Vaccines, ISIS, Benghazi, Federal Reserve, major media

Vaccines, ISIS, Benghazi, Federal Reserve, major media

Sources: Free Press, NASDAQ, Business Insider, BBC, Forbes.

by Jon Rappoport

August 29, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Every wonder why and how major media can cover up enormous scandals about vaccines, Benghazi, the creation and funding of ISIS, the complicity of the federal government in drug trafficking, the failure of the $2 trillion war on poverty, the private Federal Reserve banking cartel?

33 years ago, 50 companies owned 90% of US media.

Now, 6 companies own 90% of US media.

They are: Comcast; The Walt Disney Company; 21st Century Fox; Time Warner; Viacom; CBS.

Here are their 2014 revenues. Comcast, $69 billion. Disney, $48.8 billion. 21st Century Fox, $40.5 billion. Time Warner, $22.8 billion. CBS, $13.8 billion. Viacom, $13.7 billion.

Note: Viacom and CBS are part-owned by National Amusements, under Sumner Redstone. 21st Century Fox is owned by the Murdoch Family Trust.

Here is a partial list of media outlets owned by the big six companies: Universal Pictures, NBC Universal, USA Network, Bravo, CNBC, The Weather Channel, MSNBC, Syfy, ABC Television, ESPN, A&E, Lifetime, Lucasfilm, Pixar, Walt Disney Pictures, Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox News, Fox Business, Fox Sports, National Geographic, Wall St. Journal, NY Post, HarperCollins, CNN, CW, HBO, TBS, TNT, DC Comics, MTV, BET, Comedy Central, Paramount Pictures, CBS Television Network.

Identical parrot-like reporting, on so many major news stories, across the board, now requires the cooperation of only six companies.

To put it another way, there is ironclad agreement to cover up the truth.

There are two dominating wire services which feed all these news outlets: Associated Press and Reuters. The Associated Press is a non-profit owned by TV, radio, and newspaper outlets in America, many of which outlets, of course, are in turn owned by the big six companies.

But…the six companies controlling US media have a monumental problem. They’re a clumsy, slow-moving, complacent giant. Time and time again, they fail to perceive their own preposterous flaws. Even with CIA assets on board, tailoring stories, and shrinking down points of view, this giant has become exceedingly vulnerable to so-called alternative media.

Ordinarily, when faced with such alternatives, a giant invents controlled opposition and portrays it as “the rebel,” when in fact it’s simply a watered-down version of the mainstream. But in this case, there are too many independent media outlets and reporters to control.

The big six shapers of mass reality are becoming prisoners of their own game. Increasingly they’re being recognized as fabricators of information-bubbles that often bear little or no resemblance to what is actually going on in the world.

Perceptions are changing. What was once a hugely convincing mural painted on a wall a hundred miles long, avidly watched by populations and accepted as Reality, is now seen as a series of self-referring interlocking data packets, disconnected from true news about the men who are literally stealing the planet.

Indeed, these big six companies are allies of the thieves. They are in the Club.

Once this is understood, the decline of big six credibility is unstoppable.

The big six create caricatures of political leaders (who are already caricatures), handpick experts who will confirm a story’s pre-selected bias, telescope events into a few details that misdirect the public, pretend a consensus exists when it doesn’t, slide by with generalities and worn out homilies, and even at this late date expect to be believed.

As these strategies are more widely understood, the decline of big six credibility accelerates.

The Matrix Revealed

The big six do everything in their power to give the audience a theatrical presentation of the news, while trying to make it appear there is nothing theatrical about it.

As this is seen, their credibility becomes a joke.

“And now, for our top story tonight, we go to (field reporter) in (distant city).”

The field reporter knows nothing of consequence about the city he’s in, nor has he searched out a single item about the story himself. He may as well be speaking from a network studio in New York. And, by the way, his information is actually centered in New York. It consists of incoming wire service reports, phone conversations with government PR people, updates from biased law-enforcement officials…

Lights, camera, action.

Let the farce begin.

But the show is closing.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

7 comments on “Vaccines, ISIS, Benghazi, Federal Reserve, major media

  1. IMNAHA says:

    Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald recently wrote a oped piece decrying the tower of Babel that some right wing pundits acknowledge they help create, whereby all facts are now up for dispute and the MSM is no longer an authoritative source of information. Of course he wrote this (as most oped pieces) to stir controversy and keep their dwindling readership locked into the left/right paradigm. Never mentioned was the elephant in the room, the alternative media, except to implicate the aforementioned pundits of forwarding an agenda of “harebrained conspiracy theories”, you know the ones – the ones Jon writes about. IMO, for the right or left pundits who are merely the M.C’s for their intelligence/media/military/industrial owners to claim responsibility for the decline in people’s belief in the authority of the MSM is BEYOND hubris and just another sign that the PTB are losing control of the dialogue.

