You won’t believe the CDC told this lie

You won’t believe the CDC told this lie

by Jon Rappoport

October 16, 2014

Quick background to set the stage:

In October of 2009, Sharyl Attkisson, writing for CBS News, exposed the fact that the CDC had stopped counting Swine Flu cases in the US. The real reason?

The overwhelming number of blood samples from the most likely Swine Flu patients, sent to labs, were coming back negative for the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus, or any flu virus.

This was a killer. It left the CDC completely exposed. They were claiming there were tens of thousands Swine Flu cases in America. But the lab tests were revealing how preposterous that lie was.

Okay. An hour ago, I found a page on the CDC website labeled “H1N1 Flu.” The article posted there is: “CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 [Swine Flu] Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the US.”


Here is a quote. Buckle up:

“During the pandemic, CDC provided estimates of the numbers of 2009 H1N1 cases, hospitalizations and deaths on seven different occasions. Final estimates were published in 2011. These final estimates were that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010 approximately 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (8868-18,306) occurred in the United States due to pH1N1.”

SIXTY MILLION cases of Swine Flu in America.

One out of every five people in the US had Swine Flu.

Sixty million.

This lie takes the cake.

“Well, they caught us lying about tens of thousands of Swine Flu cases. All the tests came back negative. So what do we do?”

“Only one thing we can do. Tell a lie so huge it’ll paralyze the mind. People buy the biggest lies, right?”

power outside the matrix

Right now, the CDC is saying: there was a sudden acceleration of death in West Africa, beyond anything caused by endemic grinding poverty, severe malnutrition, starvation, a decade-long war, lack of basic sanitation, industrial pollution, toxic vaccine campaigns.

Right now, the CDC is saying this outbreak is caused by something called the Ebola virus.

Right now, the CDC is saying the tests used to diagnose Ebola are very accurate.

Feel free to believe the CDC.

Because you have faith. Because they must be right.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This entry was posted in Ebola.

37 comments on “You won’t believe the CDC told this lie

  1. Mary says:

    Jon, Besides this being once again CRAZY….Can you tell me if anyone has ever taken the CDC to court for either creating a panic or as all gov people get disciplined for “Conduct unbecoming”?

  2. says:

    CDC equals CHURCH for disease control. They have a dogma which cannot be substantiated using any sort of empirical data, just like the rest of the High Church of American Science…

  3. R Andrew Ohge aka Dr Rex Dexter says:

    The Flu Vaccine, among the various toxins we now KNOW it contains, also contains Formaldehyde-which can create symptoms that mimic Ebola-AND it caused massive numbers of miscarriages.

    Yesterday, a Liberian Newspaper called the Inquirer broke a story about “someone’s” operatives pouring formaldehyde in Liberian wells.

    I guess the vaccinations needed a booster.

    The CDC, Monsanto, Merck and Bill Gates must feel proud.

    • Just read the story. Apparently, the man was caught dumping formaldehyde into their water system and admitted that he was not only paid off to do the deed, but that there are many more, and that one of the sources of these payouts are coming from companies that bag mineral water for sale. At least 10 people have died after drinking from this poisoned water supply..

    • Just read the story you mentioned. Apparently, a man was caught dumping formaldehyde into the Liberian water system and not only did he admit that he was paid off to do the deed, he said that their were many more involved and that one major source of these payoffs, was a company that bagged mineral water for sale. At least 10 people have died after drinking the poisoned water.


  4. Janet Underhill says:

    It is now clear to me that this is just a test – to see how a virulent disease will travel through the US. That’s why it’s important NOT to restrict air travel. Take your Vitamin C and get lots of rest.

    • From Québec says:

      “It is now clear to me that this is just a test- to see how a virulent disease will travel through the US.”

      What is clear to me is that this is a False Flag, There is no virulent disease (Ebola) in USA, neither in Africa. Yes people are dying out there, but not from Ebola. They are dying from the injections they got and by the formaldiede that was put into their water system. This create hemorrhagic fevers, just like Ebola.

  5. Janet Underhill says:

    …and wash your hands a lot.

  6. Brief, to the point, splendid.
    About one hour ago my younger son (approaching 14) asked me if I were to flee from here (Germany), if there were a serious Ebola-breakout.
    I told him that we’ve had worse things here than some viruses, real or not, that I would never flee, panicking, because of some disease, that people die every day, my time would come anyway, some day.
    They made it to put such a question into my adolescent child’s head. Even as he knows that his father doesn’t see doctors before he is three quarters dead. (My brother is a doctor. Even a good one, I think. I wouldn’t consult him, he is a heart specialist, nevertheless, before my second stroke, I guess. I drink and I smoke, so I know beforehand what he would tell me; everything I don’t want to hear.)
    Again, thank You for Your great, perseverant work.
    Salud y alegría!

  7. henry says:

    I find it curious that the general population trust government doctors but not high government office holders.

