Corona Bologna Italy: The Truth begins to leak out

by Jon Rappoport

March 17, 2020

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The government of Italy, as everyone knows, has locked down the whole country of 60 million people. So how many Italians have died from COV? Even by the standards of the useless and misleading diagnostic tests?


As far as the Italian Higher Institute of Health knows, at this point:

Maybe two.


Try to wrap your mind around that.

Good luck.

Seems the president of the Italian Higher Institute has some smarts. He understands that people who already have other serious health conditions, which have nothing to do with COV, can and do die from those other conditions, regardless of the fact that they’ve tested positive (on useless tests) for COV. He gets it. I predict a great future for him. If he keeps shooting his mouth off, he might find himself working as a weed puller in a forest. Or he might suddenly be diagnosed with the virus and find himself in isolation.

Grit your teeth and plow through this piece from Rome, 13 March 2020, Agenzia Nova: “Coronavirus: ISS [Italian National Institute of Health]: in Italy there are only two deaths ascertained so far due to Covid-19” (Italian, English)

“There may be only two people who died from coronavirus in Italy, who did not present other pathologies. This is what emerges from the medical records examined so far by the Higher Institute of Health, according to what was reported by the President of the Institute [Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Italian National Institute of Health], Silvio Brusaferro, during the press conference held today at the Civil Protection in Rome. ‘Positive deceased patients have an average of over 80 years – 80.3 to be exact…The majority of these people are carriers of chronic diseases. Only two people were not presently carriers of [other non-COV] diseases’, but even in these two cases, the examination of the files is not concluded and therefore, causes of death different from Covid-19 could emerge. The president of the ISS has specified that ‘little more than a hundred medical records’ have so far come from hospitals throughout Italy.”

“…At present, in fact, the authorities are unable to distinguish those who died from the virus, from those who, on the other hand, are communicated daily to the public, but who were mostly carriers of other serious diseases and who, therefore, would not have died from Covid-19. In response to a question from ‘Agenzia Nova’, in fact, Brusaferro was unable to indicate the exact number of coronavirus deaths. However, the professor clarified that, according to the data analyzed, the vast majority of the victims ‘had serious [non-COV] pathologies and in some cases the onset of an infection of the respiratory tract can lead more easily to death.’ To clarify this point, and provide real data, ‘as we acquire the folders we will go further. However, the populations most at risk are fragile, carriers of multiple diseases’.”

Translation into non-medical language: the people dying in Italy have other very serious traditional diseases that have nothing to do with COV, and it’s obvious they could have died, and probably did die, from those other diseases. Nevertheless, we’re locking down the whole country.

So, for those people straining to find a reason for the “devastation” overtaking Italy—it’s karma for ancient Rome trying to conquer half the known world; it’s the ghost of Martin Luther obtaining revenge against the Vatican; it’s a bioweapon with the power to cut down millions of people overnight; it’s a virus that came in with a small meteor and crashed outside Milan; it’s Chinese revenge against Marco Polo for stealing the concept of noodles—

Take a break, relax, have a plate of pasta, turn on the TV, and because all the stadiums are empty, watch a rerun of a soccer match from 1979.

PS: For those people who believe this head of the Italian Institute is lying with his facts and figures, stop and think it through. He’s going to announce such devastating news that essentially contradicts everything the Italian government is doing with its lockdowns and quarantines of the whole country? It would be as if the director of the Centers for Disease Control announced, “There are a total of nine deaths in the US we think might have been caused by COV, and even there we’re not sure, because you see, these nine were elderly people who could barely get out of bed long before COV emerged. These nine had extremely serious lung disease NOT CAUSED, I repeat, NOT CAUSED by COV…but anyway, don’t go outside, work from home, don’t touch another human being, watch our website for bargain deals on toilet paper, and oh yes, don’t forget to get your regular flu shot if you can slip into a hazmat suit and drive at breakneck speed to your nearest pharmacy, where injection clerks are waiting…”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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225 comments on “Corona Bologna Italy: The Truth begins to leak out

  1. Rick says:

    Jon wrote

    Take a break, relax, have a plate of pasta, turn on the TV, and because all the stadiums are empty, watch a rerun of a soccer match from 1979.

