A Clockwork Orange, Eden, guilt, sin, mind control

A Clockwork Orange, Eden, guilt, sin, mind control

by Jon Rappoport

March 26, 2014


Here’s a short quote from my unfinished manuscript, The Magician Awakes:

“How do you view a single life? Is it a platform from which a human launches his future, or must he double back and find out what is wrong with him?

“Is he compelled, through social training, to think of himself as flawed? Is that what we’re all coming to? Three or four generations from now, will everyone automatically see their lives as a mistake that demands correction?”

Whether it’s the administration of toxic psychiatric drugs; experiments in changing thought and behavior through electromagnetic transmissions to the brain; genetic modifications, transhuman hook-ups between humans and machines; or other forms of operant conditioning; the message from corporations and government and society is clear:

Something is basically faulty with human beings, and it needs to be remedied.

It’s the modern version of Original Sin and redemption, via science.

Both Orwell and Huxley covered the subject in their novels, 1984 and Brave New World.

The 1962 novel, by Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange, takes up the same assumption. Its young, violent, vicious criminal is put through aversion therapy as a cure—not only for him, but also, potentially, for society.

Here are several key quotes from Burgess’ novel:

“We’re not concerned with motives, with the higher ethics. We are concerned only with cutting down crime—and…with relieving the ghastly congestion in our prisons. He will be your true Christian: ready to turn the other cheek, ready to be crucified rather than crucify, sick to the very heart at the thought even of killing a fly! Reclamation! Joy before the angels of God! The point is that it works.”

“Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses to be bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?”

“He ceases to be a wrongdoer. He ceases also to be a creature capable of moral choice.”

And then from the 1971 film, A Clockwork Orange, written and directed by Stanley Kubrick:

“Our subject [the criminal] is impelled towards the good by paradoxically being impelled towards evil. The intention to act violently is accompanied by strong feelings of physical distress [during aversion therapy]. To counter these [feelings of distress], the subject has to switch to a diametrically opposed attitude. Any questions?”

There are many questions, and too few people who, now, want to think about them seriously.

Slogans, political correctness, turning to The Group for all answers, denying the existence of the individual—these are all signs that Guilt is still being used as the impetus for building the society of the future.

Laid on top of that grid is the program to “enhance” humans. Those who can afford it will undergo genetic alteration, and poof, they will suddenly have talents they only could dream of before.

This is the modern version of buying indulgences from the Roman Church to gain a place in heaven.

And it is just as fanciful.

People are being educated to believe that standing out from The Group is a crime. They must not reveal themselves in that way. Achievement is wrong. It makes The Group look small.

Much better to huddle in a mass, dependent on mind control—and our leaders will determine the form and content of that new programming.

Forget about freedom. It’s an illusion. Confess that we are all fatally misshapen. Submit to “aversion therapy.” In that way, we’ll be restored.

The Matrix Revealed

In one way or another, these propaganda operations are all versions of the Garden of Eden story. But I take the fable this way:

In the Garden, Adam and Eve were delighted with each other and with all they saw. They woke up every morning without a stain of regret or remorse. When the mind-control operative, the serpent, came along, he said:

“You don’t understand. I have other knowledge for you. There are other people over the hill. I’ll take you to them. They’re all suffering.

“And you, Adam and Eve, are the cause of that suffering, because you set yourselves apart from them. As long as you are different, they are trapped. But if you join them, and experience what they experience, you’ll change the nature of life. All of you will wait together, and a new program of existence will be given to you.”

That was the con, and it worked. The snake led Adam and Eve out of the Garden, and they joined The Group.

But everyone over the hill, huddled in a quivering mass, had once been an Adam and Eve. Everyone.

And all those Adams and Eves had once lived in a Garden. And the snake had come to all of them and told them the same story.

And they had fallen for it. Fallen.

As for the very first Adam and the first Eve, when the snake had taken them over the hill, he said: “You see, there is Nothing there. No one is there. And that Nothing is intolerable.

“There must be rules. There must be regulations. There must be boundaries. Otherwise, how will you know how to live?

“So you will stay here and suffer. Because suffering is the way to reach out and ask for rules that will save you. And after a time, those rules will be delivered to you. They’ll be printed in your minds.”

Exit From the Matrix

How many people would consider the possibility that, without mind control and without rules and without propaganda and without a priest class, they already know how to live, they already know how to invent their own realities?

How many people would believe they are already artists of great power?

How many would believe they can invent endlessly, from Nothing?

Versus: how many people would rather embed and embroil themselves in The Group, to suffer there, to scheme and connive and submit, to make war, to demand relief from pain, to wait…

Until leaders with grand solutions come along and program them to live “the life of goodness.”

