“The Left hates big corporations”: enter Eric Holder

The Left “hates big corporations”: enter Eric Holder

by Jon Rappoport

January 29, 2014


Veteran reporter, Russell Mokhiber, who edits the Corporate Crime Reporter, lays it out in his article, “Holder the Hypocrite.”

…[US Attorney General] Holder has perfected the government’s practice of offering deferred and non prosecution agreements to major corporations to settle major corporate crime cases.

Under a deferred prosecution agreement, the corporation is charged with a crime, but if the company abides by the agreement for a period of years, then the government drops the criminal charges.

Under a non prosecution agreement, the government just collects a fine. There is no criminal charge. There is no admission of wrongdoing.

Since taking office in February 2009, Holder has dished out deferred and non prosecution agreements to more than 100 large publicly held corporations, including JPMorgan Chase (Madoff Ponzi scheme), Archer Daniels Midland (foreign bribery), Diebold (foreign bribery), UBS (interest rate manipulation), HSBC (money laundering), Pfizer (foreign bribery), Wachovia (money laundering), Tyson Foods (foreign bribery), Barclays Bank (Trading with the Enemies Act), Deutsche Bank (tax shelter fraud).”

That’s a tidy sample of Eric Holder’s work.

Of course, failing to prosecute Monsanto for fraud, criminal intimidation, poisoning the food supply, and other acts should rank high on the list as well.

But the Left hates big corporations, doesn’t it? Well, Virginia, ha-ha, that’s just a convenient myth. The Left loves and promotes big government, so it needs to accuse somebody of criminal behavior. Its favorite fairy-tale target? Corporations.

As you can see, that’s just a feel-good con. It attracts liberals and other Lefties, but only on the level of a slogan.

Politicians on both the Left and Right love big corporations.

I’ll say love and you say hate, and we’ll argue and create the illusion of difference.”

Throw in pharmaceutical companies, military contractors, security corporations, banks, media giants…they’re all gladly served by the Left and the Right.

The Matrix Revealed

Unelected bureaucrats play a major role in carrying water for political administrations of both major Parties. The FDA, for example, enables Big Pharma and its array of killer drugs, no matter whether Democrats or Republicans are ruling the White House and the Congress.

Since 2000, it’s been known that medical drugs kill 106,000 Americans a year (a conservative estimate—see Dr. Barbara Starfield, JAMA, July 26, 2000, “Is US health really the best in the world?”)

AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH Dr. Barbara Starfield: Medically Caused Death in America

Yet neither political party has forced a deep investigation of the FDA, which routinely certifies those drugs as safe and effective. And no Attorney General has lifted a finger to bring criminal charges against FDA employees or pharmaceutical companies.

Yet the myth lives on. Republicans hate big government and Democrats hate big corporations.

It’s a Disney production with politicians playing cartoon roles.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

7 comments on ““The Left hates big corporations”: enter Eric Holder

  1. Bobby says:

    Certainly, the left, does NOT hate big corporations. That’s nonsense. The big Corporations are all in line with things like affirmative action for minorities, all of the identity politics the left has stuck this country with, and many CEO’s are in fact, Democrats.

  2. pdegenova says:

    Holder’s Justice Dept is going after little white girls with an entrepreneurial spirit tho…………

    11-year-old girl’s cupcake business shut down by Madison County officials


    These people are the lowest of the lowlifes…………Madison County Health Department is under orders from Holder.

  3. roberta4949 says:

    corporations own the the government and the gov owns them, kind of weird but in reality they are all in bed together and only pretend to be at odds, after all corp actually write legislation (written to their own favor surprise surprise)and gov rubberstamps it and they share the loot. the constrasts and protesting and riling against each other is for hte benefit/control of the sheep.

  4. […] markets, (in ‘real time’) at their whim. On today’s show, Alex also reviews Attorney General Eric Holder’s inability to cite the constitutional basis for Obama’s ex…, and examines the hypocritical vitriol casually spewed from MSNBC’s Twitter feed. He also […]

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