Mind control: the attempt to program life

Mind control: the attempt to program life

by Jon Rappoport

January 19, 2015


“The targets of modern mind control are always described in terms of medical treatment, alleviation of suffering, and healing. What else would you expect? A stark mission statement about population control and intentional shrinking of brain function? No, this op inevitably falls under ‘greatest good for the greatest number’. The promoted premise is: less effort, less pain, more happiness. A gift given to the essentially passive human being. That formulation itself is a version of mind control. The hero and the rebel are replaced by the semi-satisfied and quiescent android.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Here’s a research project that tells you something about where mind control is going. From MIT News, “Neuroscientists reverse memories’ emotional associations,” (8/27/14):

“The findings, described in the Aug. 27 issue of Nature, demonstrated that a neuronal circuit connecting the hippocampus and the amygdala plays a critical role in associating emotion with memory. This circuit could offer a target for new drugs to help treat conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, the researchers say.

“’In the future, one may be able to develop methods that help people to remember positive memories more strongly than negative ones,’ says Susumu Tonegawa, the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, director of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, and senior author of the paper.”

Translation: blot out emotions connected with memories.

Tinker with memory, re-program neurons, change brain chemistry…these are the hallmarks of modern efforts to condition human life.

The science is spotty, to say the least, but the effort is enormous, and the direction is clear.

If you stacked up all the social sciences, and biology and physics and chemistry, as well as psychology and psychiatry…and even if you went out to the fringes of academia, where the so-called dissidents live…you would encounter scenarios about life as programming.

Change the cell, the molecule, the atom, the family, the environment, the DNA. Initiate new blueprints, systems, patterns of organizations.

The whole basis of this exercise: we humans are passive recipients of “influences.” Therefore, alter the influences.

On the low end, you have the CIA’s mind-control program, MKULTRA. At the high end, you have something like this: “the universe is taking us to an ultimate state of consciousness, and we’re cells in the super-body of All Wisdom, which is gradually revealing its truth to us.”

Either way, humans are viewed as passive.

Passive ciphers of cause-effect, stimulus-response, input-output. No matter how basic or elegant, this is existence in which free will, choice, individual power, imagination are radically diminished.

For example: “the brain is source of consciousness.”

Consider how physics looks at the brain: it is an organ of the body, made up of the same particles that populate the rest of the universe. Nowhere, in any of those particles, is the capacity to understand meaning.

Therefore, the brain does not understand meaning.

Meaning is merely (and absurdly) a chemical/biological/electromagnetic illusion, an ongoing “readout” to which we are passively subjected.

Possessed of such demented view of life, scientists feel perfectly justified in experimenting and tinkering with, and changing, the “human machine.”

In fact, for Dr. Ewen Cameron, the most highly decorated psychiatrist in the world during the 1940s and 50s, an individual’s personality was the property of society, represented by men such as himself.

On that basis (as I’ve described in other articles), Cameron devised a method of torture called “psychic driving,” which involved administering many powerful electric shocks to his patients’ brains, coupled with intensive drugging that put them into consecutive weeks of sleep, after which he played them tapes that repeated pat phrases millions of times—all in an effort to erase their personalities and install new ones.

Cameron worked on contract to the CIA, as a researcher in its infamous MKULTRA program.

These days, the research on programming is far more subtle, but the objective is the same. The patient would not experience overt physical pain while a particular circuit in his brain is “neutralized,” but he would never function in the same way again. He would be “new.”

“Better living through programming.”

power outside the matrix

Against all this is the fact that the individual has the capacity to be free, independent, self-directed, powerful, and creative.

He needs neither the science of programming nor myths that support a view of humans as passive.

The notion of ironclad cause and effect, carried over from the physical sciences to the human mind and consciousness, falls woefully short. Why? Because the individual can understand meaning, think rationally, and imagine and create new realities and futures. In these actions, he is not merely a product of what has gone before.

The pseudoscience called psychiatry would have us believe that all of its 300 officially certified “mental disorders,” none of which have defining physical diagnostic tests, are applicable across the board, to all humans.

This is because psychiatry assumes (and never proves) that all people are passively subjected, in exactly the same machine-like way, to the same chemical imbalances in the brain.

Uniform cause and effect. Therefore, install a new uniform cause-and-effect program as a remedy.

In an article at the Brain Bank, “What is consciousness? A scientist’s perspective,” (3/4/13), author Oliver Freeman offers neuroscientist Giuloio Tononi’s perspective on how the brain gives birth to consciousness. Freeman: “According to Tononi it is the ability to combine lots of information efficiently that yields the ability to analyse abstract concepts and thus gives us ‘consciousness’.”

