Operation Snowjob

Operation Snowjob

~a short story~

by Jon Rappoport

January 24, 2014


What follows is fiction. It may bear some resemblance to reality.

Of the 73,000 files Justin Whitehead stole from US National Security Agency (NSA), only one is reproduced here.

Whitehead refuses to comment, except to say it is a faked forgery.

But this alleged file creates a commentary about Whitehead himself, and is therefore of interest.

What you will read is a transcript of an illegally taped, purported conversation between two men, two cousins: former US Secretary of State Aaron Stanton, and Michael Oswald, the director of the CIA.

It is presumed that NSA recorded the conversation.

Michael Oswald, CIA Director: Listen, Aaron, Darlene told me she believes your marriage can be saved. She’s willing to talk. You don’t raise three children and then just walk away because you had an affair. I’m sure you felt “liberated” with a much younger woman. I’ve seen pictures of her, and she’s certainly beautiful. But did you ever think you were being set up? They do that, you know. They send in a honeypot, and then they nail you to the wall. But now Darlene knows. She’s a very stable person. She can handle it.

Aaron Stanton, former US Secretary of State: That’s not why I came here to talk. We can chew that subject to pieces some other time. I want to talk about Justin Whitehead.

Michael Oswald: I just wanted to assure you the CIA did not send the woman to you.

Aaron Stanton: Whitehead once worked for CIA.

Michael Oswald: Yes, he worked for us. In 2009. In Geneva. He was head of computer security, under diplomatic cover.

Aaron Stanton: He quit. He went to work in the private sector.

Michael Oswald: So?

Aaron Stanton: Why did he quit?

Michael Oswald: Apparently, he became disillusioned. He witnessed one of our little operations with a Swiss banker. We helped the man out of a jam, and he subsequently gave us confidential information about numbered accounts.

Aaron Stanton: Sounds pretty thin to me. This boy Whitehead quit the CIA because he discovered you people turn civilians into assets? What did he imagine the CIA does? Sponsor knitting parties?

Michael Oswald: Whitehead was and is unstable. Who knows why people like him act the way they do?

Aaron Stanton: Michael, that’s self-serving. After the fact, after he steals all those secrets, you say he’s unstable. I’ve watched his press conferences. He appears to know exactly what’s he’s doing. And on top of that, he’s perfect in the role of dissident patriot, for the yuppie computer generation. He’s young, white, wan, thin, with that little stubble, those glasses. I’m convinced that if he were 50, bald, with a pot belly, he wouldn’t have aroused nearly as much favorable sentiment.

Michael Oswald: So now you’re a profiler?

Aaron Stanton: I’ve heard rumors.

Michael Oswald: Such as?

Aaron Stanton: The CIA’s turf war with NSA. The battle over budget money. The fact that human intelligence, which is the CIA’s bread and butter, has taken second place to electronic spying.

Michael Oswald: Jesus. You’re saying we helped Whitehead steal all those files, just to fire a torpedo into NSA?

Aaron Stanton: Well?

Michael Oswald: That’s ridiculous.

Aaron Stanton: Would you even know? As Director, you’re miles above operations.

Michael Oswald: I would know, believe me. As soon as Whitehead went public, we launched an internal investigation. We’ve put together every shred we have on Whitehead’s days with the CIA. Nothing sticks out. He’s just a wild card. No one could see it coming.

Aaron Stanton: Or your people are hiding the truth from you. They would, you know.

Michael Oswald: Where is this coming from, Aaron?

Aaron Stanton: It wouldn’t be the first time an employee of the CIA quit or retired, but was still working for you. It also answers the question of how he was able to get to all that secret NSA data. He had help. From your people. They set this whole thing up.

Michael Oswald: I could spin a dozen wild hypotheses about Whitehead. But none of them would be true. He was a lone operator. He was very talented. NSA gave him access to everything.

Aaron Stanton: You should know there are people at NSA who believe Whitehead is still working for the CIA.

