How they’ll fake the success of the COVID vaccine

by Jon Rappoport

November 13, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

I’ve described how the major clinical trials of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever [1] [2].

The whole plan to gain FDA approval of the vaccine is a stark fraud.

Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success.

Brief background: My readers know I’ve presented a complete case to show the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proved to exist in the first place [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. So the whole idea of a vaccine is a non-sequitur, an absurdity. Likewise, the PCR test for “the virus” is a fraud on several levels [11]:

For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient.

When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.”

Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot.

After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US.

What does this mean? It means that far fewer positive test results will occur.

Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall.

This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.

There is another strategy: change the definition of “a case of COVID.” Make the new definition, in terms of clinical symptoms, more restrictive. Something like this would do the trick: “The patient must exhibit a body temperature of at least 100 for 48 consecutive hours.”

That will automatically cause a significant drop in the number of cases. The drop will be attributed to the salutary effect of the vaccine.

For purposes of lockdowns and general clampdowns [12], to promote more fear and punish areas where the economy is “too open,” a reverse-technique can be applied:

Make PCR tests adjust their cycles UPWARD, thus producing huge numbers of positive results and “new cases.”

“Well, in South Dakota, we have to mandate at least 100,000 more vaccinations in each of the following ‘hot spots,’ where case numbers have suddenly escalated. And we must lock down those areas immediately…”

Needless to say, any and all serious harm and death caused by the vaccine anywhere will be attributed to “the pandemic disease.”

And there you have it. Simple, brutal, criminal, and controlled from the federal level. A strategy for making it seem the COVID vaccine is effective, and saved the day.

Here is a backgrounder I wrote on the subject of COVID vaccine fraud:

Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies.

Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization?

In no particular order—-

ONE: Rework the definition of a “COVID case.” Presently, the CDC absurdly allows doctors to diagnose a person with COVID who has a cough, or chills and fever, and lives in an area where cases are being claimed. No test necessary.

So change this practice, once the vaccine is approved. Demand testing for a diagnosis. State that cough alone is not enough. Chills and fever must also be present. Require fever to be above 100.

These and other changes would automatically shrink the number of cases. The drop in numbers would be attributed to the vaccine.

This “definitional shrinking” was, in fact, deployed in the 1950s, after the introduction of the polio vaccine.

TWO: Order a change in the way the PCR diagnostic test is done. The practice of amplifying the original test sample from the patient occurs in cycles, or jumps. The greater the number of cycles, the more likely the test will result in a COVID diagnosis. Therefore, order a reduced number of cycles for all testing labs.

Outcome? Fewer COVID diagnoses. Fewer case numbers. “The vaccine is working.”

THREE: Quietly restrict the present hospital practice of arbitrarily writing “COVID” on patient case and death files.

FOUR: Cook up and publish false studies showing more and more people are developing immunity to the virus. Attribute this to the vaccine.

FIVE: Another type of false study—“the transmission of the virus from person to person is slowing, thanks to the vaccine.”

SIX: Pump up the success of issuing Immunity certificates after vaccination. “People are feeling safer now. More businesses are reopening…”

SEVEN: Using the compliant press, simply issue bald declarations that the vaccine is a success.

EIGHT: Hide the many instances of injury and death from the vaccine. When necessary, claim COVID was the cause.

NINE: Warn that the wonderful vaccine-derived immunity is not permanent, and frequent booster shots are necessary.

TEN: Rework the definition of “vaccine-acquired immunity.” Even a very weak antibody response from the shot would qualify as “protective immunity.”

ELEVEN: Huge numbers of people with ordinary flu-like illness, pneumonia, and other traditional lung infections are being called “COVID.” Change this practice. Go back to calling many of these people “flu,” “pneumonia,” etc. COVID case numbers will drop. Claim the drop is the effect of the vaccine.

TWELVE: Presently, millions of so-called COVID cases have “co-morbidities.” These are prior serious health conditions which are, in fact, the true causes of illnesses and death. Of course, this is denied. But after the vaccine is introduced… scale back the practice of counting all these ill and deceased co-morbid patients as “COVID.” Case and death numbers will drop. Claim the vaccine is the reason.

THIRTEEN: After the vaccine is introduced, slow down testing for a brief period. This will automatically reduce the rate of new cases. Attribute the decline to the vaccine.

Committing these crimes are a walk in the park for public health agencies.

And appointing official mouthpieces to carry lies to the public is as easy as training little Faucis to sit up and bark.
















The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Covid.

132 comments on “How they’ll fake the success of the COVID vaccine

  1. ReluctantWarrior says:

    The Covid-19 Blues

    I went down
    To the corner store
    Where I have
    Purchased my groceries
    Often before,
    Where Dear old Mrs Bobadink
    Used to smile at me
    With her crooked teeth
    That I could see,
    Now, the faceless legions
    Tippy toe down the isles
    Sharing with each other
    At a fair distance,
    Grunting their news
    With hidden smiles
    As they brush briskly by
    Do they even have
    The slightest clue?
    I wonder?
    Oh brother, my brother
    I got the covid-19 blues!
    As the days go by
    And summer turns to fall
    It’s just another sunny day
    In Covidian Land
    Where people cringe
    And puppies play
    What a sight to see,
    Brothers and sisters distancing
    Giving their six feet of love
    So tender!
    So gentle!
    So touching!
    It brings a tear to my eye
    Where Are
    The brave unmasked few
    That gave my heart such a lift?
    Dear friend, my friend
    I got the covid-19 blues!
    At the arboretum
    On the other side of town
    Outside in the crisp winter air
    Happy news!
    The obedient minions
    Of the rogue state
    Can view the holiday decorations
    From their cars
    Ooooo…What a special time
    That will be!
    That masked snowman
    Is a real hoot
    Don’t miss out!
    Though the pine needles seem
    A bit droopy
    Without being given
    Their usual carbon gift
    At least they do breathe freely
    As their beauty mesmerizes
    The obedient servants
    Of the state ever true
    Oh dear God, my God
    I got the covid-19 blues!

  2. JP Michael says:

    How long until the AI bot trolls start posting the deepfake vid of the bathtub again?

    • Ellen says:

      Ok, let me get this straight…to catch the corrupt FDA, big pharma, and the democrats we must sacrifice a large part of the population to a poisonous vaccine??? I for one do NOT want the vaccine; will I be forced to get it because I live in a corrupt democratic state??? I voted for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020, but do not want to have life long debilitating illnesses or die because I am forced to have poison injected into my body to prove a point. Please respond to my comment and tell me how crimes against humanity via vaccines justifies what you described above.

      • John Doe says:

        It seems this first vaccine will be a placebo…and becomes effective as a result off the strategies in the above stated articles…remember real longer term goal is micro chipping so first convince the public that vaccines are effective ..then created greater Virus scares with more powerful viruses that requite more vaccines that then need to be inserted thru a micro chip: for your protection….

    • Mac says:

      While there’s plenty of ai bots on web I’m not one, real person, but anyway can call it what you like but in my opinion vid was spot, creative outside box. And who made the box, anyway, and why stay in the box. What if the box is a trap ?

  3. Sally says:

    Thank you for your brilliant posts!

  4. BERYL says:

    Where can I find tge article you wrote on why the virus never existed now or in 2002
    Also do you have any sources etc backing this up
    I with you on this bug family members are having a hard time hearing ideas and facts from me so hoping to give them other sources that may help them break them their denial

    • Liv 4ever says:

      Beryl, do a web search for Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Amandha Vollmer and Dr. Stefan Lanka

    • RegretLeft says:

      Here’s an idea: use the “search” field up top right “Search Jon’s Blog” and enter: isolated

      that will show you just what you want – and more!

    • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

      Start with Beauchamp.

      • Rtp says:

        Beauchamp was wrong – he was just less wrong than Pasteur.

