Race/class-baiting attacks against vaccine doubters

Race/class-baiting attacks against vaccine doubters

by Jon Rappoport

September 8, 2017

The official talking heads in the vaccine wars are using race and class to attack people who doubt the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

Before people lost track of a subject called logic, the fallacy called ad hominem was widely understood: ignore the substance of an argument; simply attack the person making the argument.

Barbara Loe Fisher leads a private non-profit US organization called the National Vaccine Information Center. She has worked for decades to bring truth to the issue of vaccines. Recently, she gave a talk titled, “Class and Race Profiling in the Vaccine Culture War.” Here are vital excerpts:

“The Vaccine Culture War is heating up. Ground zero is America, Europe and other economically developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industrial complex is raising an iron fist to protect multi-billion dollar profits by disempowering the people.”

“In America, professors and doctors in academia and government are profiling parents by class and race to shame and discredit those challenging vaccine orthodoxy. Elite members of the highest paid professions in our society are using academic journals and mainstream media to openly preach fear, hate, prejudice and discrimination against people who disagree with them about vaccination.”

“’When it comes to vaccines, rich parents get away with child neglect,’ the headline in the Washington Post proclaimed on May 10, 2017…”

“That ‘punish the mothers’ Op Ed was preceded by a May 8 Boston Herald editorial revealing just how far the persecution of people advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent has gone. The Boston Herald editorial staff called for the execution of individuals who exercise free speech about vaccine risks and failures. As in, it should be ‘a hanging offense’ to inform parents (especially to inform parents in ‘immigrant communities’) that vaccines carry an unpredictable risk of injury or death and often fail to work as advertised.”

“In 2011, Greg Poland, a University of Minnesota professor of medicine and vaccine developer at Mayo Clinic, profiled parents concerned about vaccine risks in the New England Journal of Medicine. He said, ‘Antivaccinationists tend toward complete distrust of government and manufacturers, conspiratorial thinking, denialism, low cognitive complexity in thinking patterns, reasoning flaws, and a habit of substituting anecdotes for data.’ Then he used a death image to invoke a thinly veiled threat. He asked, ‘What can we do to hasten the funeral of antivaccination campaigns?’”

“Trash talk has become the weapon of choice for a select group of professors and doctors using academic journals and mainstream media to humiliate and bully people who disagree with them about the science, policy, law and ethics of vaccination. In the 21st century, it has been going on in earnest since about 2004 when Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials kicked off the Vaccine Culture War by asking this question in the Journal of Pediatrics: ‘Children Who Have Received No Vaccines: Who Are They and Where Do They Live?’”

“The CDC study authors played with the words ‘undervaccinated’ and ‘unvaccinated’ so mothers could be profiled by class and race. They said:”

“’Undervaccinated children tend to be black, to have a younger mother who was not married and did not have a college degree, to live in a household near the poverty level, and to live in a central city. Unvaccinated children tended to be white, to have a mother who was married and had a college degree, to live in a household with an annual income exceeding $75,000 and to have parents who expressed concerns regarding the safety of vaccines and indicated that medical doctors have little influence over vaccination decisions for their children.’”

“When doctors with big titles in government and academia put a target on the backs of parents and doctors opposing inhumane one-size-fits-all public health policies and laws, it gives a green light for legislators to do the same thing. In 2012, California pediatrician politician Richard Pan lobbied to eliminate the personal belief vaccine exemption for children to attend school. He told Associated Press that, ‘In private schools, these are people who have money, who are upper middle-class, and they are going on the Internet and seeing information and misinformation.’”

“In 2013, the flames of prejudice were fanned by an online publication profiling parents in a San Francisco community and labeling them ‘vaccine deniers.’ The parents were described as ‘wealthy, educated, liberal leaning’ and often working in ‘technology, law and other white collar professions that demand critical thinking skills,’ who put their children at risk by feeding them non-GMO organic food, taking them to holistic doctors, and paying $20,000 a year to send them to private schools where self-reliance, independence and critical thinking are taught.”

“So, by 2015, the narrative about parents being stupid and crazy for questioning the safety of vaccines had morphed into one profiling parents by class and race. The New York Times had no problem running the headline, ‘Rich, White and Refusing Vaccinations.’”

—end of excerpt—

Getting the message?

It’s not what you think, what you know, what your independent research has uncovered—no, no. It’s all about your profile. Your class and race profile is the only relevant factor.

What you know is merely a bogus affectation based on your class and race status.

Welcome to the ad hominem universe.

“We are official science. Everything we assert is true. Why? Because we are the class of the all-knowing. Anyone who doubts us is from a sub-class of morons. We can break down that sub-class by race and economic status. Then we can use those profiles to shame you into agreeing with what we say…”

It goes further than this, straight into the heart of actual racism:

“You’re black and poor and you doubt the safety and efficacy of vaccines? You obtained those ideas from people who are trying to harm you and your children. You see, you’re not capable of looking at the evidence and the facts yourselves. You’re eternal victims. You don’t have minds of your own.”

