Mandatory vaccination: California is ordering genetic alteration

Vaccination = generation-to-generation genetic changes

Therefore, California is mandating genetic changes

by Jon Rappoport

June 30, 2015

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Governor Jerry Brown just signed SB277 into law in California. No more religious or philosophical exemption from vaccination.

Now only a medical doctor’s note stating a person should not be vaccinated will provide an exemption—and you can be sure doctors who sign a number of these notes will be tracked, scrutinized, harassed, and attacked by the State.

SB277 requires all children who attend public and private schools to receive the full schedule of vaccines.

Home-schooled children can opt out of vaccination. Pay attention, parents.

I’ve written many articles about vaccines, about their dangers, their undeserved reputation for having eliminated contagious diseases in the West, and the absurdity of so-called herd immunity.

Here, first, I want to underline the obvious: freedom is under egregious attack. It has been replaced in the public mind by “safety and protection.”

This is a conscious formula for so much of what now passes for “culture” in America and other countries:

New, broader and more vague definitions of terrorist threats; pressure to conform to politically correct speech; the need to spy on everybody all the time; these are the signs of the times.

“We will protect you on every level. Just give up freedom.”

From the caves of 100,000 years ago, all the way forward to the Modern State, that assertion has been used to exert more and more control over the people.

At higher levels of political power, beyond direct medical issues, mandatory vaccination is being used as yet another hammer, in order to elicit compliance from citizens.

“We say do X; therefore, you must do X.”

In this case, X involves the injection of toxic substances like aluminum, formaldehyde, Polysorbate 80 and numerous other harmful chemicals into the body.

A Mother Jones article (6/12/2012), “Can Exposure to Toxins Change your DNA,” reports on the damaging effects of environmental chemicals. The connection to toxins in vaccines, though not mentioned, is an obvious parallel. Here are quotes from the MJ piece:

“The presumed mechanism of this unfortunate inheritance [generation-to-generation damage from toxic chemicals] is not a mutation in the DNA itself but rather changes in the biochemical on-off switches that determine whether or not specific genes get activated—a field of study known as epigenetics…

“Most recently, researchers from Washington State University, led by biology professor Michael Skinner, reported last month that short-term exposure of pregnant rats to several kinds of chemicals caused ovarian disease not just in their daughters but also in two subsequent generations of females. Symptoms that paralleled those found in human polycystic ovarian disease and primary ovarian insufficiency, both of which can reduce fertility, were identified in the descendants of rats exposed to a fungicide, pesticides, dioxin, jet fuel, and a mixture of plastics, but not among descendants of controls [given a placebo].”

We are talking about lasting genetic changes, from parents to children, down the line.

There is every reason to believe that injecting chemical toxins (in vaccines) would have a still greater permanent effect than, say, breathing pesticides.

But don’t worry. The State is here to protect you and your children. Just obey, and all will be well.

power outside the matrix

And now, a look at the future of vaccines. See the New York Times, 3/15/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine”:

“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”

“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”

“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.”

“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”

Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.” Alteration of the human genetic makeup. Not just a “visit.” “Permanent residence.”

The Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:

“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”

Yes, some people might be leery. If they have two or three working brain cells.

This is where vaccination has been going since its inception, and this is where it’s going in the future: the restructuring of human DNA, under conditions sufficiently random to rule out any reliable predictions of the outcome.

And the State of California has just stamped its seal of approval to genetic alteration, by making vaccination mandatory.

Thank you, Governor Brown.

You’ll be remembered for your decision.

Make no mistake about it: the entire human race has been, is, and will be (unless resistance builds to a very high roar) the subject of a vast, multi-century genetic experiment.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

40 comments on “Mandatory vaccination: California is ordering genetic alteration

  1. Orion says:

    “doctors who sign a number of these notes will be tracked, scrutinized, harassed, and attacked by the State.” I had a Dr. years ago who called the attackers the Squirrel Police, not insulting any squirrels out there.

  2. From Québec says:

    What could possibly go wrong?

    The Health Ranger What s Really In Vaccines Mercury MSG Formaldehyde Aluminum

  3. Barbara says:

    This, combined with GMOs, Plastics, and Fukushima could be that Extinxtion Event that everyone is fearing. We see it happening to the Honey Bee population.

  4. laura says:

    The making of mutants. It’s NOT ENOUGH!! ~~ to FEED PEOPLE GMO’S!! NO!! Now, you are ordered to BECOME A GMO!!

  5. james says:

    Huge amounts of people are protesting about the new law on school vaccinations in California and have even given testimony about why vaccines are dangerous. Very little of this is being covered in the press. There is a group who are supporting parental rights and have said they will take this un-Constitutional law to court. We all need to support them

  6. middleway says:

    It’s been a long ride and it is hard to accept that we’ve reached this point in our story:

  7. ebolainfo says:

    Wow, why am I still being surprised how far these “humans” will go?

