The secret political issue: Health Freedom

The secret political issue: Health Freedom

by Jon Rappoport

October 2, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Six years ago, on the eve of the midterm elections in Obama’s first term in office — which happened to be seven months after Obama had signed Obamacare into law — and, with another 3-years to go before Obamacare went into effect, I posted this article.

Fast forward to now… on the eve of one of the most historic presidential elections in American history…

I would like to hear from you my loyal readers on the topic of Health Freedom. What does Health Freedom mean to you? What has changed over the last six years? What have been some of the victories? What have been some of the setbacks? Let me know in the comments below.

For Part 2 of this two-part re-posting series, click here.

(OCTOBER 21, 2010) As this year’s election draws close, it’s business as usual, as far as Health Freedom is concerned. This issue isn’t just in the shadows. It’s in the closet behind the shadows, locked in tight.

The avalanche of pharmaceutical ads on TV drones on. The attacks on natural health set off firecrackers here and there: “Patients shouldn’t be allowed to choose alternative remedies, because that will take them away from medicines that really help.”

“We, the medical elites, know what’s best for you, and we’ll shove it down your throats.”

But wait. This is supposed to be the Year of the Conservative. Conservatives want less government intrusion, more individual freedom. Why isn’t Health Freedom front and center?

I have four answers to that question. One, the pharmaceutical lobby and money machine are bankrolling overwhelming numbers of candidates. Two, the millions of people who participated in the Health Freedom movement of the early 1990s have gone back into their cocoons, and the funding of that movement, which came from nutritional companies, has dried up. Three, many leaders of the old Health Freedom campaign actually believe Barack Obama is a forward-thinking guy who would never permit a real crackdown on the nutritional industry. And four, conservative candidates running for office see no reason to put Health Freedom up high on their agendas, because they’ve never had to before—the pressure to do so is minimal. Why rock the boat?

In case you’ve forgotten, Health Freedom means: every person has the right to choose how to take care of their own body and health. The government has no business interfering. The right extends to refusal to accept conventional medical treatments. It’s a simple thing, really.

And perhaps reading this, you imagine there is no urgent need to press home this issue at this time.

Well, Health Freedom is always a major issue. The federal government, in the person of the FDA, an agency that is actually a bought and paid for subsidiary of the drug companies, is always seeking new ways to apply a chokehold on nutritional companies and natural health practitioners.

In a radio interview I did with Jonathan Emord, the most successful American lawyer in cases launched against the FDA, Emord told me he has sufficient reason to believe the FDA never intends to abide by the court decisions rendered against them. That’s right. In other words, the FDA is a rogue agency.

In another interview, this one with Dr. Barbara Starfield, of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Starfield confirmed that, in the wake of her 2000 finding that FDA-approved drugs have been killing Americans at the rate of 106,000 people a year, no federal agency has approached her to consult on ways of reducing this horrendous outcome. Not in the past ten years. Her virtually unchallenged report, published in the July 26, 2000, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, has stirred no government response.

How much willful political ignorance and avoidance does it take to walk away from A MILLION DEAD AMERICANS over the last ten years?

In reading a number of conservative political blogs, I’ve seen no mention of the Health Freedom issue or the effects of Big Pharma on Americans. Why is that? Is it because drug companies are blithely assumed to be bastions of free enterprise and, therefore, sacrosanct? That’s my suspicion, because I do encounter statements that ObamaCare is trashing the greatest medical system in the world. Obamacare is a disaster in all ways, but “greatest medical system” is a massive lie.

The Matrix Revealed

Face it. The overwhelming number of Americans are still, after all these years, hooked on drugs. Medical drugs. They live to swallow pills. They live to receive diagnoses from doctors. Therefore, the notion that we all have the right to choose whether to take a medical drug or an herb is beyond their ability to think and reason. They’re in the hole deep, and they don’t even know they’re addicted.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, take notice. You’re missing the boat here. You’re way out in left field. You’re a victim of doctor-induced hypnosis, and it’s time you woke up and put this issue on the table. You’ll be surprised at the response, once you open the gates. Millions of people will come out and respond. And that’s called RATINGS.

