The taboo against paranormal experience is a taboo against freedom

The taboo against paranormal experience is a taboo against freedom.

To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, go here.

by Jon Rappoport

May 13, 2015

Power Outside The Matrix

For those who want to examine a rigorous presentation of the paranormal, based on a long history of laboratory experiments, I recommend Dean Radin’s classic, The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena. (HarperCollins, 1997)

This article is not about that.

It’s about a taboo.

On the one side, we have people who denigrate the possibility of the paranormal. On the other side, we have people who, ungrounded in the physical world, try to stage what amounts to a paranormal escape operation, only to fall back into their increasingly chaotic circumstances.

In the middle are persons who have genuinely experienced the paranormal, know it, feel no obsession to shout it from the rooftops, and go on with their lives.

With the rapid decay of organized religion throughout the 20th century, huge numbers of people felt a need to attach themselves to new and old ideologies proclaiming The Extraordinary was at hand. Assertions of paranormal import accompanied this faux revolution.

At the same time, 20th-century life was shaping up in a world of National Security States, and was all about citizen behaviorism, repression, operant conditioning, and various forms of mind control—aimed at curtailing the freedom to experience whatever might lie beyond the prescriptions and slogans of governments.

What exists outside a psychic prison defined by rabid consumerism, limited and false science, and pressure from peers to accept idealized and cartoonish middle-class imagery without question, without deviation?

What is paranormal?

Is it, in childhood, an ecstatic hour’s walk through a park on a summer afternoon, when every leaf, flower, and cloud is irresistible? When space itself is so present that every shred and iota of anxiety or confusion disappears?

Is it the foreshadowing moment when you know what a person is going to say next, how he is going to say it, how he is going to move, how he is going to look as he says it?

Is it the sudden realization that the entire realm and round of emotions you have been experiencing has vanished, leaving in its place an escalating joy that can’t be contained?

Is it in standing at a window, late at night, looking out at a city, possessed of a vision of what you most profoundly want to do for the rest of your life, realizing that you will, in fact, do it?

Is it in standing in a room, where a researcher is showing you a pack of photos, one of which a person, in another room, six miles away, has just tried to send you, telepathically—and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt which photo it is?

Is it in getting out of bed in the morning and becoming aware that you, non-material you, exist forever?

Is it in watching a cat walk away from you, across a carpet, sending him a silent message to roll over, and watching him do it?

Is it in the easy and majestic silence you feel, after sitting on the floor and breathing in and out for a half-hour?

Is it in your child’s face?

The truth is, paranormal experiences are everywhere, and people have them. The experiences exceed the ordinary boundaries material reality.

They tend to lead to a new view about life, and they certainly go beyond societal tenets about what one is supposed to know and feel.

And yes, the waters are muddied by people who feel compelled to chime in and report experiences they only wish they had, hoping for badges of honor. But no matter.

In certain respects, this is, in fact a prison planet. Through upbringing, education, peer pressure, training, indoctrination, propaganda, citizens are expected to maintain “normal status.”

Steady-state normal.

No leaking of fuel, no blowing of gaskets.


People condition themselves with the goal of fitting in.

It’s a grand stage play, and one picks a role and lives it out.

But one day something happens, and if you admit it, everything has changed.

What then? Do you continue to obey and subscribe to the taboo?

Or confess that the true normal is paranormal?

Do you tighten your grip on the card that identifies you as a citizen of the realm? Or do you drop it in a waste basket?

Do you cling to the old? Or do you opt for possibilities wider than you previously imagined and shove in all your chips on a new life?

The taboo against the non-ordinary is as old as the hills. In many cases, the establishment was a State religion, and the priest-class labeled paranormal experiences heretical witchery. Why? Because, of course, free consciousness, unburdened of church doctrine, was a threat to priestly power.

Modern science, with ridicule as its primary method, attacks the paranormal because it cuts too close to home. It tends to expose what science cannot explain.

For example: freedom.

power outside the matrix

Nowhere in the lexicon of conventional physics is there room for such a concept. The predetermined and inexorable flow of tiny particles is assumed to be everywhere at all times, even in the composition of the brain…and therefore, all thought and feeling and action, which stem from the brain, are predetermined and inexorable as well.

No choice. No freedom.

The absurdity of this notion is plain to anyone who can think.

If the brain and the body are just another collection of sub-atomic particles, then the capacity to make a free and independent choice about anything is null and void—unless the entity doing the choosing, YOU, is beyond those particles, beyond matter and energy.

When I say paranormal experience is everywhere, this is what I mean. Freedom exists. Freedom is paranormal. It always was.

It takes a severely limited state of affairs not to recognize it.

It takes a long, long history of repressive societies not to recognize it.

It takes a considerable amount of indoctrination and mind control not to recognize it.