  8. mothman777 says:

    Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
    Deliberate genetic modification of human genome now to be enabled through gene transfer from vaccines, to be compulsory in the State of California.

    This is another line of attack by the yahoos to bring about the end of the various Gentile genomes as we know them.

    Even before GM gene transfer technology, 80% of all foods we used had been altered by random alteration of their genetic structure via X-Ray radiation, Gamma Ray radiation, and mutagenic chemicals, to ultimately cause God knows what random genetic mutation in humanity, but the GM gene transfer process is more precise, and we can see definite and deliberately caused harmful effects caused by GM RNA in GM foods surviving in our bodies and causing dysfunction in our organs and so on, and we can see the effect in livestock who eat huge proportions of the stuff, stillbirths, terrible mutations, sterility, organ dysfunction, cancer, and so on, and adult weight and size of animals dramatically reduced. How about goyim 3 or 4 feet tall?

    • From Québec says:

      And do not forget about the Smart Meters radiation, the cellphone and cellphone towers, plus all the WI-Fi technology gadgets who irradiate us all.

      And what about the chemtrails?

      It’s time for a wide world revolution against these criminal minds that run this world.

      People will say, hey… if it’s that bad, the Elites will also be injured, Hum, don’t worry, I’m sure they eat organic, do not take vaccines, use natural remedies and know how to protect themselves from radiation.

      I wonder how many chemtrails they spray over the White House?

      If 7 billion people cannot stand up, fight and win against this tiny group of Elites, then we deserve to be slowly killed.

    • OhZone says:

      Maybe that’s what happened to those little gray “alien E.T;s”.

  9. swo8 says:

    Time to move if you live in California.

  10. Thank you for a very revealing look, Jon!


    I want to posit another take on this very issue:

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    What if, because we are finding that our pursuits of the “perfect android” were to eventually hit a developmental “plateau” – that is – we reach the maximum capability possible for any newer machines, bots, etc. – and instead = = go back to (genetically-) engineering intelligent life forms (like humans???) by “reprogramming” their DNA?

    Quite possibly,

    This is the avenue being pursued by modern “science”, in lieu of the greater number of possibilities and potentials, to genetically “remake” mankind, permanently, into a more malleable and manageable population. If they can do this with these next-generation “vaccines”, then what else can they do once they have mastered being able to alter, or altogether remove, certain genetic traits from the surviving human populace? Remember the premise of Jurassic Park (the first one): Will “Nature find a way” out of this one, or will Nature’s answer be the total elimination of a (now-) defective species, created by our own hand? ? ?

    – Rev. Dragon’s Eye

  11. Reblogged this on Through The Eyes of A Dragon and commented:
    This would go great with my “Natural is Beautiful” mini-series.

  12. Gökmen says:

    “Earlier this month, MIT spinout Microchips Biotech partnered with a pharmaceutical giant to commercialize its wirelessly controlled, implantable, microchip-based devices that store and release drugs inside the body over many years.”

  13. Num Guy says:

    Please sign this petition to repeal the immunity that vaccine makers have. Armed with this immunity, vaccine makers are destroying little kids and adults as well. We need to fight back hard.

    • nwqfk says:

      Someone must be held accountable. Sign petition. Also force California legislators who passed this bill to become personally liable for ‘any’ vaccine damage to the children they will be personally responsible for damaging.

  14. laurabruno says:

    Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
    About once per week, I receive an email from someone wanting to move to California, requesting my opinion on such a move. Ummmmm, well…. where to start?!

    It’s not my place to tell anyone where to move or not, but pay attention to what’s happening there. If you live in CA and you don’t support SB277, then (please!) do something about it, or remove yourself and your tax dollar support, or both. Between the geo-engineered drought, the near bankruptcy of the state, all the surveillance, regulations, expense, and most importantly, this vaccine ATROCITY, all I can say is that I left in 2010 and haven’t looked back, despite still having dear friends, relatives and clients who live there.

    Seriously, if you’re in CA or plan to move there for some strange reason, then now is the time to step up and speak out. The phrase, “not on my watch” comes to mind. If you live there, guess what? It’s your watch. They say, “As California goes, so goes the rest of the country,” but, to that I say, “Not on MY watch” where I live. Complete silence and willful ignorance are taken as agreement and permission. Do YOU consent to this? If not, then how do you intend to bring that non-consent into a ***tangible***, do-not-cross line in the sand? You can work things on multiple levels, but doing nothing means you’re choosing. Make sure you can live with what you choose, because the level of information available now renders the “I didn’t know” excuse completely null and void.

