True: California city will pay gang members to remain peaceful

True: California city will pay gang members to remain peaceful

by Jon Rappoport

September 3, 2017

This isn’t a satire on ultra-liberal California.

FOX News 40 reports: “After a violent weekend of suspected gang-related shootings, Tuesday the Sacramento City Council took action to reduce the bloodshed.”

“It approved a controversial program called Advance Peace, which offers cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful.”

“The program targets key gang agitators, offering them cash stipends to graduate [from] school and remain peaceful…But the city would still have to pay half the cost of the program, $1.5 million out of the city’s general fund.”

In other words, Sacramento, the capital city of the state of California, has surrendered.

Investigations, arrests, prosecutions, and prison sentences won’t cut it.

Here is the scenario that comes to mind. A suburban teenager on the outskirts of the city shows up in his parents’ living room one day with the tattoo of a grinning skull on his neck.

“Don’t be upset,” he says. “I’m joining a gang. I’ll still get good grades in school, but when I graduate, the city will give me a cash prize. I can use the money to start my own tech firm in our garage…”

But this is piddling stuff. Let’s go all the way to Governor Jerry Brown’s office. Let’s have a state-wide “advance peace” program. The state, which is already $500 billion in debt, when you add in unfunded future liabilities, could throw a billion dollars into a pool.

Over a period of, say, five years, the money would be doled out to gangs, based on their performance. Subtract $250,000 for every gang killing in the state, $125,000 for every wounding, $10,000 for every property crime, $1000 for every drug bust. Whatever is left over for the gangs is their gravy.

Eventually, through negotiation, replace the California legislature and governor with gang members. Let them run things.

I’m just trying to be helpful. I see the direction policy is taking, and I want to give it a boost and quicken the pace.

After all, when gang members end up taking over the state government, all gang crime would cease.

It would be reclassified as government corruption.

Pop the champagne corks. Problem solved.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

32 comments on “True: California city will pay gang members to remain peaceful

  1. This is like the Muslim Jiza. There is no love in the gang members. Tery are not taught to seek God’s kingdom that is priceless being good to people.

  2. elliottjab says:

    Finally! Common sense coming out if California!!! Never wouldda thot it possible…
    O – wait… /sarc/

  3. Yea, this Liberal In$anity will work, NOT! California City Will Pay Gang Members To Remain Peaceful. “Gimme more $ or I be violent again”

  4. Andrew Manche says:

    what do you think happened to the 50’s & 60’s Mafia? they got smart, infiltrated govt and the rest as they say is history

  5. Sue says:

    Now, let’s see. If I threaten to loot the stores downtown, and set City Hall on fire, I can negotiate for a fee not to do these things?

  6. paschnn1 says:

    ROFL, only in Sewer Nation…

  7. JoAnn Dolberg says:

    You just hit another one way out of the ballpark!

  8. truth1 says:

    “They” say its to keep the peace and behave. that’s the good reason but not the real one. There have been places selling drugs in the same place in LA Country since the 60s and never busted or shut down. All gangs that operate are either part of the gov network or they are busted. But having gangs get paid in secret means they do not pay taxes but also can not justify who they manage to survive and thrive.

    So the “welfare” money is to create some more tax collection from these guys. Its just another form of money laundering. I see a lot of this stuff where I live. Drugs are the biggest employer here. I could care less. Nothing I can do about it, anyway. I try to alert people to reality. Trying selling something no now wants and see how fun that is. I’m not very good at business, no?

    Now some drugs are cheaper . . . or more expensive, depending on your view. Ideas can be drugs like there is really such a thing as “Happily ever After.” Or: “You can trust us, we are the government and we care about you and would never lie to you.” Gee, that is a nice sounding one. But I can’t swallow it.

    Materialism has always been a good drug. If you can support a house in the burbs and a wife and 2 nice cars, and a kid or two, then you are a real man.Of course, they neglect to mention that treadmill you have to stay on at a running pace and then the collapse if you get laid off or divorce. Then the party is over.

    But anyway, gangs are good enforcement because they are not restricted by law or police. Just give them an assignment and they take care of the rest. And they keep the drug money coming in, which goes right to the gov’s intelligence departments. I know, that’s not the real meaning of intelligence but more at secrecy and non-accountabilty, which is opposite of what the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence would indicate. But I digress! And if ya need a job, ask your local pusher. They are always hiring.

  9. flyinggabriel says:

    I see what you did there Jon but there’s an even easier way. Just get them all to gather on the whitehouse lawn and swap clothes periodically. Bonuses for bad behaviour should be distributed according to the principles of social justice – it’s the liberal way.

