“The Chinese virus is spreading”—deception and false news

by Jon Rappoport

January 27, 2020

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Most people are accepting the news that the Chinese coronavirus is spreading across China and the world. They don’t understand ground-level facts.

First of all, in every so-called epidemic, diagnoses of patients are eventually made by simple observation. The patient has typical flu symptoms? Fever, cough, fatigue, weakness, respiratory problems? He lives or works in an area where the epidemic has been reported? Boom, tell the patient he has the epidemic disease. Obviously, this is absurd. But it happens. And then you hear or read, “Today, three more people were found to be infected with the virus in (insert name of city).”

If a patient is actually tested, before a diagnosis is made, the most prevalent method is the antibody test. It’s fast. But there is a problem—a major problem. A positive test means the patient’s immune system has come in contact with the virus. Before 1984, this was generally interpreted as a good sign for the patient: his immune system responded well and defeated the virus. But then the science was turned upside down. Suddenly, a positive test meant the patient had a disease. Therefore, huge numbers of people were falsely told they were in danger. During times of hysteria, they became “new cases” of some purported epidemic. They were cited on the news to bolster the idea that the “the virus was spreading.” One more point: antibody tests are known to cross-react. This means: some irrelevant fact about the patient makes the test falsely read “positive for a virus.” He drank wine the night before the test. He has a cold. Etc.

In very few cases, a patient might be tested with a method called PCR. In simple terms, this test takes a tissue sample from the patient—a tiny, tiny piece of something that might be a virus…but it’s much too small to be observed and identified. To overcome this problem, the PCR test amplifies that tiny fragment many, many times—like blowing up a photograph. If the test overcomes several challenges and is done correctly, researchers and doctors might be able to infer that the patient has the virus. BUT the test would reveal nothing about HOW MUCH of the virus he has. And why is that important? Because two or three little particles of virus floating around in the patient’s body mean nothing. In order to cause disease, there would have to be millions and millions of a virus in the patient’s body. However, that obvious fact is ignored. A patient with a positive PCR test is added to the list of epidemic cases—and the news reports, “Today, four more infected people were found in Alaska, leading experts to state the epidemic is spreading unchecked across the world…”

As you can see, these major blunders and false interpretations will result in news about “the spreading epidemic.”

I should also mention low-level security personnel, police, and soldiers, in airports and other transportation centers, waving wands at people to see if their temperature is elevated—signifying they might be “carrying the virus.” These “tests” are about as reliable as randomly pointing to a figure in a photo of a crowd and saying, “He was the one who just robbed the bank, arrest him.”

Referring to Wuhan, called the center of the epidemic in China, photos of people jamming hospital waiting rooms are cited as “evidence” of the spreading virus and epidemic. This is preposterous. Many of these people, experiencing a few typical flu symptoms, have been brainwashed by public announcements into believing they have the “epidemic virus.” And then, Wuhan has highly dangerous levels of air pollution. Wuhan is notorious for polluting smog. Last summer, thousands of people in the city showed up on the streets protesting the air quality and a newly planned waste incinerator they believed would cause even more harmful smog. This pollution causes lung problems—cited as a symptom of the “coronavirus epidemic.”

Keep these issues in mind when people automatically claim “the virus and the epidemic are spreading.”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Covid.

4 comments on ““The Chinese virus is spreading”—deception and false news

  1. Paul says:

    CHINA ? What’s the deal?

    I scratch my head, a-wondering.

    What is the endgame in all this?

    Just a few tidbits.

    Many moons ago, I saw a piece, probably 60 Minutes, or some such.

    The story showed the horrific conditions of poor (both economically & in the sense of their lives lived) workers stripping the plastic insulation covering electrical wires to obtain the underlying copper. God-awful conditions: long hrs; toxic fumes from heating plastic: mind-numbing repetitive manual labor, etc.

    Many political doomsayers, who say China may militarily attack us or “our biggest threat” economically, because they have “a long range [in years outlook–outcome] plan to destroy us.

    BUT, China, treats their own terribly.

    How can they attack us, or, destroy us militarily, if they’re so physically debilitated?

    I realize their population is enormous.

    And of course…The media piece above, could ONLY DEVOTE a mere 18 minutes to “cover the story.” Because the final 18 minutes covered Anna Nicole Smith’s hairdo, or some such.

    Thank goodness, Bill & Melinda are fixin` things.

    I was worried there for a moment.

  2. Steve says:

    Your explanation of the testing methods is excellent. Short version – they are worthless! No useful information is derived from a negative or positive result.

    This, like other “epidemics” is a media hyped event. People are reacting like cattle to fear propaganda … again.

  3. Swamprat says:

    I have to admit to being skeptical about this whole virus thing. When the numbers started coming out, the number of infections and deaths seems to be working in line with normal viruses that occur daily. The swiftness of this lockdown is 1000 times as frightening as the virus itself.

  4. brokesville says:

    free speech matters

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