MD: I’ve seen cases of vaccine injury for 40 years

MD: I’ve seen cases of vaccine injury for forty years

Australian doctor exposes vaccine damage, stands up to government/media attacks

Here is what he wrote

by Jon Rappoport

September 4, 2017

In Australia, the noose is tightening around parents’ and children’s necks.

There is already a policy in place that denies certain government benefits to families who don’t vaccinate their kids. Now, there is legislation that would deny unvaccinated children enrollment in daycare and kindergarten.

But a grassroots rebellion is underway.

Australian MD John Piesse has stepped out of the shadows and reported his findings and research on vaccine damage. The government is investigating him. They may strip his license. The press is attacking him mercilessly.

He isn’t backing down.

His stance is certainly heroic, but remember that every doctor takes an oath to do no harm to his patients. Without question, there are many other doctors who know the truth, first-hand, about what vaccines really do. But they stay silent.

Some of these doctors don’t vaccinate their own children…but they continue to inject toxic chemicals and viruses into their young patients. That is a crime and betrayal of the first order.

Here, in full, is a letter Dr. Piesse recently wrote to The Age. Read it. Study it. Understand it. This isn’t the unhinged raving of a madman, as the press would have you believe.

This is basic truth that every parent should have and own:

“I have been encountering cases of vaccine injury for over 40 years. In June it was a happy, healthy nearly 5-year-old whose parents were required to put her on a catch-up schedule, in order to get her into kindergarten. She won’t be going to kinder. She’s in a wheel-chair, brain-damaged. Her life ruined. Then came a friend’s father who died after a flu vaccine, and last week a 4 year old boy, made autistic by a catch-up schedule.”

“In 1988, the US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was created. It has paid out over US$3.5 billion to the vaccine-injured. The NVICP was set up to protect vaccine manufacturers from ruinous costs of litigation by vaccine-damaged people. It was deemed preferable to have ‘unavoidably unsafe’ vaccines than no vaccines. Unfortunately the protection provided to vaccine manufacturers also reduced incentives to develop safer vaccines in USA.”

“Vaccines contain health-damaging ingredients, not the least aluminium – a known neurotoxin implicated along with mercury, in brain damage as in autism, developmental delay, ADHD, and learning difficulties. Aluminium is also a powerful promoter of auto-immune diseases. Vaccines can claim to be mercury-free if their mercury content is below a still-toxic threshold. Most influenza vaccines contain mercury – also a neurotoxin. In addition, polysorbate 80 in vaccines increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier and potentiates the risks of these neurotoxins. The known presence of carcinogenic viruses in the MMR vaccine, has been covered-up. Vaccines also contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.”

“Proof of vaccine safety requires rigorously conducted clinical studies comparing vaccinated versus truly unvaccinated children for health outcomes. Are there any such studies that confirm that vaccinated children are not worse-off than those unvaccinated? No. There are none. Hence, child vaccines are unproven for safety – an inconvenient truth for a profession that prides itself on being scientific.”

“One analysis indicated that national infant mortality rates were proportional to the number of vaccine doses (Miller NZ 2011), contradictory to the claim that ‘vaccination saves lives’.”

“From mid-2015, parents who wished not to vaccinate their children, started to converge on my practice seeking assistance with gaining exemption from the penalties directed at non-vaccinators by the No Jab No Pay and No Jab No Play Legislation.”

“Analysis up to the end of 2016 of parent’s reasons for not vaccinating, indicated that 64% of 166 parents knew of vaccine-damaged individuals in their own family. The study of ‘Adversomics’ confirms polymorphic and genomic susceptibility factors common to vaccine–damaged individuals and their families. (Poland GA 2015). 40% of unvaccinated children had pre-existing health problems that parents considered would make them more at risk of harm from vaccines. 60% of unvaccinated children were very healthy, but only 6% of the vaccinated children. There were no cases of autism in 212 unvaccinated children, but 8 autism cases in the 50 vaccinated children (16%), and 36% with ASD [autism spectrum disorder], compared to 1.4% in the unvaccinated.”

“As yet there are no large-scale vaccinated versus truly unvaccinated studies of the sort needed prove that vaccines do or do not cause autism.”

“So where does the widespread belief that vaccines do not cause autism derive? In a nutshell: from an over-whelming quantity of ‘manufactured science’ of low quality, scientific fraud, and ignoring evidence supporting causality. Few doctors and politicians are aware of the pivotal scientific fraud committed in the US Centers for Disease Control. A study of the MMR vaccine in black American babies showed a 2.5 fold higher level of autism in babies given the MMR vaccine at 12 months of age compared to 3 years. The CDC refused to publish these findings but manipulated the data to disguise the undeniable association found. The fraudulent data was then published (DeStefano F 2004 ) and promoted as the final statement on the question. Thereafter the official line was that vaccination did not cause autism. 5000 vaccine-damaged children had their applications in the Vaccine Court for compensation quashed after this deception. But [CDC] whistle-blower William Thompson released the true unabridged data which was published briefly until pressure from the CDC forced its retraction (Hooker B 2014)”

“A recent study of home-school students showed a 6.6 fold increase in neurodevelopmental disorders in the vaccinated group over the unvaccinated. Autism spectrum disorders were 4.7 times more prevalent in the vaccinated children (Mawson AR 2017).”