        You can’t persuade people that germ theory is wrong by telling them about Beauchamp because people will always ask “but how come measles/chickenpox/gastro… spread amongst people?”

        The answer lies in German New Medicine (Lanka is a follower of this). Disease cannot be spread (if it could, visiting (let alone being) a doctor would be instantly fatal) but it *can* be shared. That is because people can suffer the same emotional trauma at the same time (and just as importantly, resolve said trauma at the same time). The trauma/resolution is what causes the physiological conditions. Diseases we think of as being especially “contagious” tend to be those where traumas are often shared (measles/chickenpox etc are caused by separation traumas and so siblings/classmates etc will often share them).

    • Crusty Curmudgeon says:

      The CDC now asserts that it has isolated sars-cov-2.

      • K says:

        Thats good to know, I wonder if Jon will do an update on this?

      • Vicki Soni says:

        CDC announced it has isolated the SARS-CoV-2 RNA pathogen in Jan-Feb 2020. That’s almost 11 months ago. Yet, the existence of this so-called novel coronavirus has not been confirmed by unbiased experts. Why are they willing to provide cultures of the novel coronavirus only to labs approved by the CDC? Is it because puppet scientists working in CDC monitored labs can perpetuate the lie misleading the general public? Where are the hundreds of electron microscopy photos verified by independent experts to back the claim of the existence of the novel coronavirus? Where is the exact DNA sequence that has been confirmed as that belonging to the novel coronavirus by unprejudiced experts? Why did China replace the RT-PCR test with chest scans? Why do so many false positives turn up during testing? Are the genetic sequences of common coronaviruses and rhinoviruses passed off as a positive result of the novel coronavirus? Why doesn’t Covid19 have 1 unique symptom?

    • Lyn P says:

      Crusty: the CDC is going to continue to talk out of both ends. The whole organization is a total joke.

      BERYL: make sure your intended audience is the type and capable of actual time commitment to studying this topic. It’s a serious matrix to break….completely worth it… but forget it if they are the “sound bite” types.

      • Rtp says:

        In order to persuade people you need to keep your arguments simple and comprehensive.

        The easiest way to do that with viruses is to say:

        “If diseases were contagious then why don’t people drop dead the moment they enter a doctor office?”

        Alternatively, you can say: “how can the trillions of viruses that bombard me every time I walk outside cause me no harm but brushing past a kid with measles will cause me to fall violently ill?”

        Either way, don’t just attack bits of the germ theory. Attack its very core. As you engage people in the issue then you can discuss the finer points.

  5. Paul says:

    “And appointing
    official mouthpieces
    to carry lies
    to the public…”

    When I watch Dr. Michael Osterholm speak for Mr. Biden about future lockdowns, I get the feeling he doesn’t actually believe what he’s saying.

    By somehow, that doesn’t seem to reduce his carrying capacity.

    But, of course, that’s just my opinion.

  6. ScuzzaMan says:

    UK government testing in Liverpool is already revealing the fake. New (non PCR) test shows only 0.7% positive result, itself almost certainly the minimum possible false positive rate. In other words, zero covid19 in Liverpool.

    • Doug says:

      I was on a company call yesterday when the Brit stated, yes the lockdowns are tough but I know it’s for the best.

      With such deep brainwashing it’s gonna take constant vigilence to stay sane for me.

      • Jomsvikings says:

        So true Doug,

        Which baffles me about this country and how people are just following along with the rollback lockdowns and severe restrictions on businesses.
        The States of Oregon & Washington are now in full lockdown mode. El Paso, TX was in full lockdown until yesterday when a State Supreme Court judge ruled it unconstitutional (finally sone Justice served!).Several other states are at their highest level of mitigation factors with the lockdown button ready to be pushed anyday now.

        I really don’t understand the American people anymore. It’s as if they’re mind-controlled by the government and embrace the lockdowns and severe restrictions placed on businesses and personal freedoms (e.g., curfews, masks, large gathering)? Where I live at in Colorado the governor enacted a *10:00* pm curfew and no one objected. In fact, after 10 there is virtually no one on the roads anymore – people are following government rules like slaves. This never went before the state legislature for floor & open debate. Citizens & business owners were never given a chance to present an opposing viewpoint. The Mayor of Denver & other local county leaders just signed an executive order (i.e. “dictator” order) and people just said “thank you may I have another.”

        It’s perplexing on how so many people are embracing the restrictions & limitations placed on their Freedom & Personal Rights. It’s as if no one knows that we fought & won a war over 2 centuries ago against a tyranical, oppressive Monarchy and secured forever Freedom, Liberty & Personal Rights for EVERY citizen of our newly formed country.
        The governors & Mayors of our fine states & cities must love the apathy of the American people which allows them to play dictator and rule by fear & intimidation!

        Maybe Jon could write a piece on what has happened to the American people who have become subservient & slaves of a U.S. Government that has become a DICTATORSHIP!

    • Larry C says:

      Liverpool, here I come! ????

  7. Madness says:

    It’s just a post from tw. but a good, uplifting one.
    “GENOVA, WEF Occupied ITALY. Day 18 of anti lockdown protests in the Big Lockdown House. Protesters lay siege to local administration building. Police remove helmets in solidarity. When the Police & Army take protesters side it’s Game Over for lockdown.”

  8. Opie Poik says:

    These sociopaths would murder their parents and plead in court for leniency because they’re orphans. They have no normal human responses. We have the right and even the responsibility to defend ourselves. They fully intend to dominate, torture, maim, and kill us, and to utterly control financially and technologically any who survive. This cannot be overstated. It is neither paranoid delusion nor partisan sentiment, as they will try to insist to gaslight dissenters. They are so sure of victory, that they’re not even attempting to conceal their intentions. They’re beating their chests and chortling and snickering at we, the sheep.

    • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

      They could be interdimensional aliens. We’re witnessing an alien invasion.

      • Kia Kaha says:

        You have to translate to understand “Aliens” correctly. They don’t come right out and say things so the public understands. They say things in a way that causes misunderstandings, division and confusion. You have to have a different “ear” to hear what they are actually saying and intending. They don’t make it easy and lay it out on the surface. It’s often the opposite of what the public thinks they mean and intend. It’s a game to them.

        Multi-national aka Alien corporations.
        They’ve been corrupted by a false belief, are adamantly opposed to our free will under natural law and natural justice. If they’d had a proper understanding instead of being taught a misperception of the benevolence behind The Law, that would have nipped them in the bud eons ago instead of letting this misinterpretation of The Law run rampant and corrupt humanity. Not always were they corporations, but certainly they’ve always been patriarchy, business, financiers even re-legion corrupting our once benevolent exchange of goods and services according to need, inventing what we actually needed, while be3ing mindful of the environment that supports all life. They have overreached with multiple false tales and control levers.

        Lifted – Pixar
        Foreclosures, while we were yet unaware, they planned a mass attack. House of cards built by hoards of fools.

    • Wotan says:

      Brilliant opening sentence!

    • george says:

      they are not the problem. they are only a few. the problem is that humanity is made up 99.9% of stupid sheep.

  9. Paul says:

    “With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot.”

    “Committing these crimes are a walk in the park for public health agencies.”

    These ARE crimes, that they have, are, & may yet commit.


    I think, & I hope, that there is a large contingent, of freedom-loving Americans, who are physically healthy, & will politely say, “No thank you” to their offer of vaccination.

    If said offer becomes a Mandate, I reckon all bets are off.

    I think many Americans have held there tongue regarding the many rules & regs surrounding this Covid mess.

    If Mr. Biden & handlers want to make history, they will. One way or another.

    I pray for the highest & best good for all concerned.


    Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion states “for every action, there is a reaction, equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction.”


    You have written deeply & comprehensively about the slavish mind control laid on the populace. To stultify Mind, to mollify Action.


    Someone recently wrote “that Americans, when riled, become fierce.”

