If Capitalism is dead, this is why

If Capitalism is dead, this is why

by Jon Rappoport

January 5, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

“An era of corruption is built for those who lead corrupt lives. They revel in the era. They belong. They are home. They don’t care what you call the prevailing system, they’ll find their way, because they know the unspoken rules and how things actually work. Naïve idealists and academic hair-splitters? The corrupt eat them for breakfast.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The recent acceleration of attacks on capitalism leaves no ground un-scorched. Whatever capitalism is, it’s all bad. It needs to be banned. A wiser and saner alternative must be found—and naturally that alternative will be handed down from Above, where wondrous altruists in government can point us toward the Promised Land.

For the sake of humanity, they will assume the reins of power. They’ll organize businesses and companies and corporations under the umbrella of government, and all will be well.

Forget the fact that they cooperate and collude and conspire and commit crimes with their erstwhile corporate and banking partners. That’s a minor footnote.

Merriam-Webster defines capitalism as: “an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.”

Boiling it down further: you start a company; you own the company; you make a product and you sell it at a price you determine. People buy the product if they choose to.

This arrangement is not evil. You could turn it into a criminal enterprise, if you wanted to. For example, you could make a product that is poison, advertise it as medicine, and pay off those who might expose your ruse. But in that case, you’ve perverted the primary capitalist arrangement.

You would be prosecuted, if discovered. Well, you would be, if law-enforcement personnel were honest. If they weren’t, you could get away with murder.

Now, suppose there are 10,000 companies who do get away with murder. Suppose, to take things further, there are governments who collude with some of these companies and go to war, against other nations, so the companies can obtain access to raw materials they want, in order to manufacture their products.

Is this conspiracy an intrinsic part of capitalism? Is it? Or is it a perversion of the basic capitalist arrangement?

Some would argue that capitalism naturally breeds this perversion, and therefore it is an evil system. But that argument has a flaw. In order to propose it, you need to assume there are a fairly large number of people, in significant positions, who will commit crimes and enable crimes, on an ongoing basis.

And if so, those criminals will pervert any economic system in which they participate. Socialism, Communism, Fascism, State Corporatism, and so on. Therefore, any economic system will turn out to be evil.

Those “idealists” who rail against capitalism are, at best, railing against criminals. They tend to ignore the fact that law-enforcement personnel fail to punish criminals. This is, and always was, the problem.

Capitalism isn’t the problem.

For example, in the early days of the American Republic, state legislatures, fearing the power of corporations, adopted stringent rules: every corporation doing business in a state had to be charted by the legislature; and any corporation doing harm to the public would have its charter yanked. It would be kicked out of the state.

But this state system was eventually swallowed up by corrupt legislators, judges, and corporate criminals.

Do you really want to believe that these states, if they adopted socialism, would have eliminated those criminals?

I’m not even bothering to make the argument that capitalism fosters greater achievement and freedom than socialism. I’m just talking about criminals.

A society in which a large number of people were awake, intelligent, and courageous would directly face the question: what do we do about criminals? How do we ferret them out, how do we prosecute them, how do we keep them from being protected, how do we keep them from gaining too much power?

Abject failure in that regard guarantees the corruption of any political and economic system. Only addled fools would assume that “a more just system” would correct the underlying problem.

When I say “criminal,” in this context, I’m talking about Wall Street thieves; makers of harmful products; bureaucrats who protect harmful products and their producers; legislators who bring pork to their districts; bankers who invent money out of thin air; corporate monopolists who crush their competition; corporate leaders who promote, through their government cronies, wars and invasions; academics and researchers who lie about science in order to elevate corporate profits; egregious polluters; government/corporate partners who destroy jobs at home and set up shop in foreign lands, where slaves work in unconscionable conditions; governments that expand the bloat of their work-forces for no good reason…and so forth and so on.

The levels and extent of corruption are extraordinary, yes. Because, over a very long period of time, criminals have been nurtured, protected, aided, and secretly declared immune from prosecution.

This is not capitalism. This is endemic corruption, and if you need an example from the annals of socialism, examine the old USSR.

It’s all too easy to say there is no solution and the human race is doomed. I’ve known many such critics, and they all exhibit a grim passivity coated with self-serving cynicism. Under cover of “knowing the score,” they’re making excuses for their own misery.

The answer lies in raising children who are honest; who are smart; who are genuinely educated; who are beyond the fatal flaw of buying into the latest flimsy fly-by-night idiot’s-delight idealism; who will stand up for their principles; who believe in individual power and responsibility; who don’t see the benefit of turning into chronic low-level liars; who are liberated from whining and moaning; who refuse to go along with the crowd; who mix and mingle with enough life-as-it-is to avoid becoming androids and robots; who can spot con artists and shuck-and-jive altruists at a thousand yards; who see what criminals at all levels are doing to those around them; who have the imagination to envision a different world…

And that takes a certain kind of parent.

That is not the responsibility of the State. It doesn’t take a village. It doesn’t take a politician with “a better answer.” It doesn’t take paralyzing fear. Or surrender. Or fairy tales and rainbows.

It takes individuals. Each one unique. Each one alive and awake. Each one rejecting the decaying nature of criminals. Criminals in the street, criminals in the halls of government, criminals in the boardrooms.

No excuses. No rationalizations.

the matrix revealed

Claim what I’m suggesting is impossible, if you want to. Say it can’t be done. But time is long, civilizations and societies come and go, and after the last corrupt society falls there is always another chance.

History is full of events that never could have happened, but did. If overarching power were always an irresistible force, we would not be where we are now. We would all be gibbering biological machines, unable to even read or comprehend a single cogent thought.

No moment or period of time is All One Thing. The juvenile mind cannot understand this. It seeks the simplest characterization. It demands supreme heaven or final hell. But freedom hasn’t been defeated.

