Why the Army of Reality always needs more soldiers

by Jon Rappoport

November 7, 2019

(To join our email list, click here.)

What we call Reality is a hall of mirrors. It reflects itself back and forth and builds up a consensus.

People do the same thing. They confirm with one another that the reality they believe is real is, in fact, real.

And having established that, they live out their lives and make the best of it.

But what happens if you defect? What happens if you’re not satisfied to live out the rest of your life inside the space of what everyone assumes is real?

More to the point, what happens if you’re not satisfied to live out the rest of your life inside the space of what YOU assume is real?

This is where a lot of people get off the train. They assert, with great assurance, that what they have discovered is the ultimate frontier. They’ve broken through the illusion. They’ve found out who is running the show from behind the curtain.

And with those discoveries in their pocket, they will live out their lives, confident in the knowledge that they can’t be fooled. They’ve won the prize.

Actually, peering behind the curtain and seeing what’s there is step one. The journey has barely begun.

No matter what degree of truth one has found, living out the rest of a life in that truth is going to be disappointing. It’s eventually going to be boring. It’s eventually going to be insufferable.

You want to lift that curtain, and you should. You should find out everything you can about who and what is behind it, and how they operate. But how long before you stop patting yourself on the back?

How long before you decide to create, with great passion and commitment, your own reality, the one you profoundly desire?

The process of creating reality never ends. It’s the ongoing voyage. It’s the reason things become new. It’s the reason boredom loses. It’s the reason you have no end. It’s the reason you can’t be stopped.

It’s the means by which you don’t decline. It’s the means by which you keep imagining something you haven’t imagined before.

It’s the reason you don’t “live out your life.”

It’s the reason “living out your life” seems about the worst thing you can do.

No excuses will suffice to rationalize staying in one place. No complaints will make you feel better. No “ultimate” space or time is good enough, as it is, to convince you that you should just play out the string inside it.

We are witnessing tech giants—Google, Facebook, You Tube, Twitter—hiding and de-listing news they deem “fake.” On one level, this is an obvious attempt to control political content. But on a much deeper level, this is an effort to shore up THEIR REALITY. They want to consolidate their Army of believers and expand its ranks. Outsiders and their ideas and analyses are a threat.

Outsiders, heaven forbid, might decide to launch other creative realities that bleed into the consensus and dissolve it.

The independent and free individual mind has its own immune system. It responds when it detects the intrusion of collectivist concoctions.

“Alert! Fake collective reality is showing up. Take action. Resist. Reject.”

Yes, but then?

The individual then has the power to invent his own future, according to his own vision. This is where the journey really gets interesting.

This is where new space and new time emerge, and the space of consensus shrinks and withers.

This is where the Army of Reality has no answer.

Each individual has his own invention of reality—a project and an enterprise that spills over the conventional boundaries.

Each enterprise is quite different. Each approach is quite different.

What’s similar is the available energy for the work.

Where does that energy come from?

It comes from the individual himself.

When imagination and the creative impulse are unleashed, energy appears in large quantities. New and fresh energy.

Frontier energy.

Cutting-edge energy that quite naturally and automatically begins to shred Army of Reality energy.

Life renews. Life begins again.

The fabric of old limiting ideas falls apart, and the individual steps out on to a unique launching platform.

His own.

This is the voyage that can never be stopped.

Because it doesn’t depend on the fake news and fake consensus and the fake illusion of power of The Group.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Symbols.

7 comments on “Why the Army of Reality always needs more soldiers

  1. rae says:

    One of your best Jon…

    much love, respect & appreciation


  2. About Creativity says:

    Very good, ´´What we call Reality is a hall of mirrors. It reflects itself back and forth and builds up a consensus.´´ The 5 close people in our lives?