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men [, women and children] do nothing.” Are you a good man, woman or child? Are you doing nothing?

    • jacobite2015 says:

      It doesn’t matter – the game is rigged. I’ve been following this vaccine issue for years now, having school-aged children of my own. The CDC empire is very powerful and relies on an unlimited amount of support from Big Pharma. And our politicians are nothing more than servants to Big Pharma, Big Industry, etc., – a new “corpocracy” form of government.

      Go to “Age of Autism” and see the impressive effort put forth by them in opposing SB277. The opposition to the bill that took precious time off from their schedules to show-up at Sacramento was amazing (some estimates were that it was three (3) times more than the supporters that showed-up!). Folks testified against bill, physicians testified against the bill, a prominent immunologist sent an open letter against the bill – even RFK, Jr. was there!

      The point being that it was rigged right from the being. The Democrats think vaccines are the saving grace of the world – they have their noses in the rear-end of Big Pharma more than anything I’ve seen. The Republicans “say” they’re for individual freedoms against medical tyranny. But when Sen. Pan was playing dirty pool manipulating the bill in one of the committees by delaying the vote to change some committee members, where in the hell were the Republicans to intervene? In hindsight, did they even really put up an aggressive fight against this bill? Maybe they’re afraid of Sen. Pan?

      This was a very nicely orchestrated move by the CDC using the Disneyland situation as the impetus for their opportunity. The fear-mongering propaganda machine was in full force with Pan as their front man. And Gov. Brown, a Democrat, expeditiously signed the bill stating that the vaccine science for safety & effectiveness is solid. It’s impossible to have a fair chance to win any type of game when it’s rigged. SB277 was rigged from the beginning and I imagine future legislation in other states (and it’s coming soon) will be just as rigged.

      • laurabruno says:

        I’m not arguing with you that the game is rigged, but my questions remain as stated. Time to get more creative and/or more demanding. When I said “you can work things on multiple levels,” I’m talking imagination, magic, ritual, energy work, as well as regular protests. This is not a time to roll over and make excuses. If something didn’t work, then time to remove oneself or at least one’s money and find a more effective way to shift this sh!t. Money speaks much louder than most people imagine it does when it’s their own.

  15. Ziavette says:

    It’s amazing that we now know cancer is caused by viruses, yet nobody connects the dots, or investigates that correlation further, and just let viruses get injected into their babies and demand other’s do too, or else.. Injection isn’t a normal route of viral transmission. Every legitimate scientist would point that out making all injection studies invalid to compare to normal disease acquisition and exposure (inhalation, respiratory, ingestion, hand to eye/nose/mouth)

  16. jacobite2015 says:

    It doesn’t matter – the game is rigged. I’ve been following this vaccine issue for years now, having school-aged children of my own. The CDC empire is very powerful and relies on an unlimited amount of support from Big Pharma. And our politicians are nothing more than servants to Big Pharma, Big Industry, etc., – a new “corpocracy” form of government.

    Go to “Age of Autism” and see the impressive effort put forth by them in opposing SB277. The opposition to the bill that took precious time off from their schedules to show-up at Sacramento was amazing (some estimates were that it was three (3) times more than the supporters that showed-up!). Folks testified against bill, physicians testified against the bill, a prominent immunologist sent an open letter against the bill – even RFK, Jr. was there!

    The point being that it was rigged right from the being. The Democrats think vaccines are the saving grace of the world – they have their noses in the rear-end of Big Pharma more than anything I’ve seen. The Republicans “say” they’re for individual freedoms against medical tyranny. But when Sen. Pan was playing dirty pool manipulating the bill in one of the committees by delaying the vote to change some committee members, where in the hell were the Republicans to intervene? In hindsight, did they even really put up an aggressive fight against this bill? Maybe they’re afraid of Sen. Pan?

    This was a very nicely orchestrated move by the CDC using the Disneyland situation as the impetus for their opportunity. The fear-mongering propaganda machine was in full force with Pan as their front man. And Gov. Brown, a Democrat, expeditiously signed the bill stating that the vaccine science for safety & effectiveness is solid. It’s impossible to have a fair chance to win any type of game when it’s rigged. SB277 was rigged from the beginning and I imagine future legislation in other states (and it’s coming soon) will be just as rigged.

  17. shiva says:

    …and a coordinated attack on home schooled children (mostly unvaccinated).
    The majority of home schooled children are unvaccinated.
    The lie that unvaccinated kids infect vaccinated ones can’t even be used on home schooled kids.
    Sorry if someone mentioned this I haven’t read all comments.

    • jacobite2015 says:

      I agree. And it seems they’re only afraid of the unvaccinated in a school setting?