This is what society is being led to. The principle that so-called goodness must be programmed into people. They can’t choose. There is no choice. There is only the mind control.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

20 comments on “A Clockwork Orange, Eden, guilt, sin, mind control

  1. jarrodschneider says:

    Granted, symbols only have the meaning assigned to them, but isn’t it interesting that one eye would sit atop a pyramid, as one eye lacks the depth perception that two eyes have, and that this shallow viewpoint of reality is imposed upon the masses below, failing to see with any penetrating depth a reality beyond physicality and the true beauty of what it is to be a sovereign human being?

  2. […] A Clockwork Orange, Eden, guilt, sin, mind control « Jon Rappoport’s Blog. […]

  3. chipster says:

    Nobody does it better. Accolades to the composer of right thought and sub-stilllness. Cheers to the Morning Star.

  4. Your sharing is extraordinary. Thank you!!!

  5. I must disagree here, Jon.

    The “Serpent” was NOT the problem. He (or she) was the original truth-teller. Adam and Eve were originally told that they would die if they ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This with many folks taking the meaning to be that death to them would be immediately imminent. The “Serpent” told them this was not the case, and that they would “have their eyes opened”.

    If anyone was the antagonist in the Garden of Eden mythology,

    It would be he who referred to himself as “god”, for it was he who wished to keep Adam and Eve (and all of their “seed”) from knowing the truth about their real existence (as opposed to ignorant “slaves”). The Serpent never lied in this instance. He told the truth and was punished by the “god” for doing so. – Think about the story of Prometheus and his “sin” of giving fire to mankind. – This story very closely parallels.

    The problem of forcing mankind into rigid behavior, outside of what should be naturally expressed, is that self-proclaimed “gods” and “servants of those gods” ARE the problem. This has been my main “sore” about the established churches: Their penchant for forcing the people into behaving and BELIEVING in something less that they really are.

    • jarrodschneider says:

      Rev. Dragon’s eye,

      You make some good points here, although I still agree with the main crux of what Jon is saying, regardless of who or what the dark force originated as. I will say this, an energetic force has awakened within me incrementally over the past 3 years that has been nothing but miraculously beneficial to me. Many call it “kundalini”. This power of healing and perception has many phases, one of them definitely being “serpentine” in nature, as my tongue sometimes involuntarily darts like a snake’s and during meditation, my body sometimes involuntarily undulates similar to the motions of a snake. It’s as if some kind if serpentine aspect of my DNA has been activated. And this has been nothing but good, loving and reality expanding for me, as an infinite healing force now exists with me at all times in my everyday life. I realize I run the risk of sounding crazy for sharing such, but its the truth and therefore I feel compelled to share it.

      • I did not disagree with the rest of the post. Just that portion that is so often used as a reference, which misrepresents the REAL heart of the problem.

        Most of the “fundies” within the “truth movement” STILL are getting it wrong when it comes to the history of man’s enslavement. – Such enslavement started originally with the establishment “the church”, another man’s church, that is. Virtually all of today’s political systems use the very same “top-down”, dogmatic control structure to contain the people’s thinking and beliefs. – This would be very difficult to rationally argue (though, some will anyway – out of self-investment in the lie).

        This has also been the problem with the doctrinalization of the “Age of Reason” by the so-called “experts” on humanity.

        I’m sorry but, are we not also supposed to be “experts on what it is to be human”??? If we are having human experiences, then are we not sufficiently expert enough on OUR own part in that human experience???

        The biblical quotes can be read and interpreted in any number of ways, because they are written to be read SYMBOLICALLY, not LITERALLY. That is the main problem that the “church”-leadership uses, as they themselves were taught, to hold their congregations and followers to a set standard in thinking and belief. THIS is the most basic way how slaves are readied; by getting them to give up their own expressions of humanity. – “A Clockwork Orange” rhymes with this meme.

        • jarrodschneider says:

          I replied to you here based on being intrigued about your description of yourself in your blog…especially with the serpentine stuff that’s been happening to me…maybe dragons are a different thing altogether though? I thought you’d have more to say on that is why I replied, not to suggest that you disagreed.

    • visitor says:

      I have grasped all that you have said, but would you mean about the churchs, as you said, to behave and believe in somehing less than they really are. The basis for that is, if they are believing as the New testement has said, that a person is still in there Unbelief, or sins one of the same somewhat which i take to mean that until redemption , needing to be redeemed which would mean when we are brought back to Adom and Eve’s first state, but when we believe the lie that we are nothing and it is held back from us by God, which it never was. God gave freely to us, and gave the earth and everything in it, he held back nothing , saying be prosperous and in good health even as your soul prospers . It is hard to believe a serpant spoke to her , but never the less doubt came into there minds , whether they can have maybe all this by rights from the creator or are they to trust this to others, maybe be coming aware there would be others , hence should they develop or cultivate another way of thinking like the collectives. We have this vast imaginative ability we all have to create and grow exchanging ideas and learning from each other there is no stopping us, though they try to feed us the lie. And i beleve God wants that for us, they lie about God also as we see.

