Tiger Woods’ life is on the line: where is his doctor?

Tiger Woods’ life is on the line: where is his doctor?

by Jon Rappoport

June 11, 2017

Can someone break through the wall of Tiger Woods’ protectors and let Woods know what has really been happening to him?

It isn’t just his golf career that’s on the line. It’s his life.

On May 29, Tiger Woods, sleeping in his car, was charged with Driving under the Influence (DUI). He now states he was taking Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug.

According to golf.com, “The police report also lists Vicodin, Solarex, Vioxx, and Turox as drugs that he had been prescribed…Xanax is usually prescribed to treat anxiety and depression. The American Addiction Centers warns against mixing benzodiazepines like Xanax with opiates like Vicodin, because of the high risk of addiction, overdose and impairment. Benzodiazepines ‘enhance the high from opioid painkillers,’ and the two types of drugs combined can increase sedation and depress breathing.”

In other words, the drug combination is life-threatening.

Where is the doctor (or doctors) who prescribed these drugs and is supposed to be monitoring Woods? No word on that.

***But forget, for the moment, the horrific effects of the drugs when COMBINED. Let’s just look at the SEPARATE effects of two of the drugs—Vicodin and Xanax.

Vicodin is an opioid. As I’ve been writing recently, this class of drugs has been causing a national epidemic of death and severe debilitation. 47,000 deaths in 2014.

The state of Ohio is presently suing five drug companies for false and deceptive marketing of opioids—between 631 and 793 million pills a year have been prescribed in Ohio. This is nothing less than the creation of untold numbers of walking zombies.

Xanax, another drug Woods said he was taking, is a benzodiazepine. Doctor and psychiatrist, Peter Breggin, the author of Toxic Psychiatry, writes: “The brain-disabling or toxic effects of the benzodiazepines in general can be divided into several somewhat overlapping categories…Cognitive dysfunction, ranging from short-term memory impairment and confusion to delirium…extreme agitation, psychosis, paranoia, and depression, sometimes with violence toward self or others…”

“Withdrawal [from the drug], in which the individual experiences a continuum of symptoms from anxiety and insomnia after routine use to psychosis and seizures after the abrupt termination of long-term, larger doses…Rebound, an aspect of withdrawal, in which the individual develops anxiety, insomnia, or other serious emotional reactions that are more intense than before drug treatment began. Withdrawal can take place between doses during the routine administration of benzodiazepines, especially the short-acting ones…”

“Unlike the experienced alcohol user, the trusting benzodiazepine user has little reason to anticipate losing control. Expecting to be helped, and not harmed, by the drug, the patient is less able to understand or manage potentially overwhelming feelings of anger or violence, or other untoward emotional responses…”

“Antianxiety benzodiazepines have been reported to release bizarre uninhibited behavior in some users with low levels of anxiety; hostility and rage may occur in others. Paranoia, depression, and suicidal ideation occasionally also accompany the use of these agents…”

“The APA [American Psychiatric Association] task force report on benzodiazepines (1990, p. 18) presents a table of discontinuation [withdrawal] symptoms. The complete list of frequent discontinuation symptoms includes anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, agitation, irritability, muscle tension. Among many symptoms that are common but less frequent, it lists depression and nightmares, as well as lethargy. Clinical experience indicates that the combination of anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, agitation, irritability, nightmares, and depression can produce a spectrum of behavioral abnormalities, including suicide and violence…”

Dr. Breggin exposes the dark side of the “research” on Xanax that led to its approval by the FDA:

“Even in the short run, Xanax often makes people worse than they were before starting the drug. As I first documented in Toxic Psychiatry (1991, pp. 252-254), the original studies for panic disorder showed that at 8-10 weeks of exposure [to Xanax] the patients were more phobic, more anxious, and had a 350 percent increase in the panic attacks for which they were being treated. Upjohn, the manufacturer, promoted the first four weeks of the study without indicating that patients were worse than ever at eight weeks. When these studies for panic disorder were published in the AMA Archives of General Psychiatry, the editor-in-chief, himself on the Upjohn payroll, permitted the misleading research to be published without comment.”

Are you getting that? The 8-10 week study of the drug, which showed the very dangerous effects of Xanax, was ALTERED to include only the first four weeks. Criminal fraud. And that’s putting it mildly.

Tiger Woods is another casualty of the US medical system, a person who has put himself under the control of doctors, who are prescribing highly dangerous drugs. Woods is apparently unaware of the full range of the effects of the drugs.

He believes they are only dangerous in combination. This is patently false.

Woods’ state of extreme debilitation is not an accident. It’s a standard result of ingesting these toxic medical compounds.

