The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth

by Jon Rappoport

August 18, 2018

When all obsessive group-consciousness on Earth is finished, exhausted, when it admits defeat, then a different era will emerge. But for now, we are in the middle of the collective experiment.

High-flying cloying sentiment, profound dependence on others, covert repression—these are the order of the day.

How long until the collective age is over? A hundred years? A thousand years? The answer is, as long as it takes for every human to realize that the experiment has failed, and why.

The why is clear—the individual has been overlooked. He has been demeaned. He has been grabbed up and drafted into groups. His creative power has been compromised in order to fit in.

The majority of the world still believes in this approach, as if from good groups will flow the ultimate and final solutions we have all been seeking.

This is sheer mind control, because good groups morph into evil, and vice versa, in the ongoing stage play called reality.

Ideals are twisted, infiltrators subvert plans, lessons are ignored, and the whole sorry mess repeats itself again.

What constituted a triumph of good over evil at one moment is guided into yet another collective, whose aims are “a better kind of control.”

The most deluded among us believe we are always on the cusp of a final breakthrough.

But there is no “we” to make the breakthrough.

It comes to every person on his own. And it does not arrive as the thrust of an external force, but from one’s own struggle, accompanied by insights for which there is no outside agency to lend confirmation.

If indeed it will take a thousand years to bring this collective illusion to a close, that is no cause for despondent reaction.

On the contrary, it is simply an understanding that all experiments come to an end, as does the method of thought on which they are based.

One or ten or a hundred collapses of civilization, and the resultant rebuilding, are not enough.

The pattern endures.

It can only dissolve when overwhelming numbers of individuals, each in his own way, absent self-deception, sees its bankruptcy.

The “we” and the “us” are merely postponements and cover stories splashed on the front pages of the mind.

Fighting for what is right, here and now, is vital. But it does not preclude the knowledge that, as long as people are fixated on groups as the Answer, the underlying problem will persist.

Therefore, as part of my research over the last several decades, I have explored what is now commonly called the Matrix, from the point of view of freeing the individual from it.

The first step is understanding Matrix as an ongoing perverse “work of art” and viewing the nuts and bolts of it.

That is the purpose of my first collection, The Matrix Revealed. You can order the collection here.

the matrix revealed

Here are the contents of The Matrix Revealed:

* 250 megabytes of information.

* Over 1100 pages of text.

* Ten and a half hours of audio.

The 2 bonuses alone are rather extraordinary:

* My complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, which includes the teacher’s manual and audio to guide you. I was previously selling the course for $375. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.

* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst. I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.

The heart and soul of this product are the text interviews I conducted with Matrix-insiders, who have first-hand knowledge of how the major illusions of our world are put together:

* ELLIS MEDAVOY, master of PR, propaganda, and deception, who worked for key controllers in the medical and political arenas. 28 interviews, 290 pages.

* JACK TRUE, the most creative hypnotherapist on the face of the planet. Jack’s anti-Matrix understanding of the mind and how to liberate it is unparalleled. His insights are unique, staggering. 43 interviews, 320 pages.

* RICHARD BELL, financial analyst and trader, whose profound grasp of market manipulation and economic-rigging is formidable, to say the least. 16 interviews, 132 pages.

Also included:

* Several more interviews with brilliant analysts of the Matrix. 53 pages.

* The ten and a half hours of mp3 audio are my solo presentation, based on these interviews and my own research. Title: The Multi-Dimensional Planetary Chessboard—The Matrix vs. the Un-Conditioning of the Individual.

(All the material is digital. Upon ordering it, you’ll receive an email with a link to it.)

Understanding Matrix is also understanding your capacity and power, and that is the way to approach this subject. Because liberation is the goal. And liberation has no limit.

I invite you to a new exploration and a great adventure.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

8 comments on “The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth

  1. middleway says:

    The experiment is no longer restricted to planet earth: /watch?v=e_UeESh60_A

  2. truth1 says:

    An individual is often bold and courageous, trusting in himself and his judgment and only needs himself for validation. But he is a rarity, an anomaly. Most want to fit in and not be outcasts and follow the herd. that is the predominant way of human nature. Again, the individual is the rarity and surprise. That means little hope for the species. our natural species tendency will be our undoing.

  3. From Quebec says:

    (The pattern endures). Jon

    And it will always endured. Because by nature humans are tribal.

    Everything is collective: The Families, Friends, Countries, Cities, Sports, ,Wars, Religions, Politics, and so on.

    And the Human are always fighting between the Right hemisphere and the Left hemisphere of the brain.

    So, I don’t think that we will see a reverse of what we have now. Anyway, not in our lifetime.

    • thepassionofplay says:

      You most certainly will not see it Quebec, because you do not think it is possible. Therefore you are right. I not only see it is possible, but the reversal is already fully underway, and unstoppable. I don’t even need to speculate as to whether it will happen or not as it has already happened and is happening. The pattern has already shifted, and I am living proof. For you the pattern has not shifted, and you are living proof. We are both 100% accurate, and we each have plenty of actual evidence to support our perspectives.

      • From Quebec says:

        You most certainly will not see it Quebec, because you do not think it is possible (thepassionofplay )

        You are wrong. I see it for myself, but I don’t see it for the herds.

        Take a look at ANTIFA or Black Live Matters, or at the Islamists or the leftists and tell me that this is possible?

        It is not possible for the masses. you can take that to the bank..

  4. thepassionofplay says:

    “But for now, we are in the middle of the collective experiment.”

    “The “we” and the “us” are merely postponements and cover stories splashed on the front pages of the mind.”

    Do you see that you are ‘postponing’ the end of the collective age yourself, Jon? Your “we” statements demonstrate the very movement of postponement that you are pointing out. The collective experiment most certainly does not end when “every human realizes it has failed”. In fact nothing could be farther from the truth. If that isn’t a textbook example of the very postponement you are speaking about I don’t know what is! The actuality is that the collective experiment ends the moment a single individual exits the matrix. Stick a fork in it, it is already over, dead and decaying. The collective experiment is no longer relevant to anything, as we speak. The old civilization is already being replaced by the new, albeit in the early stages. The new has nothing to do with the old, nor does is it need to wait for the total decay of the old. The new is already here in all its glory, despite it’s sprout-like size. The old has no power whatsoever, and is far less important than the ants on my porch.

    • Tim says:

      So the collective experiment is a bit of a con. Not everyone was actually in the collective we to begin with. The controllers of the project want people to believe that there is a collective we, and the collective experiment. ‘Come on in, it’s great!’ But it is a sham, with real structures, but a sham, because people have to believe in it for it to be real. Like Oz. If you believe, or find out by trial and error, or experimentation, or chance events, or by logic, personal development, etc, that individual freedom without the ‘we’ is real, then the collective is dead for you.

      ‘See there’s a big tent, and everyone’s in it! It’s great!’ Except that there really is no big tent, it’s only a big tent if people believe it. If you can see and create individual freedom and personal development without any sort of collective, then the collective experiment is dead.

      People won’t see what they are not looking for.

  5. From Quebec says:

    – Not everyone was actually in the collective we to begin with.If you want a con (Tim)

    Well of course, According to the Bible LOL, there was only Adam and Eve. Still, they stood together. otherwise we would not exist.

    – See there’s a big tent, and everyone’s in it! It’s great!’ Except that there really is no big tent, it’s only a big tent if people believe it (Tim)

    The same goes for countries. Either you have borders or you don’t. If you do, it is a collective of citizen ., if you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country and the dream of the New World Order,will win.

    You see, it is not that simple.

    Same thing for a family who is a group (a collective)

    In fact it is the same for most things.

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