      So….what doesn’t make sense here is this: The tyrannical, imperious politicians that introduce and pass this compulsory vaccine legislation (by eliminating personal & religious exemptions) that targets school-aged children appear to be nothing more than terrified of the unvaccinated. So terrified, in fact, that if a parent declines (informed consent) immunization for their children, they’re denied a public education and must be homeschooled (the tyrants say the same old: “with freedoms comes responsibilities,” as if that can’t apply to most anything in the world).

      But wait a minute, are homeschooled children locked in their homes 24/7? Don’t they play at parks, go to crowded malls, amusement parks, theaters, libraries, swimming pools, gyms, sporting events/activities, concerts, etc., – all places where the “terrified” vaccinated also go?

      Maybe this “terrified of the unvaccinated” and “with freedoms comes responsibilities” is all an illusionary bunch of BS. Perhaps the real motive here is complete and unwavering medical control and domination over one’s life from cradle to grave (the new 21st century model of sick care).

      And I actually thought they really were “terrified” of the unvaccinated…shame on me.

  18. Sam says:

    “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.” Has anyone noticed the “If all goes well” part? These mad scientists sound as though they are on some sort of ego trip, which I suspect is the case with many of the “enlightened”. They are about as accurate as throwing darts at a dartboard, in the dark.

  19. Larry says:

    It is RAPE, paedophilia, murder. I will watch the news for the first instance of a pro-poison sheeple’s child to die immediately after a knife/needle assault and see if they care or continue to support chemical brews afterwards: unless their new views label them as treasonists/terrorists and they are verbotten/forbidden from speaking out (citing AU gov’s new law legalizing rape/paedophilia/murder of children and women in their own ‘fema’ camps or in international water).

  20. astyages says:

    Reblogged this on An Atheist in Adelaide and commented:
    Californian government mandates gene therapy ‘Russian Roulette’… Legally enforces random DNA changes due to vaccination program.

  21. nwqfk says:

    For those people who are rightfully concerned with the GMO operation on this planet… You ain’t seen nothing yet.

    I’m glad Jon, that you have picked up on the genetically ‘altered’ DNA / RNA viral component to these things called ‘vaccines’. I use the word ‘altered’ because the very top genetic scientists who work on the forefront of this Frankenstein science do ‘not’ use the term ‘modified’ they use the term ‘altered’ genetics because they (when you hear them speak at a symposium) discuss what they are doing as ‘altering’ genetic ‘makeup’. This is an extremely important point to understand because these scientists are ‘not’ simply ‘modifying’ DNA /RNA and viral material they are performing extremely hardcore radical ‘alterations’ to the material and work to see ‘what happens’ when a lot of these alterations are combined together. You, your children are the test subjects.

    I first warned the public of this on my blog in 2010. I posted in 2011 articles linking to various university works who were tinkering with bio level 4 viruses on college campuses!

    In my further research, I am convinced that the GAV (genetically altered vaccine) agenda has been cosponsored by DARPA using biotech stocks as the main source for funding. I have documents supporting that this co-research has been going on at least since the 1970’s

    If people are concerned about GMO’s, they better get a real fast grip on what GAV’s (Genetically ‘Altered’ Vaccines) are going to do to future, and even, current generations of people. (HINT) If you haven’t noticed by now, children’s hospitals are ‘expanding’ like peoples waistlines, not shrinking.

    Last, the public will never know what or how many of these genetic alterations are in the vaccines they are taking, because these ‘genetic alterations’ are proprietary information and therefore, they (pharma corps) do ‘not’ have to include their presence in the vaccine insert.

  22. Linda says:

    My daughter has three school age children going to public school in Texas. So far, she has been able to avoid all the vaccines that other states are pushing on infants and children. My sons and their families however, are in California. I am sending this link to each one of them in hopes they will move out of there before accepting this lie about vaccinating. I have actually been attacked many times on social media by an angry mob because I’m against this practice.

  23. arcadia11 says:

    “Pathocracy is a system of government wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people” — Andrzej Lobaczewski

    from his book: “Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes”

    maybe now it is finally the exact time to stop feeding the machine that is crushing us. and our descendants. maybe we have been waiting for this exact unspeakably evil bill to propel us into action-in-no-uncertain terms.

    still plan on voting and paying taxes?

  24. Laurence says:

    Might simply be a signal to other potentially highly adversarial nation states. “Look, we are inoculating our people.” One of many forms of brinksmanship. Inoculation can be done by many techniques and covertly, needles not necessary. Chill pills anyone?

  25. R. Hawthorne says:

    Reblogged this on Tales from a Awakened Mind and commented:
    “The product of this marriage certificate belongs to the state”, so let us think on George Carlin who said “The own you!”. As ruled in UCC commercial code now they rule their slaves…..

  26. Theodore says:

    Jon Rappoport Genetically Engineered Humans

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