  10. Gord says:

    I have a novel idea. Lets let all the citizens, that are being preyed upon by these parasites, to defend themselves in the same fashion that their predators are using to prey on them. If we consider these gangs to be a cancer on the host society then we should use every means possible to eradicate them in self defense. If you had the chance to stop a plague would you do it? It is very simple, eliminate all the gang members and protect the civil society from their disease.

    • truth1 says:

      Ain’t cha heard? Its illegal to defend ones self. I know the Bill of rights says otherwise but our illegal laws nullified it all and they got the military and police to back it up. I loves my job as a slave.

  11. Daniel Noel says:

    Jon’s criticism is understandable. However, I propose that this initiative is not as stupid as he makes it appear. A sizable portion of the human population–estimates vary and their order of magnitude is 3%–are pathologically egoistic, meaning that their deviant instinct drives them to care only for themselves and to view other people as little more than prey. The least successful of these deviants spend half their lives in prison and the other half in delinquency. The most successful aggressively seek and obtain high positions in politics or business, from which they con large number of people into giving them more authority, prestige and wealth. Many gangsters navigate between these two extremes.

    Rulers who would understand the existence and danger of essential psychopaths and similar mental deviants would promote systems to identify them and contain them with dignity. Since these deviants’ instinct drives them, through no fault of their own, to exploit others, it makes sense to subsidize and reward them for not living per their instinct. So, for once, some liberals may have had a not-too-bad idea. If the same liberals would become curious about the difference between a healthy brain and a psychopathic brain, they may come up with still better ideas, including ways to reach out on this topic to mentally healthy conservatives. But I’m digressing into wishful thinking.


    • arcadia11 says:

      this agenda fails to indicate on so many levels of ‘the end actually does not justify
      the means’ that i am not sure where to start.

      how about here: more thugs on the government payroll. what could go wrong?

      thank you.

      • truth1 says:

        Arcadia11, nothing can go wrong because it is 100% wrong already, There is no more left. China probably has more freedom and better sense than we do.

        • Terri says:

          Truth, i was talking to a friend who knows people in china, and they say their court systems are more just than ours,. Russia is looking better every day, except its too dam cold.

          • truth1 says:

            Terri, that would not surprise me at all. The USA population, as stupid as it is, still has more brains in it than most nations and populations, due to our motivated religious heritage that made us brave colonizing that nation in the first place. So our laws and courts are more abusive by necessity in order to put the brains down, either by enslavement, camps, prisons or murder. So you will get no argument from me.

  12. D3F1ANT says:

    “California city will pay gang members to remain peaceful”

    What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

  13. Theodore says:

    After Bay Area violence, California debates classifying ‘antifa’ as street gang…

    (side bar: Going out of their way to be ‘fair and balanced’ in the article, the article talks about the proverbial ‘violence on BOTH sides’ (without quantifying which side has conducted more of it at ‘free speech rallies’ over the last 2 months. IMO, antifa has). It is funny, though, how the headline editor wrote the headline of the article as one-sided. I do give the headline editor credit though — the article will get more clicks because of the one-sided headline and the side chosen to highlight in the headline.)

    Then, in the article, there is this…

    “Any law enforcement agency trying to label antifa protesters as gang members might also run into another problem: Technically, they don’t exist.”

    “‘The antifa is a loose network of individuals who believe in active, aggressive opposition to far-right movements,’ she said. ‘There’s not a clear organizational structure. It’s a movement.'”

    Hmmm, ‘technically, they don’t exist’. Even if i buy that, then, so what? Then don’t use those ‘street gang’ laws in an effort to deter Antifa from using violence. Hey, maybe there are other ways to deter Antifa’s violence? Or, do we just now have to expect and accept that there will be some level of violence when ‘exercising free speech’?

    No mention in the article as to why the various police chiefs in various California cities are NOT enforcing the California state “no masks” laws already on the books. (not with standing whether or not the California state “no masks” laws already on the books should be made stronger).

    No sidebar mention from the ‘internet savvy’ author of this article about Antifa “flash mobbing into existence” via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails. (


  14. Larry says:

    Now …..about those gangs in Washington, D.C. ….

    • truth1 says:

      The gangs in DC. Yikes. I am allergic to nuclear weapons and chemical attacks, not to mention BS and hot air. And don’t get me going on the military enforcers. I prefer unarmed enemies to throw rocks at.

  15. thesociologicalmail says:

    At first glance, this sounds legitimate. The gang members are paid and then they won’t commit crime. However, that isn’t the way that gangs work! The violent crime which takes place on the street (the percentage the police even know about) is only one part of criminal activity.

    The likelihood is that these gangs will also be making money from non-violent ventures e.g. drug dealing, pimping, theft so the police could end up boosting their profits. Bad idea.

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