There are untold numbers of people who, taking the drugs, have responded as Woods has—or have responded in far more dire ways.

Woods must be VERY careful if he withdraws from Xanax. As Dr. Breggin warns: “Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, including life-threatening emotional and physical reactions. So it is not only dangerous to start psychiatric drugs, it can also be dangerous to stop them. Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision.”

Breggin is the author of the book, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families.

Again, who are the doctors prescribing drugs to Tiger Woods? Do they have any idea what they’re doing to him? Are they, in essence, keeping him captive to the horrific effects of the drugs? Are they going to withdraw him from the drugs? If so, do they know how to do that correctly with the best chance of safety?

The answers to these questions may well determine Woods’ future and life.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

37 comments on “Tiger Woods’ life is on the line: where is his doctor?

  1. Oliver K. Manuel says:

    Thank you, Jon, for trying to communicate to those whose lives are threatened by prescription drugs.

  2. Pearisce Bundy says:

    Thats a shame how this country is making money pedaling their drugs that is killing people they have to answer to God

  3. Liandé Woof says:

    All of this is so, so true! I was addicted to these prescription drugs together with alcohol. Horrific. I am so grateful I got help and survived. I know about others that weren’t that lucky. I try to make people aware of this by sharing my story.

    Sad indeed.

  4. Theodore says:

    ‘Prozac Nation Is Now the United States of Xanax’


    * this is just an article about ‘feeling anxious’.

    * not one word in this NYT’s article about the drug ‘Xanax’ nor its side effects.

    to me, the main take away from this NYT’s article is the negative side effects for some people who consume too much of certain types of social media content.


    “…monitored by helicopter parents, showered with participation awards and then smacked with the Great Recession, Generation Y has also suffered from the low-level anxiety that comes from failing to meet expectations. Thus the invention of terms like “quarter-life crisis” and ‘FOMO’ (‘fear of missing out,’ as it is fueled by social media apps like Instagram). Thus cannabis, the quintessential chill-out drug, is turned into a $6.7 billion industry.

    “Sexual hedonism no longer offers escape; it’s now filtered through the stress of Tinder.”

  5. Scott Siverhus says:

    […] I have been in practice as an orthopedic surgeon since 1994. I lived through a time when physicians were being sued for ‘under treatment of pain’. Okay, so we started giving out more pain meds, despite our objections and concerns. 20+ years later, we have a opioid prescription epidemic in the U.S.. Now we are scrambling to regulate narcotic prescribing and the pain management profession! Let’s quit pointing fingers and figure out an appropriate way to regulate this problem. Patients, including Tiger Woods, make decisions about what paths they are or are not willing to take with their care. This includes consenting to a 4th spinal operation and taking medicat ions (even if they are not available legally in the U.S.!!).

    • John Roberts says:

      I have been a licensed acupuncturist for over 30 years. Doctors have conditioned patients to request medication, and now the blowback has arrived. Rampant opioid crisis, and antibiotic resistant bacteria are just the beginning. In addition, physicians and surgeons have overtly and covertly pushed patients toward surgery, because all they have as weapons are drugs and surgery. Your profession and the government needs to take responsibility for the disaster they you have created, and yes, pointing the finger is a good thing.

  6. John Roberts says:

    Tiger is taking opiates because of the chronic and excruciating pain. The surgery only made things worse, and now he lives with the rather debilitation after effects. This is a primary reason for the collapse of his golf game. The golf swing puts tremendous pressure on the low back. The anxiety comes from the fact that his personal life has fallen apart as well. On some level he knows he will never be “the greatest golfer” ever again. Having been to the top of the mountain, and fallen from great heights must be unbearable for a man whose entire identity was wrapped up in the game of golf.

    • Taylor says:

      And to top it all off: Golf is such a stupid and silly game!

      • John Roberts says:

        That adds nothing to the discussion.

        • Taylor says:

          All that I am saying is that the man is getting worked up over nothing (i.e., no longer being the no. 1 star in the frivolous sport of golf!). Golf is a most silly and stupid past-time, and, I might add “a total waste of time”. Sure, he has made many millions, but the vast majority of folks, including myself, could completely care less about golf.

          • Al Luncer says:

            The same could be said about any sport, e.g. basketball. They are just entertainers, and then I turn the TV off, and they be gone.

          • Grace says:

            Professional sports are all rigged, including professional golf. Having said that, I play golf as a hobby and it is a wonderful, challenging, spellbinding game! Not everyone gets it. There are many public courses around the country (not just country clubs) where regular folk just like me go out to play with family members, grandkids etc. We have a ball.

