The meaning of my work

The meaning of my work

by Jon Rappoport

April 18, 2018

My work as a researcher and writer goes back 50 years. My work as a reporter goes back 35 years.

Basically, I investigate and uncover scandals involving deep crimes, because those crimes illuminate ways in which controlling entities are creating reality for the planetary population.

The crimes are bad enough in and of themselves, but in the long run, using them to invent a wrap-around hypnotic reality for Earth is a massive trap. It traps the mind, it traps perception, it traps the individual creative impulse…

…Unless and until the individual understands what is going on—AND UNDERSTANDS IT FROM A VIEWPOINT OF CREATIVITY.

What do I mean by that?

This is what I mean: “Well, this is how they are inventing reality for me. Therefore, it is possible to invent reality. Therefore, it is possible for me to invent my own superior reality…AS A MANIFESTATION OF MY DEEPEST DESIRES.”

Now we are talking about true independence. And only now.

And what is the starting point for the individual to invent his own reality? If you want to go back in time to ancient Hermetic philosophy, to the practices of early Tibetan schools, to certain Western alchemists, you come up with the same answer:


This is the apex of mind, this is power, this is the resolution of inner conflict.

This supersedes prevailing cultures, this supersedes propaganda, and most important, this supersedes the individual forming the belief that he is a victim (and must therefore attack the free and independent and intensely creative person).

If there is a problem, you are the solver. You are the one who imagines a way to solve it. You are the dynamic force. You are the initiator. You are the one who asks a question and answers it. You are the one who surmounts the notion of problems and, by inventing reality, gets out ahead of chronic problems.

As I said in a talk I gave several years ago, I’m selling you to you.

Most people, if they have any interest beyond the details of daily life, are looking for a metaphysical structure they can they hang their hats on. They hope they can find a metaphysic “out there” that explains life and existence, and by attaching their thoughts to it they will find greater illumination and consciousness. However, this solution brings diminishing returns over time.


Because what they are seeking is obscuring an avoidable fact: they themselves are the answer. Beyond any map of existence.

The individual is his own answer.

And his answer rests in what he decides to create.

He wanders through a cosmological museum of paintings of realities, each painting different, until decides to pick up the brush and paint on his own.

A person can tap dance around this central fact and ignore it. He can ignore it for a year, a decade, a century, a thousand or a million incarnations, wherever and however he incarnates or exists, in whatever spaces or places or realms…but he will keep coming back to it.

To be or not to be, that is the question. Well, not exactly. To attach one’s self to another’s reality or invent one’s reality, that is the question.

And no one, except for the person who is asking, can deliver the answer. And act on it.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

8 comments on “The meaning of my work

  1. Michael burns says:

    I played Hamlet one time –course I thought I did it better than Gibson — but nooooo, nobody gave me a hundred million bizzillion to do it, and a six movie contract. I was just entertaining the muse. She’s a cute little muse..

    Off course when I saw Gibson do it, it was Hamlet had become MadMax. Its that thing he does with his eyes.

    Is this getting off topic? Just stop me if I am………

  2. Patricia says:

    Thank you for sharing your work, Jon. I don’t often have a chance to write, but please know that your writing for me has helped to clarify my perceptions of the world and I am so grateful. After reading your words I often feel rejuvenated and considering what we all have to deal with, this unique. You are a brave man. You are a man with integrity and attributions are always evident in your work, which are not available in today’s propagandized “journalism.” Live long and prosper!

  3. Larry says:

    “Most people, if they have any interest beyond the details of daily life, are looking for a metaphysical structure they can they hang their hats on. They hope they can find a metaphysic “out there” that explains life and existence, and by attaching their thoughts to it they will find greater illumination and consciousness. However, this solution brings diminishing returns over time.


    Because what they are seeking is obscuring an avoidable fact: they themselves are the answer. Beyond any map of existence.

    The individual is his own answer.

    And his answer rests in what he decides to create.”

    ««« »»»

    “WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

    ~ Little Grandmother

  4. Gerry Paterson says:

    I’ve been an avid reader of your work for quite a while now Jon and I believe you have spent your time well.

    However the message in this piece resonates so deeply with me that it is similar to the first book I read on Buddhism: I knew instinctively what the next word was going to be before I read it and that I therefore allready knew it and knew it was right and reading more became somehow unnecessary; I was reminded of what I should see and ignore the noise.

    WE are IT, I knew that…but thanks for reminding me Jon. And keep on keeping on.

    Gerry in NZ

  5. Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
    Your work is much appreciated

  6. Jon

    You are one of the few journalists I have encountered that is able to face truths that conflict with your sense of identity. Furthermore, sometimes you are prepared to alter opinions as a consequence. That is a signature of greatness.


  7. gh says:

    People without imagination are the problem. They don’t imagine the infinite possibilities.

  8. Hugh Wallace says:

    That’s a most wonderful little blog – one of the best ever really.

    You’ve captured the essence of it all.

    Thank you so much, blessings to you Jon, and be safe.

    Gratefully, Hugh

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