Stealth socialism: follow the money

Stealth socialism: follow the money

by Jon Rappoport

October 29, 2017

“If I fund you, I own you.”

“No you don’t.”

“Want to see what happens if I cut off the funding flow?”


“I’ve made my point. Case closed.”

In “classical” socialism, the government owns the means of production. It owns all business and companies and corporations. It decides what is produced, where it is distributed, who benefits, who suffers.

This classical definition allows an escape hatch. “Look at America. How many companies are actually owned by the federal government? How many are in private hands? America isn’t even close to being a socialist nation…”

Now let’s get real. In actual practice, socialism means the central government controls increasing chunks of the economy by funding them.

The government doesn’t literally have to own thousands of businesses. Government can FUND businesses. With contracts. In that case, what these companies produce is flowing from government money. “I don’t literally own you. But I bankroll you. If I removed that money, you would be in a great deal of trouble…”

That IS a covert form of government owning the means of production.

In 2014, the US federal government budget was $3.5 trillion. What did it do with that money (besides hiding and stealing some portion of it)? It spent it. It spent it by giving out contracts to private companies and government entities.

Government was so obsessed with spending it, the budget went into the red to the tune of $484 billion.

In 2014, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product—the assessed value of goods and services created in the US) was $17 trillion, and the purported debt of the government, accumulated over decades, was also $17 trillion (the debt is actually much greater). This should also give you some idea of the distance to which the government will go in its manic desire to spend money.

The federal government hands out money like an endless Niagara, to private companies and to itself—and in this way, it controls the operations of a major part of the economy. THAT IS SOCIALISM. BY STEALTH.

If you don’t think so, imagine what would happen if the government withdrew its funding.

Karl Marx might have quibbled about this form of socialism, but in the end he would see its intent and practical results:

“Well, the government puts onerous taxes on the people, and bankrolls a major portion of the economy…hmm, not bad, all in all. It’s a start.”

Of course, the super-rich secreted their wealth, long ago, in non-profit foundations. And they—the Rockefellers and Carnegies, and so on—they’re the people who want to expand socialism. Translation: they want to cut out the competition.

The people who don’t see how socialism is working in America (and other countries) aren’t looking.

Private functions become public functions when titanic sums of money flow from government.

This is one aspect of the Deep State that’s right out in open.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

31 comments on “Stealth socialism: follow the money

  1. Rube Neckbone of Flyoverstan says:

    The great techno triumphalist Elon Musk? Not producing anything more than toast at breakfast without the government funding.
    Too big to fail? Well watch it all collapse. Is Hollywood too big to fail? They are putting out stinker after stinker. Their brilliant business model was to alienate one half of the country with their political views that no one cares about. Is the NFL too big to fail? Only the dimmest of bulbs could slay the golden goose but the contemporary players found a way.
    Some people get the wrong idea about collapse. It isn’t as traumatic as they fear. No it won’t be Russia where it was a bloodless wipe out back in the early 90s but maybe a reset is what is needed.

    • rightwingconservativenewsblog says:

      I have always personally loathed Musk, who seems to be a fake darling of the demented Left—their Go-To-Guy. NONE of his projects have been what he claimed, nor were they successful in real life usage of the word. To build his vaunted TESLA, is dirtier and more polluting than ANY internal combustion engine, spreading poisons and heavy metals throughout the world.

      • truth1 says:

        That whole Space X thing is another puzzle. NASA was still using primitive processing power and Elon wants to make it better. That’s fine. But NASA, all along had been charging us for advanced tech when in truth, A Commodore 64 was a 100 times more powerful than the crap running the rockets. We tax payers were ripped off. Not to mention, their secret UFO tech, which did not come from real Aliens but came 1st thru Tesla, and then thru Germany, and then by Operation PaperClip to us. That UFO tech was deigned by Tesla over 100 year ago. Truth is, its old tech now. But that Elon was in on the NASA deceit says a lot. but I want everyone to know, that if ya have your heart set on snake oil, I jist happens to gut me a whole bunch of it in my garage and of course, for all you guys, I’ll give ya a special deal. Hey! What are friends for, right? You know where to find me, right? DC baby, where all the criminals hang out, natch.

  2. marblenecltr says:

    Reblogged this on necltr and commented:
    “Government can FUND businesses.” With money borrowed from the Fed Res system and foreign and domestic bankers. To be paid back one way or another by deceived United States citizens. “THAT IS [GLOBALIST] SOCIALISM. BY STEALTH.”

  3. IMNAHA says:

    OK who funds, and thus controls, GUS? You might say the U.S. taxpayer, but that would be wrong, they only pay the INTEREST on the money GUS “borrows”. The answer is of course the Federal Reserve which is neither, but is a private finance system owned by private banksters. Just as they fund both sides in wars, thus controlling both winners and losers through debt, they surely control GUS. A cursory examination of the largest corporations in the world reveals many banks at the top of the heap, additionally these banks have their tenacles wrapped around other large corporations.

  4. Manuel says:

    Socialism in the USA? Amazingly true… Please go to Amazon and buy for less than 10 bucks the book “Rockefeller Public Enemy Nr 1” by Emmanuel M. Josephson. He was a congressman. In the book he tells of the Congressional Inquiry done to the Ford Foundation.. When the president of the foundation was asked for the purpose of the foundation he replied “To introduce Socialism in the USA in a stealth way”… Loosely quoted as I do not have the book with me. So Jon you are totally correct in your article and the objective is being achieved. The book is a treasure because aside from that it explains how the non-profit foundations work, who runs them and who runs the education system in high school and universities by funding the “research” that creates the text books.As an example consider that all doctors are taught that big pharma drugs are the cure when they generally address the symptom not the cause.
    Socialism is just another scam to dominate the sheeple inside the Matrix. A farbetter tool than any other.

