COVID: Fake study, Fake drug, Fake land of loons

by Jon Rappoport

June 10, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

As many of you know, a major study on the drug, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), has been retracted by the Lancet, a mere 13 days after it was published. That might be a world record.

The study, using a gigantic data set of 96,000 patients in 671 hospitals, concluded the drug was useless for treating COVID-19 patients, and posed health dangers.

The study (briefly) had the effect of convincing medical professionals, governments, media, and the public that HCQ was a total failure. A COVID drug would have to come from somewhere else.

Only one problem:

The authors of the study and the Lancet reviewers now confess the data can’t be found. The strong suggestion is, the data never existed.

The relentless and brilliant journalist, Celia Farber, covers the whole sordid story at She points out that “Remdesivir, [the toxic COVID drug] ‘touted’ by Anthony Fauci…costs $1,000 per pill, whereas HCQ’s generic price is $0.64.” That’s called a clue.

And, of course, the plan is to keep the whole COVID farce going long enough to make the Bill Gates vaccine the primary instrument of treatment, through “prevention.”

The next part of this article was prompted by a story a friend told me: a graduate student, when informed about the Lancet retraction, blew up and said, “Don’t you care about SCIENCE?” Scratching an inch below the surface of his non-sequitur outburst, his meaning was clear—he hates Trump, Trump said he was taking HCQ, so HCQ must be terrible, so the discredited Lancet study must actually be accurate. And that’s science. Isn’t this charming? And how many thousands of dollars did this student’s education cost?

So let’s focus on one sector of the massive population of loons who are dutifully wearing masks and trudging down life’s path hypnotized by the COVID myth:

College students.

Several years ago, I posted a staggering statistic from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): “More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”

Aside from the zombifying effects of the psychiatric drugs (made even more dangerous by any effort to quickly withdraw from them), the students gain a new perspective from the mental-disorder diagnosis: they’re victims. And now a COVID pandemic? They can wear their masks and deepen that self-image. Wonderful.

Big Brother has given them a psychiatric diagnosis, meds, and an excuse for not succeeding in life. Big Brother has also given millions of them student loans. An illusion of a free ride.

Victim mindset, free ride. Perfect.

Throw off those COVID masks? Not a chance. That would suggest the possibility of independence. Goes against victimhood.

Victims try and whine and moan but never really succeed. That lifestyle sounds interesting. Put it on. Have fun with it. Adjust attitudes. Become a “heroic victim.” Who knew there was such an option?

Who is Big Brother? The college students hazily think about who is supplying them with the “free” psychiatric meds, who is issuing orders about the pandemic, and who is handing out their loans. Seems to be the government on all counts. OK, love Big Brother, love the government. Done.

If these students are learning anything at all in college, what is it? Well, at the top of the list would be: “science is truth.” Simple, easy, graspable.

In this “pandemic,” who is the main figure? Who is the one who SEEMS to be on the side of science, with no political ax to grind? Fauci.

Well, good. Fauci represents the government, Big Brother. Love Fauci. Follow Fauci.

Where are the students’ brothers and sisters in the cult of victims? Where are they to be found, whining and bitching and moaning? On Twitter. Good. Love Twitter. Quick, easy, no thinking necessary. Type three sentences, that’s work for the day. Whew. Relax.

Watch YouTube videos. Let the images and the voiceover flow by.

Creative vision, energy, ambition, logic? Empty words from a gone world.

Besides, AI is taking over everything. An automatic system from Big Brother. No effort necessary.

“Going outside for a few minutes now. Put on my mask. No problem. When I’m out on the street, all I do is look at my cell phone anyway. Just need to stay six feet apart. I can do that. Victim hero behind the mask.”

The student vaguely remembers a moment last year when he was at the museum and stopped at a painting by Goya. It ripped his heart out. It sent torrents of energy up his spine. But…the memory passes. The meds kick in. That was life as it used to be.

No more. Now it’s signs and signals of social justice and the cell phone and twitter and the drugs and the mask and the victimhood and the loans and Fauci and the pandemic, etc., etc.





Note: the NAMI figure of 25%, which I found several years ago and cited above in this article, seems to have been scrubbed from search engines. NAMI is now pegging the figure at closer to 20%.

Instead of accepting diagnoses of made-up mental disorders, parents seeking to understand their children’s anxieties at college ought to consider the following: “…National Center for Education Statistics [is] reporting that many 12th grade students in the United States are reading and writing at a fifth grade level. Many college students take transitional coursework to improve their literacy skills in their first year of college. The National Center for Education Statistics reported that about one third of first-year college students take transitional courses… At some post-secondary institutions [colleges], the percentage of first-year students who enroll in transitional classes is as high as 60%…”:


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

To citizens wearing medical masks: you’re whacko conspiracy theorists

by Jon Rappoport

June 9, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Mask wearers of the world, take them off—you have nothing to lose but your insanity…

Journal of the American Medical Association, April 17, 2020, “Masks and Coronavirus Disease”: “Unless you are sick, a health care worker, or caring for someone who has COVID-19, medical masks (including surgical face masks and N95s) are not recommended.”

At Children’s Health Defense, JB Handley has written an excellent article, “LOCKDOWN LUNACY: The Thinking Person’s Guide.” Here are two highlights from his section on masks:

“May 29, the World Health Organization announced that masks should only be worn by healthy people if they are taking care of someone infected with COVID-19:”

“’If you do not have any respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, you do not need to wear a mask,’ Dr. April Baller, a public health specialist for the WHO, says in a video on the world health body’s website posted in March. ‘Masks should only be used by healthcare workers, caretakers or by people who are sick with symptoms of fever and cough’.”

“…I often see this study from 2015 in the BMJ cited: ‘A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers’, and it bears repeating, since MOST of the masks I see people wearing in the community right now are cloth masks. Not only are these masks 100% ineffective at reducing the spread of COVID-19, but they can actually harm you. As the researchers explain:”

“’This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection…’”

Of course, I understand that when people are conspiracy whackos wearing their masks, they don’t respond well to facts, even when those facts come from the very organizations they believe in with religious fervor.

Here is something else from the Washington State Nurses Association: “Reprocessing masks using toxic chemicals is not a solution”:

“Nurses are reporting that respirators and face masks at WSNA repre-sented Providence facilities are being collected for reprocessing using ethylene oxide to decontaminate. The EPA has concluded that ethylene oxide is carcinogenic to humans and that exposure to ethylene oxide increases the risk of lymphoid cancer and, for females, breast cancer.”

“WSNA sent a cease and desist demand to Providence facilities where our members work, demanding an immediate halt to the reusing of any face masks, including N 95 and other respirators, that have been decontaminated by the ethylene oxide cleaning process. In addition, WSNA is preparing complaints to be filed with the Washington State Department of Occupational Safety and Health, highlighting this workplace hazard.”

“WSNA believes that the reuse of face masks or respirators cleaned with ethylene oxide violates the employer’s legal duty to ensure that nurses and other health care workers are afforded a safe and healthful working environment. While hospitals have long used ethylene oxide to clean certain surgical equipment, it should not be used to decontami-nate face masks or respirators, through which nurses and other health care workers must breathe for many hours at a time.”

“…The CDC warns that ethylene oxide is carcinogenic and teratogenic, and that ‘inhalation of ethylene oxide has been linked to neurologic dysfunction and may cause other harmful effects to the wearer’.”

“Prolonged exposure to ethylene oxide can hurt eyes and LUNGS, harm the brain and nervous system, and potentially cause lymphomas, leukemia, and breast cancer. This extremely hazardous toxic chemical poses a severe risk to human health.” [CAPS are mine.]

Is the use of toxic ethylene oxide to treat masks widespread? According to the Chicago Tribune, way back in March, Medline Industries was reprocessing 100,000 medical masks a day. They applied to the FDA for permission to use ethylene oxide. But wasn’t the horse already out of the barn? Weren’t they already using the chemical? I’ve queried Medline to find out whether the FDA has approved their application.

