And God appeared on a mountain; or maybe it was an actor

And God appeared on a mountain; or maybe it was an actor

by Jon Rappoport

July 9, 2014

On August 4, 2074, God appeared on a mountain in Colorado. For some reason, he’d failed to notify the networks, so they had to rush in drones and choppers with cameras and interrupt regularly scheduled programming and go live to the whole planet very quickly.

He was tall and wide. He was wearing a white robe. His hair was wild and long and gray, and his beard was silver.

The first thing he said was, “I’m from El Salvador and I need a place to stay”

Then he laughed and muttered, “Joke.”

“But really,” he continued, “you people amaze me. Why haven’t you been paying attention to artists for the past ten thousand years? What’s wrong with you? Sure, I created the universe and laid down all the natural laws, but that was a provisional thing. It wasn’t meant to be permanent. Space, time, energy, law of conservation, the basics…but that was just to give you a place to live. Ever since, though, you’ve been fixated on it.

“The artists caught on soon enough. They began inventing their own spaces and times—ever heard of music?—but nobody took them seriously. I’m really disappointed in you.

“You were supposed to realize you could create worlds of your own by the ton, with different rules, any rules, but instead these priests came along and hardened the whole deal into religions.

“What ever gave you the idea I was in favor of religions? Are you kidding? “Do you really think I want people falling on their knees worshipping me? Why? What kind of a guy do you think I am? Some bloated preposterous dictator? I’m an artist. Isn’t that obvious? And that’s what you should all be by now.

“I’ve got a good mind to uncreate the whole shooting match and force you to start over from scratch on your own, but I know that wouldn’t work. You’d just sit around in the void in a puddle of your own tears and whine and wonder and blather.

“And I certainly don’t want to watch that. The crux of the whole business is you’ve got free will. You can do or not do. By the way, I didn’t give you free will, you always had it. It’s yours. Not mine. You were all homeless vagabonds wandering around and I gave you a place to stay. But not so you could screw it up.

“Long ago I told you, ‘Here, a world, a hundred thousand million trillion worlds and space enough.’ And the implied understanding was, you’d make art, your best creations in all fields of endeavor. Because you wanted to. It wasn’t my idea.

“So there’s no confusion, I wasn’t talking to you as groups or collections or races or anything like that. I was talking all at once to each one of you. I really thought you were artists.

“I don’t know who you thought I was.

“You keep talking about me creating the universe, but it’s apparent that most of you don’t know what that means. You believe it means I have all the power. Wow. Where did you get that one from?

“Talk about fairy tales.

“I’m painting in my studio. I’m playing the piano. I’m writing symphonies. I’m inventing different kinds of science. That’s what I do. I took a little time off a few billion years ago to make this universe, but since then I’ve only shown up a few times to peek in.

Exit From the Matrix

“This planet of yours…it looks like one big hospital now. Is that what you want to do? Play doctor for the next few thousand years? Diagnose each other? Pretend all twelve billion of you are victims? Where did you get that gig from?

“If you’re staging one grand play on that theme, I have to tell you it’s a flop. It should have closed way back when. It’s a dud. That’s my review.

“Maybe I made it too easy for you. Invented too much space and time. Maybe I should have brought in monsters, real ones, not the ones in your heads. You know, created a threat from the outside.

“Who knows? But try to get with the idea that…how can I explain it…if this universe started out as an idea in my mind, you can see it as an idea in your mind, too. It’s a temporary housing project.

“Yeah, I made it with symmetry and harmony and balance and repeating ratios, but that’s just because I was in a hurry, so you could get out of the rain, so to speak. I used simple blueprints.

“Believe me, I can do other things.

“Anyway, don’t get hung up on the housing project. And if you have any sense, you’ll stop listening to those priests. They’re petty little artists who also happen to be control freaks.

“I could take you on a tour of history and show you how they grabbed on to what some poets were writing and stole it and edited it and used it to found their cheap cosmologies, their religions.

“But I don’t have much time. I have a meeting with Vin Van Gogh—you don’t think he’d come back here for another go around, do you, after what happened to him the last time? And I’m having lunch with Orson Welles. I wrote a script and he’s looking it over.

“Figure this whole thing out, okay? Space, time, energy, they’re butter. Melt it, freeze it, eat it, drop it in soup. Make some worlds. Get with it.