    My comment– I’ve spent the last few days buying extra supplies at the grocery store in case things get worse over the next “15 days” that the President of the U.S. told us to prep for. No popcorn was included in my shopping.

    The shelves are emptying out, the lines are long, and there are signs indicating “Limit 1 per customer” on bags of potatoes and single rolls of paper towel.

    This is freakin’ nuts and has ruined my week and my nice, neat, budget control system.

    Several co-workers at my retail store say business is way down. Some of them believe that social-distance crap. A few others see through the hoax. A mixed bag.

    Popcorn? Uhhhh…. no.

  2. Spiritof42 says:

    The corona panic reminds me of “The Crowd” by Gustave LeBon. I think he wrote it after the French Revolution. Here’s some quotes:

    • The individual no longer remains himself, instead guided like an automaton with the crowd.
    • An individual forming part of a crowd acquires a sentiment of power which, as an individual, was kept under restraint. Association with a crowd frees an individual from self-responsibility.
    • In a crowd, sentiment is contagious to the point where an individual readily sacrifices its personal interest to the collective interest.
    • In a crowd, the unconscious personality dominates the conscious personality. As if in a hypnotic trance, the unconscious personality resonates with the ideas and feelings of its adopted crowd.
    • Crowds are impulsive and irritable, at the mercy of exterior exciting causes. Their impulses steer towards annihilating the feeling of personal interest. Premeditation is absent from crowds.
    • Crowds are credulous and readily influenced by suggestion. Images are perceived face value as realities. Education and ignorance make no difference.
    • Crowds to not admit doubt or uncertainty, and always go to extremes. In the face of strong authority, the servility of crowds steers towards intolerance, dictatorialness and conservatism. Crowds are instinctively hostile to changes and progress.
    • The morality of crowds is rarely guided towards the interests of isolated individuals.

    For decades,I’ve known the world economy was heading into a biblical scale credit collapse because the economic system is built on debt expansion and Soviet style economic planning (Ayn Rand saw it coming in the fifties when she wrote “Atlas Shrugged”). The invention of the corona virus pandemic to mask what was a certain economic collapse was pure evil genius. Doubly so because the masses are primed to be vaccinated.

    If turns out as I fear, the ruling powers will have solved their public debt problem by reducing the population. Then they can say, “don’t blame me, the virus did it.”

    I’ve made many attempts over the years to warn people they are being scammed. It’s pointless. All I did was make enemies.

    • Plamen says:

      Then again, it all depends on the definition of a crowd. People thrive in communities and prosper under the guidance and wisdom of the elderly because they all move in one direction and support each other in the process. What you call change and “progress” could and very often results in detrimental development.

      The real big problems of humanity started with the invention of devices to harness electricity. Everything around us is electricity and we are electrical beings but we’re not supposed to tap into it like parasites. The Amish got that one right. The shy from it.

      Anything that supposedly makes life easier should be examined and re-examined again very carefully before implementing it.

    • Rick says:

      Good reference! “The Crowd”– It may be a worthwhile read right now.

      On the “public debt” problem … If you looks at, you’ll see that Larouche had been advising us to go back to separation of SPECULATIVE banking (derivatives) and REGULAR banking (savings accounts)… under the Glass-Steagall Act– taken out by BIll Clinton I think.

      In that way, the speculative derivatives of hundreds of trillions can simply be written off… as gambling debts. And regular banking can be protected.

  3. dennyr says:

    Ask yourself, if this virus is so dire, and given limited healthcare, then why, why, why are people not dropping in the streets in southern Italy and India?????

    • Rick says:

      Yes, the dropping dead in the street news was one hell of a start to all of this. Where did that idea go? Let’s make a concerted effort to get a backstory on this… as investigative research assistance for Jon… and humanity.

