When the most basic logic fails to penetrate the mind

When the most basic logic fails to penetrate the mind

“He has the disease, but he doesn’t have the disease.”

by Jon Rappoport

June 27, 2017

As a freelance reporter, a main thrust of my research over the past 35 years has been medical fraud. Deep fraud. Fraud that takes place in research labs, where “new diseases” are discovered.

I wrote a number of articles about the so-called SARS outbreak of 2003. Health agencies and governments built up a ton of hysteria and sold it to the global public.

A few basic “facts”: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) includes the following symptoms—cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat. It originated in South China. It is caused by the SARS coronavirus. SARS is unique. It is a newly discovered condition. The coronavirus is newly discovered.

I saw holes in this presentation. For example, the SARS symptoms are indistinguishable from ordinary traditional flu or other non-specific illness that has been known about for centuries.

I kept going.

The SARS coronavirus was purportedly discovered by World Health Organization researchers working in ten labs linked by a private closed-circuit communication system. No outside researchers were given access.

The WHO researchers very quickly found the unique and never-before-seen coronavirus.

No statistics were released that demonstrated how many diagnosed SARS patients had the coronavirus virus in their bodies and how many didn’t.

But months later, a WHO microbiologist in Canada, Frank Plummer, wandered off the reservation and spoke with reporters. What he said, in a series of statements, was shocking:

Plummer basically admitted that almost all of the newest blood samples from SARS patients coming into his lab showed no trace of the SARS coronavirus.

Here is where logic enters the scene. When I reported what Frank Plummer said, I concluded that something was very, very wrong, because…how could people be diagnosed with SARS when they didn’t have the SARS virus in their bodies?

However, even in certain independent media outlets, that conclusion didn’t catch on. People were unable to realize:

If a patient is diagnosed with a disease, and that disease is supposed to be caused by a particular virus, but that patient doesn’t have the virus in his body, he can’t have the disease.

It’s as if you read, “Linguistics researchers at MIT just finished studying the characteristics of 120,000 sentences that contain exactly five words. Their findings are based on sentences that contain four words.”

Red flags, alarm bells, stop signs.

Basic logic has been violated.

But it turns out that a certain percentage of the population doesn’t recognize contradictions. They just pass over them, as if they aren’t there.

“Let’s see. Almost all the newest SARS patients don’t have the SARS virus. Okay. I guess that’s unusual.”

Not unusual. Impossible, by definition.

This is how education works in these times. See a blatant contradiction? Move on. Doesn’t matter. Contradictions are…a matter of opinion. Some people see blue, other people see green.

If you were shepherding society into a new era where control from above would be much tighter, you’d want to decide how the population should think about information—and if you could disable their capacity to the point where blatant contradictions passed unnoticed, you would count that as a victory.

On the other hand, if you were a parent who was prepared to pay a stunning sum of money for your child to attend college, and you knew he would emerge, after four years, unable to tell the difference between “blue” and “not blue,” you might be disturbed.

Consider this: In the wake of microbiologist Frank Plummer’s astonishing remarks to the press in 2003, not one major media news outlet in the world followed up and launched a probing investigation of a SARS scandal. It didn’t happen. It hasn’t happened since.

“A newly discovered disease” with the same symptoms as ordinary seasonal flu is said to be unique, because every person who has it also has a never-before-seen virus EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT EVERY PERSON DOESN’T HAVE THE VIRUS.

Memo to college and medical school students: write a thousand words on the logical implications of the above paragraph.

If you can’t, turn around immediately and go back to high school. Stage protests until the school offers a mandatory course in logic taught by a competent instructor.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

15 comments on “When the most basic logic fails to penetrate the mind

  1. Ken says:

    The bottom line here is who is doing the experiments and what or who is driving the bus.
    Follow the money.
    When money flows from printing presses run by the governments and paid for with the blood of the public and this money goes to “research” it’s all very fishy.
    When it’s all kept inside a closed group that is even more fishy.

    I say this is nothing more than global efforts to move hysteria and change world opinion.
    Sometimes I think it may even be a type of a test, a false flag almost that looks to see how the cattle react and which way they run.
    Crowd control perhaps?
    I work in research myself and have witnessed things that concern me when you find out who drives the bus.

  2. AIDS in Africa looks remarkably much like malaria and tuberculosis. Nobody get tested with one of those completely useless tests. They just get the label AIDS and that’s it. And nobody seems to question this practice.

  3. Josh says:

    Such a strange state of affairs to be a person alive in the modern era, one that can plainly see the endless train of massive contradictions, logical fallacies, and memory failures rolling continuously by in plain sight .. and day after day, year after year the train accelerates.

    It seems to me that a basic conceit in human nature is to assume that – if our mind functions in a certain way – than other people’s minds must work somewhat similarly to the way our own does. At least in the things that are most obvious to ourselves.

    That is to say: IF we see an obvious gap in logic – THEN that gap in logic *must* be clear to any other reasonably intelligent and observant individual that would take even a moment to calmly consider the thing at hand.

    What a shock it was to finally accept the fact that far too often it isn’t (obvious to them at all) and that they don’t (more often than not) take a moment, and that there are psychological and emotional forces at play that I am apparently less vulnerable to

    Then once the shock subsides – coming to the further realization that seeing the world with clear logic is actually an evolutionary advantage. (ie. “in the land of the blind …”). Wow.