“Peace out.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

8 comments on “And God appeared on a mountain; or maybe it was an actor

  1. procomptor says:

    I love ya Jon but you missed the punch line here. We did not create what you see in front of you because if we did, phewww did we F*** up big time. The whole thing with us being Gods is so over worked its starting to make me dizzy.

    Ok maybe we are Gods made in his image SO WE CAN TAKE CARE OF ONE LITTLE WORLD AND LEARN. Wow we ALL sure screwed that one up. Don’t take me wrong here as I do so appreciate good art and the imagination God bestowed to each of us. That part of you that you share with us is your gift, do I dare say from God? However Jon when people dismiss our heritage and the ones that sacrificed their lives for us then I stop listening and walk away.

    Ya the priests of the big churches rape and traffic children. They also believe in Satan as they would be Gods too and created this “REAL” monster. God didn’t need to create monsters as we seem to have done quite well on that one. Unless you don’t think someone who can slit the throat of a 1 year old or rape and kill the mother of a child forced to sit and watch the event as truly being a monster?

    You have a beautiful imagination and build it into these wonderful stories Jon that people like myself need when we pause from mundane part of this life needed in order to support ourselves and the ones around us. Will there ever become a time when all we have to do is create everything we need to make us happy and never need anything or anyone else? Now let me ask you this. If that time comes and after lets say 10,000 years will we all still be happy?

    I too don’t have all the answers Jon and I would be lying if I told you I did. What I do know from purely living the last 58 years here on Gaia is that as an American we have led a pretty spoiled life compared to most humans that have suffered through poverty, hunger, genocide by our government that we have allowed and oh yes we are probably the biggest complainers of everything and I include myself her most definately!

    So we finally wake up to the truth and discover those we elected and trusted have conspired to get rid of most of us. Damn it just isn’t fair! Churches killing and rapeing babies and we are so engrossed with our own problems that we don’t even see the writing on the walls, ceilings, floors front and back doors? Oh I’m a real hero though wait a minute! I knew 9-11 was an inside job and told everyone I knew within days of it happening so not my fault!

    And you really think we deserve to be Gods after our record of caring for Mother Earth and each other? Sorry Jon I have to disagree with you on this one. This only MY OPINION but even though I tried to worn people of the obvious does not make me innocent. Nope. I am just as guilty as you and everyone else of the abuse and genocide of our own children on this planet as well as the genocide committed against this planet! You see Jon if I have only learned one thing after losing my wife and marriage of 32 years and now find myself in line to be cremated or worse than I know in my souls heart it is only my own fault!

    I truly Love you Jon like everyone else on this planet but until we stand and get accounted for we have lived 10,000 years as humans and learned absolutely nothing. We are a long way away from that helicopter day as I give reference to Woodstock and the dreams that died when it died. I have been hearing about how we were going to save the world from the bad guys ever since and sorry I no longer believe the hype. I have learned something far more important and believable however Jon. If when we ascend out of this place and become one with everything including God and he claims this mess down here was all our fault I promise you that if I remember all and if at all possible I will find you and apologize to you for as long as you desire! I mean this!

    No I have to believe that God in his infinite wisdom feels the same way which is why he left the better part of himself here with his favorite creation to assure them of his ultimate forgiveness. Again anyone and everyone reading this trust me when I say that I don’t presume any of this to be factual as it is merely my humble opinion. I have been wrong way more than right on this planet! I only speak of things I pray my children feel in their hearts so they can tell their children. Now one day if people can truly accept full responsibility for everyone and share unconditional love with everyone then maybe just maybe we can be considered worthy of someday becoming students of Gods.

    Again I Love you Jon and thank you for promoting the imagination as all humans need one. I just can’t see what you are saying here and so I will wait for your next. Love and Lords Blessings…..mike

  2. Brian J McMahon says:


  3. Someone told you that you were wrong too many times…

  4. rabbitnexus says:

    Jon. I may be taking you somewhat out of context, because this isn’t exactly an Atheist article, but it contains a rejection of religion anyway as if religion and God are separate things, which can be an agnostic viewpoint also. Given the difficulty of defining your viewpoint I am directing my comment mostly as a general critique of the Atheist understanding of religion.