Bottom line: even if you worship at the altar of modern medicine, in all cases, all the time, the right to choose any form of healing therapy is basic to the intent of the Constitution, and that right is always in jeopardy as the Parental State decides what’s best for you, decides what “science” is good science, decides how stupid you are and how much help you need to see the light.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

126 comments on “The secret political issue: Health Freedom

  1. Patti says:

    To me this is one of the most, if not THE MOST, important issues of our time. Our health & health freedom should be of concern to every single person. Thank you Jon for being a voice for this very important issue. I totally agree with all you wrote.

  2. mark says:

    A shout out to Susan Lea, warrior. Another major health concern that has been muddied and transformed by doctors and the FDA and insurance is Lyme disease. In 2006, age 54, best physical and mental shape of my life ( no doctors, no dentists ) I rode my bicycle from Oregon to Maine. Took 8 years to get diagnosed, some doctors say I don’t have it. Insurance covers nothing. And I’m basically screwed. All the lies, and misinformation. Patents and vaccines are what makes money. While we are talking about Health Freedom. let’s remember that not all the charletans are doctors. big Pharm, insurance, FDA, etc. Don’t forget the snake oil merchants who tell us all this other shit is good. some may be, but most is not. I’ve been a mental and physical zombie for 10 years. The doctors say there’s nothing wrong with me, maybe I should see a shrink. Thanks Jon for bringing this up.

    • Susan Lea says:

      Shouting back to you, Mark. Have you seen what the Rife treatments have done for some with Lyme’s disease? If you can access the Rife machines, definitely try it. Lyme disease was bioengineered, and it has definite life cycles and alters itself to destroy the body systemically.

  3. JB says:

    Went to the ER a week ago Friday just after all other facilities closed at 5PM. The vision anomaly that had been expanding over the previous 20 minutes dissipated just as quickly while I waited for 2 hours for the doctor to see me. When my wife & I threatened go home (they were “overloaded” with patients) a doctor finally came in. Then, after virtually most of the other “patients” had been released I got the usual cursory inspection, a CT scan, an EKG, and blood tests, all of which of course came back normal. While waiting for the test results the doc order a saline drip without discussing the same. And as usual, the nursing staff had to know if I had received a flu and a pneumonia shot.


    I refused the drip, and if anyone ever asks again I’m liable to tell them YES to the shots just to make them go away.

    I don’t want institutional “Health Care.”
    I don’t want any doctor to “practice” medicine.
    I don’t want insurance companies calling us up, sending us questionnaires, trying to sell “wellness” features in their coverage program.
    I don’t want Obamacare (I didn’t vote for him), nor any other government agency meddling in my life, forcing me to participate in socialistic programs at threat of fines and/or imprisonment.
    I want to be secure in my person when under anesthesia that I am not getting drugs or treatments mandated by the government.

    When I need to see a doctor, I expect to pay a reasonable sum, the same as what I got as an engineer, and have him discover the problem, and propose a course of treatment that restores normal health. What I expect of a doctor is answers–explanations, causes, natural cures–not some pharmaceutical bandaid that addresses only the symptoms.

    And above all, I want to be left alone, to tend to my own health, my own welfare, my own destiny. This Pilgrim/Calvinistic micro-management heritage of people’s behavior and morality needs to end. It won’t do that as long as people everywhere continue to believe in political messiahs–that the fixes for social problems is “out there”, instead of in them minding their own solecisms.

    IMO, it’s time to exercise the fundamental clause of the D of I. Screw the idea of a Federal government. It has not worked to preserve liberty since its invention.

  4. annajz says:

    PSYCH MEDS ARE POISON. easy to find docs who will put you on them. impossible to find docs who will take you off them. on MediCal, health “care” for the low income uninsured in California, I got a lifetime supply of free psych meds. but when I went looking for help getting off them, I was treated like a subhuman. got off them on my own without medical “supervision” hardest thing I ever did. used 12 step, acupuncture, yoga, meditation,nutrition, dance, the works. all the politicians weep and moan about elderly people who can’t afford their meds. no one says a word about elderly people who don’t want their freaking meds. check out out ssri stories dot org. it’s a modern day holocaust.

