Ebola: question all basic assumptions

Ebola: question all basic assumptions

by Jon Rappoport

October 28, 2014

To understand what the sellers are selling, you have to go back to the beginning of their story.

You have to restrain yourself from buying the beginning, because if you do buy it, uncritically, you’re now on their river, you’re now traveling in their boat.

And even if you jump off later and claim, “They’re lying!”, you’re still holding the suitcase with their first assumptions in it.

At the beginning they say there has been an outbreak in three separate areas of West Africa.

The first part of “outbreak” means: accelerated dying is occurring.

How do you know that’s true? Where are the numbers to confirm that? Where is evidence that shows present deaths are jumping beyond recent past deaths?

The second part of “outbreak” means: the new accelerated deaths in all three geo-areas are linked by the same cause.

Where is the evidence for that?

The diagnostic tests? The antibody and PCR tests, both of which are useless, misleading, irrelevant, and rampant with false-positive results?

Is the evidence the symptoms these victims are showing? General symptoms like fever, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding, all of which can and do stem from a variety of causes? Of course not.

The third part of “outbreak” means: researchers have found what the link is among all the new deaths—the Ebola virus.

On what basis do they know this? Those useless diagnostic tests? Divining rods? The solemn assurance of the CDC? Quick eyeball diagnosis of every patient with a fever wandering into a clinic in West Africa?

On all counts, the beginning of the story is unproven—and the burden of proof is not on you, it’s on the “experts” making the claims.

Three cops are called to the scene of a death. In the apartment, a man is lying on the floor. He is, in fact, dead.

Upon examination, the cops and a medical examiner find no holes in his body. They find no shell casings, no weapons, no gunshot residue.

They confer. Their conclusion? He was killed at close range by two rounds from a revolver.

The papers and the local news broadcasts carry the story: “A man was shot to death in his apartment by an unknown assailant last night…”

The next day, the cops arrest a schoolteacher who has a revolver locked in the trunk of his car.

A few days later, you’re sitting in a bar watching the news on television. You see video of the schoolteacher’s arraignment on a charge of first-degree murder.

You say, “How do they know he did it?”

The people sitting near you break out into a chorus: “Who else could it be?”

Sixteen years later, while the schoolteacher is sitting on death row awaiting his execution, a lawyer manages to have the victim’s body exhumed.

On re-examination, the coroner finds no evidence of a gunshot wound…but the remains of the body are decayed beyond the point where a definitive judgment can be made.

Oh well, those are the breaks.

power outside the matrix

Here is what I’m encountering in many quarters. People are saying, or assuming: the CDC and the World Health Organization lie about everything under the sun EXCEPT…when they launch stories about outbreaks. Then they must be telling the truth. The basic beginning of their tale must be true.

In those crucial moments, they never lie.

Really, now. Think about that.

And then think about this: the 2009 “outbreak” called Swine Flu. In that situation, the CDC stopped counting cases in the US, because the overwhelming number of lab tests on diagnosed and likely Swine Flu patients were coming back… with no sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.

So…as a “big lie” strategy, with roughly ten thousand bogus cases of Swine Flu cases on their hands, the CDC suddenly claimed there were 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu in the US.

That was their “outbreak” story.

And now, when they tell a story about an “outbreak” of a virus called Ebola…well, they must be telling the truth, right?

Egregiously lying THEN means they must be telling the truth NOW, right?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

This entry was posted in Ebola.

22 comments on “Ebola: question all basic assumptions

  1. FS3 says:


    A summary what we know from this CAMPAIGN till now. With reference to some eye openers from “Nomorefakenews” inside…

    Thank you, Jon.

  2. From Québec says:

    Yes, that’s what they do and that’s what is frustrating me.

    Take Alex Jones for instance, he always talks about the lies and corruption of the CDC, the WHO, Big Pharma and vaccines, etc… but when something huge like the alleged Ebola outbreak is spreading in the minds of people, he takes for granted whatever these supposed expert agencies are saying… because they are the experts, right?

    It blows my mind. In other words, he is telling us to never believe them, except when something very big and very scary happens, then we have no other choice but to believe these liars. Who else would have the real number of deaths than these experts?

    I hate when he does that, it makes him looses all credibility. And it makes me so sad, because I really do like him and I appreciate watching his daily show. I have learn a lot on infowars.

