“But I spoke with my virologist friend and he said…”

by Jon Rappoport

October 16, 2020

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Dr. Scott Atlas, coronavirus advisor to President Trump: “History will record the faces of public health expertise, as some of the most sinful, egregious epic failures in the history of public policy. They have killed people, with their lack of understanding. The policy itself is a crime against humanity.” [1]

Ever since I provided compelling evidence that no one has proved the COVID virus exists [2] [3] [4], I’ve been getting a sprinkling of messages from people:

“My good friend, who is a virologist, says the virus is very real…”

“My friend, a geneticist, says you don’t need to have an isolated specimen of the virus, as long as you’ve sequenced its genetic structure…”

“My doctor friend says people are dying, so it must be the virus…”

This is like saying, “Two years after the September 11th attacks, I spoke with my friend, who used to work for the CIA, and he said the 9/11 Commission Report was absolutely correct.”

“My brother knew Earl Warren, and Justice Warren said Lee Oswald acted alone when he shot John Kennedy…”

“My cousin’s father-in-law was a business associate of the chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the chairman assured him the Fed has never manipulated interest rates for clandestine purposes.”

Why would you ask the fox who is guarding the hen house to account for the diminishing population of hens?

“But…but this is DIFFERENT. The COVID VIRUS is SCIENCE.”

No. It’s not science. This is about an investigation into what is CALLED science.

Therefore, everything is up for grabs. Everything is on the table.

A man named Socrates figured this out a long time ago. He would ask an aristocrat what Justice was, and when the aristocrat blithely said it was what everyone supposed it was, Socrates would point out the obvious fallacy in this line of approach.

If you only seek answers from a person whose specialty is…what your investigation is all about…why are you investigating? Simply to learn what an “expert” believes? That will be a very short and unproductive inquiry.

In the forgotten subject called Logic, that fallacy is called Appeal to Authority. It’s the most obvious fallacy of all.

If you ask an engineer questions about building bridges, and he has designed many bridges that still stand up after millions of hours of traffic streaming across them, you’ll learn useful information. But proving the existence of a virus is a different proposition. Very different.

Asking a mainstream geneticist whether the COVID virus has been proven to exist is very much like asking a news anchor whether he reports the facts every night.

An actual investigation into “the science” of discovering viruses would consider dissident views. For example, here is what German virologist Stefan Lanka has written about this process: [5]

“Individual molecules are extracted from the components of dead tissue and cells, they are misinterpreted to be part of a virus and are theoretically put together into a virus model…”

“With only a few mouseclicks, a program can arrange [an outcome] as desired, by putting together short sequences of nucleic acids from dead tissue and cells with a determined biochemical composition, a larger genetic sequence that is supposed to represent the complete genome of an old or new virus. In reality, not even this manipulation, called ‘alignment’, can result in the ‘complete’ genetic material of a virus which could then be called its genome.”

“In this process of theoretical construction of the so-called ‘viral DNA or viral RNA strands’, those sequences that don’t fit are ‘smoothed out’ and missing ones are added. Thus, a RNA or DNA sequence is invented which doesn’t exist in reality and which was never discovered [or] scientifically demonstrated as a whole.”

A hundred years ago, if you had asked a virologist what was causing a devastating skin disease in the American South, called pellagra, he would have authoritatively told you it was a virus. And perhaps you then would have written to a journalist who’d stated there was no proof for the virus theory: “I learned from a virologist that a virus is definitely causing these skin outbreaks…”

But the cause turned out to be a niacin deficiency.

Months ago, I wrote a number of articles breaking down the false phenomenon called COVID-19. For the most part, the people who are dying are dying of traditional lung conditions (pneumonia, TB, etc.) falsely re-labeled COVID. Pollution is one major cause. A huge number of these people are the elderly, who are already suffering from multiple long-term health conditions, made far worse by years of treatment with toxic drugs. WHAT IS CALLED COVID IS NOT ONE DISEASE WITH ONE CAUSE. [6]

No new virus is required as an explanation.