Michael Oswald: Of course there are. NSA wants to get off the hook. They want to blame us, or someone else, for their own problems and screw-ups.

Aaron Stanton: People who work as spies lie. They’re trained to. This whole thing is a mess because…who can you believe?

Michael Oswald: By that theory, there is no answer and there never will be. Doubt everybody all the time—that’s a self-defeating philosophy. You have to put your faith somewhere.

Aaron Stanton: I’m beginning to reject that proposition. Maybe doubt is the state of mind we need to cultivate.

Michael Oswald: What is this? A primer in existentialism?

Exit From the Matrix

Aaron Stanton: Whitehead leaves the US for medical treatment. He arrives in Hong Kong and stays there for almost a month. And the NSA can’t find him. But two reporters can. They meet with him, and he turns over all his stolen files to them. Do you see how absurd that is?

Michael Oswald: So the CIA helped conceal him in Hong Kong? Is that what you’re suggesting?

Aaron Stanton: The Whitehead story line doesn’t make sense. He joins the Army and is accepted into a training program for the Special Forces. Why? Because he’s a physical marvel? Obviously, because of his computer skills. But then he breaks both legs in an accident, and he’s discharged from the service. Why? He can’t operate a computer anymore?

Michael Oswald: I don’t know anything about that.

Aaron Stanton: Well, you should.

Michael Oswald: Who sent you to talk to me, Aaron?

Aaron Stanton: The Vice President. And he’s no doubt acting on behalf of the President.

Michael Oswald: The President? Who has his ear?

Aaron Stanton: I would assume the NSA does.

Michael Oswald: Are you saying this whole thing could blow up and affect us [CIA]?

Aaron Stanton: Not out in the open.

Michael Oswald: I need to meet with the President.

Aaron Stanton: Consider this a preliminary to that meeting.

Michael Oswald: You’re going to pass along what I say here?

Aaron Stanton: Parts of it. But I want to give you cover if you need it.

Michael Oswald: The Vice President should know the CIA has important details about what really happened in Benghazi. And Operation Fast&Furious is also on our radar. Don’t ask, don’t tell works on both sides.

Aaron Stanton: Yes it does. The Vice President knows the CIA and DEA made highly illegal arrangements to protect the Sinaloa drug cartel, in exchange for Sinaloa providing intell on other cartels.

Michael Oswald: As usual, it’s a standoff.

Aaron Stanton: That’s true. However, the NSA is the joker in the deck. Nobody really knows how much information they’ve gathered on politicians and what they’re willing to leak to the press. So they’re in a strong position with the White House. The whole situation could become unstable, unbalanced.

Michael Oswald: Which is precisely why NSA needs to be taken down a few notches.

Aaron Stanton: Are you saying that’s what the CIA did in the Whitehead affair? He is your man?

Michael Oswald: I’m not saying anything. All of us…maintain an equilibrium with each other. We protect America, and in doing so we sometimes step outside the boundaries.

Aaron Stanton: My extra-marital dalliance…it was exposed by the files Whitehead stole. So I’m on your side, Michael. I want NSA to feel pain. I wouldn’t balk if Whitehead is the CIA’s man and he’s sticking it to those people.

Michael Oswald: There’s something else you should know. We have evidence that NSA has been spying…how shall I put this, spying on where black-budget money actually goes. They have files on it, going back a number of years. Huge amounts of federal money that have been derailed, diverted, stolen. Were that information to be leaked, it would be devastating.

Aaron Stanton: Significant heads would roll.

Michael Oswald: Many heads. NSA must be curbed.

Aaron Stanton: This is a very delicate situation.

Michael Oswald: In a reasonable world, if I have something on you and you have something on me, we stay silent. We protect each other.

Aaron Stanton: Here is what I think happened. At some point, while Whitehead was stationed in Geneva, working for the CIA, he was profiled extensively by his own people. They discovered he was a bit of a loose cannon, a “libertarian,” with strong patriotic feelings.