“So long as doctors and governments continue to be hood-winked into believing that vaccines do not cause autism, no action will be taken to stop the alarming surge in the autism epidemic. A tragedy that need not happen if we demand good science and safe vaccines.”

Who is next?

Who is the next doctor to step into the light and tell the truth, regardless of the consequences?

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them…”

In this case, “Arms” means the truth. Because if it spreads far enough, from many doctors, there will be an end to the high mounds of intentional lies that compose official science, which is fake science—designed to put children under the gun, under the needle.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

24 comments on “MD: I’ve seen cases of vaccine injury for 40 years

  1. sooner77 says:

    Excellent article, Jon. Unfortunately this man’s tremendous information will never see the light of day since MSM receives billions of advertising dollars from big pharma. It seems there is no way out of the abysmal depths of corruption in our society, country and world.

  2. Jana D. says:

    Thank you. I shared this article on a page to warn young families against vaccines.

  3. muley12 says:

    Reblogged this on Mike's Common Sense and commented:
    Before you vaccinate, investigate, educate.

  4. arcadia11 says:

    a ray of sunlight. thank you.

  5. elliottjab says:

    Unbelievable (almost) the breadth & depth of dollars funneled into the pockets of those who turn a completely blind eye & mind.

    As are you – the good Doctor is brave and beyond to come forward. So much danger attached to exposing these truths/horrors.

    Thanks Jon.

  6. Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
    The tide is turning. Thank you, Jon for quoting this clear and concise letter. This doctor has great courage. Kudos.

  7. A brilliant piece, Jon, as always. For all you do, thank you! I have shared…

  8. Jennifer says:

    A brave soul, the doctor. Thanks for posting letter, Jon.

    Time to get out the ole “Millstone straps” and send them out to those who push vaccines on us.

  9. Jann says:

    Yes, right now my son, not diagnosed with autism yet due to mental health being annoyed for his lack of interaction with them has missed his exams finals due to anxiety, leaving me and him in a mess no one is helping with. I am exhausted trying to put this right and to complain just gives them more ammunition to make out I’m a bad parent. The epidemic is right, it is an epidemic many parents seem to accept, maybe as i’m an older parent i remember the time there were very few kids with such widespread mental health difficulties.
    I am really hoping we will be compensated for all these lies and maltreatment of our children caused by the MMR jabs.

    • Terri says:

      Jann, you can help him and yourself. Please look into changing your food choices. Many who go from gmo to organic show results very quickly. consult a practitioner who is knowledgeable in homeopathic and herbs. look into home schooling as well. blessings

    • katykat says:

      GFCF diet and eliminate all food containing High Fructose Corn Syrup and MSG. Also check into Restore, to heal leaky gut. Vitamin B6 and magnesium for anxiety. Praying for you.

    • Ilse Aschenbrenner says:

      Hi Jan, could you make him some Dandelion Pesto and just see if the dandelion will help him. Here is a good recipe and YUM. maybe use buckwheat noodles with it though rather than wheat noodles. Sending hugs, I know where you are at.

  10. JoAnn Dolberg says:

    “As yet there are no large-scale vaccinated versus truly unvaccinated studies of the sort needed prove that vaccines do or do not cause autism.” Something else that also might be considered is that the human body seems to possess deteriorated immunological responses that for some, means they can suffer adversely on what another might be able to endure. Even with studies, the gradual decimation of personal freedom to make choices and personal responsibility for the choices we make, is an attack that no law-abiding person should have to endure.

  11. bob klinck says:

    “The love of money is the root of all evil”, corrupting ethics throughout society. The monopolistic financial system effectively lays claim to ownership of the cultural heritage of mankind, which is why technological advances have such negligible benefits for personal economic welfare.

  12. sirgalahadt says:

    the original article was not on The Age – it was on an Australian site which is a vax truth site.

    The age has reported the story, but not in a supportive way.


    Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said he was astonished to learn registered doctors would “stoop to the level of supporting the anti-vaccination movement”.


    From here:

  13. Thx1138 says:

    Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the Spanish Influenza of 1918, was the result of a massive nation-wide vaccination campaign

    The doctors told the people that the flu was caused by germs. Viruses were not known at that time or they would have been blamed. Germs, bacteria and viruses, along with bacilli and a few other invisible organisms are the scapegoats, which the doctors like to blame for the things they do not understand.

    If the doctor makes a wrong diagnosis and treatment, and kills the patient, he can always blame it on the germs, and say the patient didn’t get an early diagnosis and come to him in time.