  4. Peter says:

    Here in Canada we are virtually under MARSHALL LAW, the health minister in British Columbia stated if you open your business such as a restaurant or hotel, they will put a warrant out for your arrest. This is a war crime against humanity and these people should be the ones put in jail for not having critical and objective thinking. These intellectuals are dangerous to humanity. The PUPPET PRIME MINISTER of CANADA is now talking about implementing the WAR MEASURES ACT (MARSHALL LAW).

    How do we all know this is a BLACK OPERATION. Here are the flaws in this operation, please add to the list.

    1. Flaw 1: This operation is running to smoothly. Past outbreaks were always contained and generally isolated to a region.
    2. China was used as the platform for launching the BLACK OPERATION, one of the most polluted provinces and City om the world. The Chinese seemed to have the virus well contained as promoted widely by all media, but all of a sudden it started to show within days, weeks in other countries. This is major flaw in the operation. The BLACK OP started to prepare the rest of the world for what was coming, what we are in now, mass hysteria.
    3. When we go from fall to winter, winter to spring – this is considered the flu season around the world. The BLACK OPERATORS know this and ran with the flu season this time and calling it an out break. Note: It is normal for the flu will take out the weak organism, this is the law of nature. Yes, people will die, the BLACK OPERATION is running hard with the death card.
    4. How did the virus get out of CHINA? The fact is the common flu can be many strains of bacteria, viruses etc. The star of the day is called the CORONA VIRUS known since 1960 to the medical CARTEL.
    5. MAJOR FLAW – the MEDICAL CARTEL, they are not doing their job. If the CARTEL new about the virus why didn’t they have a serum developed and be ready for this. They are the GOD’s in white coats and they have all the answers.

    How do you write history? Create a major problem, create major FEAR. In one year, it will be mandated that you must have the vaccine without any proper trials or research on their vaccines. People are in so much fear over this they will do anything so they don’t have to experience this type of turmoil again. They will line-up like cattle and get the poisonous needle. What is the medical cartel doing right now, bugger all other than telling you to stay at home and wash your hands? In CANADA (the corporation), they have a not-withstanding clause, which means they can at the drop of a hat wipe out your rights. People need to learn to stand on their birth rights.

    All people who are up-holding this scam need to be imprisoned for a war crime on humanity. People ask why are they doing this? It’s about control, it’s about showing they are right, it’s showing who the sick really are. Keep asking questions and these sickos will fold.

  5. tom says:

    I posted a link to the article and a link to the Italian Institute of Health of health’s website to every “American” “mainstream” news site, including NPR. I will be holding my breath while I wait for some sort of follow up reporting on this development.

    But the facts seem to be getting short shrift from the American “news” media for some reason.

  6. Diane Di says:

    LISTEN – The Coronavirus Hoax – Ron Paul

    • Laura says:

      Thanks for that. The human race has gone off the rails on this. We need more sane voices speaking up loudly and listened to by millions. Will share.

  7. JohnnyZ says:

    News are manufactured amd events are preplanned in advance. The towers fell 33! years after comstruction began – they were intended to as a ritual to start a new chapter of the NWO, anout which GHWB had a lip-licking speech exactly 10 years earlier

  8. Spiritof42 says:

    I’d love to know if China solved their “corona virus” problem by shutting down their 5G operation. Certainly the shutdown gave the polluted air time to dissipate.

    • Rick says:

      Yes– my thought exactly. We need private investigative reporters to look at 5G in Wuhan. Maybe we can make contact with a Wuhan resident who knows how to read an RF meter. RF meters are fantastic. They can read the level of RF radiation in the air! Simple! Let’s do it.

      • Rick says:

        Aha… Well… 5G they say is often in the area of 10 to 60 GHz… but I had no idea that RF meters were limited under than. Our LIBERTARIAN RESISTANCE to this will have to look at RF meters… ma¥be I can bone up on it today. My customers are cancelling their piano lessons… so I have extra time.

