Logic: the student’s edge, the investigator’s gold

Logic: the student’s edge, the investigator’s gold

by Jon Rappoport

July 10, 2015


“The discovery of logic was enormous. It changed civilization. It also equipped professional deceivers with a new level of understanding about their own mind-bending work. Today, the investigator needs a knowledge of logic as never before. He also needs to engage in a process of analysis that incorporates more than the stark rules Aristotle once laid down. He needs to know logic’s first cousins…” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

This article has two parts. To fully understand what I’m discussing, both parts are essential.

Part One:

Twenty-four-hundred years ago, in the ancient city of Athens, something unprecedented happened.

Three men changed the course of the world by introducing the discipline of logic: Socrates, Plato, and finally, Arisotle, who codified the principles of reasoning in The Organon.

Since then, all the way up the present day, mathematicians and philosophers have added to that store of knowledge, through intensive research.

In many countries, logic used to be an integral part of secondary education. It was often presented as a series of fallacies or errors one needed to avoid while thinking through a problem or assessing an argument.

Now, however, like the dinosaur, it has disappeared.

Why has it vanished from secondary-school curricula? Perhaps for the same reason fewer and fewer students study Latin or Greek. Logic is deemed irrelevant. It’s “old-fashioned.” It can be replaced by minor attempts to teach young people how to “think critically.”

That is simply not true.

We used to understand the formal meaning of the word “argument.” It was a presentation in which the speaker or writer aimed to move from a first set of ideas, along a specific, path, to a conclusion. In order to understand and evaluate an argument, one had to be able to spot departures from the rules of logic. More basically, one had to be able to follow the course of reasoning, like a stream, and not lose the way.

Today’s students are generally lacking in that tracking ability. They often don’t even realize an argument is being made. Rather, they read a chapter in a book and pick and choose what they feel are the most interesting bits of information. They drift; they founder.

They see themselves as consumers in a marketplace of ideas and words, and they buy the most attractive pieces.

This strategy breaks down the farther the student moves along the road of education.

As a former teacher, I have seen students who were, in fact, equipped with a background in logic. In every course they took, they possessed an edge that was enviable.

Logic underlies academic subjects. It is the rock on which those subjects are built. Physics, math, biology, history, languages are taught on the basis that a rational approach to the material is essential. And logic is the essence of rationality.

At best, students pick up logic piecemeal, haphazardly. The obvious step is to teach it as its own subject. If this is done, students suddenly are ahead of the game. They have an indispensable tool for thinking lucidly in any situation, in any classroom, using any text, taking any exam, writing any essay.

It is, so to speak, the difference between mapping a large area by laboriously walking the land, and filming it from the air with high-resolution cameras.

Academic achievement, as the degree of difficulty grows, is all about mastering larger and larger quantities of information. This is the primary challenge. Armed with logic, a student can win this challenge, because he sees and follows the underlying architecture around which all information is organized.

A youngster can take apart an old clock. He can examine the pieces and figure out what each piece does. But then, if he comprehends the structure, the logic of the clock, he can go further. He can understand, more deeply, how all the parts combine to produce the clock that tells time. At that point, his knowledge is unshakable.

This is what the study of logic accomplishes.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed — which includes Jon’s Logic And Analysis course, click here.)

The Matrix Revealed

Part Two:

With everything that the study of logic produces, there are limits.

We not only live in an age of information, we live in an age of disinformation.

When concealment and deception are official goals, an outside person who is examining facts, arguments, premises, and lines of reasoning needs to spot patterns of propaganda, cover stories, intentionally placed distractions, and purposeful omissions of vital data.

In other words, these days we are routinely dealing with spokespeople and experts who are deploying all manner of anti-logic methods, in order to persuade audiences.

This used to be called polemic. That term has dropped out of use.

We need to understand polemic as never before.

