Anti-logic: the education plague

by Jon Rappoport

September 19, 2014

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In all times and places, logic is never taught to the masses. There is no intention to do so.

Now, in our “egalitarian society,” education carries with it great PR pretension, a fakery that outflanks any other period in history.

Therefore, graduating students wrongly believe they know how to think.

In my collection, The Matrix Revealed, I include a basic logic course that analyzes passages of text for flaws and fallacies in reasoning.

In my latest collection, Power Outside The Matrix, I include a long audio tutorial, Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation, which is all about carrying out deep investigations of major official scenarios/stories, and discovering how and where these official structures can be penetrated, taken apart, and unfolded, so all their flaws and deceptions are exposed.

These two trainings are meant to remedy the deep hole people find themselves in, when they go up against entrenched (or even alternative) “knowledge.”

In this article, I want to focus on a particular logical fallacy I call: “this means that.”

It runs rampant throughout society. The fallacy bleeds into the reasoning process, into notions of self-worth, into people’s need to identify themselves with an “acceptable” position.

Take the concept of manmade global warming. For many people, affirming this as a reality means:

“I’m defending the sacred quality of life on Earth, I’m helping the planet, I’m exposing the nasty crimes of big corporations, I’m acknowledging and shining a spotlight on the selfish and petty actions of the masses, I’m in the vanguard of recognizing that this issue represents the greatest threat humankind has ever known, I’m transcending ‘profits over values’, I’m envisioning with others a better world, I’m aligning myself with the best international scientific minds, I’m experiencing the sensation of having a larger mission in life.”

This—manmade global warming—means all that.

Therefore, how do you approach rational discourse on the subject of manmade warming?

You don’t.

There is no logic to be found. There is only “this means that.”

The concept or idea or symbol of manmade warming is so fully packed with sentiment, it resists all attempts at entry.

Here is another example: “America must field a powerful military force all over the world.”

For many people this means: “US wars are good and righteous wars, support our troops, admire the representations of war in sports, praise large American corporations, vote for a ‘tough President’, winning is everything, expand the Pentagon budget, develop a kick-ass attitude, love technology in all forms and degrees, obey and agree with institutional authority, assume that bigger is always better.”

“This means that.”

Therefore, a rational discussion about the wisdom of deploying the US military all over the planet is impossible. The amount of packed sentiment is a suit of body and mind armor.

In the case of manmade warming, examining the science behind the hypothesis becomes completely irrelevant. To even begin to look at it feels like an act of betrayal to the person who has “this means that” firmly in place.

Nothing in the person’s education has ever challenged his reflexive hard-wired “this-that” formulation. A breakthrough has never been made in the area of logic.

Instead, education has, at best, skated across the surface of “this means that” and left it undisturbed.

With some degree of accuracy, one could say that all the other traditional logical fallacies—ad hominem attack, straw man, vague generality, circular reasoning, appeal to authority, etc.—spring from “this means that.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

When I attended college in the 1950s, it was my good fortune to have a logic professor who could analyze and separate a thousand angels dancing on the head of a pin—and at the same time, maintain his great and natural charm and sense of humor.

Our conversations outside of class were moments of excitement. They were also rugged mind workouts.

His parting shot to me, as I was about to graduate: “Know what you don’t know.”

Some 20 years later, when I began a career as a reporter, that piece of advice came back to me.

I was prepared to do investigations, because I could make assessments of what I didn’t know and therefore needed to find out.

I could evaluate sources, who would often try to deploy logical flaws to derail me.

One of the great delights of reporting is discovering that the story you’re working on isn’t the story. The story turns out to be something else entirely.

That was the case in 1987, when I got down to writing my first book, AIDS Inc (note: AIDS Inc is included as bonus in both The Matrix Revealed and Power Outside The Matrix collections). People were coming at me from every direction, feeding me their half-baked theories about what AIDS “really was.”

They seemed to believe that, because they were departing from the conventional wisdom on the subject, they must be right.

Encountering that odd notion of self-entitlement stood me in good stead, from that time forward.

When I eventually arrived at the bottom of the AIDS story, I was shocked to see it wasn’t at all what I predicted it would be.

It’s astounding how many logical steps people are willing to skip over, when they have a “this means that” cooking in their heads.

Like a foreign traveler visiting a bizarre museum, I’ve encountered many varieties of sophistry over the past 30 years.