            Tiger’s situation is indeed perilous. He has had all the money and fame in the world yet look at him. Eminent Truthseeker Miles Mathis (www.milesmathis.com) says Tiger is an actor and not a very good one; an intel project. And that his sexual scandals were a hoax to make men look like pigs. TPTB want a war between the sexes, so that we don’t look to each other for our own comfort and entertainment–instead they want us looking to Hollywood, pop stars, professional sports, and all that other garbage they try to sell us. If you ask me, it’s working. Women are told they don’t need a man for love, family or anything else. Men are sick of running into women like this, so there’s “men going their own way”. And then there’s Tinder – a POS. No love, romance or intimacy.

            Okay, where was I? Oh yes, golf. I see Tiger as a victim on many fronts. His handlers screwed him over royally, and maybe that was the plan. He was never meant to break Jack Nicklaus’ record. Perhaps Tiger is indulging in the meds for a variety of reasons other than physical pain. I wish him well. Golf has never been the same without him.

          • freebiesnowblog says:

            It is sad that Tiger has not been able to break free of the pain and addictions. But he needs help and move away from the past.

            G-O-L-F really is

    • Eduardo the Magnificent says:

      “Tiger is taking opiates because of the chronic and excruciating pain.”

      There was an article about him several years ago that chronicled how he lived after his dad died. Turned out, he was pretty lost, so he wound up doing crazy things like training with Navy Seals: shooting high-powered rifles, doing combat simulations and jumping out of planes. That’s how he suddenly got jacked. Apparently he also ran several miles a day in combat boots, which definitely messed up his knees and his back. He was also socially awkward, and many of the mistresses and hookers he hired he used more to have someone to talk to than sleep with (not that he didn’t sleep with them too, but still). Tiger is a messed up dude. I don’t think either the public, the media or Tiger knows who he really is. We only know the persona his father carefully crafted for him. Which worked great, until his dad died. Drugs aren’t going to fix that.

  7. artemisix says:

    xanax and vicodin, my sister is addicted and there is damn near nothing i can do about it… so many docs are willing to give them out……worse than street drug dealers….

    • Liandé Woof says:

      It is surely is….and a hell of it’s own kind to live in. Does she admit that she is addicted? With prescription drugs people are completely in denial about being addicted.

    • John Roberts says:

      No one forced your sister to take xanax and vicodin.

      And yes, Americans are grotesquely overmedicated, but patients also need to take responsibility for their bad choices. People need to stop being sheep and blindly running to doctors with every problem they have, and robotically following doctors orders.

    • Erwin Alber says:

      My sister was addicted – until she took her life at the age of 40. The drugs had messed up her kidneys and endocrine system, so life for her was on a downward spiral and no longer worth living.

      • arcadia11 says:

        erwin and artemisix – i am heartfully sorry for your losses. i lost one brother. the others are
        still here but have so many physical and emotional problems. they all switched from recreational drugs to the approved pharmaceutical versions (along with alcohol). my sisters, who do not consider themselves addicts because they have only ever used prescribed drugs and ‘necessary’ surgeries, well, you know…..

        what grace and energy i have i impart to them and all struggling with such issues.

        thanks for sharing your stories.


      • artemisix says:

        I am so sorry that happened, my sister too is on that path…. and i do not know how to help her…..

  8. betty says:

    Tiger Woods is going to turn out bring another Michael Jackson, they will hold parades for him after they kill him off. It’s sad the whole medical, insurance, pharmaceutical, and financial world is sad. I was on a financial blog the other day. They are peeling the onion of financial failure, I write about how a huge portion of our population has been weakened and destroyed by pharmaceuticals, and procedures, and talk about how simple it is to gain strength from taking things like collegan and iodine, and they delete my comments and ask me to stop promoting supplements. I have been taking collagen for a couple of months now. I feel fantastic. I have told many people about the effects of collegan so far one person has bought some. It’s a tiny jar, with a scoop that will give 1/8 of what you need to repair the body. It’s better than none I guess but pretty pointless. People would rather have body parts removed/replaced than try to rebuild. It’s just sad.

  9. Ron Jeka says:

    Is Tiger Woods a Psy-op? Also analysis of the Payne Stewart plane crash and other related things. http://mileswmathis.com/tiger.pdf excerpt:
    “Tiger was born in 1975, and by age three was already on TV with Bob Hope, Jimmy Stewart, and Mike
    Really? And that doesn’t seem suspicious to you? Do you think Tiger had really done anything by age
    three that would merit being on national TV with Bob Hope? Would it seem more suspicious if I told
    you Jimmy Stewart was a General in Intelligence at the time? Look it up. The mainstream sources
    admit it. They don’t admit he was in Intelligence, but they admit he was a General and in Hollywood,
    which is the same thing. Hollywood has always been a subset of Intelligence.”

