Snowden, Booz Hamilton, Carlyle, and the spider web

Snowden, Booz Hamilton, Carlyle, and the spider web

by Jon Rappoport

February 14, 2014

Edward Snowden worked for Booz Hamilton, a private company, and was assigned by his employer to work at the NSA.

The infamous Carlyle Group owns a majority stake in Booz Hamilton.

Carlyle manages global assets of roughly $170 billion. The companies it invests in employ 650,000 people.

Others have run down the important names connected to Carlyle, from George HW Bush to Frank Carlucci to James Clapper, James Baker, etc.

With Booz Hamilton, Carlyle, and NSA, we are in the house of the military-industrial-intelligence complex.

With a cursory glance at a search engine, you’ll also be able to make connections between Carlyle and Goldman Sachs.

This is a section of the spider web that operates nations and banks and wars and surveillance.

Enter Edward Snowden with his 20,000 or 58,000 or 1.2 million or 2 million documents. Enter Glenn Greenwald and several other reporters. At the rate the documents are being released, it may be several hundred years before people see them all.

Snowden states his objective has nothing to do with derailing legitimate anti-terrorism operations. He wants to let the public know they are an ongoing target of illegal NSA surveillance.

The front men for the spiders keep pounding away on “the traitorous Snowden” who has endangered the war on terror.

Who’s winning so far?

Have we seen any large reduction in NSA spying? Will we?

Or have the spiders decided it’s quite useful to let us know we’re being watched? It intensifies their power. It broadcasts the fact that, yes, everybody is a potential criminal.

Isn’t this precisely what’s necessary to enact new, more draconian rules limiting freedom?

And what about suggestions and threats to confiscate bank accounts; and recent mass shootings; and off-the-cuff pronouncements about how many people have mental disorders; and the militarization of local police forces; and over-the-top federal purchases of ammunition?

Aren’t these all propaganda signals that the American population is dangerous?

And what does the government do when confronted with danger?

It presses harder on the guilty to protect the innocent—except in this case, there are no innocents.

Invent the threat, stamp out the threat.

And make trillions of dollars in the process.

It’s a superior form of mind control when you can get millions of people to say, “Yes, good, spy on me, spy on everybody, we live in dangerous times, and of course I’ve done nothing wrong, I keep my eyes straight ahead and my mouth shut, I never disagree with official policy, so I’m fine, go after the bad people and keep me safe…”


Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This entry was posted in Spygate.

16 comments on “Snowden, Booz Hamilton, Carlyle, and the spider web

  1. paschn says:

    You know, if it weren’t so insidious it’d be laughable. It seems always, (to the cognizant), that with every Frankenstein Monster discovery you can always make out the same demons looking back at us from the shadows. The FED RES banks = Global, (thanks to the West, the U.S. specifically), Central Banking Cabal. It’s mind-numbing that they still are able to cull enough fools from the general population to don a uniform and invade/slaughter/destroy one country after another. Even while the parasites have sunk their feeding tubes into our nation’s jugular in earnest, the latest screwing, (OscamaCare), rotting infrastructure, corrupted legislative, executive and judicial branches Our religion, our family unit, everything rotting to the core, there’re always enough to fill the ranks, to become treacherous Sycophants-in-Blue to bust heads and silence folks. The dual world power of the U.S./Britain has been ruining the land and lives for a very long time.

  2. theodorewesson says:

    military-industrial-congressional-intelligence complex

  3. Andre says:

    Another take on Snowden at:

    CIA, Mossad, and the other arms of the globalist octopus show no restraint in murdering those they wish silenced. Why is Snowden alive? If something is too good to be true, it usually isn’t.

  4. molecule says:

    a gigantic Bolshevik fifth column …

    “Military” as a word in quotes is by itself not bad per se, as long as it’s a local militia. Global military is a disaster. “Industrial” is not a bad word either, again only if it’s local. Global industrial eventually corrupts governments and becomes a monopoly and a disaster.

    I believe Eisehower was intentionally deceiving us when he handed up the catch phrase “the military-industrial complex.” The focus on military and industrial takes our eye off the ball. Military and Industrial are ordinarily not to be shunned. If he were honest he would have called it what it is … a Bolshevik fifth column, or the Wall St.-Pentagon complex, or something similar. Wall St. is not industrial, and the Pentagon is not military. Wall St. is the world’s primary trafficker in paper goods, like bank fraud and political blackmail. The Pentagon is the primary trafficker in physical stuff, including everything from drugs to children to terrorism to laser-triggered nukes to who knows what.

    The Wall St.-Pentagon-Capitol Hill complex … and let’s not forget the Big Pharma-Obama Care-Government depopulation complex.

  5. Thanks Mr. Rappoport. So refreshing to see at least some obvious questioning of the whole NSA Snowden deal.

    Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett are also asking some very legitimate questions about Greenwald and Snowden. it’s amazing how irritable folks become when one suggests things don’t add up. If we’ve learned anything it is surely to keep questioning deeply the nature of so called revolutions and revelations.

    Once you really grasp the nature of our societies which are deeply compromised by psychopaths in power (see Andrew Lobaczewki’s Political Ponerology) you see that it’s not so much shadows everywhere you look but pathological constructs seeding cartelism and corruption as a matter of course. if you are one of those who has been paying attention to the patterns of such corruption and especially in relation to whistleblowing you’d have seen that Snowden was all over EVERY mainstream media outlet almost instantly, while other whistleblowers who had been trying to get to the public for many years – well, barely a whisper. That’s a read flag from the get-go.

    I was cheer-leading all along with Greenwald and Snowden at first until I started to look at it dispassionately. It’s a depressing thing, but you have to do it. And once you do, the whole thing begins to unravel. If Snowden was truly genuine he’d wouldn’t be around. It’s that simple. It’s not paranoia, it’s simply looking at the Establishment workings as they are, coldly and objectively.

    It’s like placing hope in the next political candidate that will change everything from Obama (look what happened there..) to Ron Paul and by doing so we continually draw from a juvenile appraisal of reality. The system is broken and will not be mended by a new candidate or a carefully managed “whistleblower”. The corporate-intelligence complex and persons like Snowden – whether duped or aware – are masters at perception management and it is likely he has been used to mop up awakening on the nature of surveillance and the inverted totalitarianism presently descending.

    Anyway, I’ll stop blethering on now and go peel my potatoes.

    Great blog btw.

  6. higgyville says:

    You should investigate The Carlyle Group’s connections to the Jesuits. That’s who’s running the show, not the Zionists as people think.

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