Planned Parenthood shooting agenda already set in stone

Planned Parenthood shooting agenda already set in stone

by Jon Rappoport

November 27, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

6:07pm Pacific Time, Friday, November 27. Before the name of the Colorado Springs shooter is released, before the final report is in on how many victims there are, before we know any of the facts and lies, the after-agenda is already set:

Take away the guns.

Planned Parenthood is a wonderful organization. Recent criticism, those bothersome videos—who cares? They’re selling baby parts for profit? Those videos were edited and omitted proper context (non-denial denial?). The folks at PP do a great job, and the proof of that is that they were attacked.

Right-wing domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to America. Forget Syrians. That was yesterday. Old news.

Hillary supports PP. PP is good (again, they were just attacked). Therefore, elect Hillary.

How dare anyone criticize abortion. Critics of abortion attack PP and kill people. (Elect Hillary)

Law-enforcement responded quickly and effectively. They acted as team members in the “war on terrorism.”

The stories with these talking points and the news shows with these talking points are already in the pipeline. If emerging data somehow contradict the talking points, too bad. Too late. It doesn’t matter.

The shooting could have happened in a way that supports these talking points; therefore the shooting did happen in that way, even if it didn’t.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

31 comments on “Planned Parenthood shooting agenda already set in stone

  1. From Québec says:

    Exactly! And even though it is too soon to say, this event was probably orchestrated. Just as PP was to be defund. Coincidence? I think not.
    Time will tell.

    • Steve says:

      I would not be shocked if a truely independent and thourogh investigation were conducted and it found these ‘deranged shooters’ are actually idiots duped by covert CIA, DHS plans to be modern day “Manchurian Candidates”.

      They talk with them, give them a big line of government BS, treat them nice, tell them they got a raw deal and “Here’s a way to even things up, a bit. We will take care of you, teach you what you need to need to know and everything. Only WE care for you, come on, buddy, let me buy you a drink.” Talk of how good their future is going to be, IF they come on board.

      Then comes the drugs slipped into their food and drink, mind-altering drugs making the subject unable to realize what is happening. In time their ‘shooter’ is trained what to do and how to do it. Becoming a living, breathing, walking-dead zombie! If ‘the shooter’ gets killed, great! Wounded or arrested? He is taken away to a government-run Mental Health “Hospital” where, after a descrete amount of time, we never hear about ‘the shooter’ again. Or, if we do, ‘the shooter’ has been cured of some terrible mental disease and can safely be returned to society. Until the next time they need ‘the shooter’.

  2. davidcrowe says:

    You really need to grow up and mature on guns Jon. You’re being highly irresponsible and juvenile. More guns. More militarized police. Guns make things worse. I’ve never owned one. Traveled all over the world. Never needed one, even in the US. I’m not a victim. But there are 30,000 victims of guns every year in the USA.

  3. Tallkiwi says:

    I was going to say how long it would be before the numbskulls started saying it was an orchestrated event or that it never even happened…..but some one beat me to it….

  4. Anthony says:

    Why was the tactical radio traffic broadcast un encrypted?

  5. Great post, Jon.

    Planned parenthood is a three pronged strategy:

    1) Deny Vedic-Aryan wisdom on the fundamentals of existence

    2) Reinforce the “concept” life is worthless (i.e. the foetus)

    3) Shut out spirituality for “group think”


    • George says:

      You may choose to believe that having an abortion is akin to believing life is worthless. However, I can tell you that there are women who have had abortions that do not share that sentiment and do hold life in the highest regard. That may not make sense to you if you equate abortion with murder, but if you value individual freedom, then it should make sense that the decision to carry another life to term is a sacred and personal choice that no one has the right to decide for another. Forcing a woman to have a baby she does not want to have is about as “group think” as you can possibly get. It completely disrespects and violates her own individual self. So I have to disagree with your conclusions on what this means.

      It is just as likely that with all the talk about how abortions kill babies (which is a very intense perspective, full of a great deal of emotion and meaning) and the level of vitriol that has been raised against Planned Parenthood particularly of recent, it’s not hard to fathom somebody getting pissed off enough to snap like this. It seems far less likely that someone would conceive of doing this to make some sort of propaganda point. Unless you really think somebody actually decided to throw away their life for those three points you make. I just find that hard to believe and have to disagree; there are so many more parsimonious explanations before reaching the conclusions you have made.