    When offering an alternative analysis of the events of the day to intelligent people the most common response is: That can’t be. I think this is short for: That can be if the conceptual structure in my mind remain intact. Because it takes time and energy to reorder the ideas that are in their mind, many will take the easy way out and discard the information that is in conflict.

    There also seems to be a memory issue. Disturbing ideas are forgotten very easily. If you find out that someone who you held to be an authority on some topic is wrong about it, few people will ask the question: Did they not know this or did they know it and did they lie to me? By not having a memory of past errors, it is easy to say that the authority is trustworthy but not infallible. It is as if the current events are written on a page. If you don’t know what happened yesterday, you don’t have a context to evaluate the new information. It is only with the text and the context can you see the subtext. That is reading between the lines, to determining the story behind the story, is impossible without context.

    Another issue is that people in power will try to get you to think that you are too stupid to trust your own thought processes. The experts are so much smarter than you, it would be a waste of your time to even attempt to evaluate the world around you. If you fall for this line, you will find more and more areas that you cannot make decisions. You will become a biological robot — doing the tasks that you have been programed for but never comprehending the reasons and logic of the programmers. The only solace that you will find is that all the people around you are in the same boat so that you are no worse than anyone else.

    People don’t trust lawyers or government decision makers but they trust judges: government layers who make decisions. Perhaps people think that judges are smarter than they are and that it takes too much time and energy to even learn enough to have a conversation with them, without looking stupid. So it is easier to trust the government lawyers and government doctors.

    • theodorewesson says:

      Very well said!

    • Excellent comment Henry!!! I believe the current social dilemma comes down to simple laziness. Also a trained inability to retain a conceptual process for longer than a few seconds at a time. Adult ADHD is a direct result of visual media presentations and certain broadcast frequency impacts on perception within areas of the human limbic system. Thought control programming is a many splendored thing. Disney knows this…

      Also the cellular tower broadcast system has people mentally wired in more wireless ways than one can shake a stick at… Ask Tom Wheeler (FCC chairman) why it’s ok to sterilize and maim school children with wireless wi-fi radiation. I’m sure his answer will be as vague and condescending as possible… Kinda like Bill Gates, only without the syringe and pretend smile…

  8. Sherlock says:

    60 million… wow, I believe it! Do you still have condos for sale on the dark side of the moon?
    If one out of every five people in the US had Swine Flu, chances are that the vaccine wasn’t working very well..

    “Tell people there’s an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.”
    ― George Carlin

  9. lisa n says:

    I refuse to get the flu vaccine and I’m a nurse of 35 years, My immune system has been exposed to many bacteria and viruses over my career, injecting my Body with more chemicals found in the vaccines and paying the hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and everyone else who makes a profit from this false flags should be ashamed of themselves.I just can’t believe so many people are so nieve in this world. Heaven help us.

  10. R Andrew Ohge aka Dr Rex Dexter says:

    Fox News Pundit and the Liberian Observer Just Made This All a Bit Weirder:

    “This Is the Only Video You Need to Watch About Ebola”

    Op-Ed Analysis by R Andrew Ohge/Rex Dexter 10/15/2014

    …or so the ‘Daily Dot’ News Site would have you believe.

    YouTube Video:

    Good old Shepard Smith-calming, mature assures us we have no Ebola Breakout in the US. He assures us the CDC and other authorities are on top of things.

    You want to believe him-after all, for a Fox News Pundit to go SO behind the Administration’s Official line, it’s SO astonishing, how could you not.

    He wanted to “clarify” the “REAL” situation, to use that calming voice to make sure we knew that while there was an outbreak rampaging through Africa…


    [However, the Liberian Observer broke a story a couple days ago about ‘men’(they only caught one) pouring formaldehyde into wells in towns and villages across the Liberian countryside:

    “A man in Schieffelin, a community located in Margibi County on the Robertsfield Highway, has been arrested for attempting to put formaldehyde into a well used by the community.

    Reports say around 10 a.m., he approached the well with powder in a bottle.

    Mobbed by the community, he confessed that he had been paid to put formaldehyde into the well, and that he was not the only one.

    He reportedly told community dwellers, “We are many.”

    It’s important to note another ‘telling disclosure from this story:

    “The man also alleged that some water companies, particularly those bagging mineral water to sell, are also involved.

    The poison, he said, produces Ebola-like symptoms and subsequently kills people.

    The Observer had previously been informed that people dressed as nurses were going into communities with ‘Ebola Vaccines’.

    Once injected, it reportedly produces Ebola-like symptoms and sends victims into a coma.

    Shortly thereafter, victims expire.

    Communities are now reportedly chasing vaccine peddlers out of their communities.

    After 10 children reportedly died from the ‘vaccine’ in Bensonville, the peddlers were reportedly chased out of the community upon their next visit.

    It is possible that the ‘vaccine’ is/was composed of the same formaldehyde-water mixture.”

    This should provoke some serious questions as to exactly WHAT is going on in Africa at the moment.]


    The story continues: and that we had no outbreak here.

