Freud, the hypnotism hoax, and freedom

Freud, the hypnotism hoax, and freedom

by Jon Rappoport

April 24, 2014

Here’s a quote from my manuscript in progress, The Magician Awakes: “Hypnosis can be looked at as a metaphor for every kind of control, where the target is unaware that he is being manipulated. He thinks he’s simply receiving information. He thinks he’s experiencing his only possible emotions. He even believes he can’t create anything, he can only absorb or remember. He doesn’t see that he has freedom. For him, freedom simply means no one is overtly telling him what to do…

In 1919, Freud wrote, “…the application of our therapy to numbers [of patients] will compel us to [use]…direct [hypnotic] suggestion.”

This was Freud’s solution to the years it would take to do psychoanalysis on each patient. Hypnosis would make things go quicker.

Jack True, by far the most brilliant hypnotherapist I’ve ever encountered, stopped doing that kind of work. He told me, “I realized new patients walking through my door were already hypnotized, and my job was to wake them up.”

This is the crux. No matter what positive changes a hypnotherapist may appear to be making in his work with people, everything funnels back to the fact that the suggestions for improvements are coming from him, the therapist, and not the patient. All the directions and suggestions and commands are invading the door of the patient’s mind from an external source, who is The Authority.

Therefore, the patient is really substituting a new authority for all the old authorities who had been shaping his life and consciousness.

Life and freedom are involved with the struggle to throw off and get rid of authorities. Of course, many authorities will dispute this statement. They have to. They exist on the basis of their power over others. Without that power, they would fall into a void of despair.

Following sensible laws, being considerate of others, refusing to encroach on others’ freedoms mean nothing unless they emanate from a person’s own free choices.

A society of obedient people, who are acting on a basis of surrender, is doomed. A society of nice and kind and agreeable people, who are acting on a basis of surrender, is doomed.

It’s no surprise that Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, the father of modern public relations, took his uncle’s statement to heart. For Bernays, the group was everything, and the group had to be hypnotized by ceaseless propaganda in order to know how to live.

Why? Because Bernaysians believe that beneath conditioning in the human being, there is…nothing.

For them, there is no such thing as freedom. There is no center of inherent power in the individual that is directly linked to free choice.

We are all robots awaiting our marching orders.

And this defines the real battle of our time. Submit to “the Good and True,” or live free.

Our so-called leaders, using all their persuasive force, are busy exhorting us to do this or that, for the greatest good of the greatest number. These criminals are bent on reprogramming us. Of course, they employ attractive ideals as banners, but behind these ideals they are only interested in obtaining obedience and surrender. If devotion to Mickey Mouse worked more effectively than “love thy neighbor,” they would all be wearing Mickey Mouse suits.

Can a person be hypnotized into being happy? The answer is yes, if happiness means putting on a smiling mask. All sorts of surfaces can be induced by hypnotic effects. But underneath the mask sit the roiling emotions of the prisoner.

Consensus reality and the status quo are entirely composed of trance-elements. The problem is not a lack of ideas. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The problem is, how to wake up. And what does waking up mean?

It means asserting one’s freedom, and then using that freedom to imagine and invent new realities. No amount of hypnotism is going to make that happen.

Believing in Something that tells you what to do doesn’t work. That’s self-hypnotism.

Really knowing what consensus reality is, is achieved by creating your own independent realities. Then you can compare and see the con and the hoax and the hypnotism.

Hypnotism as therapy is a perfect joke. It uses what has driven the patient into confusion and passivity in the first place to cure him.

Here’s another quote from my work in progress, The Magician Awakes: “Imagine an argument about what happiness consists of. Two people are having that argument. Now, along comes a hypnotist and puts both people in a trance. He then plants a suggestion in both of them. He suggests they are already happy. He believes this is the best way to resolve the argument. Why bother to debate when he can make both people happy? This is the path our leaders are taking, as they manufacture the future. They don’t see it as a shortcut. They see it as simply replacing one mental state with another, replacing one molecular configuration in the brain with another. As far as they’re concerned, everyone should be suggestible. Those who aren’t are a potential threat. They need a deeper form of hypnosis, to reach ‘their hidden center of suggestibility.’ This is the medical model.

“Then there is the New Age religious model. Everything is OK. The universe delivers happiness. No need to think. Just connect with the universe. In this case, ‘the universe’ is the benevolent authority and the hypnotist. Tune into the universe’s suggestions. In this model, the individual’s freedom is really seen as a bothersome impediment to acceptance and happiness. Freedom is just resistance to inevitable happiness. Therefore, surrender. Surrender to the big con and the big hoax and the big hustle.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

13 comments on “Freud, the hypnotism hoax, and freedom

  1. BabbaZee says:
    The Century of the Self
    This series is about how those in power have used Freud’s theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, changed the perception of the human mind and its workings profoundly.

    His influence on the 20th century is widely regarded as massive. The documentary describes the impact of Freud’s theories on the perception of the human mind, and the ways public relations agencies and politicians have used this during the last 100 years for their engineering of consent. Among the main characters are Freud himself and his nephew Edward Bernays, who was the first to use psychological techniques in advertising. He is often seen as the father of the public relations industry.

    Freud’s daughter Anna Freud, a pioneer of child psychology, is mentioned in the second part, as well as Wilhelm Reich, one of the main opponents of Freud’s theories. Along these general themes, The Century of the Self asks deeper questions about the roots and methods of modern consumerism, representative democracy and its implications. It also questions the modern way we see ourselves, the attitude to fashion and superficiality.