        Corona music humor: Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline… Hands… touching hands… reaching out… touching me, touching you… Caa–row— naaa… Good times never seemed so good

  9. Honk says:

    Late to the party here but just had to post this. Am in the middle of a London Real interview with David Icke (just published) and he makes the brilliant suggestion that rather than ruining the global economy and impoverishing everyone (except the one percent) with a total lockdown, why don’t we isolate the elderly and compromised people and let the other 80%+ people go about their business—maybe pick up a few mild flu-like symptoms—and keep us from going into the further thrall of the totalitarian two step? Interesting and entertaining:

    • Gracie Knoll says:


      “Which will do more harm, the virus or the fear of the virus?

      Why are we so scared of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19? People are usually scared of viruses for three reasons:

      One: the virus causes gruesome, disfiguring, permanent symptoms. Smallpox, for example, not only caused life-long facial scarring, it also was a frequent cause of blindness in those who survived.

      Two: the virus has a predilection for children. Polio paralyzed tens of thousands of young children every year until a vaccine finally eliminated the disease from the United States.

      Three: the virus is likely to kill you. Rabies kills virtually 100 percent of people who develop symptoms after a bite from a rabid animal.

      The novel coronavirus currently circulating in the United States–the one that has caused us to shut down schools, restaurants, sporting events, and virtually every aspect of our culture–falls into none of these categories. Nonetheless, people are scared. Really scared. The reason is they think that if they catch COVID-19, they have a high likelihood of dying from the disease. Most public health officials have done little to lessen this fear, arguing that people are ten times more likely to die from this novel coronavirus than from influenza. Unfortunately, these officials haven’t made clear the difference between relative risk and absolute risk. Although people are more likely to die from COVID-19 than from influenza, they are far more likely to catch influenza. Therefore, they are far more likely to die from influenza.

      According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of March 7, 2020, 36 million to 51 million people have suffered from influenza, 370,000 to 670,000 have been hospitalized, and 22,000 to 55,000 have died from the disease. To put these numbers in perspective, let’s look at countries that have dealt with COVID-19.

      China, where COVID-19 originated, has reported roughly 3,000 deaths. The population of China is about 1.4 billion, three times greater than ours. If we suffer an equivalent proportion of deaths, then 1,000 Americans will die from COVID-19, one-twentieth to one-fiftieth of the number who have died from influenza.

      Italy has reported roughly 2,000 deaths from COVID-19 and, as a result, has shut down the country; only grocery stores and pharmacies remain open. Italy has a population of 60 million, about one-fifth of the U.S. population. If we suffer an equivalent proportion of deaths, then 10,000 Americans will die of COVID-19, about one-half to one-fifth of the number of deaths from influenza.

      Not everyone, however, is at equal risk of dying. The virus primarily kills the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases, which explains the situation in Italy, where 25 percent of its population is more than 65 years of age; in the U.S. it’s 16 percent. Wouldn’t it make more sense, then, to ask people who are elderly and infirm to stay away from crowds, thus lessening their chances of contracting the disease. Also, to ask people who are sick with respiratory symptoms to stay home. Focus on common sense things like washing hands several times a day and standing clear of people who are coughing or sneezing. The federal government can also help by making it easier for businesses to allow people who are ill to stay home.

      In 2009-2010, the world suffered an influenza pandemic caused by swine flu; about 203,000 people were killed by the virus; 12,000 in the United States. The novel coronavirus has killed about 6,000 people to date; 62 in the United States. It doesn’t make sense to shut down our entire way of life to try and stop a virus that is unlikely to harm healthy people and will be far less devastating than the influenza epidemics that we experience every winter and the influenza pandemic we experienced ten years ago. Let’s take common sense measures to stop the spread. The precautionary principle dictates caution to prevent harm. But the precautionary principle also dictates that you don’t cause harm in the name of preventing harm. It will take years to recover from the draconian measures that we are currently instituting.”