And finally, I have a lone report about a person from the region of Piedmont, Italy, who checked out his medical mask, which he’d received in the mail from the Department of Civil Protection. He discovered it contained zinc pyrithione.

If true, this is ominous. Consulting a simple safety data sheet on the chemical, from Cayman Chemical, I found a succinct statement: “Toxic if inhaled.”

But of course, medical masks must be worn. The lockdown authorities tell us so. They know. They must know because, well, they’re on television.

Keep breathing through that mask. It’s “safe and effective.”







The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Vaccination: how the West invades the world

cc: to Bill Gates

by Jon Rappoport

June 8, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

“A great wave of missionaries brings a fairy tale to the Third World. These outsiders are the priests in white coats. They offer medical treatments for problems they can’t possibly solve. The self-generated delusions of the doctors about their ‘success’ are stupendous.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Vaccination is the prow, the leading edge of the invasion.

Convincing nations that vaccines are absolutely essential opens the way for all the other practices of Western medicine. Especially mass drugging.

In recent years (think Swine Flu, SARS and other fake epidemics — including COVID-19), the World Health Organization has played a major role in insisting—with threats of sanctions and quarantines and travel advisories—that nations vaccinate their citizens to the hilt, in order to protect the world against “the deadly spread of viruses.”

The WHO wields significant power in this regard. It is a pharmaceutical enforcer.

There is a hidden aspect of the vaccination-invasion: the local political leaders of “backward” nations stand to gain from the vaccine ruse.

Instead of having to admit they are causing widespread death and devastation by maintaining poverty, hunger, starvation, unsanitary overcrowded living conditions, and contaminated water supplies—all of this on purpose, in order to keep their populations weak and under control—the leaders in those countries can say:

“Our people are suffering from specific diseases, over which we have no control. We are afflicted with viruses. We must take steps. We must upgrade our medical care programs. The first step is instituting widespread vaccination against viruses.”

This con lets them off the hook. This con is a cover story that obscures what these leaders are actually doing to their own people. This con obscures the fact that, when living conditions are execrable and miserable, disease arises independent of what particular germs are circulating. The imposed conditions of life destroy immune systems, period.

Vaccination, as a “bonus” for repressive leaders, actually makes things much worse for populations. It pushes already weakened immune systems (and healthy systems, too) over the edge.

Consider also how mega-corporations benefit.

After making deals with local dictators to set up shop, hire workers for pennies a day, steal land and resources—keeping populations weak, sick, debilitated, and therefore less able to rebel against the outright theft of their countries—these corporations also have a built-in cover story:

“It’s shame what’s happening to the people here, all this disease. Therefore, we wholly support bringing in medical aid, to stem the tide…”

As if doctors and drugs and vaccines could cure the destruction wrought by abject poverty and starvation.

The degree of brainwashing propaganda about the miracle of medicine is extraordinary.

People watch/read news stories about doctors and medical supplies going to impoverished countries, and casually assume there is some connection between that and bringing health to millions of people.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

“Yes, I see you’ve been hungry for 20 years. Here is a drug. And roll up your tattered sleeve for 10 vaccines.”

Any doctor worth his salt understands these things. He knows. He knows he is being used as a prop in a fantasy stage production of The Cure: A Great Deception.

The man in the white coat comes to dinner, but there is no dinner.

“Hello. I represent a few mega-corporations who, in conjunction with your leaders, have stolen your country from you, taken the best farm land, the richest minerals, and put you to work at starvation wages. Therefore, you’re sick. So now I’m going to help you with a shot in the arm that will do nothing to raise your level of health. But I’ll pretend it will.”

Many years ago, in my college bulletin, a young doctor wrote a piece about his experiences in Africa. He grasped a fraction of the truth. He mentioned that severe dehydration/diarrhea was a leading cause of death there, but the medical people refused to give out simple packs that would at least, for the moment, rehydrate the sufferers. Instead, they insisted on administering antibiotics—which of course made the problem worse by killing off beneficial gut bacteria.

Thirty years later, while I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., I got a call from a doctor who had set up a small AIDS clinic in Uganda. He simply gave his patients clean rooms and nutritious food, and helped them start a little farm, where they grew beans and sold them. That’s all.

He said to me, “All their AIDS symptoms went away. What do I do now?”

The first thing he could do was realize that HIV was a stupendous cover story to explain “why so many people in Africa were sick.”

He was something close to a healer, and he had done his job well. But because of his indoctrination, he didn’t know it.

When experts rattle on about how vaccination has wiped out many diseases in the Third World, what they really mean is: vaccines have suppressed the visible symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of these diseases. But new symptoms will arise, and they will be called other disease-names. It’s a shell game.

I challenge anyone to show me large, correctly done studies that track people in the Third World who have received the usual batches of vaccines. Show me that the overall health level of these people has improved over time.

In other words, show me that people who are chronically affected by hunger, starvation, contaminated water, and unsanitary overcrowded living conditions are somehow enjoying improved health because they were given shots in the arm.

“Well, when you put it that way…”

I do put it that way. Because that’s the way it is.

All the laudatory verbiage about the unparalleled success of vaccines in the Third World is just more illusion, more cover story, more diversion.

The invasion is ongoing.

The invaders are the same people and the same groups who are going to try to inject every human on Earth with a COVID-19 vaccine.

So you trust them, right? And you won’t resist them, right?


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Goodbye to the Matrix

by Jon Rappoport

Here are a few key quotes from an introduction I wrote to my collection, Exit From The Matrix. This collection contains over 50 exercises designed to increase the individual’s creative power:

“There is a non-material faculty called imagination. If that is stimulated, perception immediately expands.”

“With imagination, one can solve a problem. More importantly, one can skip ahead of the problem and render it null and void.”

“Imagination isn’t a system. It might invent systems, but it is non-material. It’s a capacity. It feels no compulsion to imitate reality. It makes realities.”

“Here is the secret about time. There is always a gap, a discontinuity between the past and present. Why? Because you and your vision and action are that gap. It is always there, in the same way that a blank canvas is always there for the painter. Time doesn’t invent you. You invent time.”

“I’m not breaking a system into parts. I’m not trying to teach a person how to tie his shoes. I’m talking about the proliferation of endless new worlds, not seen through a porthole, but imagined and invented.”

“Feelings are considered to be internal human structure and architecture. But what you imagine and create are far more important—and the creative process radically and naturally changes feelings in a positive way, as a side effect.”

“The cells of your body respond as you imagine and create a vision of your life and future. That’s when the cells really come into their own, that’s when they bathe in new energy.”

Here are the full contents of my mega-collection Exit From The Matrix. You can order it here:

exit from the matrix

Here are the contents of my collection, Exit From The Matrix:

First, my audio presentations:















Then you will receive the following audio seminars I have previously done:

* Mind Control, Mind Freedom

* The Transformations

* Desire, Manifestation and Fulfillment

* Altered States, Consciousness, and Magic

* Beyond Structures

* The Mystery and Magic of Dialogue

* The Voyage of Merlin

* Modern Alchemy and Imagination

* Imagination and Spiritual Enlightenment

* Dissolving Stress

* The Paranormal Project

* Zen Painting for Everyone Now

* Past Lives, Archetypes, and Hidden Sources of Human Energy

* Expression of Self

* Imagination Exercises for a Lifetime

* Old Planet, New Planet, New Mind

* The Era of Magic Returns

* Your Power Revealed

* Universes Without End

* Relationships

* Building a Business for Success

I have included an additional bonus section:

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (pdf document)

* My book, The Ownership of All Life (pdf document)

* A long excerpt from my briefly published book, Full Power (pdf document)

* My 24 articles in the series, “Coaching the Coaches” (pdf document)

And these audio seminars:

* The Role of Medical Drugs in Human Illness

* Longevity One: The Mind-Body Connection

* Longevity Two: The Nutritional Factors

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the documents and books are pdf files. You download the files upon purchase. There is no physical ship.)

