SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist; I can do this forever

by Jon Rappoport

December 18, 2020

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First of all, very high praise goes to Christine Massey, for her work in exposing the coronavirus fraud. In a half-sane world, she would have received many awards by now.

Her latest communication reads: “Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of ‘SARS-COV-2’ isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever” [1]

I urge readers to visit Massey’s site and read her new article and follow all the links. Her findings are stunning. She and her team have made about 40 FOI requests to public health agencies in various countries, requesting proof that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. You’ll see from the responses that not one agency has records demonstrating isolation.

This means exactly what it seems to mean: the virus has not been proven to exist.

As for the people who keep chanting that the virus has been isolated, I can keep explaining why this is not so. I can do this forever. [2] [3]

Whether it’s a scientist, a gaggle of scientists, a government official, a person waving a study around like a newspaper with a hot headline from an old movie, my response is the same, and I make it knowing that some people will intentionally refuse to understand it:

ONE: SAYING the virus has been isolated is not the same thing as proving it’s been isolated.

TWO: Researchers routinely twist the meaning of the word “isolated” to mean its very opposite.

Isolation is absurdly taken to mean: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. It is not separated out (isolated) from the soup. The soup contains various cells—human, monkey—and an array of (toxic) chemicals and drugs. We know the virus is there, because it is infecting and killing some of the cells.”

A reasonably bright junior high school student would immediately realize this is not a description of isolation.

A reasonably bright high school student would point out that there is no proof the virus is infecting and killing cells, because the toxic chemicals and drugs in the soup are sufficient to do the cell-killing. He might also mention the cells in the soup are being starved of nutrients, and this alone could cause their death.

Therefore, there is no evidence that “the virus” is actually in the soup.

Therefore, there is no evidence in this situation for claiming the virus exists at all.

On to the next factor: the ever-present claims of having “sequenced the genetic structure of the virus.” Again, SAYING the sequencing has been achieved is not the same thing as proving it.

And proving it is impossible, if you don’t already have the virus in a purified and isolated state. Instead of proof, you have shady inference and assumption and guesswork and deception.

How can you sequence something you don’t have? You can’t.

I’ve used several analogies to explain this nonsense. Here is another one:

An art restorer, conservationist, and historian is called to the home of a well-known mob enforcer.

The enforcer tells him he has something to show him in the attic. On the way, they pass through the living room, where several open suitcases are sitting on the floor. They’re spilling over with stacks of cash. Automatic weapons and boxes of ammo are laid out on a long table. In an open closet, the art expert sees a row of jackets with designations indicating: FBI, BATF, Federal Marshal, sheriff, local police.

In the attic, the mob enforcer points to a small pile of tiny chips on the floor.

“These are from a lost Rembrandt self-portrait,” he says. “Collect them, go to work on them, give me a favorable report. Or else.”

Back in his lab, the obedient art expert quickly divides the chips into three groups. The first group is water-color chips from a child’s toy set. The second group is mid-20th-century acrylic chips. The third group is lead white chips, used for a hundred years on either side of the rough date when Rembrandt could have painted the lost self-portrait.

The art expert finds that Rembrandt (and hundreds of other painters) used this general type of lead white.

The expert constructs, from other scholars’ work, an essay claiming there was and is a lost Rembrandt self-portrait. He excludes commentary that denies the existence of this painting.

He “sequences” all this information and conjecture and guesswork (and con) into a convincing report, which points to the small pile of chips in the mob enforcer’s attic.

(It turns out the enforcer intends to accuse a rival mob boss of stealing the “lost Rembrandt self-portrait.”)

The existence of the self-portrait is thus “established,” which is to say, it is put together, cobbled from various sources, concocted, smoothed out by ignoring counter-information—employing a vast generality about lead white paint.

Of course, in all this ridiculous invention, the self-portrait itself is not there, it is not in hand, its existence has not been demonstrated, it is a story, THERE IS NO ISOLATION OF IT from surrounding assumption and gimcrackery.

So it is with SARS-CoV-2. Pieces of data that reference prior supposed RNA sequences in libraries are all strung together, to resemble what is claimed to be a new and unique coronavirus—without having the actual virus, without having shown it exists at all.

