyranny’ wondering if all tyrannies are necessarily quite so insulting to one’s intelligence as this one. When people credit the elite planners with intelligence I just shake my head. Really, it’s not hard to detect that this situation is just preposterously unacceptable in every conceivable way, that it ought have been rejected out of hand from the beginning via people not wearing masks for starters, and that it was perfectly clear from February last year where all this was headed.

  18. Paige Turner says:

    Well…. Now that’s encouraging…..

  19. stephen langley says:

    We seem to (mostly) lament the destruction of our mind(s). But considering the present burden of its content is that really a bad thing ? It has been more than criminal to have had our minds hijacked, but now that we, who know of the theft, are aware then it is incumbent on us to assist, even accelorate the destruction of those false and limiting mental impressions (“sanskaras”)… and what will be left ? …much less limited mind(s). Ergo, a new era in human conciousness deconditioned from its current plight. Time to stop beating the dead horse of the old world order trying to remake itself into a “new world order”. We must begin creating our own human scaled, organic, alternative structures in all spheres of life… simply unplug from the beast system and the mind control is evicerated. Necessity is the mother of invention…

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