What has been called The Matrix is a series of layers. These layers compose what we call Reality. Reality is not merely the consensus people accept in their daily lives. It is also a personal and individual conception of limits. It is a perception that these limits are somehow built into existence. But this is not true.

What I’ve done here is remove the lid on those perceived limits. This isn’t an intellectual undertaking. It’s a way to open up space and step on to a new road, with new power.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

How I assembled The Matrix Revealed: The Key Symbol

by Jon Rappoport

The key was handed to me by a colleague and friend.

In 1987, when I was researching my book, AIDS INC., I took a side road. It was prompted by a conversation I had with the brilliant hypnotherapist, Jack True. He was telling me about experiences he’d had with his patients under hypnosis.

“Some patients encounter a ‘monolith’,” he said. “They come across a symbol that is there in the subconscious. Sometimes it looks like a closed door. Sometimes it shows up as a blank wall. Sometimes it’s a geometric shape. One patient actually called it a ‘brick sky’.”

“But in every case, it locked up the patient’s ability to recall or explore under hypnosis. It was like a giant obstruction on a road. However, these patients could describe something about the nature of the symbol. They said it was broadcasting a message: ‘THIS IS REALITY’.”

“The patients were in awe of the symbol. It had a deep emotional effect on them. It was as if many different realities had come together to form this single symbol, like separate pieces clicking into place.”

Jack went further. He stated that the symbol induced a profound passivity in his patients…

Jack subsequently devised strategies to take apart the symbol, so these patients could rid themselves of their passivity and access huge amounts of previously blocked energies.

Well, I was shocked, because my research on my book had followed a parallel course. I’ll explain.

The AIDS cover story that had been invented by medical researchers was all about One Reality, one disease condition caused by one virus, one label, one symbol for the condition: “AIDS”.

When, in fact, that was “the obstruction on the road” which was blocking further investigation. In fact, the whole “Oneness” myth was a lie. A gigantic lie.

A very, very convincing lie. An awesome lie.

The truth was, so-called AIDS was many different conditions (realities) which had been falsely “clicked” together, through massive propaganda.

That was the key to unlocking the puzzle. And it was the key for me to move into new territory with new energy and confidence.

I’d been stalled at the wall, but now I could advance.

The awesome symbol, “AIDS,” had been shattered to pieces.

Since the publication of my book, I’ve of course investigated a number of other subjects, and in each case, there was a symbol, a monolith, an obstruction, and in every case I’ve taken the monolith apart to discover that it’s hiding a plurality of scandals and crimes and deceptions and realities.

The One False Unity concealing The Many.

These monoliths are very, very effective because—and this is vitally important to understand—they mirror the tendency of the subconscious mind to fall to its knees before A Single Symbol.

People gravitate to single causes, single symbols in every area of life, and they don’t penetrate further.

This is an aspect of the Matrix.

False Unities are the meat and potatoes of very high-level propaganda. They are launched in politics, economics, organized religion, science, psychology, the military, mind control, in all the academic disciplines.

As an analogy, consider a painting in which the three-dimensional perspective has been radically shortened to eliminate the background. But the background is really where all the action is. The foreground is the false Oneness.

Grasping all of this allowed me to go further than I thought possible in putting together The Matrix Revealed. My method of investigation altered radically, and I hit paydirt.

The Matrix is a multi-layered, multi-dimensional operation, seeded with symbols that broadcast FALSE UNITY.

And these symbols collaborate with the subconscious tendency to buy those UNITIES.

Your freedom and power emerge when the subconscious tendency is made conscious and can be seen in the light of day.

That is the purpose of my collection, The Matrix Revealed.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Here are the contents of The Matrix Revealed:

* 250 megabytes of information.

* Over 1100 pages of text.

* Ten and a half hours of audio.

The 2 bonuses alone are rather extraordinary:

* My complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, which includes the teacher’s manual and audio to guide you. I was previously selling the course for $375. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.

* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst. I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.

The heart and soul of this product are the text interviews I conducted with Matrix-insiders, who have first-hand knowledge of how the major illusions of our world are put together:

* JACK TRUE, the most creative hypnotherapist on the face of the planet. Jack’s anti-Matrix understanding of the mind and how to liberate it is unparalleled. His insights are unique, staggering. 43 interviews, 320 pages.

* ELLIS MEDAVOY, master of PR, propaganda, and deception, who worked for key controllers in the medical and political arenas. 28 interviews, 290 pages.

* RICHARD BELL, financial analyst and trader, whose profound grasp of market manipulation and economic-rigging is formidable, to say the least. 16 interviews, 132 pages.

Also included:

* Several more interviews with brilliant analysts of the Matrix. 53 pages.

* The ten and a half hours of mp3 audio are my solo presentation, based on these interviews and my own research. Title: The Multi-Dimensional Planetary Chessboard—The Matrix vs. the Un-Conditioning of the Individual.

(All the material is digital. Upon ordering it, you’ll receive an email with a link to it.)

Understanding Matrix is also understanding your capacity and power, and that is the way to approach this subject. Because liberation is the goal. And liberation has no limit.

I invite you to a new exploration and a great adventure.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

COVID-19: a movie on the screen of life

by Jon Rappoport

June 5, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Recently, a report on the COVID-19 crisis was leaked from the German Interior Ministry.

The report states quite definitely that the whole threat has been overblown. It was a “false alarm.”

World media have taken very little notice.

As reveals (see also here), the report, “Analysis of the Crisis Management” (an English translation, here), was authored by “a scientific panel appointed by the interior ministry and composed by external medical experts from several German universities.”

“The report was the initiative of a department of the interior ministry called Unit KM4 and in charge [of] the ‘Protection of critical infrastructures’.”

“Some of the [leaked] report key passages are:
* The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
* The people who die from Corona are essentially those who would statistically die this year, because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stress (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation).
* Worldwide, within a quarter of a year, there has been no more than 250,000 deaths from Covid-19, compared to 1.5 million deaths [25,100 in Germany] during the influenza wave 2017/18.
* The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
* A reproach could go along these lines: During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.”

Of course, here in America, we’re grateful that the New York Times, the Washington Post, and all the major television networks have been trumpeting news of the explosive findings in the leaked German report. Our major media have been on top of this story from the beginning, with page-one headlines and lead items every night on TV news broadcasts. We’re grateful to Tony Fauci, Deb Birx, and the whole coronavirus task force crew for highlighting what’s been happening in Germany in their daily press conferences. We appreciate the hour-to-hour updates on Germany from the CDC and the WHO. Bill Gates’ breathless reports on YouTube, demolishing the official COIVD narrative and praising the German leaker, have warmed our hearts.

WAIT. Sorry. For a minute there, I thought I was writing PR releases for…some honest US government agency and media consortium that don’t actually exist. My mistake. Wrong country, wrong world, wrong universe.

Let me try to go back into the theater where the population is watching the movie called “COVID-19, Terrifying Pandemic.”

Excuse me, what? I can’t go in without a mask?

Problems, problems. I give up. I’ll just stand outside.

—I’ve written about 140 articles so far about COVID, in which I’ve disassembled the plot line of the movie.

The movie, of course, seems to take no notice of this. It just keeps playing. The studio, the producers, and the director are finished with their work. No point in asking them to “retract” what they’ve already done. And the actors…well, are their roles real? Those roles are IN the movie.

I’m going to say something controversial now. Here’s the thing. This is a special kind of movie. By exposing the studio, the producers, the director, the actors; by revealing what we could loosely call their bad intent, and their specific lies, the movie itself can change. I know that sounds preposterous, but it’s true. And by change, I mean new story lines bleeding into the central plot. I also mean something more drastic: rips and tears and shreds in the screen itself, the screen on which the movie is being projected. THAT’S what I’m REALLY interested in.

The exposure of the fact that COVID is a movie in the first place.