    • Plamen says:

      Maybe David Icke should start with himself, he ain’t no spring chicken, is he?

      If you isolate the elderly it will surely kill them. They need to be out getting fresh air, sunshine and socializing with other people.

      Society, which can not look after its elderly population is psychopathic.

  10. Lydia says:

    A little humor to lighten things up:

  11. Ron J. says:

    This article links to the WSJ stating 2500 deaths night and day difference. Been sharing Jon’s blog and posts many will believe WSJ. Hopefully truth will come out of what Italian Higher Health President said as Jon’s psot showed. Site called Hot air though links to WSJ article.

  12. NC says:

    I would like to tell you something about the coronavirus epidemic that we allegedly are having right now. First, I thought this hype is going to end again, but it has increased so much, and we finally have to start taking a closer look.I worked as a doctor and conducted a health department. I had my own sentinel, my own monitoring system for flu diseases. And every year I observed how many people became sick in an area of 150,000 inhabitants.Every new year – worldwide – we have new types of viruses because the viruses have to change themselves. If the same viruses just came again in the next year, our immune system would recognize them so they would not be able to make us sick or to multiply – which is what they want. So they regularly have to change a bit and that’s why we have new variants of these viruses every year.There are about 100 different types of viruses that are changing constantly. Up to now, we didn’t really care which viruses caused this flu…or disease or however you want to call it. But there have been investigations over several years in Glasgow. There they tried to use the available tests – that means they didn’t examine all 100 types, but just the ones they had tests for. So they looked at maybe 8 or10 different viruses and coronaviruses have always been a part of them.These are the figures from Glasgow. Starting from 2005 to 2013 they checked which viruses occur among respiratory diseases. And these colored columns are the viruses. The green parts refer to the coronavirus that was always in the mix. The coronavirus normally makes up 7% to 15%, maybe 5% to 14%, it always fluctuates a bit. Hence, it’s just normal that a big part of viruses are coronaviruses.So, the following happens: In Wuhan, there is the biggest safety laboratory for viruses in the whole of China. So, there are a lot of experts on the topic, dealing with it all day long. Wuhan is a big city, 11 million inhabitants, big hospitals, big intensive care units, always people being ventilated, people with pneumonia… hundreds of them and they did tests with a few patients, less than 50, looked for the viruses they had and examined their RNA in the laboratory and they found a new type. This attracted their attention.When a virologist finds something like this he puts it in a global database. And this database is accessible for scientists all over the world, in Berlin for example. In Berlin, they checked and compared this new entry and tried to create a test to measure this new variant of coronavirus. Then Dr. Drosten submitted a protocol to the WHO, and it got admitted really quickly. Then Mr. Drosten submitted a protocol to the WHO, and it got admitted really quickly.Usually, a test is considered a product of medicine, it has to be validated. That means it has to be checked very precisely. What does the test actually say? What does it measure? The mentioned test is an inhouse-test developed in the Charite-clinic. But because there weren’t any validated tests and the great panic arose, it was decided to just us this test everywhere. Then Mr. Drosten provided the test.Of course, the virologist can say if the virus is dangerous or not. He can only say: “This one is different,” or “We have a test for this”. But is the virus dangerous, Mr. Drosten? How is he supposed to know? He would need further epidemiological data based on observation of how sick the people are. How fast do they get healthy again? Are there fewer victims than before?That’s why it is important to look at the data from previous years to compare them. To look at the mortality rates to see how many people died of the virus. So while looking for a specific virus, for example, the coronavirus, you can examine the total population. What you will find is that presumably 8% or 10% of the population will have some kind of