      • For one,

        “coming to know God” is a personal responsibility, not anyone else’s. When we find “our groove”, if you will, we are most likely to find the liberating experience of the Divine presence on our own. It is pretty difficult to “find God” when your mind is being constantly bombarded with religious dictum, from another man’s religion. Some of us fair better in our pursuits on our own.


        “Salvation”? – Salvation from who or what? Ourselves? Are we not expected to be able to take care of ourselves first, before we undertake being able to take care of others? And WHO, on this Earth speaks truly with the authority of God? Anyone can say he/she “speaks by authority of God”, but does that make he/her truthful?


        Unbelief is a personal choice. It should not be considered worthy of punishment, because a “belief” that is pressured or forced, is not really a belief in anything more than a fear-based compliance.


        The “Church” was more of a system of political control than anything spiritual; It was more concerned about controlling its followers through “doctrine” than allowing its followers to explore spirituality for themselves.


        How do we come to Love anything that we are also expected to abjectly fear??? – Last time I remembered, “fear” does not usually beget Love; Usually more hatred, loathing, and animosity. The “church” has been effective in cultivating fear in its followers, so that they even feared “thinking outside of the box”. Yet, the expect you to unceasingly Love them and the image of the God they present! – I do not follow this tenuous logic.

        = = =

        The “Serpent” is ancient symbol. It symbolized not only the flowing spirit, but also the tides of Nature, the cycles of everything – including the ebb and flow of energies, and the endlessness of those cycles.

        • “coming to know God” is a personal responsibility…” -Rev Dragon Eye

          Tearing that delusion to pieces is one of the first roads to freedom of the mind.
          Coming to know God, is not a responsibility, anymore than believing in Santa Claus is… but I would say if freedom is your search, your need and desire, if you wish to truly become the individual, then breaking through the propoganda of the cult of religions is the first battle to gain an original thought. Even the ‘religion of one’.
          Finding divine presence and thought implies your are separate from the Universe. And lost if you don’t find it? Well your are not, this is not God’s Universe, this is not a divine place. The concept of God is the answer used to all those conundrums of which you have no answer. You are part of it (universe) not separate, wither you believe in God or not. You are a natural part of a great thing.


          • That is YOUR belief. I have mine!

            The Universe is far more than just a huge collection of particles inundated in the constant flow of energies and vibrations (that which keeps things in motion).

            – AND –

            The reason I stated, “coming to know God is a personal responsibility…”, is to state that it IS up to the individual to engage in his/her OWN search for answers on Life. – So, please do not confuse me with a “religious fundamentalist”. – I have divorced ALL of the “other mens’ churches” – in favor of my own personal journey. – THAT is freedom.

            So what was there to argue about in the first place?


            Even though we are from this Universe, materially (read: physically), we are still unique to one another, and we still each have our unique set of experiences. – So this premise of there not being possible “original thought” is unfounded and readily dis-proven on its face. I think you will find that the further we investigate things like Quantum Theory, Entanglement Theory, and related, we will find that our idea of a “singularity” of everything is far more complex than we give credit. – It leaves plenty of room for the uncountable variations and “unique expressions” that exist or are even possible.

            I do not subscribe to the “all is one” thinking, because it denies the existence of individuality, and denies the individual his/her own unique contribution(s) to society.

  6. visitor says:

    I am not referring to the vatican , Catholic , being sent to a Catholic school as a child until the 5th grade . I remember the teaching was only catholics go to heaven. I have found my way far from that teaching and it lead me into other religions to explore and some new age years ago. we do not have to be a god or god especially if you believe him to be the creator. But being brought back to where we came from our natural estate as was given, is the belief that is held, and that God loves us and wants nothing but the best and all the creativity we have in us to use and are not left as orphans , but He will come to us, so there for we are in this way but scared little lambs sometimes, and this is possible for we are often, so it is a nice thing to know there is a power on our side. this has nothing to do with the junk the NWO is feeding us and trying to mix us up about, to each his own , but having our own brains to use and figure out things is a must and a right.

  7. visitor says:

    Yes , everyone over that hill , had once been an Adam and Eve, that was so good all that you said, Jon. But they believed the lie. Our minds they say are only used a 10th of what they could be. It is a serious thing to just believe what you are told, and not trust what is wholesome and good but becoming as fools thinking that you are limited and need a ruler over you. I once read of a boy who lived in a chicken coop with the chickens and soon thought and felt like a chicken, but even then if he had been freed and told he wasnt, and given the chance to live without brainwashing and in a captive,state, you would see a human made in the image of God.

    • […]…believing in God is the first brainwashing campaign on you. You will never understand the world because you look at it through those God-tinted lenses all the time. It’s a type of software in your head; if you will excuse the computer analogy. That one constantly interprets reality through. The belief of God is not inherent in us. Maybe the following quote will shed some light into your mind.

      And it refers to the idea of God as well.

      “We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you’re worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you’re giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told ‘no’, we’re unimportant, we’re peripheral. ‘Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.’ And then you’re a player, you don’t want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.” – Terence McKenna

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