Now, you have to understand that the audience in the theater is hypnotized by the movie—and they also have a role to play. Whenever one or two of them start to wake up, the rest of the crowd acts as a Greek chorus. Together they say: REAL PEOPLE ARE DYING, IT MUST BE THE VIRUS.

And then those few people starting to wake up go back to sleep. Everyone in the theater is in the trance again.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be the virus. People are dying of any number of causes. But the chorus wins out.

Let me explain all this in a somewhat different way.

Here is the headline:

The Blockbuster Movie Called Reality.

There is always a certain amount of whining and remorse as one enters the theater to see the movie called Reality, after buying the ticket.

“Is this a good idea?” “Why did I do it?”

But you can already feel a merging sensation. The electromagnetic fields humming in the theater, even before the movie starts, are drawing you into the space.

Your perception of x dimensions is narrowing down to three.

You take your seat. You look at the note you’ve written to yourself, and you read it again:

“Don’t forget where you came from. Don’t forget this is just a movie. Don’t fall asleep. The serial time in the movie is an artifact. The binding feeling of sentimental sympathy is a trance-induction. It’s the glue that holds the movie fixed in your mind.”

“The movie will induce nostalgia for a past that doesn’t exist. Don’t surrender to it.”

“You’re here to find out why the movie has power.”

“You want to undergo the experience without being trapped in it.”

“The content of the movie will distract you from the fact that it is a construct.”

The lights dim.

On the big screen, against a gray background, the large blue word REALITY slowly forms.

Suddenly, you’re looking at a huge pasture filled with flowers. The sky is a shocking blue. You can feel a breeze on your arms and face.

You think, “This is a hypnotic weapon.”

Now, the pasture fades away and you’re standing on an empty city street at night. It’s drizzling. You hear sirens in the distance. A disheveled beggar approaches you and holds out his trembling hand.

He waits, then moves on.

You look at the wet shining pavement and snap your fingers, to change it into a lawn. Nothing happens.

You’re shocked.

You wave your hand at a building. It doesn’t disappear.


You reach into your pocket and feel a wallet. You walk over to a streetlight and open it. There’s your picture on a plastic ID card. Your name is under the picture, followed by a number code. On the reverse side of the card, below a plastic strip, is a thumbprint.

There are other cards in the wallet, and a small amount of paper money. You look at the ID card again. There’s an address.

Though it seems impossible, you remember the address. In your mind’s eye, you see a small cottage at the edge of an industrial town. There’s a pickup parked in the driveway.

It’s your truck. You know it. But how can that be?

You walk toward larger buildings in the distance.

Three men in uniforms turn a corner and come up to you. Behind them emerges a short man in a business suit. He nods at you and holds out his hand.

You know what he wants. You pull out your wallet and give it to him. He looks at the ID card, at you, at the card again.

“You were reported missing,” he says.

“Missing from what?” you say.

“Your home. Your job. What are doing here? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” you say. “I was…taking a short trip. I’m just out for some air.”

“In this part of the city?” he says. “That’s not smart. We’ll take you home. Our car is right over there.”

One car sits on a side street. In large red letters printed on the trunk is the word Concern.

You walk with the men to the car.

Waves you’ve never felt before are emanating from it.

Mentally, you try to back up from them. They’re targeting your body. You feel a haze settle over you.

In the haze dance little creatures. They’re speaking. You try to hear what they’re saying.

Now you do. “Real, real, real.”

You look at the short man in the suit. He’s smiling at you.

Suddenly, his smile is transcendent. It’s so reassuring, tears fill your eyes.

You’re thinking, “They built this so I would be lost, and then they found me. I’m supposed to be rescued. I’ve never experienced being rescued before. I never knew what it meant.”

You hear faint music.

It grows louder. As you near the car, you realize you’re listening to a chorus and an orchestra. The rising theme is Victory.

One of the uniformed men opens the car door.

You nod at him.

“My pleasure, sir,” he says.

The music fades away.

The scene shifts.

You’re standing next to the pickup in your driveway alongside your cottage.

You’re home.

Think, you tell yourself. What’s going on?

You recognize your mind has sections. The first part registers sensations from this new reality. These sensations are meant to be sorted, in order to answer the question: How Am I Doing?

The second part of your mind is entirely devoted to perceiving problems and solving them. Everything at this level is organized to constitute problems.

You were never aware of these two distinct sectors of your mind before.

Where did they come from?

Now, as you walk into your cottage and instantly remember the rooms and the objects in these rooms, an accompanying sensation of Familiarity, slightly out of phase, grows stronger.

You realize, without knowing how, that you’re supposed to feel tremendous relief. This is what’s expected of you.

It’s expected of everyone. They live with one another through the touchstone of the Familiar. They share it like bread.

They keep coming back to it. The Familiar is a sacrament.

It’s built in. It’s invented through…it’s stamped on every object in this space…

…In order to suggest you’ve been here before. To suggest you belong here.

As you look around the cottage, you apprehend a third sector of your mind. You struggle to identify it.

It’s the fount of a different kind of perception.


You keep staring at the cottage and you see space.

You see pure space that…

Has been placed here. For you.

And at that moment, there is a small explosion behind your head.

And you’re sitting in the theater again.

The movie is playing on the screen. All around you, in the seats, people are sitting with their eyes closed.

You feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn. It’s an usher.

“Sir,” he says. “Please follow me.”

He leads you up the aisle into the lobby, which is empty.

An office door opens and a young woman steps out. She strides briskly over to you.

“You woke up and came back,” she says. She gives you a tight smile. “So we’re refunding your money. It’s our policy.”

She drops a check in your hand.

“What happened in there?” you say. “What happened?”

She shrugs.

“Only you would know that. You must have done something to interrupt the transmission.”

“And the rest of those people?”

She looks at her watch. “They’re probably into their fifth year by now. The fifth year is typically a time of conflict. They rebel. Well, some of them do. They rearrange systems. They replace leaders. They promote new ideals.”

“I had such a strong feeling I’d been there before.”

She smiles. “Apparently it wasn’t strong enough. You’re back here.”

“How do you do it?” you say.

“I’m sorry,” she says. “That’s proprietary information. Did you meet your family?”

“No,” you say. “But I was in a cottage. It was…home.”

She nods.

“If you hadn’t escaped, you would have been subjected to much stronger bioelectric bonding pulses. Do you have a family here?”

You start to answer and realize you don’t know.

She looks into your eyes.

“Go out to the street,” she says. “Walk around. Take a nice long walk for an hour. You’ll reorient. It’ll come back to you.”

“Why do you do it?” you say.

“Do what?”

“Sell this trip.”

“Oh,” she says. “Why does a travel agent book a vacation for a client? We’re in that business.”

You turn toward the exit. The sun is shining outside. People are walking past the doors.

You take a deep breath and leave the theater.

The street is surging with crowds. The noise is thunderous.

You notice you’re carrying a rolled up sheet of paper in your hand.

You open it.

It’s a non-disclosure agreement.

“If you return from your movie experience, you will not reveal or discuss, under penalty of law, anything about its nature, substance, or duration…”

You look at the sheet of paper, make up your mind, and it bursts into flames.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

COVID-19 and Riots: the operational connections

by Jon Rappoport

June 4, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

The COVID-19 operation was fraying badly:

Protests against the lockdowns were expanding.

The public-health measures (distancing, isolation, masks) were being attacked from all sides, as unnecessary, useless, overbearing, and unscientific.

Many mainstream researchers, doctors, and even public health officials were exposing the fact that the pandemic was no pandemic at all. The adjusted case and death numbers didn’t warrant excessive concern.

It was becoming obvious that the players setting the COVID agenda were there simply because they had been appointed to high posts; not because they were perceptive or honest scientists. In other words, COVID was political.

On top of all this, economies were beginning to re-open; for the public, that was the main focus, not the threat of catching a disease.

There was a great need for an operational shift. How and why didn’t particularly matter, as long as the populace was riveted by some new catastrophe.