    Talk, listen and participate. Create, design and generate – everything from nothing. Everything with and inside of integrity. Just to see what might happen down the road of agreements. Using personal initiative and burning desire. Applying number seven and controlling my emotions, plus grit. Started: April/2014

    ´´It’s the means by which you don’t decline. It’s the means by which you keep imagining something you haven’t imagined before.´´

    ´´The process of creating reality never ends. It’s the ongoing voyage. It’s the reason things become new. It’s the reason boredom loses. It’s the reason you have no end. It’s the reason you can’t be stopped.´´


  3. Mark W says:

    Thanks for the Article Jon. Talk about an interesting case in point. The link you included to the cultstate dot com website was blocked by my apparently good-intentioned “Bitdefender Anti-Virus.” Had to access it using Tor browser. Have noticed this also applies to the “security” services that some ISPs use (I’m in Australia, but I noticed the same recently in Thailand) such as Neustar that claim to be just blocking sites that breach IP laws.

  4. Real Morning says:

    just woke up and its 530am, and this article feel more powerful than anything i have experience before at this time of the day. Thank You.

  5. ReluctantWarrior says:

    The Stream
    By David Evans

    Caught in the whirlpools and eddies of time
    I dreamed the eternal dream,
    And no longer in life’s exalted prime
    I sat down next to a friendly stream.

    My friend spoke intimately to me
    In soft gurgles and frisky splashes,
    Saying that I could alas be free
    From time’s bitter cuts and lashes.

    And in my rippled reflection
    I saw the suffering of all mankind,
    A history of the soul’s sad incarceration
    By the mad algorithms of the mind.

    As the stream finds its way to the mighty river
    The passionate currents of life
    Will to the salty sea deliver
    The heavy sands of human strife.

    Where our souls will at once be renewed
    Caressed by the rhythm of the waves,
    And with the cry of so many wrecks imbued
    With the spirit of those sunken hero graves.

    From the sea came struggling life
    Slithering out from the murky green depths,
    Singing love songs to our mortal plight
    With the rush of each sweet breath.

    From thousands of rivers and streams
    The oceans draw their magic,
    And from cloudburst dreams
    Soothe the tale of life tragic.

    And as the playful porpoise
    Leaps from the blue ocean
    We witness life’s joyful purpose
    In the ecstasy of her graceful motion.

    Twas o’er the wine dark sea
    That mighty Heracles found his hero’s adventure,
    Son of Zeus and Alcmene
    Model for many a Roman Emperor.

    Twas not the brave Odysseus at last
    Charmed by Siren Song
    Lashed to his ship’s sturdy mast
    That held his body strong.

    So many captains steady beyond panic
    That sailed the seven seas,
    Like the mighty ship Titanic
    Lost children of Poseiden’s frozen tears.

    And as a mere droplet lost in the ocean
    I am evanescent beyond measure,
    Battered by each surface commotion
    Witness to her hidden treasures.

    The stream of life goes from birth to death
    Yet renews itself in each blessed moment,
    And with the blessing of the heaven’s breath
    It flows beyond this earthly torment!

  6. Larry C says:

    “We are witnessing tech giants—Google, Facebook, You Tube, Twitter—hiding and de-listing news they deem “fake.” On one level, this is an obvious attempt to control political content. But on a much deeper level, this is an effort to shore up THEIR REALITY. They want to consolidate their Army of believers and expand its ranks. Outsiders and their ideas and analyses are a threat.”

    Holy Crap.

  7. Jon,
    Since late 2008, Really appreciate your work. Through my darkest times I have found solace in the stories, truths and other realities you share.
    I was annoyed when wordpress [as in winepress?] deplatformed you.
    I use [at the moment] Brave as a Browser.

    I when I tried to open link from your homepage,
    I had the following message,

    This server could not prove that it is blog.nomorefakenews.com; its security certificate expired yesterday. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer’s clock is currently set to Friday, November 15, 2019. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system’s clock and then refresh this page.

    Proceed to blog.nomorefakenews.com (unsafe)

    the link above worked… when clicked upon.

    Be Well

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