Matrixology 101: debates that never happen
by Jon Rappoport
May 5, 2015
Expanding upon my previous article, in order to sustain gigantic false realities, there are honest debates that must never happen. They would reveal too much. They would shine a spotlight on vast contradictions. They would expose official storytellers to withering criticism.
And by debate, I mean extended formal conversations.
The easiest way to eliminate such debates is: never equip the young with the ability and the patience to comprehend them.
That’s working out quite well.
Let me give you an example of a debate that will never happen.
In 1987-88, while I was writing my first book, AIDS Inc., I discovered that the test most frequently used to diagnose HIV in a patient was the antibody test.
A positive test was taken to mean: the patient was carrying HIV; he was already sick or would become sick.
However, I queried an employee of the FDA. I asked: if an HIV vaccine is developed, it will produce antibodies to HIV, and then the patient will be called “immune,” correct?
In other words, if a routine blood test reveals antibodies to HIV, the patient will be told he either has AIDS or will get AIDS—but if those same antibodies are produced by a vaccine, the person will be said to be immune to HIV.
The anonymous FDA employee answered me by mail, on a piece of paper without the FDA letterhead. This is what he essentially said:
If an HIV vaccine is developed, people who take it will be given a letter they can carry around with them. If they are ever tested for HIV and the test comes up positive, they can show the letter to their doctor, to prove they are immune, rather than dangerously infected.
Otherwise, there would be no way to distinguish between “in danger of dying” and “immune.”
Extraordinary, to say the least.
This opened up a huge can of worms about several issues, one of which was the actual meaning of antibody tests.
Until 1985, positive antibody tests were generally taken to mean: the patient’s immune system is in good working order; his immune system contacted the virus in question and warded it off.
But after 1985 (and not just in the case of AIDS, but for any virus under the sun), the same antibody test was taken to mean: the patient is already ill or he will become ill.
Millions and millions of antibody tests have been given to people around the world. Just a few of the viruses tested for: SARS, West Nile, Swine Flu, Ebola.
Think about the effects of a doctor saying: “You’re positive for a very dangerous virus.”
Think about the 180-degree turnaround in interpreting the meaning of a positive test.
It generally went from “You’re fine,” to “You’re infected.”
I can think of several independent scientists who could weigh in on a debate about these tests, against official scientists.
It would be revealing, to say the least.
But it would only be revealing for people who could follow the logic and the illogic of the participants.
Otherwise, it would be like listening to a tape played backwards.
The ultimate backup plan for stifling all important debates is: never equip people with the ability to follow and understand them.
These days, this plan is called education.
Long ago, I was a schoolteacher. I found that, if I taught students logic in a straightforward way, step by step, with many examples, they responded. They caught on. They liked catching on.
It made them smarter and thus happier. It made them feel more powerful, because they were.
Every student deserves to earn that experience. It’s a tragedy and crime that so few are given the opportunity.
The antibody test is just one of a number of enormous issues in modern medicine that, if opened to real debate, would cause a seismic shift in society…assuming there were enough listeners who could track the lines of reasoning.
A true home-schooling movement should take notice of all this.
Teaching logic is work. Good work. It pays off in brighter students. It opens doors that would otherwise remain closed. It adds real substance to the idea that home schooling stands for individual independence and power, rather than State control.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
Living in faith not fear … The number 1 thing we should be working on is our relationship with God …
Which God? There are so many religions and Gods. All BS to me. Most Gods want you to fear them. Be a good obedient little slave, follow my rules or else watch out!
I do not believe a single word coming out of religious books who were written and re-written numerous times by the Elites of that time.
When I look at this incredibly perfect and beautiful Universe, I believe there most be a higher power somehow. It could be a powerful energy floating around, I don’t know and neither do you.
Anyway, it is hard to explain, but this beautiful song below, is what comes closer to what I think. It explains it better than I can.
Waylon Jennings ~I Do Believe~ New Album .
I sure miss Waylon. Man after my own heart too.
I find it interesting on how the person’s comment above seems to express an attack with such righteousness, with an opinion to back it up (“All BS to me.”). Then they seem to support their opinion with the observation of “Most Gods”, yet still do not know which “God” was originally mentioned from the OP. Then the statement to nullify any knowledge of a supreme being. Then is given a referal to a music link, to support their beliefs/feelings. All of this on an article about logic.
This all gave me a good laugh. Thanks!
(Yes, I have stated observation and opinion. I know that you probably don’t care. Ha.Ha!)
The Hepatitis C test is an antibody test. PCR. It comes back positive … and then there are several “treatments” available. None of the treatments will cure; at the best they produce “remission” in ~50%. They are all chemotherapy-style.
To reinforce what Jon is saying, as example, a popular veteran’s website censored me from posting meaningful information about cannabis use. My posts were too long and I was seen as “advocating” for using cannabis, when the fact is that I provided facts. Including Jon’s work on the Starfield Report about prescription drugs.
The V.A. loves to give out drugs. They hate the cannabis plant – it may cut down on sales of drugs to disabled, distraught and distressed vets. And, some vets might just big up an irie frame of mind, rather than being drugged. Instead of debating the issue, which I always offer and/or challenge to do, the conversation was shut down.
Another great one Jon. I caught on to logic at fourth grade and did well in most everything after that. When the wizard in the fairy tale granted three wishes i said I would be happy with the one that would enable all my successes, grant me wisdom.
You want to hear two very logic men? Listen to these two great interviews with Michael Savage and Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, yesterday.
I feel so blessed. Between Jon’s blog and Alex’s Show, I get the best of all the information available.
Start listening at: 49:00
The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday May 4 2015: Michael Savage, Anthony Shaffer .
I recently, unfortunately, sat next to a “mental health” worker in an art class. The topic of (anti) depressants came up. I told her that they can cause suicidal ideation and some people do commit suicide because of them.
“That’s because the drug perks them up and gives them more energy”.
“So somebody feels better but then they commit suicide”? “That doesn’t make sense”.
Talk about a tape playing backwards.
Hahaha! That is one stupid woman!
I have heard exactly the same comment from several different people.
Elaine Hollingsworth wrote a book called “Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry” – “Prozac: it costs the manufacturer, Eli Lily, eleven cents to make 100 of the 20mg tablets. This amount retails for US$247.47 -a neat 224,973 percent mark-up”.
“Xanax: – it costs the manufacturer 2.5 cents to make 100 of the 1mg tablets. If you are foolish enough to buy them, they will set you back US$136.79 for the 100 tablets. A spectacular 569,958 percent profit.”
Is that like
That’s not a bomb, that’s a mushroom cloud?
Do we need more “Mr. Spocks” in this world? We already had to say goodbye to one a little earlier.