My legal brief on human experimentation

My legal brief on human experimentation

by Jon Rappoport

March 16, 2015

“It doesn’t take a genius to realize you don’t necessarily win a court case on the merits. But it’s a stomping ground, a place where challenges can be issued and Constitutional principles can be dusted off and exposed. It’s a venue where new arguments can, from time to time, gain traction. The courts are places where truthful PR operations can be initiated. Of course the game is rigged. Of course the system is corrupt. But hammering at the foundations of the corruption—if enough legal players catch on and join in—can have an effect. A court can function as a tabloid scandal sheet: here, have a look at the criminals who pose as guardians of Justice…” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

What is now happening on Maui gives me the impetus to write this brief, which applies over a much wider area than the Monsanto-Maui lawsuit.

In that lawsuit, Monsanto/Dow are seeking to nullify Maui County voters, who passed a ballot-resolution temporarily blocking those corporations from carrying forward their GMO/pesticide experiments in the “open-air laboratory” of Maui County.

Monsanto and Dow are basically arguing that state and federal laws regulating agriculture supersede county laws.

Beyond that wrangle sits the more basic fact: what Dow and Monsanto have been doing on Maui is human experimentation; the GMOs and pesticides are new, they are not commercial varieties.

This is not “agriculture.” This is a researcher-human guinea pig relationship.

No independent environmental impact assessment has been done. The population of Maui has not been informed of the particulars of these experiments. Nor have they given their consent to be exposed to experimental pesticide spraying and gene drift.

Every conceivable law and regulation covering human experimentation has been violated.

The people of Maui have every right to argue the case on this basis. The Judge in the case should be compelled to hear those arguments and treat them as crucial.

Now let’s consider a wider territory that extends far beyond the Maui case. As Steven Druker establishes in his book, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, the process by which GMOs were originally certified as safe and allowed into the food chain was no legitimate process at all.

The FDA’s own scientists were expressing grave doubts all the way along the line, and they were ignored. A nuanced form of pseudoscience and a tactic of falsely manufacturing consensus brought GMOs into the growing fields and the marketplace.

Therefore, if the truth matters, and it does, all GMO agriculture has the status of human experimentation, to this day.

Arguing that the FDA permitted GMOs to enter the food chain and…

Therefore, the Agency’s decision cancels any charge of human experimentation…

Is absurd.

Take the example of a criminal case. A defendant, charged with murder, convicted, and sent to prison, appeals for a new trial through his lawyer. The lawyer has undeniable documentary evidence that police officers lied on the witness stand, collaborated on their stories, destroyed exculpatory evidence, and intentionally pinned the murder on the wrong man.

Can the State argue that, since the jury found the defendant guilty, the conviction must be upheld, all new evidence notwithstanding? Of course not.

Well, in the same way, if the “evidence” leading to the FDA’s certification of GMOs as safe was cooked and distorted and turned upside down, the status of GMOs should revert back to the category of experimental.

And these matters (the details on how GMOs were actually approved in the first place) should be permitted as arguments in court.

It’s not enough to say, “Well, GMOs are approved and that’s that.” New evidence can be presented. At trial.

After all, the judicial branch is tasked with exercising a check on both the executive and legislative branches.

Allowing extensive testimony on science vs. pseudoscience certainly fulfills that role.

In fact, courts may be the only remaining places where such arguments can be made inside the structure of government.

Practically speaking, no judge is going to favor opening this huge can of worms in his venue. I understand that.

But with enough lawyers making their arguments along enough fronts, across the country, pressure can build. And with a coordinated PR operation, who knows what might happen?

The truth is: GMOs are, at best, an experimental hypothesis that carries destructive health consequences.

In every area of science/medicine, laws and regulations determine the outcome of legal cases. The general approach is: if a government regulation upholds a piece of science as legitimate, the courts will deny challenges and automatically assume the piece of science is, in fact, legitimate.

This is a fatuous stance.