    It’s always sad to see the Atheistic mindset attempting to define religion and then to attack it in the same go. Don’t you realise the Atheist can only make a strawman argument against religion? Maybe I use the term Atheist a bit loosely but “non-believer” is a bit clunky and it just denotes another “belief” system anyway. For example, in Islam God is not reduced in any way but is given recognition as an unknowable mystery. The shell around the egg, the mother of the foetus within. Always present, always close and personal and yet completely outside our ability to know or comprehend because it is outside our reality. Just because religion fails most people and just because it takes real commitment and an open heart to find the truth within religions doesn’t mean they are not truthful or containing of it. The falling on the knees and worshipping isn’t for God, it is for us but I’m sorry you wouldn’t get it without first finding this connection to the creator. It serves the same role as meditation in others’ and it also serves as an energy capacitor, in the same way some religions and belief systems use chants. Religions are formed by men, but the ideologies behind them are far more than this life can contain, they are the reaching out towards the unknowable but intuited realms beyond this life. Even the most pedestrian Atheistic mindset cannot fail to recognise the superior being within the mind, unless his mind is closed to new learning. Typical of many scientists and science worshippers (People who falsely assume science disproves God, which it doesn’t and cannot actually. Such a mindset will reject the possibility of the reality of NDEs without ever reading any of the literature available or of the UFO sceptic who rejects all possibility of life on other planets, without ever even looking at the evidence or literature. These people are so sure they know the answer, they have no need to examine the facts first. A typical question used like a rhetorical hammer, despite being just a fawned logical assumption is “why are all pictures of UFOs blurry?” as if this in itself meant they were not real. Obviously to a truly scientific mind, this is an open question if it was

    Of course religions also offer men chances to manipulate others and they do, in vast swathes. The current Takfiri scourge ravaging the Middle East on behalf of their Wahhabi/Zionist masters are a perfect example of the power of religion misused. Once again I repeat the failure of many within the religion doesn’t mean the religion was wrong. I recently read an excellent book by Eben Alexander, “Proof of Heaven” in which his totally non-religious but important NDE experience not only confirmed what I already knew (long before I came to Islam) but also made perfect allowance for the religious angle also. Pity some art doesn’t extend far enough to do the same.

    I began life as a spiritual person and journeyed through many religions before becoming “just’ a spiritually inclined person for decades. Now I have returned to religion and Islam to be precise and the journey has ever been onward and upward. No less now than when I was a Christian as a boy or a Buddhist as a young man. I still consider “Om” to be the creative principle and recognise the sometimes superior view of our interconnectedness which Buddhism offers. The feeble efforts of most on the path to find out doesn’t perturb me because the beauty and truth within is not just another bit of fluff you might buy at the marketplace. It is something so valuable and important that you don’t get it just by a cursory examination, you won’t even be allowed until you are worthy. Worthiness in this case is a state of spirit, involving love, desire to progress and genuine curiosity. If you aren’t religious yourself just drop it, because you only make a fool of yourself in front of those who are. Not denying many religious folk make fools of themselves too, but it isn’t you (the non-believer) who’d be able to judge it usually.

    I do know God (Allah) has a sense of humour, He has everything we do but in greater measure, ours is just a reflection and irony is very much His way so the article itself doesn’t offend my sense of propriety, just the rejection of religion as part of God’s plan or intention.

  5. brad says:

    Thoroughly enjoyable, and probably right on the mark. Much appreciated!

  6. OzzieThinker says:

    Interesting, Jon, and I know it’s “just a story”, but you’re kinda right in the wrong way.

    We, simplistically, are “units of experience”. In a sense we are individual windows of God. How about that! It’s not just the Messiah – everyone’s the “son of God”. Herein lies the problem. Its sort of what you said, but I prefer the “Prodigal Son” version. Do you loaf about the homestead as part of the family, or do you strut your stuff in that big, bad world? Make a fool of yourself. Go on…

    Now here’s the thing, and work with me on this. People, when I speak publicly, talk to me about, for lack of other words, “good and evil”. You know, human directional forces; that ol’ Zoroastrian concept. But we both know there is no good and evil because the world is atheist. Instead, and, again, work with me on this, how about trying to divine the difference between selfishness and selflessness. When consideration is thoroughly applied, the master will determine that only universal selflessness will permit universal order. To the contrary, one selfish act permits chaos and war.

  7. White Eagle says:

    God is a terraformer.
    And he turned things over to us, and we as adam and eve then promptly tried to let Lucifer have title to the land. But again…as reminded in the Dodge truck commercial repeating Paul Harvey’s commentary….
    GOD made a farmer….

    Blessed be those that take care of things and unselfishly so.

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