So a few men approached him. They hinted that they were looking for a man to perform a risky bit of business, for the sake of the Republic. They told him the modern Surveillance State was going too far, it was endangering people’s basic rights, and the NSA needed to be exposed.

Eventually, Whitehead responded positively to this suggestion. So these CIA people, who were vetting him, who might have been real patriots themselves, or just agents with orders to take down the NSA, explained the mission in detail. Whitehead, if he volunteered, would go to work for the NSA a few years hence, and he would be given access [with vital CIA help] to an extraordinary range of documents detailing NSA surveillance operations.

Whitehead would leave the country with these documents and leak them to the press. Of course, he could never come back to America, and he would face dangers, but the CIA would do everything in its power to protect him. And Whitehead agreed to take on this role.

Michael Oswald: An interesting tale. Are you outlining a novel?

Aaron Stanton: No. I’m just putting pieces together.

Michael Oswald: And where are you getting these pieces?

Aaron Stanton: Think about it. NSA has floated at least three explanations for how Whitehead was able to stroll into work and steal the farm. They said he had a thumb drive, a weapon against which the greatest, smartest, and richest spy agency in the world was powerless. Then they said Whitehead had obtained passwords from colleagues at the office, an equally absurd story. They also said Whitehead was such a natural genius, NSA put him in charge of security-oversight, with access to “everything.”

We’re supposed to believe that NSA, for all its spying efforts around the world, simply forgot to lock its own doors. It forgot to install an internal security system that would thwart its own employees and contractors.

Far more likely, NSA does have exceptionally good security. But highly trained and dedicated professionals, from a rival agency, the CIA, were able, over time, to crack that system. And then their front man, their lone wolf, Whitehead, was given his cache of files, and he walked out of work and never came back.

Michael Oswald: No comment. Except that you’re delusional.

Aaron Stanton: I no longer have faith in the mission. And I’m not just talking about the American government’s agenda, but any government’s.

Michael Oswald: A thinking person has to take sides.

Aaron Stanton: But suppose reality makes that impossible?

Michael Oswald: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Aaron Stanton: Suppose reality is a charade?

Michael Oswald: At the CIA, we work with charades all the time.

Aaron Stanton: Well, consider that you’re inventing illusions in order to support other illusions. The CIA and the NSA are two dream merchants fighting for turf, fighting for the right to define What Is for everyone else.

Michael Oswald: I don’t see anything wrong with that. Somebody has to say, “This is real.”

Aaron Stanton: How about the individual?

Michael Oswald: There is no such thing. The individual is dead.

Aaron Stanton: Well, I’m certainly glad we can agree on something. We don’t need humans in their present state. We would do far better with androids.

Michael Oswald: We’re working on it.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

10 comments on “Operation Snowjob

  1. Orion says:

    That’s some fiction!!! hehehehe…

  2. “Well, consider that you’re inventing illusions in order to support other illusions. The CIA and the NSA are two dream merchants fighting for turf, fighting for the right to define What Is for everyone else.”

    Precisely correct in my opinion. It’s about PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT. We used to call this “reality” but reality isn’t what it used to be.

  3. Remember, money is imaginary and radiation is real.

  4. wolfpath says:


    “Aaron Stanton: How about the individual?

    Michael Oswald: There is no such thing. The individual is dead.”

    Without knowing it these two characters hit the nail on the head (unless they do know it) that the people in a nation are treated by presumption and assumption to be a dead thing in the legal world being merely the color of law, as dead, incompetent, abandoned, an imbecile, a ward of the state without a real voice.

    There are only two jurisdictions, the Crown, Legal Dead Fiction, corporate courts. And…

    The other is the Lawful Live Jurisdiction of the Witness, the flesh and blood sentient being that the Dead Legal Fiction Courts are so afraid of – when you go to court you better acquiesce to being the dead legal name fiction or they find you in contempt of court or order a psych eval if you persist in declaring that you are not the name the State create through fraud by Certificating and Registering your Birth Certificate.

