CIA Memories, Part Two

by Jon Rappoport

July 3, 2019

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NOTE: As I mentioned in Part One, a patient presently confined to the Sleight Center psychiatric facility believes he is the current director of the CIA. He also believes he is living in the year 2053. He is writing CIA memos to “his own top people.”

Dear All,

Identity is elastic.

If, mysteriously, overnight all the thousands of CIA employees under my leadership were replaced with AI androids; and if those androids were virtually indistinguishable from the humans they were replacing; and if, in the end, I was the only human left at the Agency, surrounded by androids; what then? What would I do? Would I fall in line and accept fate? Would I adjust? Would I make the best of a terrible situation? Would I discover a new and delightful level of competence in my juniors? Would I too be phased out? My friends, don’t imagine these are merely academic questions. We are the Central Intelligence Agency. We are the cutting edge of intelligence for civilization. We are guiding the present into the planned future. It stands to reason that wholesale changes, or upgrades, from human to AI, would occur first at our shop. Wake up. Do you seriously think the most advanced AI technology is going to be wasted on a pan that can decide how long to fry eggs?

At this late date, our ancient operation in Guatemala is a mere sketch in my mind. I believe we overthrew a president on behalf of the United Fruit Company. However, I do remember thinking at the time there was a question about who was taking orders from whom. Was the Agency actually a cutout for an international corporation?

I was not alone in asking such questions. Several executive-level men at CIA were beset with wonderment. After all, if we were somehow accepting marching orders from the likes of the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations, who were, in turn, representing banking interests, what were we to conclude about the shadow-makeup of the US government? Then, of course, you had other players: global Zionism; the Roman Church; Skull&Bones; and so on. These groups competed with one another and also cooperated in certain ventures. During this period, we spotted one of our own agents passing information to a Soviet diplomat. We placed him under guard and interrogated him. He eventually confessed to membership in “a Jesuit cell.” We undertook an extensive investigation and could find no connection. One of our psychiatrists claimed the man thought he was a Jesuit priest. Well, he had, for a brief time, gone undercover as a priest taking confessions from UN diplomats. Had he submerged himself in the role?

Are you now beginning to understand what I mean when I say the Agency is theatrical in nature? Or that the cultural and even genetic makeup of many of our employees engenders a debilitating boredom vis-a-vis “ordinary reality?” I believe we had many people who wanted to change their identities.

The other day, my therapist uttered a curious statement: “You know, there are mental health professionals here who fervently wish you were speaking the truth.” Now why would he say that? Because even among elite psychiatrists, there is a plague of boredom? Is this why we all desire to embark on extreme adventures in new spaces and times? Because such missions require rehearsal for, and adoption of, new roles?

Once upon a time, we had a man inside a left-wing repertory theater group in New York. He acted in a number of plays—and suddenly resigned from the Agency. We interviewed him. He said he preferred “playing characters above board rather than under the table.”

Of course, the doctors here are trying to ease me out of my “role” as director of the CIA. I AM the director, so their efforts are in vain. But does it really matter? Suppose I were just playing a part to amuse myself and pass the time? Suppose I derived great enjoyment from the exercise? Would I be better off working as a bank teller or a professor of philosophy? We try to squeeze reality down to a narrow funnel, but we fail, because we actually want something quite different: “In the dying out of many republics, the joining of one great theater…”

This is the age of the actor
Who’s found that every other age
Was lying in its rooms,
In fumes and spice,
Weary of the pose in its own device.

This is the age of the actor,
Who’s discovered that every other age was dying,
Muted in a flame,
Born in presentiments of gold,
In the pose of a honored name.

What I want you to understand is this: We can make large adjustments and thereby allow people to radically change identities (or roles, if you prefer that term), or we can stand by and watch the OTHER solution soak into the bones of the world—AI. Devices, from the most crude to the most sophisticated walking and talking androids. Taking over, because it is the efficient and effective thing to do. In which case, our Agency is absorbed into the overall technological body, and becomes a machine within a larger machine.

Let us say you have ten thousand people. You’ve isolated them. You’ve studied them. They represent a cross-section of the population. They work at various jobs and they live their various lives. But YOU know that, underneath it all, each one of them fervently desires to live a radically different life. Do you see? That is the situation. That is, in fact, the universal situation. Now, the question is, what do you do? How do you deal with this? You can either bring deep desire out into the light and build a society based on living a radically different life…or you can take the coward’s way out…which is to invent machines that resemble humans in every possible respect…machines which are entirely “normal” and have no wish to live a radically different life…

Now comes the 64 trillion dollar question: is our Agency built to encourage and energize living a radically different life, or are we are constructed to bring into existence a flattened and shortened and artificially normal life for all?

I believe the answer is clear, and that is why I am considering stepping down from the directorship of the Agency.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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