Never mind high schools; you can’t find a good course of study on propaganda and polemic at any college or university in the world. I make that statement, because colleges are compromised from the get-go. They receive monies for research involving, for example, vaccines, medical drugs, mind control, climate change, advanced weapons systems, human genetics, pesticides, GMO crops. Propaganda and polemic on these subjects are everywhere. A real course on propaganda would expose the very colleges that teach it.

A professor who went full-bore on propaganda would be cut off at the knees by his administration. He would be attacked, defamed, smeared, hounded, and exiled by his bosses and his own colleagues.

Therefore, the study of disinformation falls outside the academic spectrum.

In my third Matrix collection, Power Outside The Matrix, I include a long section called Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation. It is based on my experience as a reporter over the last 30 years.

I build it on the foundation of: fleshing out and examining, in great detail, the official scenario on any subject. This is an approach that pays handsome dividends.

When you can lay out, like a map or a blueprint, the complete official scenario, you can then take it apart. You can attack its parts, one by one.

I learned how to do just that, on the fly, six years into my career as a reporter, with my first book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century. I came to this approach as a matter of necessity, because I was inundated with a flood of information on all sides. As soon as people became aware I was writing the book, they gave me their “best opinions” on the subject.

Those opinions ranged all the way from “virus produced in a lab” to “cosmic debris landing on Earth”—and everything in between.

At the same time, I was assembling my own discoveries re the illogical arguments government and university researchers were presenting about “the AIDS virus.”

I was also detailing, in my notes, the biases of independent journalists, who were organizing data to fit their pet causes and agendas.

And beyond any of this, I was standing in the middle of a vast muddle, because I had not yet identified the most basic premises inherent in the official scenario about HIV and AIDS. That was the real kicker. That was keeping me up at nights. I didn’t know I was missing the most basic assumptions.

In other words, I was still unconsciously buying certain official ideas about HIV and AIDS. And given that, I couldn’t move beyond a certain point. I couldn’t take the thousands of pieces of data I had and see them from the correct viewpoint. I had part of the puzzle, but not enough.

Then one day, a man who was supporting my work introduced me at a small gathering where I was delivering a speech. He made an offhand remark. It set off a string of firecrackers in my head. One explosion led to the next—and then I realized what I’d been missing.

It became clear to me—why so many people had so many ideas about AIDS.

I realize that, for many readers, my next statement will fall on deaf ears, because they don’t have all the necessary background. Nevertheless…

I realized there was no such thing as AIDS.

The suffering, pain, and death that was being called AIDS was not one thing, not one syndrome, not one disease, not one condition.

That was the first and foremost error (piece of disinformation) in the official scenario.

Now I could finish the book, and quickly. I had the deception in my hands.

I learned my lesson, which has stood me in good stead ever since. Flesh out the complete official scenario. Find all its parts. Investigate each part. Go to the most basic of all the basic assumptions in the scenario.

There is much more to say about all this, but I wanted to give you at least the flavor of analyzing disinformation about a large, large issue and a large, large false reality.

Logic helps; it is essential; but in practice, it doesn’t carry all the freight. Pushing through multiple webs of lies and half-truths and false trails is a process, and you have to engage in it, up close and personal, in order to arrive at the true foundation of the covert op.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix — which includes Jon’s Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation audio lecture, click here.)

power outside the matrix

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

12 comments on “Logic: the student’s edge, the investigator’s gold

  1. alex says:

    there is only one piece of logic that is essential. an object cannot be in two or more different locations at the same time. therefore if we have 1 trilion white sheep and 1 single black sheep the sentence all sheep are white is false.this is the only logic argument that i accept as logic . other logic constructions are mostly constructed arguments and not essential. the reality principle. any statement that you make has to be completly in accordance with reality. you can use this argument to distroy the theoretical basis of modern nutrition, the miracle of modern medicine, genetical theory of diseases, kensian economics, political corectness and many other criminal lies. but you have to be honest with the written word. it’s one thing to be concious about ignoring some piece of information and a completly different thing to ignore reality and say that you gain advance in knowledge like never before. one thing is normal and natural given the fact that the world is a complex thing and the energy is limited and the second is a lie. a criminal lie.

