Exit From The Matrix: the Harmony deception

by Jon Rappoport

June 18, 2018

These are notes I made while assembling my mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix. Keep in mind that this collection contains many imagination exercises, whose purpose is liberating the wide-ranging creative power of the individual.

Every generation perceives it is in an Hour of Need. Why? Because elite forces are attempting to organize a stranglehold on life itself. So…if well-intentioned groups come together to stop this operation, what is the ultimate purpose of these good people? Think it through. The ultimate purpose comes back to The Individual. His freedom, his potential, his power. However, if the individual forgets what he can do, what he can accomplish, what he truly wants, then what difference does it all make? The individual needs to remember what he is, how impactful his potential power is.

The challenge to the individual is: outward projection of a new reality that matches and embodies his profound desires. He projects this reality psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, energetically, physically, through work, in every way possible—in order to create it in the world.

—When a new idea comes along, it fractures closely held beloved old ideas.

HARMONY is a concept used cynically by elite controllers to box the mind into repetitive patterns of thought-slavery.

—Harmonize with this, harmonize with that, harmonize with oppressive limitations, we’re all in this together, we can attain peace through sacrificing individuality on the altar of greatest good for the greatest number. All tripe, all propaganda, all pernicious operant conditioning. This is Globalist psychological warfare, dressed up to look like a utopia just over the next hill.

On the other hand, a launch of imagination, of creative action, of power, of achievement, of fulfillment of desire, of manifestation of desire…all this occurs with DISHARMONY.

That statement may bring puzzlement to some minds—because the propaganda in favor of harmony is so widespread.

Every status quo is a condition of manufactured artificial harmony.

Hence the word BREAKTHROUGH. A breakthrough signals a fracture in the status quo.

For example, what was known or assumed about the ability of humans to fly from one location to another was, at one time, an accepted and “harmonious” status quo—until it wasn’t. Until engineers conceived and built planes.

ORDER was: humans can’t fly. CHAOS was: yes, they can. Eventually, plane flight was folded into a new status quo.

When painters like Van Eyck and Raphael and Piero della Francesca rendered perspective and the human figure in believable terms, that was a breakthrough. Eventually, it became status quo.

Harmony, balance, equilibrium—these concepts belong to status quo. (They can assist in rest, sleep, and cellular renewal, but they are not hallmarks of dynamic creative action.)

Creative action always introduces something new, something that wasn’t there before. In doing so, a disruption is made to happen.

Worshiping at the altar of harmony is a precursor to stagnant passivity.

That’s why harmony is a tool of tyrants.

There are many New Age formulations of addled thinking: “Become one with Nature and the Cosmos and Collective Consciousness and then rest passively inside that illuminated bubble forever.”

Down through the ages, certain figures have appeared who saw and transmitted expanding free energies from a launch-point of disharmony.

They wholly rejected What Is in favor of their own monumental creations.

No system or doctrine contained them.

This is a tradition of a kind, never mentioned or explained by historians. It is a spotty tradition, and its torch bearers emerge here and there, now and then. They are not part of anything. Each one of them goes his own way. What they leave behind is immense and unfathomable to most minds.

Most minds are trained to the point of exhaustion. This is an illusion, because the mind is, in its creative aspect, inexhaustible.


This is a prime teaching. But it is not a teaching owned and operated by a secret society. It is available to every human being. Secret societies and elites try to blunt it and bury it, in favor of groups and collectives—as if the individual is merely a piece of a whole, an element folded into a compound, an illusion. This is a lie. A gigantic lie.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

3 comments on “Exit From The Matrix: the Harmony deception

  1. NaturalWoman says:

    “. . . harmony is a tool of tyrants.”

    “No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.”
    ~ Alan Bullock, in Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives

  2. I would say every individual has the advantage of manipulating but not “inventing” reality, Jon?

    Well, except for those that have very special skills that most would regard [as] “not of this Earth”.

    Incidentally, do you know “why?”


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