Logic isn’t the be-all and end-all. But it is, in the largest sense, an ever-expanding method you can use to probe deeper and deeper into an argument, a line of reasoning, and engage with the basic assumptions that underlie a position a person is occupying.

It’s as if you’re learning a story backwards, moving toward the beginning, where all the secrets are.

And chances are good that you will eventually encounter some form of the abiding “this means that,” hiding like a horned toad under a bush.

He’s there, he’s quiet, he’s waiting, and when you turn a branch away from a shadow, he stares at you and you know you’ve arrived at the nexus:

the unyielding stubborn source of confusion and illogic.

And sometimes, on good days, you can get the horned toad to tell his story. His real story. All the way through. And you can see him regain his lost sanity.

That’s an experience not to be missed. You’ll remember it for your whole life.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

8 comments on “Anti-logic: the education plague

  1. Linda Sky says:

    Reblogged this on earth changes healing affirmations and commented:
    Yet another EXCELLENT article from Jon Rappoport. – Linda Sky

  2. Dan Quixoté says:

    Jon, you da man. As much as you may decry symbols, lets acknowledge your “this means that” as a keeper.

    I’m a mid-career engineer in a successful entreprenurial tech business. In our line of work, the longest I can delude myself in any matter is about 3 days, but typically a day or less, before a mischievous, independent reality shows me wrong and itself right, and we march on from there. I have the privilege of getting the “this means that” kicked out of me by previously unknown reality almost daily. And the truth is almost always stranger and more wonderful than my fiction. But I had to make a fiction to start with, a postulated reality, because what we develop as we go along has never been. We make it up (fiction, illusion) as we go and as we wrestle with the men, money and materials (an old definition of engineering) something real happens; possibility crystalizes into a reality, a daily surprise. Not always a welcome one, but a surprise nonetheless.

    Another luxury in our line of work is a lie between parties can only stand for a week, max, before the truth is exposed and someone has to admit, “my bad”.

    Every mid-career engineer is a logicist; my colleagues unique philosphers each, from years of reality kicking the “this means that” out of them, too, battle hardened from cage matches with What Is and What Could Be. Truth and logic manifest from them and their work in ways that are uniquely them.

    My kids go to public schools, awash in the flood of Official Story and Approved Opinion. But they’re being raised as the fifth generation in engineering and philosophy. Even they can see the lies, and taste the truth. And what’s worse, they wake up their peers. Reality is contagious.

  3. medusajoe says:

    Reblogged this on freddiemercurybiopicmovie and commented:
    Being a part of the emotional zeitgeist club overtakes any instinct for a logical scrutiny of the crap we are fed.

  4. jim says:

    First of all, this article is not just about logic, but in addition what is proper or productive Human behavior. To most effectively learn logic, one must undergo a study of mathematics, which is logic in its purest form. Using this training in inductive and deductive reasoning, one must incorporate the two rules of detective work: always follow the money trail; and assume everyone is guilty.

    The US is hypothetically a Christian nation, so it should follow the two laws of Christ: seek God in each and every action; and treat others as you treat your self. When you look at the wars the US has engaged in, at least since Vietnam, two of them were meant to procure control over the world’s Heroin trade, and the rest to control (steal) valuable resources, such as oil, minerals and labor. Follow the money trail supports this fact, and it is clearly in violation of the second law of Christ, both of which imply these wars are criminal.

    When you look at the principle proponent of the Global Warming scam, and its proposed Carbon taxes, it is Al Gore, who stands to potentially make billions. Once again, this is the money trail pointing out the illegitimacy of this view point. When you consider that Al Gore is associated with the Clintons, and therefore Godless, fully supportive of NAFTA, selling nuclear secrets to the Chinese, etc…, then it is clear that he is consistently guilty of criminal behavior, so his participation in Global Warming must be criminal.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Hey Jim. I have a degree in mathematics, but am, by no means, a mathematician. For 20 years, I have said, “I have a degree in logic.” So, Amen to your opening paragraph!

  5. rob says:

    There is good news. The Libertarians have been pushing the teaching of applied ethics, critical thinking and logic both separately and infused in other subjects K-12. This has been going on for decades and staring to be adopted.

    As a result we’re beginning to see logic texts aimed at primary school. We’re also seeing a resurgence of critical thinking and similar college courses. The UK has a college credit test in logic/critical thinking.

    The consider it pretty core in their long-term vision. For more see the Libertarian International

  6. Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
    The Marxist publik Skool gulags do NOT want to produce people who can think.

  7. Seventy-five bucks for a used book. This better be good. 😐

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