      Lastly, I find it very difficult to believe that this action will change anybody’s beliefs or interests in Planned Parenthood, let alone “Vedic-Aryan wisdom on the fundamentals of existence”. It’s easy enough to separate out what this guy did and what anyone thinks about the purpose of Planned Parenthood. Violence and contention at PP sites are nothing new and there’s been plenty of time for personal beliefs to harden around ideologies. It will take a major life event for people to change their minds and this shooting, as tragic as it is, really affects a limited number of people. For the rest of us onlookers, the bigness of it is the illusory power of media. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care and that there aren’t political and social issues involved; it’s just that the real pain and suffering of the people who actually experienced the events shouldn’t be overshadowed by those political and social concerns. And realizing that might actually help us to come to more rational decisions than would our ideologies we trumpet in the public arena (I’m not holding my breath).

      Talking points? They’re coming from the Right, Left, and Center. Watch out in all directions!!


      • Yeah, yeah bitch idealism.

        If you shoot someone dead because you were playin’ with your gun, that comes with consequences buddy.You never “mean’t” anything, that still comes with consequences. There’s loose ends – murdered bodies.

        Last time I checked babies didn’t arrive “by accident”. It turns out they aren’t delivered by storks or the fairy Godmother. And as much as Mrs C might try, two women cannot produce one together. A man and a woman must fool around, one thing leads to another and out pops little Tommy, Timmy or Jimmy. You choose.

        We live in an age where “feeling strongly about Something” doesn’t equate to “doing something about something” (I scripted an entire article about the syndrome, so when I think seriously about abortion (and, by the way, there’s nothing frivolous about serious thought), I can only conclude that the “solution” is “let’s sweep the problem under the rug and kill off the evidence; hang the consequences”.

        If you want to open up the door in consideration of “who’s responsible”, “who’s to blame”, isn’t society itself at greatest fault? Are not children merely “commodities of marriage” (to be brainwashed by “programmed” parents)? Who’s “responsible” for rape outcomes?

        There are whole lot more [questions] where they came from and they need to be out in the open and considered thoroughly BEFORE any serious debate on the subject.

  6. some old guy says:

    The M$M is not fooling me, not for one moment.
    In this particular case, they’re pushing the ‘off-grid loner’ meme. Funny, how did he know anything about ‘planned parenthood videos’ when he allegedly spent years ‘off-grid’? Yessir, those details always get in the way…just like those of us brave enough to speak the truth.

  7. Eva says:

    What if your 13 year old kid gets pregnant by incest or abuse rape against their will do you think 100% she and the abuser wants her to have that child what if it’s found out or even if it’s a poor person or someone who wouldn’t make a good parent should they be forced to have that baby NO it ethically could be thought of as murder I see that but I also understand if someone doesn’t want to have s child for what ever reason they should not be forced to therefore planned parenthood is a good thing and those people who murdered those people are they any better NO I am s health professional and I get it I feel for people and why they do things the way they do it is not for us to be judge and jury it is up to the individual to decide their life path and everyone else should stay out of it. It really makes me mad to see what our world has become God help what’s become us the evil doer lives..

  8. Janice McGlynn says:

    It would not surprise me to find out at some future date that this was an inside job designed to garner sympathy for the killers at Planned Parenthood to stop the defunding of PP. Afterall, what’s a few more deaths to keep the gravy train rolling.

  9. Enough Lies. says:

    Planned Parenthood kills more people than guns.
    Therefore white people must be disarmed.

  10. Nam Marine says:

    Jon…you are a damned fool ! Planned Genocide needs to be stopped..NOW!

  11. katessharon59 says:

    Planned Parenthood is all about population control

  12. Dems are lost says:

    I hate that a cop lost his life because of the PP dissecting center. I’m sure some Senators may have lose some money over this. I’m sure like the UN and Unions they served a good purpose at one time, but no longer! And I think that everyone knew that Obama was going to jump at the opportunity to use the gun control trick. After all, his famous words are, Like The Rest Of The World! Gun Control = Infestation of well armed muslims, Like The Rest Of The World! And it takes a FOOL to believe that global warming is the biggest threat to America! I’m sure that the PP has some good points like the V.A., but nothing will ever be done to FIX the problem, not under this administration!