    • Grace says:

      Great! I didn’t see your comment until now, and I myself just posted above about Miles Mathis’ opinion on Tiger. I think Miles is onto something.

  10. Taylor says:

    Very astute reporting, Jon. The issue is this: what is the chance that your remarks can reach this man? Who has access to him? I think the only hope is that there is someone close to him who might read this post and would be willing to share your crucial information. I could care less about Tiger’s golf game and the sport of golf in general. But I would like to see this man restored to normalcy, whether or not he ever plays another round of golf again.

  11. Ron Jeka says:

    A Bit more from above link “It also makes no sense that Tiger won
    Sports Illustrated’
    s Sportsman of the Year in 1996. He wasn’t
    even the best golfer that year, much less the best in all sports. Although Woods won two late
    tournaments on the PGA tour in October (Las Vegas and Walt Disney), they weren’t majors or even
    semi-majors. At least five golfers on the PGA Tour had more impressive years, including Tom
    Lehman, who won two tournaments including the British Open and the prestigious Tour
    Championship; Phil Mickelson, who won four times; Mark Brooks, who won three times including the
    PGA Championship; and Mark O’Meara and Steve Stricker, who both won twice. Tom Lehman was
    top of the money list that year, won the PGA Tour Player of the Year, the Nicklaus Trophy, the Vardon
    Trophy, and the Byron Nelson Trophy. So how did Woods beat him as Sportsman of the Year? Beyond
    that, Steffi Graf won the US Open, French Open, and Wimbledon in 1996. She just missed a Grand
    Slam, being injured for the Australian Open. 1996 was also the year Michael Johnson won the 200m
    and 400m at the Summer Olympics, setting a world record in the 200m of 19.32 which stood for 12
    years. 1996 was also one of Michael Jordan’s best years. Remember, the Bulls went 72-10 that year,
    Jordan led the league in scoring with over 30 ppg, and was the MVP. The Bulls lost only three games
    in four series, and Jordan was named Finals MVP for a record 4
    time. Plus, you can’t say Jordan
    wasn’t black or didn’t benefit from emotionalism. Remember, the final game was on father’s day,
    Jordan’s father had (allegedly) been murdered, and Jordan was filmed crying in the locker room. How
    did Woods’ two October victories on Tour beat that?
    But let us return for a moment to Earl Woods. We have seen that project Tiger Woods started in 19
    when Earl allegedly retired from Intelligence. Earl died at age
    in 2006. 2 + 6 = 8, the favorite
    number of Intel. He died on May 3. 5 + 3 = 8. In 1995, he predicted Tiger would win 14 majors.
    How did he know that? How many majors has Tiger won as of 2016? Fourteen. Even weirder is how
    Earl Woods reacted in 2001
    when asked about that prediction by
    Golf Digest
    He claimed the earlier
    prediction was made during a privileged conversation, and that the reporter violated that privilege.
    Why would Earl say that? What would be so “privileged” about making an innocuous prediction?
    Earl’s reaction indicates to me he wasn’t
    anything: he was divulging part of the script, and
    wished later he hadn’t done it.
    Earl Woods retired a second time in 1988, at age 56, but we aren’t told what he retired from. “

  12. Webmaster Pincus III says:

    Yes, as per Mr Jeka’s “milesmathis” link above, seems that Mr Woods is just another distractionary Celebrity Op and now his handlers have decided to phase him out… They probably found that, for his particular case, riding off into the sunset was not a viable option, thus, the drug cocktail formulae… However, if he’s a real human being, we should attempt to save him. Such exemplary salvation would be productive on a wider scale.

    • John Roberts says:

      To ascribe Tiger Woods downfall to some grand manipulation from the Elite is ludicrous.

      And as Groucho said: “Sometimes a cigar is just a good smoke.”

      Now let us go to the bottom line: One cannot be taught what one does not want to learn. And…

      One cannot be saved who does not wish to be rescued.

      • Grace says:

        There is an elite and they are behind professional sports and behind celebrities, like Tiger. If Tiger’s life has been a script, then his downfall is part of the script too. Hard to believe, and ludicrous on the surface, but very possible. I suggest leafing through Miles Mathis’ essays. Start with Steve Jobs. That one changed my world.

  13. Oliver K. Manuel says:

    I deeply appreciate this message, Jon, confirming that the most inflated egos are most fragile. Tiger was a black kid who excelled at the white man’s game, until his life fell apart and he faced reality alone. Tiger needs our support now

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