    • Arthur Danu says:

      About Americans being “fierce”, that may have once been true, but certainly not in my lifetime (born in 1972).

      The army you are waiting for is severely obese, stupid, and morally corrupt. More like children than MEN.

      There will be violent resistance to whatever mandatory vaccination attempts there are. But if you don’t think the creeps running the show are prepared for that, WELL PREPARED, then you haven’t been looking around with open eyes lately.

      The BRAVE NEW WORLD is about to be unveiled. They deserve it because they worked hard for it, for centuries, and MOST OF YOU PAID FOR IT, because you don’t even understand your own Constitution, and allowed your children to forget, too.

      Karma, though difficult for most people on Earth, is FAIR. The millions of deaths we’ve caused worldwide, unprovoked, must be balanced in the equation. And since we’ve vaccinated our children into all kinds of handicaps, there won’t be much of a fight to stop it.

      I had a good time in the halcyon days of the USA while it lasted. Ready to go home when my number is called.

      • JB says:

        Nice attitude.

        • Arthur Danu says:

          Truth never sits pretty with those who are addicted to HOPIUM, JB.

          I’ve been in the fight since 2001, and my view is backed by personal experience of being in the trenches, EYES WIDE OPEN.

          If you’ve got a better point of view, based on experience and not fantasy, then lay it out for me here. If it’s good, I’ll give it an honest look.

          But Atlantis was warned to turn back from its wayward destiny by courageous people in those times. Their efforts did not succeed. I don’t see this “New Atlantis” behaving any differently than the old one. Disaster of epic proportions about to follow.

        • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

          I like that phrase “all bets are off” as an understatement. Civilized people always understate. In fact, the best comedy is understatement. So too when we’re serious.

      • Jim S Smith says:


        The millions of deaths we’ve caused worldwide,

        What’s with this “WE” garbage? Got a mouse in your pocket or something? ? ?

        A good portion of us “Americans” have been objecting to all of this political nonsense for a very long time, and completely were ignored.

        Our current advantage (for now, anyway), is that we have the better means of reaching out and communicating our disagreements in real time (the “Internet”). Whereas, we did not have so wide a vehicle before!

        Sounds to me like you have already thrown in the towel and given up. That’s YOUR problem, and a common problem with many millions of others. THAT is why our world continues its downward direction: Too many people believing “it’s hopeless”.

        “Hope” is non-action. “Hope” conveys no action. “Hope” is a waste of time. “Hope” accomplished NOTHING.

        “Action” is what gets the job done.

        So “they” send the military assets, “law-enforcement”, and whatever other political machinery of ‘force majeur’ upon us. SO WHAT? ? ?

        Would you rather spend the rest of your days (how ever many “they” allow you) on your knees, begging for mere scraps and crumbs from the table of largesse, while they live large at your expense? OR – will you decide that you have nothing left to lose (because “they” have already convinced you to give it all to “them”), and decide to “go for broke” – in the mere chance that you might even be successful in purchasing even just a few more days of freedom and liberty for all your efforts? ? ?

        In other words: “Live in slavery, or possibly die fighting the freedom and liberty that was your birthright?

        One’s true power, is the power of choice. – NO ONE ELSE can make your choices for you, if you decide to choose for yourself, and stand by your choice, no matter how much pain “they” may inflict!

        – Do you really think William Wallace was all wrong, when he chose freedom – even at the price of extreme pain and death?

        • Madness says:

          With you on this. There is no WE. I killed no one, never supported any war, my only fault is that never born to be someone with wealth and power to try to make the world to be a better place. But still do what I can. I don’t accept Karma not without fight.

        • Arthur Danu says:

          “WE, THE PEOPLE….in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

          That WE!

          “It is rather for US to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead WE take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion – that WE here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

          That WE! or are you not part of THE PEOPLE?

          To Jim and others who don’t understand my point of view….Have you paid income taxes (Tyranny Taxes) to the Federal Government this year and every year since at least 9/11?

          That WE!

          The idea that YOU RE NOT RESPONSIBLE for the world you live in is the argument of a petulant child. You’ll have to do some growing up to understand where I’m coming from. (I know because I used to think that way too, but then I decided to grow up, take responsibility for the situation, and have tasted the freedom of William Wallace, Jesus Christ, King Arthur and the Whore of Babalon ever since.)

          DELICIOUS and SWEET! This cup is ever offered to all of you, too!

          • Jim S Smith says:

            Okay, “Mr. Big-Pants”,

            So what are YOU doing in the meantime, besides poking at everyone else (but obviously NOT yourself).


            Don’t pay taxes, and see what happens! If even Irwin Schiff can be taken down (whereas he even tried to educate others on the fraud).

            The idea that YOU RE NOT RESPONSIBLE for the world you live in is the argument of a petulant child. You’ll have to do some growing up to understand where I’m coming from. (I know because I used to think that way too, but then I decided to grow up, take responsibility for the situation, and have tasted the freedom of William Wallace, Jesus Christ, King Arthur and the Whore of Babalon ever since.)

            Guess who’s sounding more like that “petulant child” now?

            Trying to fight a “war” as the only one on your side is suicide!

            Even the “Revolutionary War” took over twenty years to convince enough People it was worth fighting! Even during then, only about %4 of the People started the battles for freedom. The additional others came onboard later.

            So your blanket assertion that WE ALL are just as responsible for ALL of the world’s troubles lacks a total perspective and completely misses the whole point that there is indeed “resistance”, albeit small in number, but still striving to be free – that you so conveniently lump everyone together as the “fault”.


            Simply put, YOU have opted to be a participant in the “problem”, rather than actively work towards a “solution”. – So don’t even bother trying to besmirch me or my name, nor that of any other who have been trying and laboring to get the truth out there, and fight the system in his/her own best way!

            In other words,

            Go dry off somewhere, if all you seek to do is bring on more name-calling and condescension, all for the purposes of putting everyone down – including those who have put themselves on the wire to try to make a difference!

            In other words, F.O! Go cry to your masters, and see where that gets you.

          • Jim S Smith says:

            * * To Jim and others who don’t understand my point of view….Have you paid income taxes (Tyranny Taxes) to the Federal Government this year and every year since at least 9/11?* *

            On THAT note (about the “taxes”):

            May I refer you to the “1986 GRACE COMMISSION REPORT”?

            It concludes:

            The taxes we pay go to service the ‘public debt’. Not a single NICKEL of our taxes goes to fund ANY public program.

            This is because, the fact that when government needs/wants funding, the TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES goes into an agreement with the FEDERAL RESERVE to secure another loan in which to provide additional for the government.

            Therefore, because of the size of the public debt, and the accruing interest on that debt, ALL tax receipts (from all sources, to include from all the taxes the states remand to the DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES) only barely cover the payable interest on the public debt!


            YOUR contention that WE, THE PEOPLE are in any way directly subsidizing all of these atrocious, human-rights-violating wars, military actions, etc. – is roundly refuted, and found factually void – as far as the GRACE COMMISSION’S findings were revealed.

            Think this is all “poppy-cock”? – Do your homework. I sure as hell did, many years ago, and so did the folks at the now-defunct “Liberty Lobby” – the folks who used to publish SPOTLIGHT NEWS.

            – Jim S.

          • Jim S Smith says:


            Should read: “1984 GRACE COMMISSION REPORT”

        • ak in vt says:

          God never has stated to fight, to maim, to kill. He has always warned people to, “GET OUT.” From the ark to Revelation and its predicted destruction of Jerusalem. The warnings have been repeated throughout history.

          Those who heed God’s (Christ’s) warnings have been saved from the impending destruction. Those who are able and willing to be martyrs have been his mouthpiece to warn others to: “GET OUT.”

          Make your choice — martyr or start a new civilization/community — God (Christ) does not look more highly upon one over the other. He looks at the heart to see if you are a faithful one: one who is imbued with His love.