  2. Jacqueline says:

    Even the field reporter in the ‘distant city’ can be fiction; as I recall, numerous numbers of those reports were found to be ‘green screened.’ When the courts ruled, in the Fox News litigation brought by their reporters, that television stations reporting the ‘news’ need not convey the truth, my television was thrown into the trash – its rightful place.

  3. CPP says:

    For deep info on alternative media controlled opposition, look into Josh Reeves and his documentaries, The Secret Right, volumes I and II, and his newly released doc, The Spellcasters.

    The Secret Right centers on an investigation of the Council for National Policy, an establishment group more secretive than the CFR and which known past members of (current lists are not public) appear in the alt. media.

    The Spellcasters began as an investigation of who controls Hollywood, but it covers a lot of ground beyond that question and connects back to The Secret Right and controlled opposition in the alt media, shedding new light in this area.

    Here’s Josh’s YouTube channel, with a link to where you can get those films among other media:

    He did an interview following the release of The Spellcasters here:

  4. I hear you, Jon.

    The problem is I don’t believe the world is “waking up”. Very few have worked out how the Federal Reserve has nobbled global trade (, for instance.

    I don’t want to take any of your enthusiasm away, but my soon to be released next article (which uses Jon Rappoport as a cameo) says it in a very different way. Here’s an excerpt (unedited):

    “My Facebook channel is littered with identical sentiment that approximates the proverbial greasy pole or, perhaps, something akin to pushing dung uphill. The same old clapped out culturally chic quotes about 9/11, legal marijuana, “Saint” Tesla’s free energy, anti-chemtrails, bad vaccines and abolishment of the Federal Reserve go round and round and round. They fulfil the pointless, nihilistic ambitions of their apathetic “Prophet Pimp” promoters. These folks are not libertarians in any way other than they feel the world owes each of them, individually, a living. Sovereign greed means everything, to them, should be free entailing no personal sacrifice, naturally. In fact the gall of these people is unconscionable. They don’t expect to give any of their precious “hard earned” wealth or “social status” up. Only those conveniently “appointed” rogue authorities that mostly identify designated evil and “superrich” masterminds of tyranny must silently suffer. Apathetic masses have been leeching off “the system” ever since leeching was invented, supporting it by will and deed. The slither that have supposedly broken free remain as firmly attached to the system as ever. Lip service is all that distinguishes love occultists from normal, everyday “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” folks….

    Jon Rappoport ( is one of the few tireless journalists that put the issues ahead of ambition and personal gratification. He has even managed his relationship with the questionable, animated Alex Jones ( admirably. It is only the most refined journalistic license of unfathomable brilliance that could present court Jester and “Clinton cousin” Donald Trump ( in an almost palatable light. It takes consummate divine craftsmanship to convert a depthless cartoon into profound reality and Jon shows his genius over and over ( Though I haven’t been fortunate enough to access any of his technical writings (, colleagues that have inform me his earlier works are impeccably inspiring, though the later stuff is comparatively surreal and consequentially less appealing. Channelling of the imagination ( in an effective way and being true to it is the key to personal sovereignty. Thrashing that message home is our joint mission but we also have different styles/methods, which illuminate different perspectives and approaches to the same ultimate goal…..

    La-la land “love” never manifests because the whole “gig” is based on selfish infatuation ( When circles of infatuation cross, wars begin. If you like, love, want to help, admire another, it is infatuation and not love. Only when the reverse is so can you truly demonstrate your loving qualities. You can only show those you dislike, hate, detest and rather were dead your capacity “to love”. That modern day love cult is nothing more than a destructive trading mechanism that leverages cooperation from vouchsafes. It is everything false, fake, trivial, synthetic and ever so, ever so vain. Everything that is being used as points of contention today by love cult truthers was used before and the response was inept, deceptive, self-serving, reality-destroying, as human as human can be governments. The response “to the people” mirrored the peoples’ double Dutch and double standards. The masses have always pondered and formed populist movements which are generally unrepresentative of individual sovereignty. That is why distorted truths, all but lies in name, have been the response of representative governments. In place of real communal remedies, lasting solutions, human children seek only the next wish granting fairy godmother to kiss it better. That is why the modern day love cult insists detracting truths are heresy….”


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