“We lost contact with the plane.” Really?

“We lost contact with the plane.” Really?

by Jon Rappoport

July 24, 2014


Today—Air Algerie Flight 5017, from Burkina Faso to Algiers crashed, according to “officials.”

Some of these officials state contact with the plane was lost an hour after takeoff.

You can probably remember similar statements about other doomed flights: lost contact. Wasn’t that the case on 9/11?

“Lost contact” appears to cover all available means of communication. Nothing on radar screens. Radio inoperative. No transponder signals picked up.

In this day and age, with a blizzard of technology available to track and surveil, what is going on?

Commercial jets have only one transponder? Isn’t it possible to embed dozens of GPS-type devices at various points in the craft? And wouldn’t those devices report a plane’s location, no matter how far it strayed off course?

Even underwater? Isn’t the US Navy able to keep tabs on its own submerged submarines?

So either we are looking at an international scandal, in which modern tracking technology is not being fully applied to commercial planes…or officials are lying when they say: lost contact.

The Matrix Revealed

Assuming cutting-edge tracking tech is, without public knowledge, being used on modern commercial jets, do hijackers have the ability to jam all signals emanating from the planes? If so, passengers would like to know.

“Attention, passengers. Before boarding this flight, you should realize only one transponder is being deployed. Although the device, plus radar, plus radio will help track your location, there are dozens of other devices we could use to make sure we know where you are. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has not yet installed them. Consult the 800 number on your ticket. Feel free to contact the manufacturer and make inquiries.”

If the NSA can simultaneously tap every phone in America, somehow I think they can track a giant jet, if they want to. Unless perhaps, these planes are still using a primitive communication apparatus from the 1950s.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

14 comments on ““We lost contact with the plane.” Really?

  1. voza0db says:


    About planes… Falling from the sky! It’s is always a good chance to verify and compare the ground crash sites with the one from the event of 9/11/2001!

  2. […] “We lost contact with the plane.” Really?. […]

  3. Cheryl Hugle says:

    Kind of refreshing that there are throw backs like yourself who still think it’s OK to just express any critical thought that passes through…

    Most people retired that capability (critical thinking) around the time they gave up belief in Santa Claus.

  4. jonathan says:

    When a pilot makes a Pan-Pan call on their radio, they (Aviation Authorities) can tell him/her exactly where the plane is WITHIN SECONDS. There is absolutely no way a plane, no matter how small, can be ‘lost’. It is impossible.Not improbable. IMPOSSIBLE.

  5. mangrove says:

    What’s really worth noting, since THEY use numerology all the time (just ask Christine LaGarde, who does as she’s told), is the fact that they’re reporting 116 passengers/crew died. Turn that upside down and tell me it’s just a coincidence that it’s 911. Right.

  6. […] “We lost contact with the plane.” Really? Posted on July 24, 2014, 7:31 pm By Larry Newman […]

    • David says:

      Planes do lose radio contact and if the transponder is turned off radar has only a reflective target. I recall from flying when the controller would say “radar contact lost, report back when airborne above a certain altitude. Often another plane flying can try and call though and a pretty good idea of where the “lost” plane is exists.Fighter jets go 1200 miles an hour as well as many satellites and ways to focus in on things these days. High tech planes can also have high tech programs put in on the ground or perhaps satellite signals in the levels of secret that us Santa Claus deniers are not privy too. Why are so many people taught that story? Knows when you are sleeping, awake, bad, good…yeah right. Master above, slave below. These things are not by accident and once they start to unravel the path becomes more clear to what is real or not.

  7. OzzieThinker says:

    Well, I guess, at least they didn’t target Malaysian Airlines this time. Algeria is an “Islamic” nation, right?

    Not sure if you read comments, Jon, but I think you will find my latest post interesting…



  8. Redd Boxx says:

    When I rent a plane for a week or so I am given a GPS locator and it is checked a few times a day to see where I am or where I am going. A half million dollar plane compared to a 150 million dollar plane…and nobody knows where they go?

  9. Defiant says:

    I wonder if ANYTHING in the world, at all, ever happens WITHOUT a conspiracy behind it. Hmmm…

  10. […] “We lost contact with the plane.” Really? […]

  11. kznwatch says:

    Yes, why did aviation specialists called on to give their expert opinions, not mention what to many of us were common sense questions that surfaced immediately?

  12. helot says:

    Life today, on so many levels, is Just One Big Scam.

    … I’m so tempted to check out your Exit The Matrix bit.

    Whoa, boy, am I ever.

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