Yes, that’s where all this “science” leads.

On the other hand, if you’re “rich and white,” and believe that vaccines are dangerous, you’re simply acting out an elitist desire to separate yourselves from the bulk of humanity who understands the necessity of vaccination.

According to this perverse “analysis,” the only people who truly understand the facts are the princes of vaccination, the talking heads who front for the pharmaceutical giants.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

20 comments on “Race/class-baiting attacks against vaccine doubters

  1. elliottjab says:

    Am going to finish painting the galley windows of my cabin & try very hard to feel OK today.

    We have all arrived – as a hive set & as individuals. We are now in full blown Orwell.

    My hate, disgust, & remorse are as bottomless – endless as these fools pervasive lies.

    Stay well Jon – and your all knowledge seekers, followers.

    J in NM

    • Kayla Wildman says:

      I agree with you that we are now in “full blown Orwell.” Sounds like you are working hard to escape the hive. I wish you good luck and good health!

  2. People who make vaccines are guilt givers and fear givers who threaten people. Sounds like satann to me. A vet threatened to alter my dog when I said no shots walking out of the vets with my dog. He said in a phone call had he would alter him had a dog catcher catch him. The damn vet used fear to try and force me to do what I did not want to do. Lucifer is a lying fear giver.

    Use Upcspine.com, NUCCA.org, Thespesific.com or Upper Cervical Health Centers. Don’t be measured by them the day of a hit to the head, accident or fall. Wait 4 – 5 days. If you can be treated by Steven Duff, Windsor, California or Richard Duff, San Francisco, California.
    Use this as a preventative. Don’t wait for debilitating symptoms.

  3. People who make vaccines are guilt givers and fear givers who threaten people. Sounds like Satan to me. A vet threatened to alter my dog when I said no shots walking out of the vets with my dog. He said in a phone call had he would alter him had a dog catcher catch him. The damn vet used fear to try and force me to do what I did not want to do. Lucifer is a lying fear giver. vaccines are a mixture of all kinds of things that a person should not eat. What a pwerson easts ends up in their blood stream. Why inject things in to the blood that you would b not sit down to eat. The symptoms people get are consistent with the toxic substances that are in the vaccinations.

    Use Upcspine.com, NUCCA.org, Thespesific.com or Upper Cervical Health Centers. Don’t be measured by them the day of a hit to the head, accident or fall. Wait 4 – 5 days. If you can be treated by Steven Duff, Windsor, California or Richard Duff, San Francisco, California.
    Use this as a preventative. Don’t wait for debilitating symptoms.

  4. People who make vaccines are guilt givers and fear givers who threaten people. Sounds like Satan to me. A vet threatened to alter my dog when I said no to shots walking out of the vets with my dog. He said in a phone call had he would alter him had a dog catcher catch him. The damn vet used fear to try and force me to do what I did not want to do. Lucifer is a lying fear giver. vaccines are a mixture of all kinds of things that a person should not eat. What a pwerson easts ends up in their blood stream. Why inject things in to the blood that you would b not sit down to eat. The symptoms people get are consistent with the toxic substances that are in the vaccinations.

    Use Upcspine.com, NUCCA.org, Thespesific.com or Upper Cervical Health Centers. Don’t be measured by them the day of a hit to the head, accident or fall. Wait 4 – 5 days. If you can be treated by Steven Duff, Windsor, California or Richard Duff, San Francisco, California.
    Use this as a preventative. Don’t wait for debilitating symptoms.

    • justanthropology says:

      artiewhitefox: definitely worth repeating!

      • Edited: People who make vaccines are guilt givers and fear givers who threaten people. Sounds like Satan to me. A vet threatened to alter my dog when I said no to shots walking out of the vets with my dog. He said in a phone call had he would alter him had a dog catcher catch him. The damn vet used fear to try and force me to do what I did not want to do. Lucifer is a lying fear giver. vaccines are a mixture of all kinds of things that a person should not eat. What a person eats ends up in their blood stream. Why inject things in to the blood that you would not sit down to eat? The symptoms people get are consistent with the toxic substances that are in the vaccinations.
        Use Upcspine.com, NUCCA.org, Thespesific.com or Upper Cervical Health Centers. Don’t be measured by them the day of a hit to the head, accident or fall. Wait 4 – 5 days. If you can be treated by Steven Duff, Windsor, California or Richard Duff, San Francisco, California.
        Use this as a preventative. Don’t wait for debilitating symptoms.