    Could it be that he is naïve? WOW! That would be a first for someone like him.

    • blakmira says:

      Alex Jones is not the same “truther” as he was 5 years ago. Then, he was immediately calling the H1N1 a complete hoax (see link below for video) — unlike today where he is just parroting everything the mainstream media is saying about ebola. He has now sold out & only cares about not offending any potential new subscribers.
      He no longer sells truth, but fear. And no, he is far from being naive. Weak men always have a price they will become whores for.
      LINK: Alex Jones Exposes the H1N1 Hoax – 5 years ago

      • From Québec says:

        That’s a good find, Thanks!

        I think I will post it on Prison Planet today in the comment section.

        But still. I’ve been listening to Alex for over 10 years and I have a hard time thinking that he as changed side.

        Why, because even in this video at the end (10:35) he says:

        “Why are the medias hyping this so much? It’s because they are getting you ready for the real thing in the future”.

        So this is why I’m not ready to think that he sold out. I think he believe that this time it is the REAL THING.

        I could be wrong. Time will tell.

        • blakmira says:

          Don’t forget — Alex Jones totally dropped the ball on the whole Sandy Hook Hoax, playing along with the mainstream media’s version that it actually “happened.” That’s when I knew he was no longer interested in “truth.” He started out sincere, but that was a long, long time ago.
          Believe me, he’s sold out and he’s not going back. Too much money to be made playing along.

          • theodorewesson says:

            IMO,… Alex Jones did not “sell out” — what ever you mean by that.

            My current opinion, after reading Jon’s articles, is it’s hard to get “investigative reporting on medical,” correct.

            An investigative journalist covering “medical” needs to be able to question EVERYTHING. Including the 150-plus-year-old germ-virus theory of dis-ease.

          • From Québec says:

            Today, Alex had Dr.Edward Group in studio. He gave a great interview.
            He doesn’t believe that this thing is Ebola at all. He is convinced that it is all a hoax.

            That was very refreshing to hear on the show.

            But unfortunately, the following guest was George Noorie. Oh my God! He believes that this is real and he was panicking over Ebola.
            On top of that, he said that he is convinced that Obama came in with good intentions when he became President…lol .

            It was very disappointing to here him say these two things..

    • Dig a little deeper and you might actually discover that there isn’t “a war on for your mind” at all. The problem with dualistic/fragmented minds like Alex Jones, is that they don’t see the bigger picture of life and evolution and they are lost in a fragmented narrow little narrative of ‘good vs evil’, which is the same narrative of most all religions and bogus ideologies since the beginning of time.

      One natural result of this bogus narrative is that instead of seeing the various “leaders” in the world as immature fragmented minds like everyone else, one sees these ‘leaders’ as ‘evil geniuses’ that are outsmarting everyone. These evil geniuses sort of become beyond reproach and achieve a kind of infallibility, because after all they are essentially geniuses who rarely make mistakes?

      Instead of seeing them as the basic idiots they are, they become seen as infallible evil mastermind geniuses who are ‘always’ succeeding in their masterplans.

      • From Québec says:

        Great thinking!

        These alleged “infallible evil mastermind geniuses” (like you say) would be complete idiots if they didn’t have the money to buy out brilliant experts in all field of technology to serve their agenda.

        Unfortunatley for them, among these experts who have sold out, there is always one or two who becomes whisleblowers and the truth comes out… and these idiots fail.

        • All idiots in the world have agendas, some have more money than others, but they are all equally irrelevant. They only become ‘seemingly’ relevant if one perceives them as the “physical embodiment of evil”. That is the narrative running below the surface of many of these conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones,David Icke, Rense ,etc. In fact many of these talking heads suggest that there is an insensitive alien species masterminding it all. Whatever the narrative, the good vs evil dualistic mindset is the same, and it is something that all idiots of the world have in common.

          Duality(fragmentation) is the common myth underlying all the non-sense on both sides. Like attracts like.

  3. From Québec says:

    WOW! I’ve just finish listening to the interview with Steve Quayle about Ebola on the the Alex Jones show yesterday.

    This is an amazing interview that everybody here should listen to.