    • Thx1138 says:

      “But it turns out that a certain percentage of the population doesn’t recognize contradictions.” From my point of view that percentage is very large. I wish a study could be done to determine exactly how large.

      I find it helpful to begin with the premise that any government agency, research outfit, College or University are lying. Especially when fear is the ultimate outcome.

      • arcadia11 says:

        i agree and take it a step further: all institutions, first and foremost government, are suppressive by design. there is no such thing as ‘good’ government. deinstitutionalize while you still can.

  4. Jennifer Craig says:

    There may be yet another “disease” on the horizon: https://thetyee.ca/News/2017/06/24/Chronic-Wasting-Disease-Research/#comment-3388398691
    But fear not, it won’t be long before a vaccine is developed.

  5. Joseph Doud says:

    Synthetic Telepathy

    Place an electrode on the skin of your throat, just below the larynx.
    Monitor the electrophysiological signals.
    Refer to a Sound Chart and its atomic elements: consonant sounds and vowel sounds.
    Enumerate the consonant sounds, recording the electrophysiological signals for each.
    Enumerate the vowel sounds, recording the electrophysiological signals for each.
    Now, subvocalize or silently mouth the words.
    Pattern match the atomic electrophysiological signals against the compound electrophysiological signals.
    Voila! Synthetic Telepathy.

  6. Ritchard says:

    This type of behavior eliminates conundrums which tend to make people’s head hurt. They would rather hold on to comfortable false beliefs than know the truth. Please don’t take it away with your confusing facts! Sheeple!!

  7. DDearborn says:


    For example: Basic logic fails whenever the subject of Israel and 9-11 is concerned. Or when discussing the rights of the Palestinian people to self determination. Or who are the real “terrorists”

    The point is that in the final analysis is isn’t about good or evil, right or wrong, it is about wealth. And it is always a small group trying to steal it from others. Be it multinational corporations, governments large or small, religions of all sorts. They are all, in the final analysis, trying to take other people’s wealth. Wealth which isn’t always defined in dollars and cents, but is still tangible and quantifiable non the less.

  8. Neo-Paradigm says:

    Artificial water fluoridation is the poster child for illogical contradictions and medical fraud.

    Two of the three chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water, sodium fluoride (NaF) and silica fluoride are in fact EPA registered pesticides. Pesticides are regulated under the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, (FIFRA) They must contain a warning label and meet safety criteria under the Food Quality Protection Act.

    Sodium fluoride is the same poison whether used for fluoridation or as a pesticide. It’s 97.7% sodium fluoride and 2.5% inert ingredients. When used as a pesticide, the label says.

    Do not discharge this product into lakes, streams, estuaries, oceans or other waters..
    Do not discharge into sewer systems.

    Since it’s clearly illegal to to put this toxin into water, how is it okay to put it in drinking water.

    See sodium fluoride pesticide label linked below…


    In addition, the Food Quality Protection Act requires that EPA,

    “Consider the special susceptibility to pesticides by using an additional tenfold (10X) safety factor when setting and reassessing tolerances…”

    “Consider aggregate risk from exposure to pesticide from multiple sources.”

    “Consider cumulative exposure to pesticides that have common mechanisms of toxicity.”

    None of this has been done. There is no 10X safety factor for fluoride. In fact, no studies were ever done on the safety of ingesting fluoride.

    EPA has determined that FIFRA law does not apply to water. According to EPA, sodium fluoride is a pesticide except when it’s used for water fluoridation in which case it’s safe and effective for preventing cavities. Where’s the logic?

  9. Greg C. says:

    It’s a sign of sophistication these days to outsource your thinking to the experts. Doing your own thinking using logic is as uncouth as fixing your own car in the driveway.

  10. Tony says:

    Great article.

    Even without conflicts of interest/dodgy funding issues and so on, this highlights a deep flaw that persists throughout medical science.

    Where illness is *assumed* to be the result of physiologic or biochemically distinct disease entities, if you present with symptoms of disease ‘X’ you receive a treatment of the type that disease ‘X’ is always treated. However, this is problematic.


    “The use of particular diagnostic terms may lead us to believe that a real disease exists whereas it really indicates our basic ignorance, masked by our ability to make superficial descriptions… As the history of medicine has demonstrated, these shifting similarities which we call entities depend not so much on reality as on the things we are able to measure and choose to see.”

    — Theodore Greiner, M.D.

    “No other branch of natural science is so imprecise in defining the material exposed to experiment. Although all the diagnoses are made differently, although no uniform standards have been ratified and disseminated, it is commonly believed that rigorous criteria are invariably present. The clinician’s capacity for intellectual self-deception is illustrated by the widespread acceptance of this illusion. For most of the “established” diagnoses of modern “disease,” standardized criteria do not exist…”

    — Alvan Feinstein M.D / Yale Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology

  11. JB says:

    Go back to high school?

    “People are consciously or unconsciously fixated on boundaries and systems. They are hoping for whatever can be delivered through a system. That fixation is a form of mind control.”–Jon Rappoprt 4-14-16

    “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” –Buckminster Fuller

    “If you take a highly intelligent person and give them the best possible, elite education, then you will most likely wind up with an academic who is completely impervious to reality.” –Halton Arp

  12. Harold's says:

    . D / Yale Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology

  13. markmhamann says:

    . D / Yale Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology

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