The notion that various key political documents established freedom is extremely short-sighted. Heroic though the efforts were, they only uncovered what was already there in a natural state.

That natural state is anything but normal. It speaks of the human ability to move out of the chain of cause and effect and make choices.

Changing lives, changing futures.

For most people, most of the time, the sense of their own freedom is a rather dull given. There is nothing thrilling about it. They choose A or B within a grossly limited context.

This fact is, in itself, an indication that a monitor has been placed on their own experience, on their own emotions.

If, however, this cover is blown, a transformation occurs; and then they know, in an entirely different way, that freedom is, and is supposed to be, the most natural kind of ecstasy in the world.


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

8 comments on “The taboo against paranormal experience is a taboo against freedom

  1. Nathan says:

    I feel like I know you, Jon, truly. And it’s the most natural feeling in the world. G-d love your energy. Increases, my friend.

  2. From Québec says:

    I get this feeling every time a watch a sunset, We have such beautiful sunsets in Canada, especially in autumn.

    I get it also, every time I sit by a river and watch it drift away


    This place we are in, it is a bardo!
    I am stuck here now,
    The past, present and future
    They are all seem to be one…and at each other.
    I keep moving between one and the other one, shifting, always shifting.
    The light is the same, it just…I find my mind in one sometimes and my body in the other.

    This house with it’s one hundred windows.
    I’ve counted them.
    I have walk along, room from room and looked out of each and every one of them.
    And I see a different reality in each.
    I’m alway looking between the cracks in them all.
    Searching for what holds them together.
    Someone said “we should’nt look out the window.”
    It means “We are voyeurs rather than a participant in life”.

    These poor things here, going about their business.
    Slaved and entralled to the illusion of it.
    Condemned by it.
    Declared mad if they dare to look outside it.
    Sometimes I rest far out there, on the way back.
    I stop and I am held without the weight of my life.
    Listening to the cacophony of noise rise from that little circle.
    Into my inky blackness, and I look back to their home.
    It took me a long time to realize I was different from them.
    That I was not the clothes I was wearing.

    On the inside… and the outside we exist in so many different places at once.
    One so distinct, ridgid and suffocating, while the others flow like liquid.
    The others…
    The place of the self.
    The place of the long lost and forlorned child.
    With its struggles so much larger than itself.
    The place of the man.
    The place of the father.
    The world of the lovers, in an eternal spring.
    The place of the old one, ancient beyond belief, and time it self.
    And impatient.
    The place of the heart, still beating, all worn and battle hardened.
    And full of long dead and lonely ghosts.
    The place that is centered, and which all the rest surrounds.
    And rotates, and spins.
    The mandala.
    The deepest place.

    I have been here since the beginning.
    I have seen so many empires built in the rising and then fall again and become dust.
    I have been it all. And I will have none of it.
    For none of it will satisfy.
    I am not meant to be permanent.
    Hosted by one thing.
    But, to imagine the new and yet to discovered.
    We are made for this.

  4. Jon Olsen says:

    Your fine description of freedom is consistent with that of Jean-Paul Sartre’s in his epic “Being and Nothingness” in which he asserts that denial of this profound ontological freedom is always in “bad faith,” in order to escape the overwhelming responsibility for our every action (or inaction) that comes with it. We are not free to be “unfree” in his and your sense.

  5. ozziethinker says:

    Beautifully put, Jon. However I might expand one of your suggestions. Here lies the dichotomy. Imagine that humanity is going to undergo an instant and far-reaching molecular or atomic change (the symptoms would be far more bizarre than outlined). Will science notice, react or be able to adapt “politically”? There is the dichotomy for the conscientious psychic; does one reveal all for the greatness of human civilisation or should one sit on the truth for personal preservation in a world driven by politicised agendas satisfied by wilful propaganda?

    In case any one missed it, my latest post deserves another airing (with your permission, Jon)


  6. emilytom67 says:

    Jon have you read “message from the kogi” if not look it up on the internet ,these lovely simple tribes people of Columbia will reinforce all that you have said and more,myself am a practising Catholic and find that in the simple teachings of Jesus gives me great spiritual peace.God Bless.

  7. Tracy says:

    I had an experience with a psychiatrist. He was telling me that if I didn’t take drugs they wouldn’t let me go home. I was very angry and sat there and stared right at him, eyeball to eyeball. He kept looking away and laughing. The coloured part of his eyes then began to rotate quickly, like a spinning top. I remember it very clearly.

    Just prior to this, I had an experience of a man appearing at my bedroom door. He woke me up in the middle of the night. I knew he was there to test me.

    Turns out I have been “put to the test” in the last four years.

    I had an old friend visit me in hospital (prison). He just popped in to reassure me. He once told me “everything happens for a reason”, which I thought was obvious.

    Thanks for sharing another great article Jon.

  8. Rita1 says:

    Why are there no Ted Talks on the paranormal?

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