This illustrates the paucity of neuroscience when it comes to consciousness. You can “analyze” all the abstract concepts in the world, but were it not for your prior knowing that you are alive, that you exist—which does not depend on the brain—you would be utterly lost. In fact, you would have as much consciousness as your computer does while it is making calculations.

However, believing that consciousness itself is merely an effect of more sophisticated levels of analysis, neuroscientists freely experiment on the brain without hesitation or conscience, like some Geek Squad of the New Age.

The human being, who is more than the brain, more than the body, nevertheless experiences those experiments as unpredictable disruptions in his vital “physical assistant.”

It is the human being and not the “experts” whose voice must be heard. It is his life that is the target.

For all their high pronouncements and assurances, the experts have the smallest conception of what they are doing. They’re shooting in the dark. And they think they’re simply repairing and updating a machine.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

10 comments on “Mind control: the attempt to program life

  1. You May Find THIS Disturbing, Jon:

    Total Recall?? Scientists Plant False Memories Into Mice’s Brains

    Summary: MIT scientists recently reported they were able to stimulate certain regions of mice’s brains to remember things in great detail it never actually experienced. The mouse was able to do things that other mice could not simply because it felt as though it had been there before. The experience seemed real, (yes just like ‘Total Recall.’)

    AT DA we always like to show how science fiction and reality have quickly become blurred together.Recently, MIT neuroscientists have shown that they can plant false memories in the brains of mice. They also found that many of the neurological traces of these memories are identical in nature to those of authentic memories.

    MIT neuroscientists identified the cells (highlighted in red) where memory traces are stored in the mouse hippocampus.

    “Whether it’s a false or genuine memory, the brain’s neural mechanism underlying the recall of the memory is the same,” says Susumu Tonegawa, the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience and senior author of a paper describing the findings in the July 25 edition of Science.

    The study also provides further evidence that memories are stored in networks of neurons that form memory traces for each experience we have — a phenomenon that Tonegawa’s lab first demonstrated last year.

    Neuroscientists have long sought the location of these memory traces, also called engrams. In the pair of studies, Tonegawa and colleagues at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory showed that they could identify the cells that make up part of an engram for a specific memory and reactivate it using a technology called optogenetics.

    Lead authors of the paper are graduate student Steve Ramirez and research scientist Xu Liu. Other authors are technical assistant Pei-Ann Lin, research scientist Junghyup Suh, and postdocs Michele Pignatelli, Roger Redondo and Tomas Ryan.

    Seeking the engram

    Episodic memories — memories of experiences — are made of associations of several elements, including objects, space and time.

    These associations are encoded by chemical and physical changes in neurons, as well as by modifications to the connections between the neurons.

    Where these engrams reside in the brain has been a longstanding question in neuroscience.

    “Is the information spread out in various parts of the brain, or is there a particular area of the brain in which this type of memory is stored? This has been a very fundamental question,” Tonegawa says.

    In the 1940s, Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield suggested that episodic memories are located in the brain’s temporal lobe.

    When Penfield electrically stimulated cells in the temporal lobes of patients who were about to undergo surgery to treat epileptic seizures, the patients reported that specific memories popped into mind.

    Later studies of the amnesiac patient known as “H.M.” confirmed that the temporal lobe, including the area known as the hippocampus, is critical for forming episodic memories.

    However, these studies did not prove that engrams are actually stored in the hippocampus, Tonegawa says. To make that case, scientists needed to show that activating specific groups of hippocampal cells is sufficient to produce and recall memories.

    To achieve that, Tonegawa’s lab turned to optogenetics, a new technology that allows cells to be selectively turned on or off using light.

    For this pair of studies, the researchers engineered mouse hippocampal cells to express the gene for channelrhodopsin, a protein that activates neurons when stimulated by light.

    They also modified the gene so that channelrhodopsin would be produced whenever the c-fos gene, necessary for memory formation, was turned on.

    In last year’s study, the researchers conditioned these mice to fear a particular chamber by delivering a mild electric shock.

    As this memory was formed, the c-fos gene was turned on, along with the engineered channelrhodopsin gene.

    This way, cells encoding the memory trace were “labeled” with light-sensitive proteins.

    The next day, when the mice were put in a different chamber they had never seen before, they behaved normally. However, when the researchers delivered a pulse of light to the hippocampus, stimulating the memory cells labeled with channelrhodopsin, the mice froze in fear as the previous day’s memory was reactivated.

    “Compared to most studies that treat the brain as a black box while trying to access it from the outside in, this is like we are trying to study the brain from the inside out,” Liu says.

    “The technology we developed for this study allows us to fine-dissect and even potentially tinker with the memory process by directly controlling the brain cells.”
    Incepting false memories

    That is exactly what the researchers did in the new study — exploring whether they could use these reactivated engrams to plant false memories in the mice’s brains.