This shift would also stall the economic engine (again). After all, stripping away the mountain of lies about COVID, the core at the center of it WAS an economic attack.

And now it’s been done. All across America. Riots, burning, looting, violence, race conflict, curfews.

A new reason for a different form of lockdown.

The daily protests in the streets overtake and replace the former protests against the COVID lockdown.

One operation covers another.

Television news producers wipe all the COVID coverage off one side of the screen, and bring riot coverage in from the other side of the screen. It’s exactly like theatrical scene shifts on stage, between act one and act two of a play, as the crew rapidly moves flats and props while the certain is down.

Elite Global planners like Bill Gates obviously think this is their moment. Under the pretext of the COVID story they’ve created, they want to install the next phase of their technocratic Brave New World.

Planetary surveillance, at a level that supersedes the present system—deploying thousands of new satellites—is the leading edge of this phase. “We must do it, in order to mount an early warning system for new pandemics.”

Kicking technocracy into a higher gear requires sustaining the COVID fairy tale. Since that tale was falling apart, hide it under the storm of the George Floyd riots and protests sweeping across America.

Covering one operation with another is standard business in the covert ops field. The 9/11 attacks in 2001 were, as planned, followed by justified wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. “That’s where the terrorists have their bases.” Among other purposes, the wars cemented in place the false 9/11 narrative and guaranteed that narrative a place in history.

Among other purposes, the Great Depression of the 1930s covered and buried the planned 1929 crash of the stock market.

Consider this fictional illustration. In an area of forest 30 miles from a town, people discover a large patch of dead trees. Some have fallen over. Others, leafless and gray, are still standing. At first, no one takes action. Then, it’s obvious the patch is growing larger. More trees are falling down. More branches and leaves are drying up and dropping on the ground.

This event is an operation.

It needs a second operation to cover it. And here it is:

The town newspaper, aided by pronouncements from local officials, runs a story about a fire. There was a fire in that part of the forest. It was “so severe and hot, its effects are still being felt.” NOW, people begin arguing about the cause of the fire. It was a lightning hit. Someone set a blaze, using flammable liquid that burned at an exceptionally high temperature. Drug dealers fought with one another and burned up the drugs.

Actually, six months ago, a town firm that secretly sells a dangerous and illegal pesticide, believing they were about to get busted, sent employees with drums of the poison into the forest to dump them. That’s what happened. That was the first operation.

But the second op, the fire story, is now so ingrained in minds, few people will consider there was no fire…THERE HAD TO BE A FIRE.

And just to make sure, agents of the pesticide company now set a few fires in the surrounding area of mountains. The town paper runs a story: “Who is setting ALL THESE fires?”

One operation covers another.

There are different variations on this central theme. Sometimes the second op is laid on to justify or explain the first one. Sometimes the second op simply smothers the first one.

Regardless, covers work. They’re used. They grab attention, cause fear, shift focus away from an op that is running out of steam or is about to be exposed.

In the middle of a city, a great edifice stands. It took a hundred years to build. Every day, when citizens pass by it, they salute, they leave offerings, they even kneel and pray. It’s clearly understood that this magnificent structure will last forever.

But one day, people notice one wall is beginning to crumble. Stones have been falling out. There are holes. And when people peer in, they see empty dusty rooms, and smell acrid odors. This news must be spread to the populace.

But suddenly, out of nowhere, a great mob appears. They’re carrying torches and setting fire to other structures.

Run. Hide. THIS is a terrible threat. This is the true crisis. Not the hundred years of deception.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study

by Jon Rappoport

June 3, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

“The Lung,” Second Edition, 2014: “Nanoparticles [are] comparable in size to subcellular structures…enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.”

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.

Many of the particles are metals.

We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 study:

International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 23 2017
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines:
Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti and Stefano Montanari–and-nanocontamination.html–and-nanocontamination.html

“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…”

Are the study authors leaving the door open to the possibility that the contamination is intentional?

“The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration. It is important to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity…they induce an inflammatory reaction.”

“After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings and granulomas…But they can also be carried by the blood circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final destination…As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect…due to a nano-bio-interaction…can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way…It is impossible not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA…”

“In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues…”

“Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in the muscles…could heavily impair the muscle functionality…”

“We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases of environmental contamination caused by different pollution sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like the result of the random formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.”

This 2017 study opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected.

Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word.

Many legal and scientific “experts” assert the State has a right to mandate vaccines and force them on the population. But these contaminating nanoparticles are not vaccines or medicines. Only a lunatic would defend the right of the State to inject them.

Here is another section from the 2017 study. Trade names of vaccines, and compositions of the nanoparticle contaminants are indicated. Take a deep breath and buckle up:

“…further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases [all 44 vaccines], whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product…”

“…single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (less than 100nm) and aggregates…debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles…arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum-Copper debris…in an aggregate.”

“…the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).”

“…particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).”

“…singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).”

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

“…examples of these nano-bio-interactions. Aggregates can be seen (stable composite entities) containing particles of Lead in Meningitec… of stainless steel (Iron, Chromium and Nickel…) and of Copper, Zinc and Lead in Cervarix…Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature.”

I’m sure you’ve read official assurances that vaccine-manufacturing problems are “rare.” You can file those pronouncements along with other medical lies.

“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please. And instead of serving it on a plate, can you inject it?”

Several vital questions demanding answers spring from the findings of this 2017 study:

Are some of these nanoparticles intentionally placed in vaccines?

Does the standard manufacturing process for traditional vaccines INEVITABLY lead to dangerous and destructive nano-contamination?

New nano-technology is already being employed to create several vaccines—supposedly “improving effectiveness.” In fact, the coming COVID-19 vaccine may be a nano-type. Does this manufacturing process carry with it the unavoidable effect of unleashing a hurricane of nanoparticle contaminants?

How many cases of childhood brain damage and autism can be laid at the door of nanoparticle contamination?

And finally, where are these contaminated vaccines manufactured? The above study did not attempt to discover this. It was outside the scope of the research. It’s common knowledge that, for example, in the case of the US, vaccines or their components, are, in many instances, not produced domestically. Where does this put control of safety? In, say, China, where there have been numerous pharmaceutical scandals connected to contamination of products?

The vaccine establishment does not show the slightest interest in answering any of these questions. They are busy pretending the questions don’t exist.

Trusting the establishment would be suicidal.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Violence across America: the world is watching

The Media…

by Jon Rappoport

June 2, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

The following monologue would never happen. This is a news producer talking. He isn’t smart enough to see the big picture. But I’m giving him that ability to know the real op. Of course he’s a pitch man, and he’s thinking about his reputation, and how to play the audience, which is his job. His job is the con. How to achieve it.

Major television network, quiet conference room. Producer meets with his director.

Producer: “Look, Fred, I’ve got a laundry list of details for the two-hour special on the riots tonight. First of all, I know you’re a burning building guy. You love those blazes. But you’re getting sloppy. Last night, in the middle of the Minneapolis report, I could see two palm fronds and part of the big Hollywood sign on the left of the shot. I mean, come on. If you have to substitute Philly for Minneapolis, okay, but don’t go nuts, all right? What are you, some kind of pyromaniac? Next, about our anchor on the scene, Paul. He’s black and he’s wearing a black medical mask. First of all, I can’t hear what he’s saying. And people out on the street think he’s Antifa. I know Paul loves that, but his father’s a neurosurgeon in Boston, and Paul went to prep school and Harvard, so tell him to lose the attitude and the mask. Now, Jenine—we told her we’d warn her if rioters showed up anywhere near her, but she keeps looking over her shoulder when she’s on air. It’s developing into a twitch. She pretends she’s tossing her hair out of her face, but she’s stealing little glances behind her. Tell her to knock it off. On our remotes from the West Coast, we have to use Herb Chen. It tells our audience we’re not buying into Trump’s China virus thing. But Herb is basically a weather guy. He thinks he’s doing hurricane stand-ups in the middle of a flood with branches flying and fifty-mile-an-hour winds. He shouts, so he can be heard above the storm noise. It’s incongruous. Fix him. We want a nice steady tone. And look, no mention of COVID on the show. Once or twice is okay, but we don’t want mixed messages. Some of our talent think they’re aiming for Pulitzers. If it were up to them, they’d be going live from ORs, over the shoulders of surgeons cutting into the chests of gunshot victims. Keep the reports from cities short and fast-moving. This has to look like a total national tragedy. We have to justify fewer commercial breaks. We can’t stop every six minutes and run those crazy-ass Geico spots and diarrhea medicine ads. It has to be dignified. Get it?”