    Here’s where it got MY attention:

    Smith, as he closes his little “Fireside Chat” with America, advises that we DO have an Influenza Outbreak, citing a CDC Figure of in excess of 52,000 cases-urging us with common-sense concern that we should immediately get vaccinated.

    Doesn’t that sound like great advice from a man so obviously “looking out for the folks”, as another Fox Pundit, Bill O’Reilly would say…but for one little detail that plays into both situations, here AND in Liberia.

    Glaxo-Smith-Kline, incidentally the potential recipient of the contract to immunize so many with the fast-tracked Ebola Vaccine, has a record of including Formaldehyde-as well as other toxic substances in it’s vaccines.


    Here’s the ingredient list from Glaxo-Smith-Kline’s “Flu Vaccine”: “octoxynol-10 (Triton X-100), a-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, hydrocortisone, formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate”

    The Examiner [ ] has this to add:

    Formaldehyde. Some flu vaccines contain a known carcinogen formaldehyde, which according the EPA causes reproductive harm, excess inflammation, gastrointestinal damage and respiratory system injury.

    This, of course doesn’t discuss the link we now know with Ebola-Mimicking symptoms that the Liberian poisoning had caused.

    So, will you take Shepherd Smith up on his invitation to get that “Flu Shot”?

    I think I’ll give it some thought, myself.


  11. ozziethinker says:

    Jon, once again…..

    For my research, there have been SEVEN “confirmed” deaths as a result of the current outbreak of the Ebola virus in Africa. Though sources seem pretty compelling, they are not “beyond doubt”.

    Therefore, as I cannot rely on the sources being completely accurate, for the “purists” (debunkers?) there are, thus far, ZERO IRREFUTABLY CONFIRMED cases and deaths from the current outbreak of Ebola in Africa.

    If there was no outbreak, perhaps the “zany” peoples of Africa might go to their hospitals and forcefully remove patients. That didn’t happen, did it? (note “happy ending” for CDC)

    Has it come to “smoke and mirrors” for everything now?

  12. Alan Reid says:

    If i were you i would treat the Ebola crap just like the H1N1 crap Ignore every story and news piece with Ebola. I did for H1N1 and This Ebola lie will get the same treatment. Fear is not going to be sold that easy CDC. Not at all. We are wise to your trickster lies and will have none of it.

  13. Steve Stars says:

    Are Red Cross administered vaccines causing a fake Ebola epidemic?
    As odd as this source may seem, it could shed some real light on what is going and is at least worth considering. Hope you can get this link: It seems there are various military and political agendas at work attempting get troops sent in to these African regions.

    From the article posted:
    In addition to stealing Nigerian oil, and forcing Sierra Leone back to mining, troops have also been sent in to FORCE vaccinations (Deadly “Ebola” Poison) onto those Africans who are not foolish enough to take them willingly.

    3000 troops are being sent in to make sure that this “poison” continues to spread, because again it is only spread through vaccination. As more and more news articles are released as they have been in Liberia, informing the populous of the US lies and manipulation, more and more Africans are refusing to visit the Red Cross. Troops will force these vaccinations upon the people to ensure the visible appearance of an Ebola pandemic. In addition to this they will protect the Red Cross from the Liberians and Nigerians who have been rightfully ejecting them from their countries.

  14. Birgit Jonas says:

    How do they manage to get soldiers to go to Africa to participate in this murder?

  15. Elizabeth says:

    Can someone tell me if the CDC is a private corporation listed on Dun & Bradstreet? I understand the website address is .gov.


    • theodorewesson says:

      Just to add,…

      Neither the Food and Drug Administration nor the Center for Disease Control answers to the American people or the health practitioners who provide medical care for the general population. We have nothing to say about who these so-called agencies hire, which researchers they consult or what policies they establish. They simply do not work for us!! These so-called institutions are listed as corporations on Dun and Bradstreet, therefore their first and foremost obligation is to their own “fiscal health”, as is the case of all corporations.

  16. Interestingly, my (German) radio station told me that this afternoon on its news, they now want our doctors and nurses to voluntarily go to Africa to help, and they should be given a guarantee to be flown back home in case they get infected themselves.
    Now, what about quarantine? Why take people back to other countries if the pest is as contagious as they say?
    Normally this would be called folly.

  17. mike says:

    Late 19th century was the Age of Robber Barrons. Early 21stc is the Age of Criminal Doctors/doctorates/PhDs

  18. Liz says:

    And then there’s this, from The NYT: “Unlike the flu, which kills tens of thousands of people each year, there is no vaccine against Ebola and there is no cure.” Really? Tens of thousands? In America? The whole wide world? Perhaps some other planet only the NYT knows about?

  19. Question the Timing says:


    Could this whole Ebola scam be a way to distract the world from the revelations of the CDC whistle blower, Thompson?

    Just as his story was starting to gain traction and bleed more and more into people’s mind, BOOM, Ebola is on a rampage. Now the CDC is back on top as THE AUTHORITY to listen to.

    Odd timing isn’t it?

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