  2. Suzie says:

    Thank you – this is one of my favourites and the timing couldn’t have been better. Need this for some kids who absolutely find high school useless and a waste of their time…they know they have to complete it because society won’t open most doors to them. Wonderful Jon…as always.

    • Rastafari says:

      Maybe the youths (not “kids” which are actually baby goats, traditional sacrifice animal) know something about the “school”.

      Maybe it is a waste of their time.

      “Society” will not open doors? It never does, even if the youths do complete mandatory slave training at the indoctrination centers you call schools.

      • Theodore says:

        Right on, Rastafari!

        Ahh, publik skools in the US… which haven’t taught logic nor the trivium to high skool students in atleast 70 years.

        Then, in the year 1945 (70 years ago) Grand Rapids, MI “officials” add factory waste compounds (1) containing elemental fluoride to their city water.

        (1) Note: (a) Sodium fluoride, derived from waste by-products of the aluminum smelting industry. (b) Then, by 1952, hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFSA), derived from waste by-products of the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing industry (2). (See: http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/documents/tsca_21_petition_hfsa_2013-04-22.pdf)

        (2) Note: Can someone say “Monsanto”? Anyone? I take it, here, that instead of decommissioning their WW2 bomb making factories they “re-tooled” them for “peacetime” corporate agriculture.

        Fast forward to 2015…. GMO foods with more pesticides in them than non-GMO foods served in school lunches. And, vaccines: from 10 doses of 3 different vaccines by age 6 in the 1970s to 49 doses of 14 different vaccines by age 6 in the 2000s.

        And, atleast in the last 5-years, WiFi in the schools!


        Skools = Concentration Campuses For Mind Dectruction

        “They’re killing us!!!” — Alex Jones

      • Suzie says:

        I do agree with you Rastafari. Every single job requires a high school diploma and, unbelievably, a post secondary education to become mostly everything now. It is so depressing. Gone are the days that you can walk in off the street, talk to the owner and get hired on the spot. 40 year olds are returning to complete their high school because society demands it. Even people who have a college diploma but lack the high school diploma are told that they can’t apply for jobs without high school – all $ grabbing and programming. So many students have wasted their time on useless diplomas, are in huge debt and working minimum wage jobs. It is a much more stressful ‘process’ today. Logic tells us that we need to feed our souls, but for this to happen, we must feed our bodies. If you become homeless, (low wages, sky rocketing costs) it becomes much more difficult to focus on one’s personal growth.

  3. Rastafari says:

    For any of Jon’s readers who may be interested in using this logic, please check this FLAT EARTH information. It’s compelling. And it blows the lid off the conspiracy, if true.



    Thanks, Jon, for your hard work. This flat earth information just boggles my mind. I hope more and more intelligent and open minded people will look at it and opine.

  4. adajfenn says:

    Where would religion be if people were actually logical?

  5. seamlessone says:

    Oh my…..the irony of a flat-earther commenting on a well articulated thread about logic. I hope I am not the only one who got a good laugh out of that.

    • Zy Marquiez says:

      Your logic falls a little…flat my friend 😛 Seriously though, the irony is overwhelming.

  6. I see Aristotle’s control mechanisms and maths (measurement of illusory perception) as part of the problem, Jon.

    Nevertheless I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment. Without logic plus, you will never be able resolve disinformation [from witting or unwitting sources].

    In fact most are guided by mantras that reinforce belief systems. Several of our great scientists suffered, ultimately, from cognitive dissonance. How else would they have arrived at bogus conclusions?

    There is something more though. I call it the human “God complex”. This is the misguided view that truths are “reinforced” by the most stringent beliefs. Oh woe to those that think that. They are, indeed, the cancers of society.


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