  5. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:

  6. Abe says:

    Why not play the race/fascist card? I did! I called my knuckleheads in DC a couple weeks ago and asked why nothing was happening with Dr. Thompson blowing the whistle on of then CDC head Julie Gerberding skewing the data on the 2004 autism & MMR vaccine study

    From Dr. Bernstein’s blog
    The data that was altered showed a whopping 240% increase in autism cases among African American males who received the MMR vaccine before 36 months of age. Furthermore, there was a 69% increase risk in any male injected with MMR before 36 months of age.

    So it’s pretty obvious they’re either protecting big pharma, or a racist! This wouldn’t eliminate sexist for some of our so called representatives either. In actions speaks louder than words! Frankly I’m getting pretty mad at these whores calling me a racist, fascist, and sexist! If the shoe fits? Shove it down there throat, or up there ass!

  7. Jennifer says:

    My late husband was a vivid dreamer and remembered most all of his dreams including the ones urging him into male homosexuality, ones which we knew were electronic thought projections.

    But God is usually the Giver of Dreams as He is the Giver of Truth, and one dream Dan had still stands out as being very prophetic.

    In the dream he said he and I were in a house and looked out the window and the whole landscape, earth and sky, was on fire. It was more like images in fire. We went outside to get a better look and saw that it was troops passing in review, columns and columns of them, but they weren’t men or soldiers, but thousands and thousands of women carrying their dead children.

    The fire represents Moloch the god of child sacrifice. This forced vaccination thing is giving up our children to Moloch. We have yet to see the worst of it with the coming CRISPR technology and RNAi technology. It is very likely much that is to come is about sterilization of future generations. This is where we lose our daily sacrifice which sends us into the abomination of desolation.

    After the dream, Delamer Duverus wrote a letter to Michael O. Leavitt, Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Seems he was instrumental in some sort of regulation to make vaccinations mandatory in case of a pandemic. Delamer Duverus told him the dream and then said: “Congratulations. All of you have conquered yet another nation…May God have mercy on your souls!” Mr. Leavitt is a Mormon and an ex-governor of Utah. We still wonder to the depth of what He meant.

  8. Skid Marx says:

    But I thought the glorious people’s collective golden utopian paradise on earth was free of all class distinctions?
    Isn’t every comrade of the collective equal?
    To each according to his need, workers of the world unite. Yes we can! Forward.

  9. justanthropology says:

    Note only are the pseudo concepts bizarre, but whomever came up with this obviously illogical, insane, contradictory on many levels and ultimately hateful schpeel….no words.

    • Kayla Wildman says:

      You nailed it.

      • All need to doubt vaccines. .Vaccinations are a cruel deception. Vaccinations contain:,
        1. “Acetone: 2. Aluminum phosphate and aluminum sulfate: Known also by its chemical make up, phosphoric acid and aluminum salt, aluminum phosphate consists of a corrosive acid and neurotoxin. Similarly, aluminum sulfate is known by its components, sulfuric acid, an extremely carcinogenic and corrosive acid, and aluminum salt, a neurotoxin.”
        3. Benzethonium chloride: 4. Ethanol: 5. Formaldehyde: 6. Glutaraldehyde: 7. “Human serum albumin: A human protein, but it can only be broken down when digested. When it is injected it can cause autoimmune encephalitis (AE) disorders and allergies.”
        8.Polysorbate 80: 9. Phenol-carbolic acid: 10. Thimerosal: Also known as ethylmercury, thimerosal is 49.6 percent mercury.
        11. Glyphosphate which is in Roundup weed killer. 12. sodium deoxycholate. That is found in almost every flu vaccine. That chemical is a water soluble ionic detergent/bile salt which causes cell death.

        Go to Upcspine.com, NUCCA.org, Thespesific.com or Upper cervical health centers to not get the symptoms associated with the acronym names and other names that are many. Don’t be measured by them the day of a hit to the head accident or fall. Wait 4 – 5 days. If you can be treated by Steven Duff, Windsor, California or Richard Duff, San Francisco, California.

  10. Bunny says:

    So now “Science” descends to the level of grade school bully tactics. Brilliant.
    And they are equal opportunity deriding both rich well educated whites and poor less educated blacks for being “too stupid to understand science”.

    Just like “Climate Change”.

    Science isn’t done by consensus.

    In fact most of what passes itself off as “science” today is fraudulent.

    Most studies (i believe i read over 70%) are being funded by corporations paying for the results they want and putting lobbyists in the FDA to get a free pass.
    The peer review process would have been a mitigating factor but it is almost completely quid pro quo.
    This is NOT some wild eyed “conspiracy theory”…this is fact.
    If the idiots in power do not want to deal in actual facts then we are dealing with BELIEF based on nothing.

    I have another name for it.

  11. Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
    Read the comments as well…..

  12. Wally says:

    I wonder, and I’m serious, what they would say about someone who is mixed? What group would such a person be lumped into?

  13. Kayla Wildman says:

    Great article. I appreciate your blunt confrontation of the race baiting and class baiting in the cultivation of hatred against people who refuse to go along with the vaccine agenda. Thanks.

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