In past articles, I’ve quoted two key documents, one from the CDC, and one from “the Drosten group.” These documents were describing how to perform the PCR test for the new virus—and in both documents, the authors state they don’t have the virus.

So…a test for what? The virus you don’t have.

All claims that these authors eventually DID obtain the virus are based on the crooked definition of “isolated” I’ve explained above.

Yes, they got hold of “isolated virus,” meaning the soup in the dish in the lab—and we’re back where we began. Isolation meaning non-isolation.

I’ve explained all this several times, in detail, in past articles, and of course people here and there continue to send me studies claiming isolation.

I can do this forever.

People can say, “Well, we know from photos of Martian soil samples that on the second Tuesday in March, 1843, there was a picnic on Mars attended by three virologists from the Martian Institute of Epidemiology, and they ate baloney sandwiches on rye toast and drank Miller Lite.”

I enjoy these fictional tales in a vacuum. I would leave them alone, except that the failure to prove the existence of SARS-Cov-2 is at the bottom of all the lies that have been used to steal the freedom and assets and livelihoods from at least a billion people.

I won’t leave that alone.

Neither should you.

“…but wait, Mr. Rappoport, here is a study from Outer Mongolia that states the virus has been isolated. This seems to settle the science on this issue, once and for all.”

Sure. Sure it does. And the sun sets every day at noon in Cincinnati.





The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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192 comments on “SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist; I can do this forever

  1. Grant says:

    Hi Guys, I have been following No More Fake News from Jon all this year about Covid 19. Many have questions not many answers, just found this link today its a real eye opener all the pieces on Covid 19 is put together and the list is endless. The biggest problem is that Covid 19 was put in motion from 2015 not to mention that Kary Mullis inventor of the PCR died 2 to 3 months before Covid 19 hit Wuhan coincidence or was he assinated you be the judge.

    Like to have your mind blown this is the link

  2. Allen Duplantis MD says:

    How do we find Christine Massey Jon?

  3. Patricia says:

    I’m an emergency nurse with 35 years experience. I have taken care of COVID-19 patients.
    I was diagnosed with COVID-19 after a patient coughed in close proximity to my face, even while I was wearing an n95.
    I became very ill, and subsequently my lungs are destroyed.
    I am on continuous oxygen and I experience shortness of breath with the most minimal activity.
    Through my own personal research, I’ve come to believe that this is an engineered virus, either via studies of gain of function or through weaponization at the wuhan Institute of virology.
    Never in my career have I seen or experienced as viral illness such as this. I started my career taking care patients afflicted with the emerging AIDS / HIV virus.

    I do not believe in shutting down our country our our society.
    But people afflicted, even mild infections with COVID-19, will demonstrate the multisystemic repercussions from this virus for years to come.

    Perhaps this was by design.

  4. wanda says:

    This is a longer version of the Kary Mullis interview calling Fauci a fraud

  5. Brian Peacock says:

    So you need to know if someone has actually died from Covid, or from some other underlying condition, such as cancer, diabetes, heart condition and so on? Medically, it’s straightforward. The death certificate will show the PRIMARY cause of death as being from Covid when the lungs meet a certain criteria (Covid is, after all, a respiratory disease). The lungs will be full of liquid and other detritus caused by the virus, and will weigh about TWICE as much as normal. So, if a patient dies with their lungs in that condition, it doesn’t matter what the underlying medical conditions are, the cause of death will be shown as being from Coronavirus.

  6. Tomas says:

    Thanks for Your article,

    but there is art about isolation

    is it pure isolated virus ? or “soup” and mixture of difrent protein ?

    • Brutus says:

      You have got a discussion about the subject as well in below link:

    • MagicBullet says:

      Its a mix of things-cellular RNA and unknown other RNA, and were tainted with Mycoplasma. Genomes were gotten from Next-generation sequencing (NGS) which only relates back to the original Sars in a data base and that itself was gotten from a data base.

      Try to read what was done for yourself and look things up like NGS, and read about it carefully. It also clearly says VeroE6/TMPRSS2 CELLS, it now where says anything about purification, its not really rocket science.

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