    The Birth Certificate is the prima facie evidence the State has and continues to commit fraud everyday getting you to consent to being a dead legal name.

    I would love it if Jon Rappoport would investigate and expose this monumental fraud perpetrated upon us since the beginning of the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666.

    The monumental evidence of all of the Acts passed to bring Admiralty Law/Legal Piracy ONTO THE LAND can be found on the Ucadia Blog. And Kate of Gaia Writings.

    Go get’em Jon.

  5. pinetree says:

    These agencies are so consumed with “their” job of protecting the infrastructure of our government that they’ll spite another agency tasked with essentially the same……. and they are both “miles” from realizing that our government no longer represents or acts in the real interests of its citizens. What a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in (as with many other countries). We obviously need some federal government, but how does a country turn around a monstrosity so consumed by itself that it forgets what created it and supports it. We would do well to remember that 90% plus of the people in this world just want to live in peace …and COULD do so with each other.

  6. Robin Maule says:

    Your arguments kind of make sense as far as they go, but I see nothing but a theory here. There is no direct evidence, only suggestive observations, and they don’t strike me as convincing. One is the argument that Snowden couldn’t have got his hands on these docs without CIA help, but this argument itself is not buttressed. The NSA has expanded its spying a ton, and now employs a lot more people with security clearances (they have to have these clearances or they couldn’t do the spying). The more people are employed, and the more rabidly they go after data, the looser their OWN security becomes.

    How do you know Snowden couldn’t have accessed this stuff? What was the level of Snowden’s security level? If it was lower, does this exclude the possibility he could get these docs in an organization that is expanding as fast as the NSA was (and in fast expansion cracks always appear in security – look how “secure” the rush job Obamacare website is)? If it was higher then wouldn’t it have been easy?

    Even suggestive observations, if they are to be presented as evidence, need support (actually they need much stronger support than direct evidence, because they are NOT direct). The strongest and only buttress I can find in the essay, other than the implied assertion that Snowden would have needed help to access NSA documents, is that Snowden worked for the CIA previously.

    That is not at all unusual. The alphabet agencies trade people, people look for better pay and change jobs on their own. It is of course natural that an ex-CIA guy would look for another job in the field he has experience in. The NSA would be a logical pick.

    Here’s an article of interest and a quote from it : http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/11/us/cia-warning-on-snowden-in-09-said-to-slip-through-the-cracks.html

    “Just as Edward J. Snowden was preparing to leave Geneva and a job as a C.I.A. technician in 2009, his supervisor wrote a derogatory report in his personnel file, noting a distinct change in the young man’s behavior and work habits, as well as a troubling suspicion.

    The C.I.A. suspected that Mr. Snowden was trying to break into classified computer files to which he was not authorized to have access, and decided to send him home, according to two senior American officials.

    But the red flags went unheeded. Mr. Snowden left the C.I.A. to become a contractor for the National Security Agency, and four years later he leaked thousands of classified documents. The supervisor’s cautionary note and the C.I.A.’s suspicions apparently were not forwarded to the N.S.A. or its contractors, and surfaced only after federal investigators began scrutinizing Mr. Snowden’s record once the documents began spilling out, intelligence and law enforcement officials said.

    “It slipped through the cracks,” one veteran law enforcement official said of the report. ”

    He got a bad write-up, as he was in the process of leaving the CIA. This report would never have been written in the first place if the CIA were interested in sending a plant into the NSA. It would have been a completely pointless potential red flag to the NSA they were trying to infiltrate. This report NOT going to the NSA was an employment job reference error. If it had been forwarded, which it never was, the NSA might not have hired him.