virus, that makes them sick. But if you examine medical practice, do your tests there, to determine who is sick, then, of course, you would find a lot more positive cases. And if you examine hospitals and take samples there then you would find even more corona-infected people.That is to say, depending on which proportions of the population you examine – whether it is the whole population, patients in the waiting room, people in a clinic, or when you examine very ill patients in the intensive care unit that are about to die – you will expectedly find these 7% -15% coronaviruses every time you do a test. However, if they die of the coronavirus or of other viruses while just having also corona can’t be determined for sure with this.So, when you look at the death rates in Italy, you want to know where the tests have been taken. Where and how have these few available tests been used? If they were used in a hospital on serious or terminally ill cases then obviously the corona death rate rises. Just because it looked like it, because of the specific group that was examined.Mortality, disease-specific mortality, refers to the percentage of dead among the people infected with this disease. And concerning the seasonal acute respiratory disease – commonly known as the flu – there is a mortality of 0.1%, which is already the maximum. That means that one in a thousand flu-infected inhabitants die – every winter. So now we will have to see whether this number increased because of coronaviruses.The assumption for Germany is that there are 20,000 or 30,000 more deaths than without the flu. This is called excessive mortality. So now that coronaviruses always make up 5% to 14% of all flu viruses – let’s say 10%. Let us assume that in the previous years we tested all seriously ill patients in the hospital on the coronavirus – which of course didn’t happen – we would have expected to find 2,000 to 3,000 people dying of the flu each year, that also had the coronavirus. And we still are far away from these numbers. Apparently, it is the case that virologists created something very sensational here, and with their creation, they really impressed the Chinese government as well.The Chinese government made something really big out of it, suddenly this was very important politically – completely exceeding the virological frame. All of a sudden, face recognition was installed everywhere at the airports, fever was being measured. The clinical thermometer controlled the traffic on Chinese streets. And all this was so significant that it led to international consequences, politicians had to heal with it, had to take a stand. Then the virologist came into play again.The government asked their own virologists and they confirmed that this virus is a thing to worry about and proposed to develop tests to help measure the virus-like in China.Something was woven around this. A network of information and opinions has been developed in certain expert groups. And the politicians turned to these expert groups, who initially started all this. And they really absorbed this network, moved within it. This lead to politicians who now are just resting on these arguments, while using these arguments to evaluate who has to be helped, to determine safety measures or what has to be permitted.All these decisions have just been derived from these arguments. This means that now it’s going to be very hard for critics to say “Stop. There is nothing going on.” And this reminds me of this fairytale about the king without clothes on. And just a small child was able to say “Hey, he is naked!”.All the others on the courtyard – surrounding the government and asking the government for advice because they can’t know themselves – they all played along and joined the hype. And like this, politicians are being courted by many scientists. Scientists who want to be important in politics because they need money for their institutions. Scientists who just swim along in this mainstream and also want their part… “We can help too!”, “We made an app!”, “We have a program for this!”So many people saying “Hey, we want to help too!”, because they want to earn money with it and become important. And what is missing at the moment is a rational way of looking at things.We should ask questions like “How have you found out that the virus is dangerous?””Didn’t we have the same thing last year?””Is it even something new?”That’s missing.And, the King is naked.Originally published by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Visit his site at