          AK in VT

        • Andy says:

          Hi Jim! Your words “nothing left to lose” struck me. It was only a couple of days ago the words “No-thing to lose” came to my mind, which I noted down and stuck to the refrigerator door. It’s probably the attitude we should carry with us every day. The material sense of our existence tells us we have many, many “things” to lose, while the spiritual sense tells us there is no “thing”, and especially no “thing” to lose. Reminds me of the Buddhist teachings about “grasping” and the “grasping” mind.

      • Rica says:

        I see we’ve been played by both parties. How sad is that we don’t have an option anymore … is it that the game is over for all of us. I’m struggling to believe in it but I have too

      • SANITYCLAUS says:

        WE are not responsible for millions of deaths. WE are not the baby killer pentagon heroin mafia that serves the British Empire NATO HEROIN MAFIA.
        WE do not have the blood of innocent children on our hands.
        WE do not kill for the king of Saudi Arabia to force Islam upon Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. THERE IS NOTHING “FAIR” ABOUT BEING BETRAYED AND RAPED BY BABY KILLER TRAITORS SERVING THE BRITISH EMPIRE.

      • K says:

        People are weak because their food supply is weak and their bodies are toxic.

        Read everything you can on Aajonus Vonderplanitz, the elites tried to shut him up because he was curing ALL patients of chronic diseases and building stronger people with his diet and work.

        You can download his ebooks and more here –

        Skip right to page 40 in the ebook “recipe for living without disease” and you will find the eating schedule.

        If you cannot get raw dairy you can order it from amos miller’s organic farm –

        Blessings to your health.

    • Mos Craciun says:

      The reaction’s magnitude for an army of 1000 is not equal with the action’s magnitude for an army of a million . Never !

      • Paul says:

        Hi Mos,

        I agree. It’s difficult to use a physical law of motion to describe a response, that I feel will/would require more than just armies. If you get my drift. Generally, all actions have a responding reaction. A portion of their “equal-ness” may reside hidden.

        Longshanks had Wallace quartered.

        But lo, Wallace lives on! In Many. Some of them, right HERE.

        My best.

  10. FriendlyDutch says:

    About the statement ‘This “definitional shrinking” was, in fact, deployed in the 1950s, after the introduction of the polio vaccine.’

    Can you please give some references?

    I was expecting a mention a the Swine flue ‘epidemic’ and the vaccine related issues.

  11. Sean says:

    Im glad to know what we are dealing with.

    Now it is the continuing operation of decentralization.

  12. Sunny says:

    What is more important is what is behind the agenda.
    C-19 is a tool being used by the globalists to achieve a far more frightening agenda.

    James Corbett gives a great over all picture in his video Your Guide to The Great Reset:

    • Brooke says:

      You watch. They will let you take your masks off (((AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN VACCINATED)))!!!


      • Madness says:

        To wear the mask is only the matter of choice. Their plane would have failed long time ago if people would have taken off mask in mass. I don’t wear it.
        I don’t know the law in the US but in the UK the regulation is flexible to the score, everyone can be exempt, but the sheep is too lazy to read themselves.

  13. Doug says:

    Lawyer in Germany suing the world Governments. Licensed in US and Germany trial lawyer.

    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

  14. Rae says:

    you nailed it, Jon! Thank you…
    let’s share this far and wide

  15. glenn says:

    Most have a misconception on the testing. Most are assuming testing is searching for active infection but new
    RT-PCR technology is not necessary for that. If you have an active infection there are plenty of existing ways to find it and it is not difficult. The idea of RT-PCR to be used as a test is to predict a person’s risk of an upcoming infection based a sample collected from your body. Medicine is trying to move forward in detecting and treating illness before it happens. The issue we have now is people in power who either don’t understand and are mixing the old model of waiting for people to get sick then record it. Or they know this and are doing such things on purpose to incite fear.

    • Mos Craciun says:

      “…treating illness before it happens” . Maybe you wanted to write “preventing”

      2) according to you , if RT-PCR detects some fragments of RNA it means that I will be infected in the future . What if I won’t ? What if after days and weeks and months I’m still healthy ? I guess it will be a better idea to get a reading of my palm ( or the bottom of my coffee cup) to find out what illnesses will overwhelm me in the next decade !

      In other words , we can make a database with all sorts of RNA fragments , attach disease names to each one and no matter what RT-PCR finds will be a winner , oops , a “disease” . Where did I see such a hoax ? Oh yes, DSM IV ( plus annexes)

    • Haniel Adhar says:

      “waiting for people to get sick” is medicine.

      “Predicting someone’s risk of illness and treating it before it happens” is sadism right out of Minority Report.

      That’s like prophylacticly cutting off someone’s arm because they are predicted to get a broken arm at some point in the next 100 years.

    • Arthur Danu says:

      What’s wrong with getting sick? Why is this all of a sudden a CRIME or security threat that needs preventing?

      There is a lot to learn from being sick. People often make better choices for their lives when they are humbled by the failing conditions of their body.

      To say there is something WRONG with sickness is to say that the Gods didn’t know what they were doing when CREATION occurred.

      Nothing wrong with living a vital, healthy life. But sickness has merit and worth,besides giving doctors a reliable business model.

      If people were really concerned about stopping SICKNESS in humanity, then ALCOHOL would be the primary target, as it destroys far many more lives than COVID or any “pandemic disease” ever will.

      • felix says:

        OR…”What’s wrong with dying?” The behavioural psychologists at the center of all these shenanigans working on behalf of the WEF, have convinced the population that it’s a crime that people die at the end of their normal lifespan and the global economy should be shut down in an effort to keep granny or grandpa alive for another few months at best. And the idiots buy into that emotional blackmail garbage. We’re lost, totally.

        • Paul says:

          “The behavioural psychologists at the center of all these shenanigans working on behalf of…”

          Dear Felix,

          YOU, are part of the we.

          And you don’t (((sound))) lost to me.

          Hand in there, tiger.

          Best Wishes

      • trishwriter says:

        That liquor stores have remained open during this mess is called a clue.

      • Kjell Holmsten says:

        When we get sick, we detoxify ourselves, so therefore we should get sick a little now and then. The only problem is that fraudsters in white coats say that it is microbes that cause disease. Why, well they want to sell antidotes to the poisons? Anyone grasp something? The fraud is much bigger than we can comprehend.

    • Lyn P says:


      There are no “active infections,” there is only toxicity.

      Medicine is not “moving forward” in trying to detect illness in advance. This is a now-brewing recipe for total disaster. Currently women lose breasts based on “BRAC” tests which PROVE nothing.

  16. ReluctantWarrior says:

    The bottom line is this. I believe that what I do to my body, what I put in my body is no one else’s business. I will never submit to a vaccine especially one that is unwarranted and perhaps very dangerous. I have full faith in my immune system to do the job. What ‘officials’ should be doing is educating American’s about the human immune system and how it works and how to boost its function. Little or no money in that I understand but I will not have some faceless bureaucrat determine what is going into my body. At what point does living become more scary than dying. Ask yourself that question and then get into the streets and start the revolution to take our country back!

    • Paul says:


      You don’t sound reluctant at all.


    • Jim S Smith says:


      It’s not really government’s business to “educate” the masses on this at all!

      That responsibility belongs with the local communities, starting with the parents and grandparents.

  17. Sharon says:

    I just scanned an article by Dr. Joe Mercola addressing the fakery of covid testing. It gave a lot of information that Jon just corroborated in this article re: the amplification of the tests in order to”see” the virus. The problem as stated is that the greater the amplification the lower the reliability of the outcome. I am so sick and tired of the lies and the fearmongering that’s going on. Let me tell you one bit of good news, however, and that is that the Lord God Almighty is taking care of all these liers very soon. As you are already aware, FOX news is going down for their voter suppression, I mean, reporting that Arizona had gone to Biden before the polls had even closed and begun their counts. More areas of voting anomalies have been and are continuing to be uncovered which leads me to believe that lies about covid will also come out. Hopefully before any vaccine is available to poison the people. Keep the faith; keep telling the truth; watch and pray.