  13. Sgtyork says:

    Here is another person with mental problems,he could have used a bomb or knives but he used a gun. Rather than ban guns the copy gov. Should take care of the mental people. Guns don’t shoot people people shoot people WITH A gun

  14. Dave says:

    My personal feelings are that this administration is totally against the Christian Foundation OUR country was built upon. I also believe that Obama is an Muslim ISIS sympathizer. 150 billion, nukes and lousy facility inspections from liars that hate us. Kerry is a jerk and Hilldabeast is really bad news. Gun shops have many weapons and not one of them ever jumped off the shelf and shot anyone. If every Citizen where legally trained and armed, those terrorists would be thinking twice before treading their crap here….

  15. Chuck Weller says:

    Your readers seem to see CONSPIRACY in everything. What if Obama called this what it is: an act by a Christian terrorist? Would that satisfy those politicians who criticize him for restraining himself from saying “Islamic terrorist” regarding ISIS?

  16. Winona Wacker says:

    I quite agree with those who have the feeling that the shooter was put up to saying his anger was directed at Planned Parenthood.

    I heard the entire thing was a botched bank robbery, and that the clinic was just a place to hide in. Of course, the anti-gun, anti-American bunch, from the faux president on down, will make it out to be entirely aimed at Planned Parenthood.

    But, if the gentleman lived off the grid, as he claimed to be doing, how did he know about the group’s sales of baby parts?

    Something about this entire thing smells, and it ain’t the chicken in the frying pan!

  17. dale emrick says:

    from my understanding he was at a nearby grocery store, and just happened to wind up at planned parenthood. he did not target planned parenthood.

  18. Dale says:

    Got the headline right! Baby body parts trafficker! Once the idea wears down about it will be business as usual. They need these parts for stem cell production and numerous other indignant junk. This is a very profitable endeavor on the part of insane, inhumane beings. I really do not see much future if these things continue! So help us God!

  19. Proud vet says:

    We got 300 million people here in modern fractions are going to happen no matter what as they are worse in the countries that have their citizens disarmed than they are here and that we got 300 million people here in modern fractions are going to happen no matter what is their own worst in the countries that have their citizens disarmed then they are here and Matt is full per The Harvard Law report this year or last year that showed us not having the amount of crimes and murders that happen in the countries who are disarmed. But the communist won’t have it they have an agenda To push and put people away thT seal the truth against their lies and deception . As I’ve heard it said many times they don’t screwed up as they come out and call American people terrorist who don’t believe in any of your lies your deceit and speak out against their Tierney here. As I’ve heard it said you got the guts to come get him bring it on. If you think the American people are about to give up their guns with all the crap going on including the tyranny going on in this government somebody’s got a screw loose in her head which I’d say 90% of the Democrat party at 50% of the Republican Party Obama how to percent mentally ill and needs to be disarmed himself.

  20. Mark says:

    The only reason America remains free is because power mad fools, know they can never control the people as long as we armed and are ready to fight. Every country in the world whom has stolen their peoples weapons is either a dictatorship or wide open to terrorists.

  21. From Québec says:

    Jon, your article is on infowars. It already has 571 comments.

  22. Randall says:

    They will have to kill me to get my guns!!!!!

  23. joly says:

    If someone kills another person while driving drunk or sober, should they take everyone`s car in the United States away from them? Did you know the statistics on women`s murders are by a man`s bare hands strangling them. Obama is a good muslim, should he have all our hands cut off to make women safe? Are the Democrats crazy illogical or is their agenda to make us vulnerable to the muslims attacking us and killing us? I think the latter. That is what this is all about.

  24. I recently met someone that told me dragons live on the moon.

    I guess that’s true then…..;)

  25. Ann B. says:

    The media kept emphasizing that there were innocent people in PP. What?!? All baby murderers, not innocent people. The only innocents in this mess were the police and the babies. Every other so-called ‘innocent person’ were actually murderers themselves.Yes, I’m sure the stage was set to bring about gun control and more funding for PP. We are not fooled…just disgusted.

  26. Robert V. says:

    Since they were killed in an abortion clinic, can the man that did it really be charged with murder? Just throwing that out there.

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