    If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were returning home from overseas.

    That was the first war in which all the known vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by enemy shots from guns.

    Thousands were invalided home or to military hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued doggedly.

    It was a shorter war than the vaccine-makers had planned on, only about a year for us, so the vaccine promoters had a lot of unused, spoiling vaccines left over which they wanted to sell at a good profit.

    So they did what they usually do, they called a meeting behind closed doors, and plotted the whole sordid program, a nationwide (worldwide) vaccination drive using all their vaccines, and telling the people that the soldiers were coming home with many dread diseases contracted in foreign countries and that it was the patriotic duty of every man, woman and child to get “protected” by rushing down to the vaccination centers and having all the shots.

    Most people believe their doctors and government officials, and do what they say. The result was, that almost the entire population submitted to the shots without question, and it was only a matter of hours until people began dropping dead in agony, while many others collapsed with a disease of such virulence that no one had ever seen anything like it before.

    They had all the characteristics of the diseases they had been vaccinated against, the high fever, chills, pain, cramps, diarrhea, etc. of typhoid, and the pneumonia like lung and throat congestion of diphtheria and the vomiting, headache, weakness and misery of hepatitis from the jungle fever shots, and the outbreak of sores on the skin from the smallpox shots, along with paralysis from all the shots, etc.

    The doctors were baffled, and claimed they didn’t know what caused the strange and deadly disease, and they certainly had no cure. They should have known the underlying cause was the vaccinations, because the same thing happened to the soldiers after they had their shots at camp. The typhoid fever shots caused a worse form of the disease, which they called para-typhoid.

    Then they tried to suppress the symptoms of that one with a stronger vaccine, which caused a still more serious disease, which killed and disabled a great many men. The combination of all the poison vaccines fermenting together in the body, caused such violent reactions that they could not cope with the situation.

    Disaster ran rampant in the camps. Some of the military hospitals were filled with nothing but paralyzed soldiers, and they were called war casualties, even before they left American soil. I talked to some of the survivors of that vaccine onslaught when they returned home after the war, and they told of the horrors, not of the war itself, and battles, but of the sickness at camp.

    The doctors didn’t want this massive vaccine disease to reflect on them, so they, agreed among themselves to call it Spanish Influenza. Spain was a far away place and some of the soldiers had been there, so the idea of calling it Spanish Influenza seemed to be a good way to lay the blame on someone else. The Spanish resented having us name the world scourge on them. They knew the flu didn’t originate in their country.

    20,000,000 died of that flu epidemic, worldwide, and it seemed to be almost universal or as far away as the vaccinations reached. Greece and a few other countries, which did not accept the vaccines, were the only ones that were not hit by the flu. Doesn’t that prove something?

    At home (in the U.S.) the situation was the same; the only ones who escaped the influenza were those who had refused the vaccinations. My family and 1 were among the few who persisted in refusing the high pressure sales propaganda, and none of us had the flu not even a sniffle, in spite of the fact that it was all around us, and in the bitter cold of winter.

    Everyone seemed to have it. The whole town was down sick and dying. The hospitals were closed because the doctors and nurses were down with the flu. Everything was closed, schools, businesses, post office everything. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. There were no doctors to care for the sick, so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to help the stricken in any way they could.

    They spent all day and part of the night for weeks, in the sick rooms, and came home only to eat and sleep. If germs or viruses, bacteria, or any other little organisms were the cause of that disease, they had plenty of opportunity to latch onto my parents and “lay them low” with the disease that had prostrated the world.

    But germs were not the cause of that or any other disease, so they didn’t “catch” it. I have talked to a few other people since that time, who said they escaped the 1918 flu, so I asked if they had the shots, and in every case, they said they had never believed in shots and had never had any of them. Common sense tells us that all those toxic vaccines all mixed up together in people, could not help but cause extreme body-poisoning and poisoning of some kind or another is usually the cause of disease.

    Whenever a person coughs or sneezes, most people cringe, thinking that the germs are being spread around in the air and will attack people. There is no need to fear those germs any more, because that is not the way colds are developed. Germs can’t live apart from the cells (host) and can’t do harm anyway, even if they wanted to. They have no teeth to bite anyone, no poison pouches like snakes, mosquitoes or bees, and do not multiply, except in decomposed substances, so they are helpless to harm.

    As stated before, their purpose is useful, not destructive.

    The 1918 flu was the most devastating disease we ever had, and it brought forth all the medical bag of tricks to quell it, but those added drugs, all of which are poisons, only intensified the over-poisoned condition of the people, so the treatments actually killed more than the flu did.

    Source: Dr. Rebecca Carley

  14. Chucky77 says:

    What about the polio vaccine?
    It’s has almost eliminated polio.

    • Terri says:

      Chucky the killer doll, who is possessed with evil is back!@
      no amount of money to defend the indefensible is worth your soul, but maybe it is to you for you no longer have a soul.

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