  5. Freda Johnson says:

    I am a 78 year old Canadian great-grandmother who has turned to alternative medicine when mainstream treatment did not work. I take one medication, one pill a day, for blood pressure. When I go for medical appointments and am asked what medications I am taking, I tell them and the response is “That’s it? One pill?”
    We in Canada are facing the same pressures to conform to mainstream treatment which usually includes more pills. I attribute my health to several factors including eating organic foods as much as possible, getting plenty of sensible exercise (I am an ardent gardener) and having an active social life. However, my top strategy is to avoid medications as much as possible, as I have had a number of adverse reactions in the past and grew extremely wary of prescriptions. I choose alternatives.
    One of the issues you haven’t addressed is the suspicious deaths of 51 naturopathic medical professionals (2015-16). One death is an incident, two is a coincidence, and more is a trend. These deaths are a blatant trend, and I think a huge investigation should be underway, but I hear nothing about such an investigation. Why?

  6. artemisix says:

    I so enjoy reading your articles and the responses they evoke. Potent question – what is Health freedom? It is the foundation of all other freedoms, It IS also tied up in our identity. AS humans we can be cattle (slaves) or free agents. As individuals our health determines how well we interact with and have an effect of our surroundings. The quality of our senses determines how we experience the world. I feel it (health freedom) is in the MUST have section , the NEEDS section actually. … Health impacts us epigenetically. Perhaps all humans or at least enough of us can look inward well enough to listen to our internal organs and systems for the correct advise for US. It seems like this whole culture demands we ONLY look OUTWARDS, , that you are so helpless and some one else must save you… like the doctors i hear are on TV…. I have been considering this in a big picture way for a while now. It is almost as if, we ARE being herded. Towards a mass extinction event. Except that each generation a new batch of people who have too strong a sense of personal identity just will not go all the way, AND in fact if we were NOT being herded, they would if given a decent chance , revert to something deeper and more primal. Naturally connecting to what is essential to humanity. It is almost magic how plants we need are growing so near us. Rare plants. Even forbidden ones. There will NEVER be one diet or medical procedure that fits every person. Robotized “healing ” cannot ever work. In every clan, a healer, it is Humans who are meant to safeguard the air, soil, water, and seeds for the generations to come. Maybe , long ago the plants dreamed us into being, so we could trade with them, for water and care and transportation….
    …..for our health.

    • IMNAHA says:

      You’re a poet and don’t know it! I think what Jon has always telling us is we have a lot of power. Without being of a hive mind but being unified on a single purpose earthlings are indomitable. That is why the program has always been “the Tower of Babel” , divide and conquer – NEVER allow a unity of purpose in our thoughts…

  7. Roger Fuller says:

    To Susan Lea :
    It is so good to see a former Napa State Hospital worker turn against the Psychiatric Drugs that are pushed in that Psychiatric Prison. In my experience, the psychiatric drug taking, brainwashed zombies, who back their own drug taking and self mutilation and want to drag others down with them; are the greatest threat to Psychiatric Inmate unity and Liberation from Psychiatric imprisonment. I’m sorry to say that in my lifetime, the vast majority of psychiatric inmates and prisoners in general are pro-psychiatric drug takers. There was an anti-Psychiatry network in California: The Network Against Psychiatric Assault ( N.A.P.A. ) that died in 1985. One man, David Oaks, rescued what was left of NAPA and created Dendron and then, later it became Support Coalition / Mind Freedom International in Eugene, Oregon: the successor to NAPA which lived on another 29 years to this day. David got injured, so the organization needs help today. If NAPA has any California remnants, I don’t know where they are; but California could sure use this organization. Many of the key, major members of the anti-psychiatry movement, nationwide, have already died off and needless to say, psychiatric drugs speeded up that process. I was part of NAPA and glad that I did what I did to help the movement: circulating petitions for the Coaliton Against Forced Treatment ( 1975 ) ; binding up back issues of Madness Network News from 1974 to 1978 for the UC Berkeley Library ; saving 3 carloads of Madness Network News issues from storage in San Francisco and moving them to Berkeley where they were finally distributed at Alternatives 1991 Conference; and speaking at rallies in Berkeley and San Francisco.
    I feel like Joy now. I wish I could help you in some way; but I came back to the East Coast in 2003 and I’m too far away now. Hearing your story and seeing the anti-Vaxx People march over the Golden Gate Bridge makes me wish I was with them and you.
    yours truly,
    Roger Fuller