At the highest levels of technocracy, the major players want this fake pandemic to serve as the gateway and the rationale for a new civilization: surveillance, obedience, slavery.

The launch-point in 2019 was the virus that wasn’t and isn’t there.

A hundred years ago, the Rockefeller Empire set out to prove there were many needs for their new products: pharmaceutical drugs. They employed researchers who could greatly expand the idea that harmful germs were everywhere—germs that required treatment with these drugs.

At the root of this enterprise were virologists, who understood the mission, who understood what they were getting paid for: the invention of new methods for detecting germs.

“Detection” took on added meaning. You didn’t actually have to find the germs. You had to concoct more sophisticated methods that would be taught and believed and accepted. These methods were actually STORIES.

The Rockefeller experts were story tellers.

Rockefeller agents and Rockefeller salesmen then sold the stories.

Their descendants are following the same playbook.

One of their main jobs is cementing THE VIRUS STORY in the public mind. They do it with the coda: “THIS IS SCIENCE.”

No, it’s mind control par excellence.


[1] https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trumps-covid-advisor-lockdown-architects-should-be-held-accountable

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/08/the-smoking-gun-where-is-the-coronavirus-the-cdc-says-it-isnt-available/

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/09/covid-the-virus-that-isnt-there-the-root-fraud-exposed/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/13/yet-another-case-of-the-missing-virus-they-lied-and-locked-down-the-world/

[5] https://www.globalresearch.ca/dr-stefan-lanka-2020-article-busts-virus-misconception/5719146

[6] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/01/covid-its-not-one-thing-its-not-one-disease/

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

104 comments on ““But I spoke with my virologist friend and he said…”

  1. youarepartofthelies says:

    The argument presented by this blogger is not logical at all. “The CDC says they do not have isolates of the virus available to them, this means the virus does not exist”.

    Actually, the only conclusion we can draw from that one paragraph from that one page of that document, is that the CDC does not have isolates of the virus available to them. That’s it. The blogger repeatedly talks about logic, and has somehow missed this obvious lack of a conclusion.

    Next, one would ask “Why don’t they have isolates of the virus available to them?”, and they would go from there. This individual is not asking why, he is claiming he knows why. Jumping to conclusions is not logical.

    Not only that, “How do you know?” is not an argument, it is a question. How does the blogger know anything about the Rockefellers? He watched some shows and read some books (someone told him, and he believed them) and now he knows. He is mocking people for doing the same things he is doing in his blog.

    I wish people would open their minds and be more skeptical of EVERYTHING they read. Being skeptical of the existence of this virus (or all viruses) is fine. Declaring something as truth without proving it (the same thing this blogger is accusing others of doing) does nothing to help anyone.

    • Lyn P says:

      You may be missing the inferred (yet obvious to most here) LONG string of Jon’s relevant prior knowledge due to decades’ worth of research on the topics at hand. How long have you read Jon’s work? How much depth of related study are you aware he has done? Is he to preface every article with 1,000s of lines of earlier study to placate your accusation of “one paragraph” conclusions.

      Likely you have also missed the other global inquiries via FOIA, etc. that have been made to health bodies in Canada, UK etc. where the reply was that they DO NOT HAVE the virus or a paper proving it. Ain’t gonna find that in the media, have to RESEARCH it or know the sources who do.

      There IS massive corroboration to the thesis here, apparently it is you not following your research prescription.

      • yapotl says:

        I don’t particularly care about any of that. This blogger’s research on the topics at hand is no more trustworthy than anyone else’s.

        I do not now what you think I am talking about, but I have said nothing of anyone’s research or a “research prescription” or research at all.

        This has been presented as a logical argument, I am disputing that. The argument does not follow an actual line of logical reasoning.

        “Why don’t they have a sample”? Can lead to more than one conclusion. The current conclusion is invalid because of this. “We don’t have a sample available to us” and “we do not have the virus” are not the same statement. Calling things “tricky wording” to make the meaning of a sentence fit one’s argument doesn’t actually change the meaning of the sentence.