For example, in the area of psychiatry:

On April 29, 2013, at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, Director Thomas Insel, the highest ranking federal mental-health official in the US, published a blog commentary, “Transforming Diagnosis.” Insel wrote (April 29, 2013):

“In a few weeks, the American Psychiatric Association will release its new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)…

“The strength of each of the editions of DSM has been ‘reliability’ – each edition has ensured that clinicians use the same terms in the same ways. The weakness is its lack of validity. Unlike our definitions of ischemic heart disease, lymphoma, or AIDS, the DSM diagnoses are based on a consensus about clusters of clinical symptoms, not any objective laboratory measure.”

That statement provides grounds for arguing, in court, in many cases, that a psychiatrist’s expert testimony is invalid. It’s unscientific. It has no legitimate force or relevance.

I’m sure the first time a lawyer presents that argument he will fail. But if a dozen lawyers go on to assert the same proposition, in a dozen courts, the worm might begin to turn.

Psychiatry, like GMO science, is, at best, an experimental hypothesis.

In both instances, millions upon millions of people are the guinea pigs being experimented on.

power outside the matrix

And what about “vaccine science” and “climate change?” Why not open up the courts so that these matters can be argued on the merits? Some vapid media anchor or “medical expert” claiming “the science is settled” isn’t doing science. He’s doing, at best, opinion. Why should that carry the day?

If enough lawyers remembered why, at an early age, they decided to enter the profession, they might find the inspiration and courage to make cases and forward arguments that would actually serve Justice.

Don’t bother writing me to say, “It’ll never happen.” Trust me, I know at least as much about the status quo as you do. The point is, causing a good kind of trouble in the court system shines a light on fake science and exposes the march toward what amounts to a pseudoscientific police state.

Coming back to the Monsanto/Dow vs. Maui case, we have a prime opportunity. There is no doubt that what these corporations are doing on Maui is human experimentation. Their own literature proves and explains it.

Therefore, raise the issue in court. Make it clear. This case isn’t about agriculture and the pertinent regulations on the books. It’s about experimenting on a population and keeping that population in the dark.

Ram it home, lawyers.

Don’t be shy.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

15 comments on “My legal brief on human experimentation

  1. Refuse to comply. Refuse to submit. Refuse to participate.

    That is OUR job in this mess!

    Educate all those folks who use Round-Up(tm) or any other chemical-based treatment regimen on how much danger they are putting themselves through, and you have the basis for a grassroots economic boycott. Refuse to buy, and you cease funding their continued destruction.

    Simple in “theory”, very difficult to achieve.

  2. Who Me says:

    Judge Susan Oki Mollway surely logs onto on a regular basis just to see how lawyers and litigants are rating her or her colleagues on the court.

    All the judges read the ratings on Their EGOS compel them to do it. All of us lawyers go on there too. Since it’s anonymous, we let our hair down and zing them when they deserve it.

    If all of your Hawaii fans could go on there and post a video rating on RobeProbe, they WILL get the judges’ attention. Anyone can rate the judge via video or via text. But video would make all of these judges huddle around their fellow judge’s monitor just to be nosy and see what’s going on. Then they all gossip about the ratings at their next bench/bar conference. We see them and hear them do it. We even know of some judges who have used the site to try to boost their bad ratings by submitting a good rating about themselves. They’ll never admit, though.

    Anyway, here’s a venue ( where judges are most likely to be sniffing around. I know of no judges regularly visiting But I know of a huge number visiting RobeProbe on a daily basis.

    So, go ahead and use that site and email that site any scoops and odd documents that the site can post in the judge’s ratings page that will expose the judge’s conflict of interest or other unethical conduct. I’ve been a lawyer for almost 25 years, and RobeProbe has been around for a long time. The ratings do have an impact on judge’s. We know they are reading them, if only to stroke their own egos and feel superior when they see another judge get nasty ratings and comments.