    First, the researchers placed the mice in a novel chamber, A, but did not deliver any shocks.

    As the mice explored this chamber, their memory cells were labeled with channelrhodopsin.

    The next day, the mice were placed in a second, very different chamber, B.

    After a while, the mice were given a mild foot shock.

    At the same instant, the researchers used light to activate the cells encoding the memory of chamber A.

    On the third day, the mice were placed back into chamber A, where they now froze in fear, even though they had never been shocked there.

    A false memory had been incepted:

    The mice feared the memory of chamber A because when the shock was given in chamber B, they were reliving the memory of being in chamber A.

    Moreover, that false memory appeared to compete with a genuine memory of chamber B, the researchers found.

    These mice also froze when placed in chamber B, but not as much as mice that had received a shock in chamber B without having the chamber A memory activated.

    The researchers then showed that immediately after recall of the false memory, levels of neural activity were also elevated in the amygdala, a fear center in the brain that receives memory information from the hippocampus, just as they are when the mice recall a genuine memory.

    These two papers represent a major step forward in memory research, says Howard Eichenbaum, a professor of psychology and director of Boston University’s Center for Memory and Brain.

    “They identified a neural network associated with experience in an environment, attached a fear association with it, then reactivated the network to show that it supports memory expression. That, to me, shows for the first time a true functional engram,” says Eichenbaum, “Now that we can reactivate and change the contents of memories in the brain, we can begin asking questions that were once the realm of philosophy,” Ramirez says.

    “Are there multiple conditions that lead to the formation of false memories?

    Can false memories for both pleasurable and aversive events be artificially created?

    What about false memories for more than just contexts — false memories for objects, food or other mice?

    These are the once seemingly sci-fi questions that can now be experimentally tackled in the lab.”

    Via My Science Academy


  2. From Québec says:

    “Consider how physics looks at the brain: it is an organ of the body, made up of the same particles that populate the rest of the universe. Nowhere, in any of those particles, is the capacity to understand meaning.”

    “Therefore, the brain does not understand meaning.”


    Hum! It seems that these idiots are trying to tell us that humans have a particular type of brain that is very different from their own “Elite” type of brain.
    Because, if the brain does not understand meaning, then theirs brains do not understand it either.

    So what is their point? What they are telling us is that they are just as stupid as they think we are if they have the same brain as us.. How can they say that they understand how the brain work if the brain do not understand meaning?

    And who gave them the power to experiment on us and not on them?

    • R Andrew Ohge aka Dr Rex Dexter says:

      Their arrogance seems to know no bounds…and it appears more and more they really have no clear idea of what the outcome might be to their dark and varied quests.

  3. Sir, yes, you definataly know, in fact they are criminals, better to die fighting, in the light, Ive caught them red handed. All I can say is be very careful, they are an evil lot.
    My anger on this goes deep, how dare they kill minds. Criminal, too bad the world has so many problems right now, or we could expose their agenda. Our people indeed perish from lack of knowledge. Sadly, anyone with awareness, cant trust most doctors. from deep experience i speak.

    • R Andrew Ohge aka Dr Rex Dexter says:

      It seems we’ve been flooded with increasingly complex technology, polarizing social and geo-political issues, and manipulations by the monied Elite, all flooded upon us in ways to keep everyone distracted and at each others throats.

  4. brad says:

    Always greatly appreciate your insight on freewill; a lone (practically) voice speaking on behalf of the capability of the human spirit. There are plenty of elite thinktank-ers of the 20th century who wrote about the need to “tinker” with the human ‘machinery’ in order to create an ordered society, and it seems, more and more, the social engineers are determined to pursue it, regardless of the damage done. Never thought about the “high end” part of the equation, the new-age religious view, but you’re certainly right, that’s a passive stance as well. Thought provoking read, as usual.

  5. theodorewesson says:

    “The training techniques being designed by today’s ‘visionaries’ in virtual technologies and artificial intelligence are, in reality, based on nothing more than the reductionist belief that the human mind is a programmable system, not fundamentally different than an animal or machine.”


    • R Andrew Ohge aka Dr Rex Dexter says:

      I like that you set ‘visionaries’ in quotation marks…it DOES seem our academics have been overrun by virtual “Igors” who serve the Elite or their various minions.

      We need REAL visionaries NOW more than EVER.

  6. R. Hawthorne says:

    Reblogged this on Tales from the awakened mind and commented:
    If you don’t control your mind, be assured that someone else will do.

  7. anonymous says:

    Search string for mind control ressearch

    Post hypnotic control
    transcrainial magnetic stimulation Mkultra Darpa US non lethal sonic weaponry

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