  5. Manuel says:

    Sorry forgot to mention that Josephson wrote the book around the 50´s!!!!

  6. truth1 says:

    I also note that if we are forced to fund government, on things we do not approve of, like supporting immigrants when I do not have enough to even have my own family. Should not all tax increases and expenditures require tax-payer/citizen approval? And no one coming to this nation, as dependent should be allowed to vote. Hence, the circumstance of forced taxation without the right to reject increases or expenditures, fully qualify us as slaves. We are forced into our circumstances and have no say over them. That is slavery.

  7. From Quebec says:

    Social­ism is not a system, it is a disease. It creates robots with no self responsibility whatsoever.

    And, it does not work, because eventually, you run out of other people’s money

    • truth1 says:

      100%, Que. It also seems to dull senses and lure people into a deeper coma so that they do not see that they are sinking in quicksand and there will be no getting out.

      There was a man about 2000 years ago who said that horrible things would come upon the earth and yet, most would take no note of it. That was a very good prediction observation. In hindsight, this is the pattern of every empire but with history books being very rare and literacy not too high, either and access allowed only to a few.

      It has to be said, that in diabolical way, the engineering of the masses since the 19th century has been nothing short of brilliant. It remains the goal and challenge, should any of us survive the deliberately planned mass execution of our species, that we get a firm grasp of what our duties are, to ourselves, those we love and those of all our species.

    • FQ:
      All this from you a cult member of that kosher ham Alex Jones. You talk about robots like you know what that means, lol… you are one…
      There’s a rumor that Alex Jones has made a deal with the TPTB, for big slice of the Alt media bandwidth.


      • truth1 says:

        Sorry to be repeating myself, but handouts via socialism are always appealing to too many on both sides because they get a check that says its from the government as if that was the true exclusive source of the money. I remember one dumb young woman calling it Obama money.

        but as you are likely ware of, it comes from the majority funders of the taxes, the poor middle class, poor because they give it all to the gov to give ti our enemies. who then make us even more poor.

        It is amazing that theoretically intelligent creatures can be so stupid. So if I may indulge (I’m doing it anyway), We see what we want to see and justify what rewards us, even if it is immoral. Bribery was totally forbidden in the bible. Now one could say that if one person wants to give another money, by mutual agreement, then its OK. but that, too, is too simplistic. Bribing, which is really what handouts from the gov are, is the surest way to destroy a nation and its moral fabric which our survival depends on. But since at least 90% are dumber than dog turds, we shall soon fall, all around the world, since socialism does not have any national boundaries and swallowed the whole world up in its cancer and invites Immigrants to come have others care for their families.

        What could possibly go wrong with that? Not a damn thing. It will work like a charm to total idiots not worthy of being called human or decent.

  8. middleway says:

    It is an arranged marriage of capitalism and socialism, A.K.A. Capitalistic Socialism. It is a tool used for the manipulation and capture of a materialistic people and the repossession of their property. Capitalistic Socialism may at first appear to be an oxymoron, but it is not. Nation States are corporations, their cities are corporations and their bureaucratic agencies are corporations; Like all corporations they require capital to function and survive. If you follow this capital to its veiled source you will find the Babylonian bankers with their magical testaments of financial management and corporate law. Wars throughout the past 500 years have bankrupted every nation state. These nation states defaulted on their loans and fell into receivership; their only collateral was its land and its people. Through their magical laws we are now owned and controlled by those entities at the top. Owned people serve as the slaves of their masters. There will be a few individuals who will realize that infinite intelligence and a creative imagination are all that has been left to them.

    • truth1 says:

      A comment with lots of insight. Problem is, that few will understand the insight you put forth. Babylonian Bankers will not sink in. Neo Babylon was an interesting empire in that it took over a region, and banking and commerce became an entity of its own, and was passed on to succeeding empires. sort of like a hidden virus set to go off at the assigned time.

      Odd that with time, the merchantile empire became more about shipping and commerce, merchant and marine navies which some pretentious scholars have dubbed Thalassocracies. These were not as obvious to track or discern. You could not always be sure who was in charge or who ordered what, sort of like a secretive crime syndicate. You know general operations but the specifics remain out of sight. Venice was such an empire that migrated to Europe and then just blended quietly into the greater commercial enterprises.

      today, the God Fathers are more mysterious than ever, but oh so real. Some say they do not exist, but who are they kidding. They are just good at keeping secrets.

  9. oscar matous says:

    Words, which words to use. Socialism, Facism, Communism? What we seeing a big central government dictating our everyday lives. They;ll us whatever words it takes. Good point in the article though. But I would go much bigger. They funding our local govts, our police, our newspapers, our tv,…… That big goobermint is taking over everything. What word is that?

  10. Agreed Jon, but I have always argued that money is an arbitrary fiction until values are standardised without inflation or other “eroding” influences?

    I question how profits can synthesise an even commercial playing field without drag factors (such as inflation and other eroding influences). Who “ultimately” owns money?


  11. Curmudgeon says:

    In “classical” socialism, the government owns the means of production. It owns all business and companies and corporations. It decides what is produced, where it is distributed, who benefits, who suffers.

    Wrong. This is the American definition of Socialism.
    Either of the following definitions does not prohibit private ownership:

    Socialist Sweden was very successful while it was a cohesive society with its mixture of private and public ownership and armed neutrality. It had the highest standard of living, and low taxes. That all changed when they drank the Multiculturalism FlavorAid.

  12. Roland Dao says:

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