“And look, Fred, give us a good lead-in, okay? Solid and short. With numbers. ‘Protests and riots are exploding in 140 US cities. 21 states have called in the National Guard. Curfews have been imposed in 40 metropolitan areas. Military units are on standby for deployment. What is happening in America?’ That kind of thing.”

“Go back and forth between expressing support for the protestors, support for the police, support for social justice, support for America, support for our own ratings. That last is a little joke, Fred. At least show teeth. Stop thinking about how you’re going to highlight as many burning edifices as possible.”

“Look, just between you and me, the violence is a planned operation. It comes when the damn lockdowns are loosening up and the economy is reopening. It’s another attack on the economy. It’s throwing cold water on the protests against the lockdowns. One set of protests kills the other set.”

“Law-enforcement is using contact tracing to ID riot-leaders coming into cities from out of state. Can you believe it? We’ve already got a Surveillance State. Now we need what? Protestors with special apps on their cells so the authorities can track them?”

“And Fred, again just between you and me, this whole op isn’t just Antifa. It isn’t just the radical left.”

“COVIS-19—what I call another season of flu—is the bridge to ‘the new normal’.”

“Top-down technocracy, Fred. 5G, Internet of Things, smart cities, surveillance of every fucking square inch of the planet in real time, with thousands of satellites, social credit score, currency reset, borderless planet organized at the top like a mega-corporation, energy quotas ladled out for every citizen. Rockefeller Globalists, technocracy.”

“Order from chaos. So, during the last few days, produce the chaos in the streets; and then bring in the order.”

“Regular citizens caught in the squeeze play. Regardless of what they say, when the chaos comes to their door, they want order. They want the controllers to restore the peace by any goddamn means necessary. Which of course is the IDEA.”

“’We’ll save you. Don’t worry. Just salute and follow our orders from now on’.”

“I’ll tell you something I learned while I was still at the CIA, before I came to the network, Fred. Simple 101 type-thing. Every op has a cover story. In this case, it’s racism. A cover has to have some reality. In America, not hard to find racist reality.”

“Another cover story. Political left vs. political right. That’s real, too, but it only scratches the surface. Orwell’s ‘boot stamping on a face’ isn’t Republican or Democrat.”

“Speaking of which, those heavy riots and the cops at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago? What idiot decided to stage the anti-Vietnam war protests against the Democrats? Some invisible ops case officer guided THAT choice. It swung the balance against the Democrats, and Richard Nixon strolled into the Oval. If there was a shred of hope of ending the war by putting a Democrat in the White House, it went down the drain in Chicago, when the country watched the city explode in violence, on television. That’s us, Fred. Television. That’s the kind of shit we pull off.”

“But for the ops planners, it was a victory. They produced chaos, and they brought in Nixon, a law and order man; and when the time came, the planners blew him out of office—more chaos—and brought in the bland-egg duo of so-called peacemakers, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. Carter was a complete nobody, plucked from a peanut farm by David Rockefeller. Carter became an agent for Rockefeller’s gang, the Trilateral Commission.”

“Democrat? Republican? To the ops controllers, these are “lower organisms” to manipulate. That’s all.”

“Now Fred, the word has come down that we need to play up the social justice angle during the special tonight. Weave it in as history. Anti-Vietnam war protests as a comparison, the long tradition of resistance to oppression, all that stuff. But not heavy-handed. We’re not FOR these current riots. Not overtly. We UNDERSTAND them. Get clips of old union strikes against Henry Ford, MLK marches in the South. Quick hitters. Voiceover tying it all together. But then—‘no one is for violence.’ Play that other side. Most cops are honest. Good people. Serving the public. Risking their lives. I want a stand-up on the street with an articulate cop. Sympathetic. Give me a peaceful protestor, too. You know, a common-sense person. Thoughtful. Back and forth, back and forth. Ultimately, shave the whole thing on the side of order. But hit the right note: ‘we need to restore some semblance of normalcy before we can have truly meaningful dialogue.’ Be careful there. No sheriff-coming-to-town-with-six-guns stuff. We want four main reporters on location. Two white, two people of color. For music, we’ll need a bit of…mournful. Sense of tragedy.”

“We’re conducting an orchestra, Fred. We’re modulating and riffing on the racial cover story. We keep that cover front and center. That’s why we’re here.”

“But I’ll tell you a secret, Fred. Like Martin Luther King, I have a dream, too. I know could end these riots, this violence. If I had the power to do what I wanted to. Yeah, everybody thinks that. But I know how. Communication. That’s what we do, right? Every night, in prime time, I’d put the same black man and the same white man across a table from each other. Bare room. No set. A transparent plexi shield between them, so they can’t kill each other. One, a real smart cracker from the South who has guns at home, and two, a real smart Black Panther type, who also has guns at home. Turn on the black man’s mic for five minutes. He says anything he wants to, to the cracker. Then turn his mic off. The white man’s mic goes on for five minutes and he says anything he wants to, to the black man. And they go back and forth for two hours that way. No fucking ads. The ratings would go through the roof. And the next night, they come back and do it all over again. They come back every night, and they go at it. Every damn night for two hours in prime time. For a week, two weeks, a month, two months, six months. I don’t care how long it takes. And little by little, things would happen. Don’t ask me what. I don’t know. But it would happen. This is what I’ve learned, Fred, in the stupid racket we’re in. I’ve learned it by negative example, because what do we do? What do we really do? We shut stories down before they ever play out. That’s our miserable fucking job. So in this case, these two men face off and there’s no time limit. And the world watches. Watches something real on television for the first time in their lives. No presidents, no pols, no talking heads, no corporate front men, no experts, no paid bullshitters. Just these two smart guys. Little by little. And when you think it’s over, because they’re showing something new, it’s just getting started. The audience, the world audience would travel through their own nervous systems, by osmosis. Victory, defeat, exhaustion, depression, hate, disgust, the sacred and the profane, my friend. The whole gamut. Night after night. Can’t stay away. No exit. No short cuts. Can’t fake an ending. Cannot fake a fucking ending with some cooked-up resolution; no smiles and handshakes and phony happiness. No host with his plastic hair and plastic teeth grinning like a loon. No liberal asshole or conservative corporate asshole to intervene with stupid signals to their mindless supporters. No panels, no votes, no winners and losers. The drama’s real, for once, and the audience gets a whole lot more than they bargained for. Can you see it? Can you see it, Fred?”

Fred finally talks: “It would never work. First of all, their hate for each other is bottomless. And two, they would run out of things to say.”

Producer: “Wrong on both counts, Fred. The hate looks bottomless, only because time is always restricted. We don’t restrict anything. These two men can play out that bottomless-hate all the way, a hundred times if necessary. It doesn’t matter. When they’re bored with it, something else will emerge. Like I say, I don’t know what. But there’s always more. There’s no pattern. They’re not following a script. Even if it seems they are, because of their conditioning, it wears out. I don’t like admitting this…but I have faith. Faith in people if you give them enough time. You know how I got to that point, Fred? By becoming more and more cynical. Eventually, a glint came through. When I was nothing more than a perfect son of a bitch who knew the world would never ever make it, I caught a glint. I was you, Fred, only worse. I was sure I would despise people forever.”

Fred: “Then why are you producing this show tonight?”