  2. bornoutsidethebox says:

    Reblogged this on Born Outside the Box and commented:
    Jon Rappoport’s perspective on hypnotism — as a metaphor for every kind of control — seems relevant to all areas where we “obey” the directive of an “expert”, giving up personal inquiry and inner knowing or gut feeling. These experts show up as healers, educators, religious and political leaders, etc., etc.

  3. BabbaZee says:

    something else people who come to read this piece should read:

    The Rape of the Mind

  4. henry says:

    A community is a group. The members look to community leaders and community organizers to do the thinking. The members are socialized to regard anyone who is trying to think for themselves or being creative as someone who is breaking the rules. The terms racist or conspiratorial are euphemisms for mental illness. If you are mentally ill, you need to be contained so that you don’t infect others. The members of a community are children that will never grow up. By the time you become economically self sufficient, you have a few years where you can do all the things that you see happy people do on television. Then you have worry about how to hang on to life as long as possible. If you think for yourself when you are young then the herd will do its best to see that you don’t become economically independent. If you think for yourself when you are old then you will be allowed to die. The way to realize spiritual and intellectual independence is to see those around you as sheep and that the shepherd is is not looking after the flock out of the goodness of his heart, but because he wants to eat you himself.

    • Noilly Pratt says:

      Well-stated,and to the point ! As with so many human issues,the crux of the matter can be rendered down to a single scenario,the individual versus the herd.

  5. […] Freud, the hypnotism hoax, and freedom « Jon Rappoport’s Blog […]

  6. MachtNichts says:

    One of the ‘new age types’ , forgot who, once asked the question: “Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?” ; suggesting happiness depends on not being argumentative.

    Sure, I want to be happy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion. And I always appreciate people telling me what I should read. 🙂

    • BabbaZee says:

      Being right and being happy are not necessarily mutually exclusive things – however being right is never the point –
      or at least it shouldn’t be…

      although in my experience I have found that it IS the point for many people, especially in Blogistan.

  7. roberta4949 says:

    you have to define happiness, some would probably say, no worries or desires to reach out beyond what you have, inner calm, looking forward to each day, joyful with confidence in the future continuation of that happiness? to me happiness is knowing the truth of a matter sure knowing about how corrupt and selfish and delusional rulers and “experts” are and how their crisis howling is a irritation at the very least and how their meddling and lying ways are a serious impediment to pursuit of happiness for a lot of people a major pain at best, I am happy because I understand why people are that way and why rulers are s arrogant and selfish and why wickedness seems to rule the day for the most part. I also have the tools necessary to not be taken in by their lying and meddling ideas. proper bible training and accurate knowledge gives you a different type of happiness based on understanding reality and not trying to pretend things are rosy when they are not. ignorant of reality as it were. the rulers happiness formula means making your forget where you are and how you are to making you believing in fairy tales and magic, make you think your happy when all your are are drugged to not feel the pain or have thinking abilities. to basically dull your sense to where you do not see the oppression and lies, the storm of armegeddon coming or the lions hidden right next to you watching your every step waiting for you to make a mistake (disobey the rulers) so they can pounce on you and eat you so you do not wake up your fellow slave. wouldn’t want a massive riot on their hands. as you know fighting back against oppressions and lies can be contagious. the truth has a tendency to do that and they can’t have that their world would come crashing down, (as it should) but I guess hypnotism and proproganda are probably basically the same, repeat it over and over I guess a from of brainwashing. it is a shame really, but some people like to ignore the reality because it is too painful. can’t really blame them.

    • BabbaZee says:

      The word “happiness” itself contains the root “hap” – as in happenstance –
      an accident, a chance occurrence
      That we define what should be our joy as “happiness” is part of the problem. Inherent in the word itself is the idea that it is something that is fleeting, that depends on luck – and there is some truth to this, lucky persons would tend to be “happier” more often than unlucky persons, no doubt. “Happiness” then by a strict definition can not be interpreted as a permanent state. Therefore not being “happy” all the time is completely normal state for a human being.

      Joy on the other hand is an entirely different concept, and even those as unlucky as myself can more often be in a state of joy than a lucky person can be in a state of “happiness”.

      Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.
      Proverbs 12:19-21

      So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.
      Ecclesiastes 8:14-16

      Happiness as a mass media concept depends on how much crap you own, how beautiful you are, how much money you have. Again we go back to Bernays and to the sale of things – “happiness” or the promise thereof as a marketing tool.

      I know beautiful people, I know people who want for nothing materially. None of them are consistently “happy”. However this does not stop everyone from believing that these things will make them happy.

      So Bernay’s mission appears to be accomplished.

      Unhappiness is big business as well…..

      Anti depressants and anti psychotics generate billions in sales regardless of the fact that there is zero proof that they help and monumental proof that they destroy. An ancillary benefit to the State is that they nullify people, make them numb.

      So shut up and take your Soma, happy people!

  8. Paul Barbara says:

    An extremely important, and abominable, step beyond hypnosis is ‘Mind Control’, of the MK-ULTRA type.
    Watch ‘Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA Mind Control ” Cathy O’Brien”: ; also search ‘The Franklin Coverup’ by John DeCamp, and his video ‘Conspiracy of Silence’, and ‘Why Johnny Can’t Come Home’ by Noreen Gosch.
    This is the ultimate in human control, and is practised by Presidents, Prime Ministers and all manner of high (and low) members of society.
    This information should be available to Jon Rappaport, hopefully he will read this and check it out, as it may give him info for a few new chapters of his upcoming book.

  9. Al says:

    Allow yourself to be Happy.

  10. Al says:

    What nonsense!

    You’re free to allow yourself to be happy!

    But that’s not the hynotist’s job.
    Do you want to learn how to make Sand?

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