        It is not an accusation of a one-paragraph conclusion, it is a one-paragraph conclusion he repeats in the blogs he writes.

    • JohnnyZ says:

      Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

      “That which is asserted without evidence [a “novel” virus] can be dismissed without evidence.” (Hitchens’ Razor).

      The burden of proof is on the CDC et al.

  2. jjtech says:

    “Today I’m thrilled to announce that we have just finalized the partnership with CVS and Walgreens — two places you know pretty well, I guess — to immediately deliver the vaccine directly to nursing homes at no cost to our seniors. No cost. (Applause.) Right? No cost.

    And once you have that vaccine — these are very effective. Once you have that vaccine, you can open those doors and say, “Here I am.” (Laughter.)”
    Donald J. Trump

    Who are they laughing at? YOU.
    donald trump = swamp.

    • jjtech says:

      And one more thing. If I had a chance, a single chance, I’d drop the mother of all bombs on the white house (whore house). There would be no hesitation. Or better yet, I’d drop the father of all bombs on this scum of the earth. they are the MURDERERS. They should all hang from lamp posts.

    • Jeanette says:

      I triggered over that one too, but… I tend to believe that he is using the narrative of the vaccines for:
      a) people WANT a vaccine
      b) TDS is so deep that anything Trump says, HAS to be disbelieved.. so if he propagates (proper English word? Foreigner here) vaccines, DS/D will automatically go against it
      c) I believe he has a cure or therapeutics, in fact, that’s what he literally said during his interview after his own CV19

      But.. then again.. it can also be one big psy-op.. I hope it isn’t, but it can still be.. unfortunately the only thing that will truly tell is time

  3. jjtech says:

    “Give me the control over nations money and I don’t care who makes its’ the laws” – interesting question: who said this? And where is he FROM?

  4. M - says:

    Call me a cynic. Call me cantankerous. Call me suspicious. Call me a rebel…But don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m stupid.

    ANYTIME “the media” start ramming something down our throats I immediately dig my heels in. I never buy whatever it is they are trying so desperately to sell us. Never. Ever.

    I take flak over this but I really could not care less. People are entitled to their opinions – including MOI.

    My mantra? “Fuck them and fuck that.”

  5. Michael BoryAlis says:

    And . . CIA Agent Jackie, shot the bullet that blew out JFK’s brains.

    • Jeanette says:

      oh wow… didn’t hear/read of that one yet… please enlighten me where to search…. (not being sarcastic, I’m wide awake but never heard of the CIA agent Jackie… and yes.. I know who is meant by that, I think.. jeezzz.. this world nowadays is totally lacking any holding points from anything learnt in the last 59 years of my life.. have to invent it all again .. that’s the hardest part IMO.. having to realise that everything I ever learnt is just plain fake, phony and false..

  6. Arby says:

    Scott Atlas is just a good cop in the ‘good cop / bad cop’ routine, as far as I’m concerned. His boss is ready to send out soldiers to force vaccinate Americans. (I’m Canadian, but our gangster politicians have similar plans.) Scott: “They have killed people, with their lack of understanding.” Vaccines, like masks, are ‘only’ harmful and Scott is pro vaccine. You can’t twist that to make it into something positive. Scott is either relatively stupid and believes that there can be safe vaccines (poison) or else he’s in on the hoax.

  7. Jeanette says:

    What almost everyone living in this modern day and age seems to forget (at least the ones in the category “believers of the deadly virus pandemic”)..
    We are living in the 21st century, humans and humanoids have probably been around for several millions of years, hygiene and living circumstances have never been so good as now, and since about a 100 odd years we suddenly need drugs to cure and/or protect us from viruses??

    If those (non living) “entities” were THAT dangerous, in these CLEAN times, HOW in the world did we make it through all those millenia as a species?

    Logic has totally been replaced with fear-porn the last decades.. nobody is encouraged to use their brains anymore… and everybody still believes that the government has their interests at heart.. come on people, wake up!

  8. Em says:

    hi im interested in Freud being a fraud could you please provide me a link on this? thanks

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