  3. This is the second posting in a week’s time that I have been moved to respond to. All I can say is, BRAVO!

  4. JackieO says:

    They all are in this together no doubt about it, trust and honesty has definitely gone out of politics for sure, there is nobody in washdc one can trust these days, thanks.

  5. Jim says:

    Hi Jon,

    Your writing skill would be most helpful to address the other big “human experiment”. Perhaps your many contacts include a good Constitutional rights or Civil Rights attorney that can bring suit.

    The other “human experiment” is the so-called “Smart Meters” for gas, water and electric service and the “mandatory reduction” of energy use that accompanies them. The new electric meters have burned down numerous homes. A Battalion Fire Chief explains his concern about the fires, which have injured and killed, see information and video here:

    The federal grant money is for “voluntary” installation, but the local utility companies, supported by their State governments and State Utility Commissions, turned it into a mandatory installation program so they could collect every single dime of federal grant money.

    Some States have an Opt-out choice, but others like Pennsylvania are forcing the meters or they will shut-off your utilities. No gas, no electric, no water. The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) has ruled it’s OK!

    The citizens of one State are entitled to the same Constitutional and Civil rights as the citizens of another State where federal programs are concerned. So if you can Opt-out in one State then you should be able to do so in any State. Constitutional and Civil rights are not increased or diminished because you live in one State rather than another.

    Smart Meters transmit your private data to each other and eventually to the utility company. It’s a hacker’s dream, which will eventually be a customer nightmare. The constant transmission exposes you to the health hazard of RF/EMF radiation, 100 times stronger than a cell phone, which has made people ill.

    Supposedly Smart Meters are needed so you can see the details of your home’s peak energy usage. We don’t need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars per State for this, as it is just common sense. Your peak energy usage is when you are active in the home, and not when you are away at work or at night when you are asleep.

    Utility companies can use Smart Meters to turn off your heat, your refrigeration, and will have absolute control over any “smart appliance” within your home. Reportedly, an un-elected board will be established to determine how much energy homes and businesses are permitted to consume. This choke-hold on energy, will be the death of the economy.

  6. Bill says:

    Great article!
    Sue the buggers yourself! Control corrupt judges and lawyers!
    Please take a look at this FL lawyer’s website offering a pro se (prosecute or defend yourself) course for $250
    He’s been offering course for at least 12 or more years. Although I have not taken course, I read his emails weekly and used info to control other lawyers/judges and win some suits ten years ago.
    Good luck!

  7. RockHeavyMetal.Com says:

    Oh, yes. The lying vampires are going to protect us.
    We should trust “lawyers”. What lawyers?
    There are no lawyers. There are no laws. There are no courts. What kind of delusion are you living in? The mass media programmed delusion of “we have a civilian government” “This is not a police state.”

  8. daisly says:

    The country is a mess, humanity is a mess. Nothing matters but the almighty dollar. Today and yesterday the chemtrails blanked the sky, like a thick soup. No more blue skies, as far as I can see, if we do not stop the chemtrails the rest of the actions going on around the country and planet to stop all the other madness that is being allowed will be moot. If the planet is not getting sun the living things on the planet, plants, animals, humans etc will be gone, it’s that simple. I read also that we are to be fooled by clear chem trails in the very very near future that will block the sun through the use of metals as they are now, but to our eye be transparent. I think that the chemtrails ie the geo-engineered weather are the number one priority. No sun means no food growing. Need I say more, look up what is happening in Northern California and Oregon to the great forests. Please Jon address this issue.

  9. theodorewesson says:

    “[the book] ‘Altered Genes, Twisted Truth’, meticulously spells out this entire story like a prosecuting attorney with a RICO case. It outlines all the evidence about the criminals to ‘put them away’ for a very long time.”

  10. Ken says:

    For all to learn more about the current unethical human experimentations on all citizens, go to

  11. leanne says:

    Hi there is it OK for doctors to put devices in you that stage other conditions? is that experimentation? I was just having my baby and that was done to me. don’t know how to go about it. plus its been destroyed from my record it like it never took place. can you tell me who I should ask for help?

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