“Because I’m still a sad case. Because I’m still afraid to walk away. So tonight, we’ll serve our usual turds on a silver platter to the audience. You’ll get your fires, and I’ll get my ratings, such as they are. But I just wanted somebody to know that I know. I could produce something very different. Once in a while, making it happen feels almost within reach. I can almost touch it. Before I think about the business we’re in.”

Fred: “A black man and a white man talking to each other, on television, in prime time.”

Producer: “It’s never happened. Not the way I’m putting it there. These two men talking. If necessary, FOREVER. That’s a long time. That’s my dream. And see, most of the audience is thinking, like you, it’ll never work, it’s ridiculous. But they’re watching. Every night. And for the first month, they keep thinking, this’ll never work, these two men’ll never make it happen. Other people in the audience are hoping for a phony pop psychology ending, a Doctor Phil resolution. They want cute. They want a few tears and a confession and a bullshit hug. To resolve all of America’s problems. But of course that’s not happening, either. These two men are the image of each other’s nightmare. There they are, face to face, across the table. The audience gets a whiff that this is no melodrama. It’s not staged. It’s not cooked. That’s when the fear sets in. ‘You mean…this is REAL?’ Jesus Christ, we can’t have THAT. Where are the censors? Where are the cops? We have to stop this. We have to stop it now. The censor in everybody comes out. ‘I want fake, I want phony, I want bullshit. That’s why I pay my cable bill. That’s why I eat my dinner in front of the TV every night.’ But it’s too late, pal. You’re hooked. You’re hooked on the genuine thing. Every cell in your body screams NO. But it ain’t stopping. The train to hell and heaven and all towns in between has left the station. We’re going the distance, whatever it takes. Buy the fucking ticket, take the ride. In prime time, on television. This isn’t flag waving and America First, and it isn’t looting and burning. It’s two men talking with no interrupters. No drug ads about how your balls might fall off if you take this medicine, no car ads, no insurance commercials, no hustlers with sheets and pillows. It’s two men who keep going. Snow, sleet, hail, tornados, earthquakes, they keep going. They chew each other up and spit each other out a thousand times. Will they go crazy? OF COURSE they’ll go crazy. After who knows how long, the white man’ll think he’s black and the black man’ll think he’s white. Every cliché and slogan and accusation that’s ever been thought up will wear out. There’ll be times when they’re laughing so hard they’ll be shitting and going blind at the same moment. And when the tears run, they’ll be terrifying and repulsive and somewhat beautiful. Talk-show ‘honest’ will have disappeared long ago in the wind. The whole of television will turn inside out and explode. Every atom of fake television will return to the cosmos. This is how we’ll destroy television which is the show business hernia of the soul that keeps people bending over as they shuffle along with stupid grins on their faces under the eyes of God…”

Fred: “You’re drunk, right?”

Producer: “Sober as a judge, my friend. Sober as a judge.”

And somewhere in an office in a city—“Doctor, as you know I’ve always tried my best to be a normal person. That’s my North Star. Being normal, no matter what. I feel VERY uncomfortable when I’m not normal, even for a minute. But you see, I have this one dream, over and over. There are two people in the dream. They’re vile. I don’t like them at all. They’re extreme in opposite ways. I wish they would go away. I wish the government would make them go away. They’re in the afterlife. They’ve been sentenced to sit down and talk to each other FOREVER. I’m there, running the camera. Somehow, it’s a test of my faith.”

Doctor: “What do you think it means?”

“I don’t know. I imagine watching these two people go at each other like lions in a cage fighting over a piece of meat. I hate it. I want to turn away. But I have this strange feeling. Sometimes there’s another part of the dream. I’m sitting in the sky at night. And then it seems as if I’m sitting in a theater. I’m watching a play. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I don’t understand it. I don’t WANT to understand it. But little by little, messages are coming through…one man up on the stage says to the other one, ‘a fire just burned out.’ And the other man says, ‘two more just shut down, they’re watching us on television’…”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Contact tracing in the circus of robots

“Hi Hank. So glad your deli is finally open. I’ll have the Fauci baloney on rye with apocalypse sauce and extra Birx pickles on the side…you know, the sandwich with the tiny microchip in it…”

by Jon Rappoport

June 1, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

So I chose a state at random and started to look at their rollout of contact tracing. The first group I found—what were they? A non-profit, a government agency, a bunch of nameless robots with cushy jobs pulling down secure paychecks for the rest of their lives?

Finally, on their site, way down on a page, I saw references to a CEO. They’re a company. A business. Their new money maker is hiring, training, and launching contact tracers.

They’re collaborating with two other groups I’ve never heard of, and all three groups are plugged into state public health officials.

It’s as if these people want to conceal themselves, or perhaps more accurately, distance themselves from the population, in their “vital work.”

“Thanks for getting in touch with your question, Mr. Citizen. Actually, that contact tracing issue comes under the CVDR. You can contact them at their office. They may in turn refer you to the BGTD or the GKTH2V…”

Vagueness is the cardinal feature of the whole contact tracing program. Intentionally so. Words like “could” and “may” show up at key junctures. We could do this, we may do that.

For example, when some pleasant android of the State shows up at your home and knocks on the door, because you shopped at a hole-in- the-wall hardware store where an employee was later found to be “positive for,” or “infected by,” or “sick from” (which one is it?) the virus, and this contact tracer asks you about your health, and asks you to get tested, what happens if you say NO?

Are you put into isolation in your home, alone? For 10 days? Fourteen days? Do other people in the home have to leave? Do you have to leave? Do they take you to some fleabag hotel prison and put you in a room and deny you visitors? If so, for how long? Suppose, while in the fleabag, you still refuse to get tested? Do they keep you there for a year? The rest of your life? Suppose you start coughing in the middle of the night because the room is full of mold? Do they break in and hold you down and take a swab and test it and then ship you with your brand new false-positive result to a hospital and put you on a ventilator? Meanwhile, are your children sent to live with relatives, or are they hustled into foster care? And if the vaccine has been approved, do they shoot you with it whether you consent or refuse? If they let you refuse, do they extend your stay at the fleabag hotel? For how long?

State governors are running the following psyop: “Yes, we’re opening up the economy, but this is CONTINGENT on doing more and more contact tracing and testing.” On a national level, Pelosi tried to make that point the other day, but her Thorazine kept kicking in and caused gaps in her speech. Finally, she managed to remember—“It’s the three t’s; tracing, testing, and treatment.” Really. She and Joe Biden should run together on the Mental Lapse ticket in the fall.

Go ahead. Read the CDC guidelines on contact tracing. Read HR 6666 and the new Hero Bill. Try to figure out EXACTLY how the tracing program works. Count how many holes there are in the Swiss Cheese.

The bottom line is: they’ll do what they can get away with. They’ll make up reasons for doing it.

They’ll tap into every latent little fascist in your community and put them to work tracing and snitching and testing and shooting up as many people as possible. Including you.

“Hi, Jolene. What are you doing here? I thought you were cleaning teeth at Dr. Homunculus’ office? What? You’re a contact tracer now? It’s not enough to pretend you’re a Hell’s Angel chick on weekends? You’re now an agent of the State? What’s that patch on your sleeve? Didn’t the Stasi wear that in East Germany?”

In India, the government has released a contact tracing app. It’s voluntary and mandatory. In “containment areas,” you have to have it. Apparently, it’s been accepted on a hundred million cell phones so far. Well, it would be. Don’t leave home without it. Otherwise, you can’t gain access to work, or stores. India is chasing China for most-repressive-government awards.

Of course, it’s happening in America, too. “We’d love to get you on board. Install our new app and let us spy on you 24/7. It’s fun. We’re all in this spying together. It’s Heaven on Earth. By the way, your employer won’t let you work at the office without the app.”

Here, from the CDC, are a few statements about contact tracing.

“Based on our current knowledge, a close contact is someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before illness onset until the time the patient is isolated. They should stay home, maintain social distancing, and self-monitor until 14 days from the last date of exposure.”