    • Oliver K. Manuel says:

      Thanks, Robert, for all that did to try to help. Jon has documented the unrelentless march of a tyrannical, one-world government.

      • elinelcrat says:

        “tyrannical, one-world government” – yes, it is unrelenting: “health freedom” is only a small part of the whole; no freedom will be allowed. Period.

        A New World Order: perpetual wars, money-printing to allow the “insiders / elites” to gobble up (buy up) land and resources, concentrating control into fewer and fewer hands, false-flag (CIA/Mossad-directed) terrorist attacks to keep everyone in fear and ready to cede control to self-professing “messiahs”, civil unrest goaded by constant mainstream media propaganda to inspire hatred between groups of people, dividing and conquering, …. we are heading straight into a chaotic economic / financial / societal abyss => establishing the government of / preparing the path for what the Catholic Church has always described as Antichrist. The world is being conditioned for further human degradation and ruin.

        All I hear and read from people from all over the political / social spectrum is piece-meal band-aids that ignore the underlying spiritual sickness. People have lost all rationality.

        Christian hegemony lasted for 1000 years, between about 600 AD to about 1600 AD; it displaced paganism and tyranny to a substantial degree. Then, the moral tide turned, and the world began a slow but determined rout back into paganism and/or godless attitudes and behaviors, starting in formerly Christian nations like voracious weeds sown in carefully manicured garden and eliminating the gardener.

        Now, our society is run by greedy power-mongers with no moral sense. Mass, unrestrained killing of children via abortion, drug-induced zombies, an insouciant – ignorant and apathetic – public, …… on and on and on.

        One thing is necessary – our own individual salvation. But, that starts by using our mind – exercising our God-given rationality to sort out what is true and what is false. With a flood of cognitive dissonance hitting us everyday from all directions, that task becomes increasingly difficult, assuming we choose decisively to perform that task to save our souls.

        Alas, today, God is the one Person and Absolute Moral Authority Who is not tolerated. So, the world will fall headlong into oblivion.

    • Susan Lea says:

      I’m pretty sure I have met you Roger Fuller, and it was a pleasure to read your comment. We touched the same Madness Network News. Reagan’s response to protesters was to close down the mental hospitals which were engaged in electric shock therapy, and start the homeless epidemic. I worked with the children at Napa, mostly autistic and schizophrenic, and used non-drug therapies, mostly play and patterning and basketball. I wrote a lot of laws to protect and help children and tried to end child abuse. No such luck. We carry on, Roger Fuller. There is some purpose left even now. Cheers!

      • Sabell says:

        Roger Fuller and Susan Lea – Good to know there are people of integrity who worked there. Hello to my fellow Napkinlandians 😉 I had a good 12 years in that valley and remember always hearing foreboding tales of the State hospital in Napa. My work was therapeutic massage and bodywork with focus on rehabilitation of injuries, somatics and structural integration. Of course I do not diagnose or prescribe, but I always advocate self-care through holistic, homeopathic, herbal and all manner of alternative remedies and care before popping a quick deadening pill or masking shot. ♥

  8. Roger Fuller says:

    @ Sabell: I want to clarify something. I was a prisoner at Napa and there is a huge gulf between prisoners and staff; but I still admire the very few staff who turn against the drug pushing. Napa State Hospital was a truly horrible prison; despite all the very many privileges we had in the 1960s and 1970s and large freedom of movement on the grounds. The forced drug pushing undid all the potential good that large institution could have done. Just as U.S. prisons were leaps and bounds better in the first half of the 20th century; they are hellholes now because of the Psychiatric Drug Pushing. Today the drug companies merely moved the psych. drug pushing from the closed down state hospitals to every other institution: ” Community Mental Health Centers ” to halfway houses to jails, prisons, public schools, nursing homes, and finally the military; resulting in 22 suicides a day now. Too bad the Military didn’t stop this situation 62 years ago when it began. They could have saved themselves.