  18. Paul says:

    Dear Arthur Danu,

    I do not disagree with much of what you write.

    Americans are in tough shape. I am 59, not the man of my 30s.

    I am not waiting for an army, in that, we may be coming to a point that simply will push/pull us into action/or not.

    It is unfortunate. But not hopeless.

    We are not organized. But we are alive.

    Since you brought up halcyon days, someone about a month ago wrote [gist] “I’m not a fan of hopium.”

    I thought that was a brilliant created term. The people of this Site are quite novel with words.

    I cannot offer much more myself.
    But I still hope & take your, Jon’s, & Everyone’s words to Mind.

    I will leave you with this Insight.
    Someone recently said something of the gist: “I sensed a paper-thin membrane, subject to the lightest force, that with the lightest touch, could be rendered, to falling confetti.”

    Now… I find THAT, a most interesting, moving-forming-motif.

    Confetti, a “waste-product-formed,” for Celebration.

    Whether Vision, Sense, or Way/Means…

    • Arthur Danu says:

      I appreciate your comments, Paul. I gave a public lecture back in 2005 (under my old name of Patrick Michael Mooney) called MAGIC, MANIFESTATION and THE INCOME TAX…A Lesson in Human Power:

      In that speech, I encouraged people to stop smoking HOPE and to smoke more DOPE (a terrible nickname for such a wonderful ally to human consciousness, creativity and healing).

      So here we are 15 years later. Everything that I and countless others have warned Americans about is coming to pass. Back in 2005, the way out would have been much easier and simpler than what can or will be accomplished today.

      I’m still ready to give my life for my freedom and the truth. But I’ve lost patience for all the people on forums like this who keep waiting for the White Hats or the Q-Anon Crapola to suddenly seize control of events and change the day for the better.

      The Earth has ALWAYS had its despots and tyrants, and always will. There is a greater purpose being served in our lives by the adversity of those actors. I have done my best to educate my fellow brothers and sisters on how to THRIVE in a dumbed down fascist society. I’m not the first prophet in the world to ignored by his own countrymen, and I certainly won’t be the last.

      But I keep my fire burning, just the same! May yours also remain lit and keep you and your loved ones warm.

      • Paul says:

        Dear Arthur,

        Don’t lose hope!

        ESPECIALLY, from The People of Jon’s Site.

        IMO, these people are a fantastic eclectic & Electric blend of studied & concerned Philosophers, Scientists, Poets, & Musicians of-all-sorts.


        Your input is justified & helps increase the current.

        ROCK ON!

        Best Wishes in all things for you.

        And EVERYONE ELSE!

  19. Amanda says:

    Looks like the fix is in with the Georgia recount:
    “Audit/Recount does not include signature review They’re only allowing 1 state inspector to oversea 10 audit/recount team Concerns about access, not just building but actually visibility of the audit process They’re planning to certified all ballots at 5PM while the audit is ongoing. Public Notice request to delay to NOV 16, 2020. Paper ballot chain of custody.”

    Doug Collins sends very powerful letter to the GA Sec of State, telling him his “recount/audit” process is a SHAM and USELESS (retweeted by Sidney Powell)
    Send in@TheJusticeDept investigators RIGHT NOW!!! Take them to court on this JOKE of a recount, which falls DRASTICALLY short of ADEQUATE OBSERVATION!!! #Georgia #Lawsuit #Pending
    Attention, Georgia. The Georgia Republican leaders are selling us out. I am listening to @jfradioshow on Bannon’s War Room, and he is reporting that the Georgia recount is a farce. They are using one observer for ten teams, which means the observers are are only able to… …watch 10% of the action. They aren’t checking signatures or matching absentee votes with addresses. Essentially, it is a pure recount that will re-tabulate the bad ballots.

    More info on Pennsylvania:
    PENNSYLVANIA Breaking: @TeamTrump legal complaint identifies witness who says *v-cards* and *USB drives* were delivered to a back counting room where observers were restricted. The legal case is now in U.S. district court in PA.


    • Haniel Adhar says:

      Good reporting. You have a website?

    • Arthur Danu says:

      Amanda, the point of view that TRUMP is against the central bankers, and not part of the ongoing doom planned for America is myopic. Steve Bannon is an ABSOLUTE JOKE!

      Please open your eyes a bit more and realize that America sold its soul to “the Devil” a long time before Trump ever took office. He’s a life-long New York Democrat, best friends with the Clintons and The Bushes, who has been yanking the Republicans’ chains just for sport all these years, much like Sean Hannity and any other “conservative” pundit you may rely on for your worldview.

      Any news coming to you from a major network is COMPROMISED. So is any “conservative” or “alternative” website that runs GOOGLE ADS alongside their content.

      If you truly love FREEDOM, and want to work towards a better future with LIBERTY LOVING IDEALS, there is no better website on the internet than

      You’ll need plenty of COURAGE to walk the talk endorsed over there, but the TRUTH is REAL and it leads to the greatest FREEDOM any American can ever truly know.

    • BDBinc says:

      Trump is just a puppet he locked everyone up in (a breach of constitution)home detention for the UN’s NWO with no proof of threat and continued the psyop covid.
      People need to stop waiting for other people to save them and step up and be the change the want to see in the world.
      Whatever it is to bring the light into the world if its trying to end all the media fearmongering, providing the facts, or just saying “No” to the banksters unsafe toxic injection.
      ” covid” Vaccines are criminal fraud, totally unlawful as it is medical experimentation.

  20. Victor Borge says:

    How does the Covid hoax theory explain the excess mortality reported this year? I believe the hoax theory is correct, but I’m not sure how to explain the stats about excess deaths. Are these fake numbers? Or perhaps due to the lockdown and not the virus?

    • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

      I’ve seen articles saying that there are NO excess deaths. Do you have a source you can cite where they say there is?

    • Mos Craciun says:


      Yes, there is excess mortality this year, everywhere in the world. It is because selected people were targeted and killed ( murdered) in the hospitals in order to create statistics, to reach the financial incentives and, first of all, to “endorse” the hoax.

      Who are the targeted people ? The old, the destitute, the ones with permanent physical disabilities , the poor, homeless , the ones without family , etc. In the ’40s , in the german death camps , same criteria was applied on arrival at the site. The ones who fit the above criteria were sent for “desinfection” with zyklon B in the gas chambers. Today , the camps are named “hospitals” , the gas chambers are called radiology ( for radiation poisoning at CT scan) and ICU . And zyklon B is named respiratory mask .

      As you can see , medicine made huge progress …in terms of linguistics and semantics ! Same diabolic criminal behavior but with a politically correct description !

    • Lyn P says:

      Yes excess mortality is key and we need to really look at MONTHLY data. Assuming it’s valid and not doctored.

      A few random items of interest: Deaths were trending normal for the winter flu season 2020 and then came an irregular uptick IN THE FEW WEEKS IMMEDIATELY AFTER MARCH LOCKDOWN.

      Infant mortality was DOWN 2nd quarter. Not sure about later in the year. Most certainly due to fewer “well” baby visits and vax.

      I’m expecting a harsher flu/pneumonia season upcoming, and no matter what they say the informed will know it’s due to long-term mask wearing, low Vit. D levels, months of extra stress/worry reducing immune systems, and Phive-Ghee EMF which damages hemoglobin in the vulnerable.

  21. Amanda says:

    If you haven’t heard, Trump’s PA lawyers quit. Here’s more on that:’s lawyers in PA were doxxed this week. Bomb threats shut down their buildings, death threats to family members. They kept going. They believe in fair elections and know if every legal vote is counted,
    @realDonaldTrump wins!

    Please copy and share!!!