The precision is breathtaking, isn’t it? And they’re talking about “close contacts.” Do the same rules apply to “ordinary contacts?” They’re really going to try to estimate the “48 hours before” and the “15 minutes?” Does the contact who maintains social distancing at home stay at least six feet away from other family members at all times for 14 days? The answer: yes. Are you kidding?

“Contacts are encouraged to stay home and maintain social distance from others (at least 6 feet) until 14 days after their last exposure, in case they also become ill. They should monitor themselves by checking their temperature twice daily and watching for cough or shortness of breath [hopefully inducing fear and consequent illness]. To the extent possible, public health staff should check in with contacts to make sure they are self-monitoring and have not developed symptoms. Contacts who develop symptoms should promptly isolate themselves and notify public health staff. They should be promptly evaluated for infection and for the need for medical care.”

So, again…just because you came in contact with someone who is “infected,” you need to self-isolate at home, more than six feet apart from family members, for 14 days? Yes.

“If possible, contacts should be asked to voluntarily stay home, monitor themselves, and maintain social distancing from others. However, health departments have the authority to issue legal orders of quarantine, should the situation warrant that measure.”

Wait. What’s the difference between self-isolating at home and quarantine? Well, quarantine must mean everyone except “the contact” clears out of the house and stays elsewhere; or the contact is taken from the house and put in a “facility.”

And under what circumstances would quarantine be ordered? Let’s see. Refusal to get tested. Refusal to maintain the six-feet rule. Refusal to stay home. Refusal to have a cell phone with the tracing app installed. Refusal to take the vaccine. That would be my surmise.

Frankly, I prefer a Mussolini approach, if you’re going to install contact tracing:

“Listen up, everyone. The researchers never used proper procedures to prove a new virus existed in the first place. That, and the fact that the diagnostic tests churn out false positives like Niagara Falls in the rainy season, make all case numbers and death numbers meaningless. The whole COVID narrative is a fairy tale. No need for masks, gloves, social distancing, or lockdowns. Get it? But we want to know everything about you 24/7, so we’re doing contact tracing. This is a police state. Cooperate, or pay the price.”

Contact tracing is just the forward edge of a MUCH larger program of surveillance.

In his devastating article, “The Brave New World of Bill Gates and Big Telecom,” May 8, 2020, Robert F Kennedy, Jr. writes: “Suppose that computers discover your [anti-lockdown] beach trip by tracking your movements using a stream of information from your cell phone, your car, your GPS, facial recognition technology integrated with real-time surveillance from satellites, mounted cameras, and implanted chips. Desk-bound prosecutors or robots will notify you of your violation by text while simultaneously withdrawing your $1,000 penalty in cryptocurrency from your payroll account. Welcome to Bill Gates’ America. It’s right around the corner.”

“Recently, Bill Gates announced his financial support for a $1 billion plan to blanket Earth in video surveillance satellites. The company, EarthNow, will launch 500 satellites to live-stream monitor almost every ‘corner’ of the Earth, providing instantaneous video feedback with only a one-second delay. According to Wikipedia, the company expects its customers to include ‘governments and large enterprises.’ 5G Antennas— deploying a vast array of ground-based 5G spy antennas. Through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates purchased 5.3 million Crown Castle shares currently worth a billion dollars. The Foundation’s second-largest tech holding after Microsoft, Crown Castle owns 5G infrastructure in every major U.S. market. It operates and leases more than 40,000 cell towers, 65,000 small cell nodes which are the central infrastructure for 5G and 75,000 route miles of fiber to every major U.S. market that, instead of going to your home, providing you safe, fast, wired internet, has been confiscated to connect 5G cell towers.”

“Corporations will use Gates’ 5G surveillance system to sell products and escalate AI capacity. Governments will use it to transition the globe to a totalitarian singularity more despotic than Orwell ever imagined. Silicon Valley titans like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Google’s Chief Engineer Ray Kurzweil talk longingly of ‘transhumanism,’ the process by which humanity will transition to become part-human, part-machine via genetic engineering and surgical implants.”

“Bill Gates is investing heavily to accelerate this altered reality. His ambition to tag us all with injected subdermal vaccine data chips seems to be merely a steppingstone toward an all-encompassing surveillance state.”

“…Microsoft has patented a sinister technology that utilizes implanted sensors to monitor body and brain activity. It will reward compliant humans with crypto currency payments when they perform assigned activities.”

“The patent, WO [2020] 060606 has gained notoriety and the nickname ‘World Order 2020 666.’ Microsoft describes this device as a ‘Crypto Currency System’ and explains that it is ‘capable of’ using body activity data to mine bitcoin in response to compliance with assigned tasks. People who agree to install the Microsoft harmful wireless sensors will receive periodic ‘duty’ smart phone instructions to watch a certain advertisement, listen to a specific song, walk down a specific grocery store aisle, or to take a certain vaccine. This chip will collect data from embedded sensors that monitor brain waves, blood flow, and other body reactions. The system will transfer cryptocurrency into the subject’s account after completion of the assigned task…”

Contact tracing? It’s a euphemism for Updated Slavery.

In the same way, Google and Facebook were just euphemisms for National Security Agency (NSA) Worldwide.

Memo to police departments everywhere: You know how sensitive and finicky you are about private citizens videotaping you while you’re on the job? Well, imagine how a few billion people are beginning to feel about being surveilled inside and out, all the time. Take a look into the immediate future. Your work is going to get a lot harder.

I had a dream the other night. As a 100-year-old crone, after several plastic surgeries, fugitive Tony Fauci was sitting on his country porch, in an undisclosed location, musing about the long-gone days when he was king of the hill.

A dusty car pulled up in his driveway. A little fascist contact tracer stepped out and approached him.

“Hello, sir,” the tracer said. “Just here to check your body temperature…what’s that noise?”

“Oh,” Fauci said, “some old-school equipment cranking up. Pals of mine at…installed it. You know, video cameras, movement sensors, remote fever guns. They’re checking your temp right now. Laser probes are taking a readout of your brain waves, blood flow, adrenaline levels. That sort of thing.”

Fauci glances at his cell phone. “I see you bought two porn site memberships on the Dark Web last week. Your wife is filing for divorce. Oh…better watch out. Her lawyer is a tiger. And that Walmart robbery? The cops have you down as a person of interest. Now what was it you wanted?”

The tracer tries to stand his ground. But as he looks around, he spots a group of men standing at the edge of the woods looking at him. “Who are they?” he says.

“Some locals,” Fauci says. “They set fires in certain key locations.”

“What? What the hell does that mean?”

Fauci shrugs. “You’d have to ask them. Back in the day, they were dispossessed during the COVID lockdown. They didn’t like that. I hear rumors.”

“What rumors?”

“They’ve found a way to reverse-vector 5G. They send it back where it came from.”

Agitated—“Where did it come from?”

“Who knows? But I hear wherever that is, it doesn’t exist anymore. Don’t pay any attention to me. I’m just an old man. Out of the loop for long time.”

The tracer turns around and stumbles back to his car.

When he’s gone, another man steps out of the house and sits down next to Fauci. He has a long beard. He’s wearing a baseball cap pulled down low, and shades.

It’s Bill Gates.

Fauci says, “I gave you a few days of sanctuary, Bill, because I needed company. But I think it’s time you took off. It’s not safe for you, and it wouldn’t be safe for me, if a few of the good old boys in the neighborhood found out you’re here. Know what I mean?”

Bill nods. “I had it going for a while,” he says. “I really thought we could…but then…”

“Face it, Bill. You didn’t think it through. Not far enough. Your projections were based on incomplete data. About people. About how much surveillance they would stand for. About how many brain-damaged kids from your vaccines they would allow before they revolted…”

“But why? Why would I make such obvious mistakes?”

“Maybe it’s a genetic flaw in you, Bill. You should think about getting that fixed.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.