The freedom-impulse is still here. Not because it drips and slides down from mass consciousness, but because individuals still exist.

Perhaps you are one of those.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

20 comments on “If Capitalism is dead, this is why

  1. Jon, it is ironic (or perhaps you were being satirical) that all the systems that have “stood up” to Capitalism are themselves “forms of” Capitalism. I sort of spell it out in a different way in my latest Ozzie Thinker post. If you get a chance to read it, it will give you LOTS of food for thought 😉



  2. Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
    I like it.

  3. ebolainfo says:

    A timely post John in light of Oromo land theft in Ethiopia and US Bureau Of Land management in Oregon. Statist/corporate interests over land.

    The root of capitalism is based on a fraud…the ability of a small cabal to counterfeit “money”. WIth this ability to create “capital” they can inflate stocks like facebook or apple, buy companies, research bodies, patents, bribe officials, create trusts etc.

    Is it not interesting that psycopathic monopolists like Rockfeller and Gates turn to philantropy? The drive for “profit” gives way to good deeds of a particular gene splicing/gmo kind.

    This hidden hold on “money” allows them to control governments and the money friendly policies and statutes that follow.

    This fictional “money” has now been engineered, obfuscasted, abstracted and traded to confusing levels.

    I agree that criminals/pirates have captured the earthship but i would state that there a beliefs, mind control mechnisms that allow this: the state as authority, money – who controls this fiction, corporations as psycopathic legal fictions,

    Can we eliminate the criminals with the corrupt legal system? Why are the English based legal systems intentionally obscure, daunting and pretensions. Entering their world is a land mine of fictions, procedures and presumptions.

    There are mental contructs, beliefs, faiths that need to be exposed and discarded.

  4. From Québec says:

    Capitalism is the best system in the world if it is done properly.

    The corruption of capitalism comes from governments. Why? Because governments are too big, they must be reduced. And because political campaign is too long and too costly, so they need lobbyists to fund them. Also, the fact that we allow long term career politicians.

    • @FQ

      Capitalism has never worked because it marginalises human beings eventually doomed to create robot serfdoms. Government is the instrument that highlights and empowers the “human condition”:


      • Jimmy H. says:

        You said, “Government is the instrument that highlights and empowers the “human condition”

        Is this a joke?

        Governments are the cause of almost all modern and historical social/socioeconomic ills.

        They distort Capitalism which is merely trade between individuals, nothing more. The Native Americans were capitalists. All primitive societies engage in some sort of profitable trading.

        Capitalism is not a system per se rather it is the extension of healthy human action.

        Every large industry you see today has the governments hands all over it–in it. This is why all of the corruption (crony capitalism and socialism), and mega-corporations.

        The problem in every society has always been been the state versus the individual.

        All the finger pointing and blame are distractions from the global historical cancer that is Government Largess.

  5. juliath83 says:

    The only war in human history:

    Micro version – plunderers vs producers
    Macro version – State vs individual

  6. BDBinc says:

    As an oligarchy banking cabal control resources, govts , loans with interest to govts, social policy through govt and media, welfare,the economy. derivatives and price fixes etc the market is definitely not “capitalism” .

    The “capitalism” lie is a bit like the” independence” lie, telling the American people they are free and independent of the Bank of England’s Crown.
    Just another idea that the merchant banker’s media have planted in people .
    The media, on directions of the oligarchy, are blaming a word “capitalism” using it as a scape- goat for the private banking cabals fraud and debt slavery system.

  7. TakeTheRedPill says:

    But what about the 3-5% who are socio/psychopaths? Wherever power is concentrated, you will find our inhuman brethren. They take control of the system and through massive psyops create carnivals of distractions and the masses willingly consent to their servitude. As long as Capitalism demands profit above all else, then you will find these immoral, inhuman beings leading the show. They will always rise to the top because in the end, they are willing to do what most moral/empathic human refuse.

  8. Big Ben says:

    What I believe is missing here is the fact that the “legal system” is for 2ND dimension legal fictions (persons); and unwritten law, innate to man, is for people. If more people knew how to establish there own Court at court, the 3rd dimension would be able to keep the 2nd dimension in check. This can only be accomplished by not using the legal systems terms and phrases.

  9. Windsday says:

    The real problem lies in too many fat companies that own each other. Unrelated companies own each other.

    Historians will say “We have more choices then ever” but the choices are just 12 different colored apples. They are still apples to the core (no pun intended) and don’t fool me one bit.

    Today people have bought into the hype of fan-wars where they will defend company A to the death even though company A is not actually independent anymore and hasn’t been for a long time.

    There really is no *Company A vs Company B* anymore. but today’s crowd is “Ohhh so many coloured apples! How do I choose?”

    Sorry folks but it’s time for a…………………Commercial break!

    A blaring ad comes and hijackes your PC.


    APPLES X-TRA! *Picture of a random coloured apple on screen* Please follow the directions to your local Apple X-TRA at these following locations!

  10. Windsday says:

    Today’s generation is brainwashed to throw away money at the first product they see instead of old fashion values.

    Trump is hopefully going to change that as he pulls the USA out of this foreign labour first crap.

  11. Gary Roberts says:

    in this century AI and nanotechnology will greatly enhance robotics, thus ending all human labor needs. Which in turn will end the flow of money, thus ending the monetary system and also capitalism. What’s next? Sorry my crystal ball won’t respond, except to say our species needs to rise to a higher level, mentally and spiritually or cease to exist. A new era that ends competition and replaces it with total cooperation one with another by our species. In the New Testament Jesus says that we must love our neighbor as ourselves. If everyone could and would follow that command there would be no need for government it would usher in a new economy based on managing the planet’s, as well as, the universes resources with ever increasing new technology.

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