  22. James says:

    Ticket master wants you to be vaccinated or take a covid test and submit it to their organization within 48 hours of the concert date you purchased a ticket for to be admitted to their concerts. Also they will require you to be vaccinated yearly and to update your vaccination status with their organization if you want to continue to attend their concerts. Hilarious, their tickets are so expensive I stopped going to concerts years ago when they raised all their pricing into the 100s of dollars for one ticket. My kids will not pay those prices either. I hope they go out of business.
    Do not buy tickets from ticket master, support your local arts councils and artists instead!

    • Lyn P says:

      I will be not unhappy at all if these vile corporations falter and fail when they try to require and push Covi-pass stuff on their patrons.

      This goes for TM, Uber, Lyft, NFL, MLB, NBA, airlines, Amtrack and all.

      Maybe such phenomena could be the “ticket” back to the re-opening of small and local options? Maybe even major airlines can be replaced.

  23. Paul says:

    If you want to witness, IMO, the sine qua non of convoluted answers that often make no sense, watch today’s C-SPAN Washington Journal Friday 11-13-20.

    Rebecca Green (William & Mary Law School Professor).

    She “answers” (I honestly can’t guarantee that I got that word correct, in this case) questions about the voting process, etc.

    “…uhhmm…ya know…”

    Pour yourself a drink, or two.

  24. Invisible Man says:

    I feel it’s imperative that Trump defeat the Democrats’ attempt to steal the election, not necessarily because Trump is “on our side,” but because the fake news media has gone all in with falsely declaring Biden the winner. The propaganda is dialled to 11 in claiming there’s no evidence of voter fraud, when really there’s mountains of it.

    If Trump beats these chronic liars at their game, that strips always their last remaining credibility as disseminators of the news. Maybe then more people will wake up and cast a more sceptical eye on their Covid coverage, or their news coverage in general. If they can be proven wrong about the election, that’s crucial in toppling the credibility of their reportage in other areas as well.

  25. Jim S Smith says:

    Speaking of “vaccines”:

    Biden’s transition team is looking to really cause the destruction of the free united states!

    Here it comes, ready or not.

    WHEN will the People stand up and say “NO”? ? ?

    Some of us saw this coming years ago.

    And this:

    * * *

    Need we see any more? – These united states is through, unless We, The People step in, and stop it. No president, no senator, no representative, and no other “government man(or woman)” is going to do it for us.

    – Jim S.

    • Arthur Danu says:

      Didn’t you just try to chastise me for saying “WE” a few posts up this comment section?

      Looks like there is an inconsistency with your LOGIC that needs some tweaking.

  26. Amanda says:

    Please watch and share!!

    Lt. General McInerney on the Election FRAUD and Hammer and Scorecard

    ELECTION STEAL – General exposes the REAL vote fraud the media are hiding: CIA computer program flips votes

    Hammer Scorecard is what really tilted the election (theft of 2020). “TREASON HAS BEEN COMMITTED”

    In 2016, they tried to use Hammer Scorecard against Trump, but it didn’t work. This is why Hillary Clinton was so shocked that she lost (because she knew the fix was in).

    In other interviews, Lt. General McInerney said they used it in 2012 FL for Obama/Biden, and in the Dem primaries (2016 against Bernie, so Hillary could “win” in 2016, and again against Bernie in 2020, so Biden could “win”).

    He calls out FOX news and how none of the hosts (Tucker, Laura Ingraham) will mention Hammer Scorecard.

    Please share this everywhere!! Make sure everyone you know, knows about Hammer Scorecard–this is how elections are stolen world wide!

    • Jim S Smith says:

      Video downloaded and archived.

      “YouTube” will dump this one very soon, I’m sure of it!

      This election-fraud spans many different acts, well-coordinated, that result in the devastating effects we have seen.

      Add to the mix,

      The sheer stonewalling and absolute silence on this by the big-media, and complete trashing of any posts, and even hash-tags by “big social” to complete the scammery!

      We can trust absolutely NOTHING, without being able to question and cross-examine what we are constantly being told.

      Welcome to “Total Information Awareness”, and “Information Dominance”. – We were all warned, for YEARS, this was coming!

      • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

        Yeah well it’s not only dominance. It’s AUTONOMOUS SUPER INTELLIGENT computers that are controlling the politicians and CEOS now– as well as media. It looks to me as though we’re up against it– but it DOES have an achilles heel… in that it stops at nothing– in terms of damage to humans and human society — which is a violation of Aasimov’s 3 laws of robotics…

        Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics”

        A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
        A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
        A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

        Artificial AI reference

  27. Lewis Papier says:

    Another great blog from Jon. I shared this on my Facebook page with the caption, “Easy as pie!”

  28. Bubba says:

    “For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor.”

    No, no!
    The key factor is that the test is not looking for anything else than random genetic garbage – which is labeled as “virus”!
    There is no “virus” to search for!

    You need to emphasize this fact EVERY TIME you write, otherwise the morons will never get it!

    • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

      That is true too, Jon. The test is looking for “random genetic garbage” might be more true than we think since the exosome theory is simply that– a detox process. As well, it’s important to restate, each time, that what we’re observing as “illness” is part of that “purge-of-toxins” or response to toxic purge, and that this can occur in a particular geocontiguous area so that multiple people are affected at the same time, making it appear that there is contagion when, in fact, there is no contagion. I don’t know, yet, how to write what I just wrote so morans can get it.

      I listened to a moran tell me the other day that her sister “got it” and then everyone in the house “got it”. I found myself saying “correlation doesn’t imply causation”. She stopped and stared at me like a deer in headlights. I suddenly realized that it wasn’t due to instant and profound realization but rather due to word-salad-shock. Haha. I spent the rest of my evening wondering how I could say it more-easy for under-misedukated.

    • Mos Craciun says:

      On short : a bigger or a smaller amount of garbage is still garbage !

  29. Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

    ANOTHER VERSION OF JON’S PIECE– for easier reading by me from the 1970s and reader of “books” and “paragraphs”.

    The “major clinical trials” of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever. They were NOT designed to prevent the worst symptoms and death. So what’s the point of those trials? Most people get over chills, cough and fever with their own immune system, right? The trials for vaccinations, if valid at all– which they’re not because viruses don’t exist the way they say they do– would be aimed at preventing death– not chills, cough and fever that self-repair.
    Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success. The number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient. When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.”
    Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot. After a suitable period of time, the elite medical magicians will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US so that far fewer positives result. Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall. Great magic trick. This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.
    There is another strategy: change the definition of “a case of COVID.” Make the new definition, in terms of clinical symptoms, more restrictive. Something like this would do the trick: “The patient must exhibit a body temperature of at least 100 for 48 consecutive hours.” That will automatically cause a significant drop in the number of cases. The drop will be attributed to the salutary effect of the vaccine.
    For purposes of lockdowns and general clampdowns, to promote more fear and punish areas where the economy is “too open,” a reverse-technique can be applied: Make PCR tests adjust their cycles UPWARD, thus producing huge numbers of positive results and “new cases.” “Well, in South Dakota, we have to mandate at least 100,000 more vaccinations in each of the following ‘hot spots,’ where case numbers have suddenly escalated. And we must lock down those areas immediately…” Needless to say, any and all serious harm and death caused by the vaccine anywhere will be attributed to “the pandemic disease.” And there you have it. Simple, brutal, criminal, and controlled from the federal level. A strategy for making it seem the COVID vaccine is effective, and saved the day.
    Here is a backgrounder I wrote on the subject of COVID vaccine fraud: Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies. Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization?

  30. Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

    Sorry… Needed DOUBLE SPACING between paragraphs…

    The “major clinical trials” of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever. They were NOT designed to prevent the worst symptoms and death. So what’s the point of those trials? Most people get over chills, cough and fever with their own immune system, right? The trials for vaccinations, if valid at all– which they’re not because viruses don’t exist the way they say they do– would be aimed at preventing death– not chills, cough and fever that self-repair.
    Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success. The number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient. When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.”

    Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot. After a suitable period of time, the elite medical magicians will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US so that far fewer positives result. Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall. Great magic trick. This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.

    There is another strategy: change the definition of “a case of COVID.” Make the new definition, in terms of clinical symptoms, more restrictive. Something like this would do the trick: “The patient must exhibit a body temperature of at least 100 for 48 consecutive hours.” That will automatically cause a significant drop in the number of cases. The drop will be attributed to the salutary effect of the vaccine.

    For purposes of lockdowns and general clampdowns, to promote more fear and punish areas where the economy is “too open,” a reverse-technique can be applied: Make PCR tests adjust their cycles UPWARD, thus producing huge numbers of positive results and “new cases.” “Well, in South Dakota, we have to mandate at least 100,000 more vaccinations in each of the following ‘hot spots,’ where case numbers have suddenly escalated. And we must lock down those areas immediately…” Needless to say, any and all serious harm and death caused by the vaccine anywhere will be attributed to “the pandemic disease.” And there you have it. Simple, brutal, criminal, and controlled from the federal level. A strategy for making it seem the COVID vaccine is effective, and saved the day.

    Here is a backgrounder I wrote on the subject of COVID vaccine fraud: Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies. Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization?

    • D. Smith says:

      @ Rick Potvin in AZ:

      I live in SD and I agree with this assessment, to a degree.


      “For purposes of lockdowns and general clampdowns, to promote more fear and punish areas where the economy is “too open,” a reverse-technique can be applied: Make PCR tests adjust their cycles UPWARD, thus producing huge numbers of positive results and “new cases.” “Well, in South Dakota, we have to mandate at least 100,000 more vaccinations in each of the following ‘hot spots,’ where case numbers have suddenly escalated. And we must lock down those areas immediately…” Needless to say, any and all serious harm and death caused by the vaccine anywhere will be attributed to “the pandemic disease.” And there you have it. Simple, brutal, criminal, and controlled from the federal level. A strategy for making it seem the COVID vaccine is effective, and saved the day.”

      A lot of my out of state friends have been emailing me and asking about a “spike in cases here in SD”. We HAVE no spike in cases, other than what lies the pornographic news cycles are churning out. Definitely being controlled “from the federal level” because it has absolutely nothing to do with reality on the ground here in SD.

      Here’s the thing: lots of people here in SD have guns of all kinds and it’s going to be a MONUMENTAL undertaking to get most of these people (other than the younger, stupider generation) to submit to these untested, untrialed and UNWANTED vaxxzines. It’s just NOT going to happen here.

      I don’t understand what in the hell President Trump is thinking in this matter. He is NOT going to save the world with a corrupted, “Gates produced and sponsored” vaxxzine. There’s not a way – – and few will submit to it. There has already been MUCH public backlash over this vaxxzine (aimed directly at our Gubner) and the fears are only becoming more widespread. Gonna be a hard sell around here. Vaxxzine injuries are very real and are also very hard to live with and deal with if you’re one of the unlucky creeps who “reacts badly” to this crap. And then there’s no recourse. Wow, talk about an open platform for Bill Gates et al to make TONS of money off the gubmint (which is essentially OUR TAX MONEY). Why would ANYONE support such nonsense???

      • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

        There’s a concealed carry group advertising on 550 radio here in Phoenix I’m thinking about joining. However, I still like my idea of a concealed bbcue skewer. I recall a scene from a movie I saw years ago– a good spy movie– where a guy took a skewer and simply put it through the throat of a security guard on a yacht. I never forgot that scene. A holster in my back or my side or on my thigh might work. The quick moves of the martial arts guys are instructive here too– Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee being my tv heroes. I make moves of my own in the backyard everyday keeping myself fit.

        Of course, if it ever came to that, who knows if I would simply fold into a skinbag of tears and screams? On the other hand, if I took my routine 5 Hour Energy and ChocoLift, who knows? Maybe resistance can be fun!? Haha.

  31. Dave from San Antonio says:

    I have no plans on taking ‘the vaccine’, even if they make mandatory, which I’m sure they will. They will probably say it’s a ‘benefit/risk’ ratio for the whole country. Officials at Pfizer have already stated that it will probably take two injections to confer immunity, but…the side effects of the first injection will mostly likely deter people from taking the second injection. I hope those that try to give ‘the vaccine’, at least to me, have done their own, personal, ‘benefit/risk’ ratio in doing trying to do this. If they are willing to risk death to give out mandatory injections…it’s their call.

    • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

      Haha. That’s what I’m planning– a complete anti-vax martial arts move that Alexander Solzenitzyen advised us to be ready for by his revelation that the 50 million Christians killed by Bolsheviks in 1917 would have stood a much better chance had they fought back with ANYTHING at their disposal. He was telling future generations that resistance is EASIER than we might think!

      I’ve notice that the teevee news is featuring close-ups of needles going into shoulders of people much more lately. Yuck. I wince every time I see it and imagine, if the military hold me down, how I might reach for my concealed BBcue skewer to slide into the chest or neck of my opponent. I might not survive, but neither would they.

      I have not seen any internet blogs, posts or forums about how to retaliate in a victim-hood attack by a vaccinator-agent yet because quite frankly I’d rather be playing Fur Elise on the piano. This latest round of vax publicity however has me imagining my life taking a much different direction… much supported by my being somewhat of a stoic who doesn’t think he can control outside events but CAN control his/her reaction TO those events.

  32. Marlene says:

    I came across this on another site. I apologize if you have already seen this and debunked it, I just can’t keep up,with it all. Thoughts? Anyone?

    20 at 12:25 am

    Complete genome sequenced from isolate confirmed in above study back in June. One of many. This one has a 99.97% nucleotide identity to the Chinese referenced Wuhan genome.

    The Drosten reference is from January, prior to an available isolate and hence relied on the genome sequence released from China to the western world without an actual isolate for reference. The assays configured at that time were developed based partially on the sequencing uploaded to by the Chinese rather than a known isolate on hand

  33. D. Smith says:

    Anything can be made to sound good, especially to a stupid and willing public. The drug companies have known this for decades.

    Not to mention, we have a very dumbed-down society. The younger generation believes anything and everything if it comes from the gubmint. They are now, because of public school NON-education tactics, too stupid to think for themselves, and have no clue at all about rationality in this “over mechanized” world. They are essentially robots, dumb arse robots at that.

    • george says:

      8-9 years ago, we had a discussion about fresh graduates. we just hired about 20. And the conclusion for half of them was that if we let them in the middle of the room, they will stay there until somebody tells them what to do.
      The ones from poor families or from some remote village with less ‘education’ were able to think for themselves more.

      Some kids have 24h per day planned what to do. and the parents are proud of that. they have zero chance to think

      • Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ says:

        That’s an interesting aside. And funny. Imagine them standing there waiting. Haha.

        I think the “poor” with “less education” are more inclinced to “think on their feet” and are ready for the unexpected with contingency plans. What a paradox! It’s brilliant. Education has become the opposite of what it intends, ostensibly to do, which is “educate”. Wow. Stunning.

        So the “education system” has become a “training system”– which it has been for decades anyway– but has become that more EFFECTIVELY so that the youngsters with tattoos and pierced skin and smartphones are more likely to simply obey an order. Combined with videogames, possibly another form of regimentation training, they’ve become BORG. Today, they’re MASK-BORG. Mass mind control works! Even in an age with loose psychotropic drug laws… and I thought shrooms, acid and pot cured all that. I guess not. Or maybe those people are underground right now. Hard to tell.

  34. Lea Rosier says:

    Whya haven’t folks just quit faceplant, Gulag, etc. giving away the faces and places of their families and practices?
    The information people have given up to nefarious groups are astounding.
    Personal info. is golden.
    I haven’t used a cell phone or a mask since this psy-op first started and am really grateful to be able to read Jons’ writing and that of the commenters.
    THank you gain Jon and commenters.
    From Toronto , Canada.