    It doesn’t make sense, and if we try to say “they didn’t send the report because they wanted to make sure Snowden got in” then why was the report written at all, and if writing it was a slip, why was it not expunged? This isn’t wheels within wheels – its just government sloppiness (the report not being forwarded to the NSA I mean).

    But the CIA would NOT be sloppy if they were pulling off a covert operation on this scale – they would not have allowed this report at all, I am sure.

    However it does bring up another idea – Snowden was indeed discontent… with what he was finding out in the CIA and later in the NSA about what this administration is up to.

    Look, what did he choose for a career? Uncle Sam security. What kind of people choose this? Three mainly – functionaries, power freaks, and patriots. The first group just wants the government benefits. They’ll work anywhere in the gov that will have them. The third group is fixed on using their employment in the gov to reach high levels of power.

    Snowden does not at all strike me as one of these two. A functionary would NEVER EVER bite the hand that feeds him, and Snowden seems to me anything BUT power mad, and if he were, turning on his own organization isn’t going to score him any power points – he surely knew enough to know he would end up pretty much where he is right now, in terms of this government ever giving him power over anything ever again.

    But he DOES look and feel like a patriot. I think he joined the CIA thinking this was the real stuff, this was where he could patriotically help his country. Only he wasn’t dumb enough, or ideologically frozen in his mind. He saw more and more ugliness that belied his initial faith in the goodness of Uncle Sam. He started feeling outrage, and started poking into a few files. He saw the CIA was too dirty, and decided to leave and try out the NSA. The boss got wind of his discontent (Snowden may have grumbled) AND noted indications Snowden was doing a little snooping. He wrote a security warning on him, but Snowden was on the way out, the boss was sloppy, and it never went to his new employers.

    When Snowden started at the NSA, he expected something better than the CIA, and discovered quickly that it was just as bad and that the spying was huge and being done on the citizens. HE was not deeply aware of this at the CIA BECAUSE these two organizations are rivals, and don’t exactly share with each other’s employees the current nature and methodology of their operations.

    Snowden’s recognition of evil in the CIA, and his growing outrage, was supplemented heavily when he saw the same or worse at the NSA. He must have thought “OMG they’re ALL full of crap. I went to work to help my country, and these groups are ripping into everything our country stands for, starting with the right to privacy”.

    As a patriot, he decided enough is enough, and the rest is history. Why is this story less likely than your scenario?

    Personally I think you have for once, slipped in your own arena. your evidence is 1) Snowden used to work for the CIA, and 2) Snowden MAY have had a hard time accessing docs at the NSA without help. The second point is very weak on a few levels, and another of these is… HOW would the CIA help Snowden get documents from the NSA? What could they do exactly? I’m trying to think of something, but I’m drawing a blank. And I think you are not considering this – you don’t suggest how the CIA could help Snowden, who is now in a completely separate organization the CIA doesn’t have any real control over (if they did, I would imagine they wouldn’t need Snowden to go in and do this.)

    You are so used to uncovering real wheels within wheels (brilliantly 95% of the time – I am an ardent fan) you couldn’t help yourself when you thought of a new POSSIBLE wrinkle in the Snowden case, and went with it. I think this is too much a leap. I think it is an honest mistake, but it bothers me a bit, because if he is wrong, you are labeling Snowden the wrong way at the very time Snowden needs help from the only people who will help him – activists.

    Government pundits have been hinting that Snowden worked for the Russians all along (and the “indicators” of this is that Russia took him in), and you are hinting that Snowden was secretly working for the CIA.

    I don”t agree with either. I hope this isn’t just my hope that there is SOME courage and virtue left in SOMEone in this country coloring my objectivity, but I don’t think so. I think Snowden’s the real deal, a true patriot. Both my guts and my reasoning point this way. I hope you might reconsider this, or change direction. It is more than enough that Snowden is now a wanted man with less than a year’s grace before Russia has said they won’t protect him anymore. It is enough that the media and the White House is doing all they can to discredit him, and many deluded people in the US now hate him.

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