    • Sabell says:

      I hear you Roger. I’ve witnessed quite a few things at various State Hospitals while doing voluntary work and have visited the grounds of the Napa State Hospital out of curiosity just to see and feel out what’s up. I like to know what communities are doing anywhere I live and I like to know the truth of what’s really going on, not just what people are telling me. I appreciate you either way. More respect for you being on the prisoner side of things and telling of your experience. I’ve seen horrible things in Charter schools, or rehabilitation schools as well where I worked as a courier for a while in UT. The drug administration is abominable and there are few to no success rates, just papers, words, and compliance. As you wrote, one institutionalization to another abominable hole. I do like what’s happening in Norway. I would like to see more rehabilitation through weaning of medications, incorporating alternative therapies, and removal of institutionalized ‘standard of care’ systems. Much Love and Hope for humanity.

  9. Roger Fuller says:

    To Sabell :
    I’m glad you responded and glad you were doing volunteer work to help the psychiatric prisoners in whatever way you could. I have a few websites to give you information on the anti-psychiatry movement. : This group was started by Dr. Thomas Szaz, America’s greatest anti-psychiatrist working with Scientology in 1969. You don’t have to be a Scientologist to get involved. This group has the best leaflets, flyers, DVD’s, and videos to expose Psychiatry. And they do some of the best work against psychiatry as well. This is the group that succeeded the old Network Against Psychiatric Assault and is now in Eugene, Oregon. It has links to anti-psychiatry organizations worldwide, and did a very good job linking up American groups. This site has a lot of mental health liberals who talk about reforming psychiatry but beware, it is not an ex-inmates group like, but has a lot of top experts in the field of Psychiatry who talk about major changes in Psychiatry like moving away from psychiatric drugs. And that’s a good thing to me. I do see a positive change coming about on this site for reforming Psychiatry; but the change has been glacially slow. We could see positive change in Psychiatry if the horrendous Murphy Bill doesn’t pass. This bill was described in the latest ” Activist Post ” e-mail newsletter.
    I met Robert Whitaker, the founder of Mad In America, at the anti- APA demonstration in San Francisco in 2003 and showed him the structural formula diagrams of phenothiazine molecules that I got out of Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences to show the toxic radicals attached to these molecules. And the toxic effects are verified in the PDR ( Physicians’ Desk Reference ). I hope I convinced him of the dangers of psych. drugs, that day. Of course it’s a long process, though.

    Let’s hope we both live to see an end to the psychiatric system and replace it with a humane care system.

    yours truly,
    Roger Fuller

    • annajz says:

      those of us who have successfully weaned off of psych meds could get better organized and become a stronger lobbying group. any suggestions please comment to “annawolfe226 [at] hotmail [dot] com

  10. Roger Fuller says:

    @ Susan Lea:
    I, too lived in Berkeley in 1969 and I’ve been wanting to talk to somebody like you for a long time. Would you give me an e-mail so I could contact you ?
    yours truly,
    Roger Fuller

    • Susan Lea says:

      suelea5 [at] yahoo [dot] com. Sorry I’ve been so caught up with court stuff and moving efforts. Please feel free to contact me! Cheers, SL

  11. Christine Scott says:

    We don’t have health freedom in America. We need a free market system for health. We are controlled by ” Modern Medicine.” The medical system is controlled by the “elite” and they tell us what we can and cannot do. Many great healers and great treatments are suppressed and banned. Ron Paul had great ideas for our medical system so we would have true medical freedom. We need to start using our great Constitution. Taking care of our bodies as we choose is a God given right. We need to remember what it really means to be American and what freedom really means.

    • IMNAHA says:

      Agreed but before any of that we need to determine if we “the people” have our own Constitution or are actually operating under a CORPORATE Constitution which actually precludes the input and participation of “the people”.

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