    The interview starts at 7:00

    Ebola Is The Endgame; Alex Jones talks with Steve Quayle


  4. Death Certificates says:

    Question about legal documentation of deaths:

    If roughly 5,000 people in Africa have already died and 70 to 80 percent of the 10,000 who are now afflicted with the “virus” are expected to die (so, 7,000 to 8,000 more dead), shouldn’t there already be about 5,000 DEATH CERTIFICATES filed somewhere in official health departments (or copies stored w/the W.H.O.) with the cause of death stated as “Ebola”?

    How hard would it be via some type of freedom of information act type of request for humanitarian organizations (doctors w/o borders, etc.) to get their hands on these death certificates and the next 10,000 certificates to be expected? Wouldn’t the global nature of this so-called pandemic call for the yielding of this info. to the world ASAP?

    If no such certificates exist, or access to them is prohibited, isn’t that more proof of hoax?

    If such certificates do in fact exist with the cause stated as Ebola couldn’t these then be used by “the authorities” to shove in our faces so they can say: “…see, you conspiracy theorists, here are all the death certificates showing the dead died of the virus… what more compelling proof do you need to prove to you that the virus has killed all of these thousands of folks…?

    By the way, the immediate family of the dead would legally be entitled to a copy of their loved one’s death certificate. So, accessing certificates from “the authorities” if they are uncooperative may not be necessary. Just go to each of the 5,000 families and ask to see a copy of their love one’s death certificate. If family are told by “authorities” that they are not entitled to such a certificate, wouldn’t that smell of hoax even more?

    Lastly, what if there are no such 5,000 families available b/c nowhere near 5,000 people have died? How do we know for sure that 5,000 have died and another 7 to 8 thousand are in the pipeline for death?

    The only proof would be 5,000 officially stamped death certificates (if they’re not faked)…

    • Diane says:

      Lets say I believe this is real (which I do not) The CDC said that not everyone was tested for ebola. So, if they were not tested (and only a small percent were) than how can CDC say how many have ebola and how many died from ebola. They can’t. Their own words expose them for the lies they tell. There was a man that supposedly vomited and died on a flight to JFK. No worry they “assessed him” and it was not ebola. Well if you can look at someone and tell than why test them. This is like watching a reality show and wondering if they are going to let the character live or not. This hoax is an insult to anyone that has any discernment at all. I know people that are scared to death of this lie. I don’t know what is worse, those that perpetrate it or those that believe it.

  5. blakmira says:

    Jon, have you seen this article announcing the “stockpile” of alleged-ebola vaccines they’ve been waiting to roll out… until it was “lucrative” to do so?! I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t the surplus of H1N1 they couldn’t get rid of!

  6. Diane says:

    I was following this last outbreak since January of 2014. At first I could not figure it out, Then the holy Dr in critical condition told them to give the last of the experimental vaccine to the nurse. He was also in critical condition yet walked on his own into the hospital in Atlanta. What a miracle. What a wag the dog movie. We are seeing a global hoax. How do they all do it? Especially since they are all incredibly bad actors. Think Manhattan Project. Think beyond the Manhattan Project because that was in 1939.

  7. BZ says:

    Here’s what they are saying in Liberia. Astounding that CDC is saying 1.4 million people with ebola by January but a reporter mentioned in this article says there is limited occupancy at these new ebola centres and number of cases are falling .


  8. victoryintruth says:

    I believe NOTHING about the supposed swine flu, just like all the rest of their lies.

    Love your dot-connecting and wonderful questions, Jon.

  9. david`wilson says:


  10. Literate says:

    What if your test positive for Ebony? Will they reduce your television exposure to Osama?

  11. henry says:

    I’ve read that both the CDC and NIH are private corporations. Could that be true? How about WHO, UN, AMA, and other organizations that promote the ebola breakout story? Are they also incorporated? If so, who owns their stock? Do they have financial statements?

    • theodorewesson says:

      just to add… ref: CDC


      Neither the Food and Drug Administration nor the Center for Disease Control answers to the American people or the health practitioners who provide medical care for the general population. We have nothing to say about who these so-called agencies hire, which researchers they consult or what policies they establish. They simply do not work for us!! These so-called institutions are listed as corporations on Dun and Bradstreet, therefore their first and foremost obligation is to their own “fiscal health”, as is the case of all corporations.

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