  13. Bruce Cain says:

    Yes it all strikes me as “Corona Fear Porn” getting us ready for Martial Law and Forced Vaccinations. But you do need to explain this pandemic. Obviously people are getting sick from “something.” Thanks for your great efforts by the way. Now let me share a strategy to destroy this Globalist Agenda.

    I started this group a week ago because I believe that the only way to Stop5G is to unite all groups affected by this New Era of “No Choice, No Voice.” This is the issue of our times globally and it lies further up the hierarchy than just Stopping 5G, Smart Meters and Geoengineering. They are literally burning our inalienable rights — as enumerated in the US Bill of Rights — before our eyes.

    The real purpose of this group is to unite all of the thousands of Stop5G groups: to unite behind these 3 goals in their protests and in the message each group sends to their members.

    Think of a young child setting a piece of paper on fire with a magnifying glass on a bright sunny day.

    All of that infrared radiation focused on the target: Globalism under the UN’s Agenda21/Agenda2030.

    The Stop5G movement is “rudderless” at the moment: it requires a strategic plan. If every group makes these demands at each future protest we will essentially be focusing our efforts on specific demands: just like focusing the infrared energy on a piece of paper with a magnifying glass.

    I really do believe this is the only way we Stop5G. But the problem is not just 5G. The larger problem is we are moving toward a new Era of “No Choice, No Voice” in order to usher in the 4th Industrial Revolution and really a Globalist Slave State. They are trying to take our guns. They are trying to force vaccines on the populace. And that is why I lay out secondary goals that individual groups may also want to discuss at future protests. I first spelled this out after observing the first Global Protest Against 5G on 01/25/2020. Please read the essay and — by all means — let me know what you think of my strategy.

    Please consider joining my group and spreading the word on the need for such a focused strategy. I really do think it is our only hope to Stop5G and the Globalist Agenda.

    • NC says:

      People are getting sick as they always do from any number of dis-eases, but now much of it is re-named Covid19. Same game with AIDS. AIDS is recognized as having multifactorial causes (extreme drug use, malnutrition and poor sanitation (Africa and nothing new) but since the 80’s it is renamed and repackaged for $ale as “HIV-AIDS” although HIV has never been properly isolated. The same game over and over again to sell fear (and maybe poisons called “rescue drugs”
      Same with SARS, Swine Flu etc

  14. Honk says:

    Plamen, sorry I didn’t make myself clear: David Icke was very emphatic about cocooning the elderly and giving them all the help we can. Perhaps your perspective would be different if you watched the interview. Again, my apologies for any misunderstanding.

  15. Pat says:

    According to a new press conference on March 18, Professor Brusaferro has even doubled. Of the 355 deaths investigated, 343 were most likely not due to corona, as some of these people had several serious pre-existing conditions such as cancer, diabetes, etc. This means that 97% of the investigated cases did not die because of corona….although the authorities reported this hastily.

  16. Bob says:

    Jesus Christ, what a load of bollocks!

  17. Martyg says:

    On March 13th the director of the Italian agency responsible for monitoring the so-called COV pandemic announces at a press conference that his agency has confirmed only 2 possible COV related death, yet the intrepid U.S. mainstream media talking heads are claiming that more than 3400 Italians have died as a result of being infected with COV. Quite a discrepancy!

  18. Miguel Pasamano says:

    You lost me when you started with the “karma”, “ghost of Martin Luther”, etc. bullshit and suggested people watch that idiot box you call television for programming.

    There’s no such thing as “karma”. To say otherwise is to deny freewill and undeserved victimhood. All who believe in “karma” yet sympathize – let alone empathize – with any victims of even murder, rape, adultery, theft, fraud, etc. are hypocrites; because “karma” says they all did something to deserve it.

    It’s just God’s Wrath on neo-pagan Rome for the Martyrs’ bloodsheds and the mockeries thereof. It’s just God’s Wrath on China for falsely accusing Marco Polo of stealing the concept of noodles from them. It’s just God’s Wrath on England and the DisUnited CounterStates for the TransAtlantic slave trade, invading America, killing the Christian refugees and the Indians who welcomed them, and stealing part of America. It’s just God’s Wrath on AntiPopes for masquerading as Popes.

    There’s no need for anyone to panic. It’s gonna be ok.

  19. michael burns says:

    “Gaseous NO
    2 diffuses into the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) of the respiratory epithelium and dissolves, and chemically reacts with antioxidant and lipid molecules in the ELF; the health effects of NO
    2 are caused by the reaction products or their metabolites, which are reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species that can drive bronchoconstriction, inflammation, reduced immune response, and may have effects on the heart.” — Wikipedia

  20. michael burns says:

    One last point…NO2, CO, SO2 pollution from Europe will travel over the alps and sit and concentrate sometimes for days in Northern Italy before dispersing.

  21. Eusebius says:

    Here we are with a president which has been trying to shut down Obamacare.

    Now, conveniently, a virus appears which convinces everybody we MUST throw as much state money as possible after health care.

    Anybody seeing any connections …?

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