  35. Leonie Wynne says:

    Florida Department of Health saboteurs are RIGGING coronavirus test results, wildly inflating infection numbers to hobble reopening efforts.

    A stunning investigation by Orlando Fox News affiliate Fox 35 finds that the Florida Department of Health is reporting suspiciously high “positive” rates from dozens of COVID-19 testing labs in Florida, often in contradiction to the real numbers that those labs reported to the state. This appears to indicate a massive, coordinated conspiracy by State of Florida workers in the Florida Department of Health who are attempting to sabotage the reopening efforts by wildly exaggerating the number of infections for political purposes.
    To understand how this fake science scam works, observe how the State of Florida had released a list of “positivity rates” from various labs across the state, listing hundreds of labs as either 100% positive or near 100%. The corporate media is using these numbers to claim the coronavirus pandemic is spiraling out of control in a “second wave” of infections.

    Rebel A. Cole
    This is a scandal begging for press coverage:
    333 FL Covid Testing labs reported 100% positive tests today in State Report for 3,528 tests.
    That is 34% of today’s 10,360 new cases.
    Without these, today’s “percent positive” would fall from 12.6% to 8.7%.

    But the numbers being reported by the Florida Department of Health are not the numbers that were reported by the labs. It appears the Florida Department of Health is taking lab numbers and multiplying them by whatever factor is necessary to achieve a “100% positive rate” across hundreds of labs. In some cases, they are multiplying the actual number of infections by a factor of ten.
    As Fox 35 News reports:
    FOX 35 News found that testing sites like one local Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive… The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the [state] report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report… The report also showed that the Orlando Veteran’s Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA told FOX 35 News on Tuesday that this does not reflect their numbers and that the positivity rate for the center is actually 6 percent.
    In other words, labs across Florida are delivering numbers to the Florida Department of Health, and that department is then fudging the numbers to wildly inflate the infection count, utterly ignoring what the labs are actually reporting.
    This isn’t just a case of failing to reporting negative test results
    Those who are downplaying the degree of this stunning science fraud are trying to claim that labs in Florida simply failed to report negative test results. But that’s a mistake: It’s clear from the Fox 35 investigation that labs which had reported both positive and negative test results to the state saw all the “negative” results transformed into “positive” results by the Florida Department of Health.
    In essence, this is just like election rigging, and it’s most likely Democrats working inside the Florida government who are doing this to try to sabotage Florida’s reopening and blame Florida’s Republican governor for the economic fallout.
    It’s just another left-wing sabotage campaign, in other words, that relies on rigged science fraud, just like the entire climate change hoax.
    Predictably, the Florida Department of Health tried to blame the labs for their own rigging of the numbers:
    “The Department immediately began working with those labs to ensure that all results were being reported in order to provide comprehensive and transparent data,” a spokesperson for the Florida Department of Health said. “As the state continues to receive results from various labs, the Department will continue educating these labs on proper protocol for reporting COVID-19 test results.”
    But the labs aren’t to blame. They were reporting the correct numbers to the state, and it looks like the state was multiplying those numbers to the maximum allowable margin (100%) in order to hype up the second wave and force the governor to declare a second lockdown, causing widespread economic devastation across the state.
    Economic terrorism via science fraud
    This is really a case of terrorism via science fraud. By rigging the numbers, saboteurs inside the Florida government are able to terrorize millions of Floridians, causing widespread economic devastation (via lockdowns) and, by contrast, taking heat off New York for its atrocious handling of the coronavirus, where Gov. Cuomo was sentencing elderly people to death by stuffing them into nursing facilities where the coronavirus was running wild.
    As a result of the massive science fraud, here’s how Florida’s infection numbers now look:

    The only way to get to 15,000 new infections per day in Florida, it turns out, is to fake the test results and declare almost everyone who gets tested to be “positive.”
    As the editor of this publication, I have received numerous texts from individuals who tell me they registered for a COVID-19 test but skipped the actual test due to long lines, only later to receive a letter in the mail telling them they tested “positive” for coronavirus. These are people who weren’t even tested at all.
    Apparently, even if you’re not tested for the coronavirus, you can still test “positive” according to the public health criminals working for the State of Florida.
    We cannot trust COVID-19 test results from any government “authority” … because they are run by traitors, not scientists
    This is why it’s now clear that coronavirus testing cannot be trusted anywhere in America. Not only do the tests often produce false positive results, but even when testing labs report negative numbers to the state, those numbers get twisted around and transformed into “positive” test results.
    Much of the so-called “second wave,” it seems, is nothing more than a junk science fabrication bordering on criminal fraud.
    Then again, Democrats rig everything: Vote-by-mail fraud, politically rigged online censorship, rigged debate questions that favor Democrats, rigged news coverage from the utterly tabloid fake news New York Times, and so on. There’s nothing the Democrats do that’s rooted in honesty, authenticity, scientific integrity or fairness. They rig every game and cheat in every debate because that’s the only way they can maintain control over public policy.
    And right now, the junk science lies of Leftists are dictating public policy in Florida, where over 20 million people are going to suffer more job losses, more lockdowns and more homelessness because a bunch of criminal anti-Trump lunatics are using faked numbers to run a pandemic psyop on the entire nation. It’s sickening, but it’s also what we’ve come to expect from Leftists who have now invaded every institution in our society and are exploiting their power to systematically destroy our national economy.
    Maybe it’s time to start arresting those who commit fraud in an attempt to sabotage this nation. Because aren’t their actions really economic terrorism disguised as “science?”
    07/14/2020 / By Mike Adams

    • Bob Smith says:

      I live in Palm Beach county and the endlessly renewed mask and social distancing mandate has become incredibly tiresome. Every 30 days they rubber stamp a renewal, which makes a mockery of the 30 day limit for such orders. DeSantis should have forbidden local orders like this.

  36. Anthony Zappia says:

    “Needless to say, any and all serious harm and death caused by the vaccine anywhere will be attributed to “the pandemic disease.””
    Jon, this doesn’t make sense. Wouldn’t such cases undermine the efficacy of the vaccine? Wouldn’t they simply ignore or hide such cases and label any reports as false or fake news?

  37. Bob Smith says:

    I don’t know Pfizer is getting around the induced autoimmune disease problem that mRNA vaccines have. No mRNA vaccine has ever been approved by the FDA before because they induce new autoimmune disease at statistically significant (up to 50%!) rates.

  38. Phil T says:

    The Army are using are lateral flow assay instead of the PCR in Liverpool UK to test for COVID. So far out of the 43k people that have been tested only 220 have been confirmed as positive, much less than PCR. Change the test to reduce the case numbers.

  39. irish Eye says:

    covid is about one thing, not a vaccine but health id requirement for most human interaction.

  40. Sean Jay says:

    So thankful President Biden made all this happen. Without him we would have waited an extra long time for the vaccine. Rumor is, he is going to forgo Thanksgiving with his family so that he and Bill Gates can traverse the country, personally giving the injections. Heard he is already getting the Nobel Peace Prize for 2008-2035.

  41. ilo says:

    I don’t have any hope that this comment will be read being buried in over 100 other comments. But your assertion that “they” will change the test to make it seem the vaccine works I don’t think will happen. It can’t. There IS actually disease. It’s not a virus but there IS a disease. And with the ongoing rollout of 5G by land and by satellite, this illness will continue to increase in number and severity. This is the actual reason for the illness. They will say there is a NEW mutation. The vaccine will NOT work.

  42. J van everen says:

    Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020
    This extensive review report has been officially submitted to Eurosurveillance editorial board on 27th November 2020 via their submission-portal, enclosed to this review report is a retraction request letter, signed by all the main & co-authors. First and last listed names are the first and second main authors. All names in between are co-authors.

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