Facebook stock price follows my prediction: insiders rule

Facebook stock price follows my prediction: insiders rule

by Jon Rappoport

December 16, 2013


On August 20, 2012, three months after Facebook went public and launched its IPO, I posted a piece headlined: “Facebook, the CIA, DARPA, and the Tanking IPO.”

In it I presented a little background and made a prediction:

But now the Facebook stock has tanked. On Friday, August 17 [2012], it weighed in at half its initial IPO price. For the first time since the IPO, venture-capital backers were legally permitted to sell off their shares, and some did, at a loss.

Articles have begun appearing that question Zuckerberg’s ability to manage his company. ‘Experts’ are saying he should import a professional team to run the business side of things and step away.

All this, despite the fact that Facebook’s first posted revenue as a public company has exceeded analysts’ predictions, according to the LA Times.

This has the earmarks of classic shakeout and squeeze play. It’s how heavy hitters gain control of a company. First, they drive down the price of the stock, then they trade it at low levels that discourage and demoralize the public and even semi-insiders. As the stock continues to tank, they quietly buy up as much of it as they can. Finally, when the price hits a designated rock bottom, they shoot it up all the way to new highs and win big.

And they hold enough shares to exert more control over the company itself.”

Well, this is precisely how it’s working out.

Facebook launched its IPO and went public on May 18, 2012. The opening stock price was 42 dollars a share.

In September 2012, the collapsing stock hit a low of 17.55.

On October 17, 2013, a year later, after a long climb, the stock reached an all-time high: 52.21.

Right now, as I write this, it’s selling even higher at 54.06.

So…Facebook, a company with serious CIA-front connections, a company that encourages people to offer up surveillance data on themselves, goes through a transformation. Its IPO price collapses like ice in a heat wave. It keeps trading at its new low prices, scaring lots of investors.

They sell their shares. Insiders buy up those shares at delicious discounts.

Then, when the insiders have scooped up enough, they begin to move the price. Up. The long climb begins.

Then the pundits talk about what a good company Facebook really is. They justifying the rising stock price.

And the stock price eventually reaches new highs.

It’s easy as pie.

Of course, now many speculators are licking their lips and buying Facebook shares, hoping for new highs—just as they did when the IPO first launched. Those new highs may or may not happen. Insiders could take the price down again and shock the speculators, forcing them to sell, at which point the insiders will once again scoop up those shares, wait for a while—and then take the price up again.

This cycle repeats over and over in the stock market. It’s how the game is played. Insiders vs. the suckers.

Guess who wins.

And in the case of Facebook, the insiders are going to be people the CIA trusts. After all, Facebook is their baby.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

6 comments on “Facebook stock price follows my prediction: insiders rule

  1. KJ says:


    Thanks for such a great explanation of just one of the insidious ways the oligarchy / corporatocracy acquires control of enterprises and now social networks. Folks I know down here in the trenches are really naive about how things work at the level of corporate insinuation. This is a great explanation. I am posting it all over Facebook. I see that Facebook banned you a while ago. Let’s see if they do it again. Maybe I’ll get banned. I have been trying to convince folks that there are lessons to be learned from history vis a vis the HUAC.

    Here’s what I posted:
    To all my friends, family, community, village, mishpocha,

    Humor me for a moment…


    Read Jon Rappaport’s Blog here: http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2013/12/16/facebook-stock-price-follows-my-prediction-insiders-rule/

    So you think that you are not an activist, you are not a resistor, you will never be targeted. What about when the oligarchs’ use you to target your friends or family that are? Do you know your history, think HUAC. That was less than 1 lifetime ago right here in the good ole USA.

    Not sure about this one but maybe a decent alternative:

    Here is its signature:
    Evolve Society, A For-Community-Profit Initiative

    Check it out. It takes a while to load once you click on the link to sign in. Its worth the wait.

    BTW Jon Rappaport’s articles were banned from Facebook back in Feb. Let’s see what happens here…

  2. Charlie the Tuna says:

    I just sold my Facebook stock for a nice profit. I bought some Opko Health. The way its done is to buy low, and sell high, not the other way around. If you scare easily, the stock market is not for you. Oh, and BTW, I don’t book my face.

  3. Jon, I wish everyone would read your blog. Sure helps person to understand how the matrix works everything & everyone to their advantage. Thank you.

  4. roberta4949 says:

    this was very informative, by the way I don’t get involved in quick rich schemes or any scheme for that matter first I dont understand how it works, for another I dont trust it, and thirdly I know it is a rigged game like any other. the wealthy and powerful hold all the cards and only use their cards when necessary to gain more power over you. I am reminded of the apostle pauls words about those determined to be rich will stab themselves over with many pains and expeiernced shipwreck of their faith. of course he was talking to christians but it applies to all. to me if you invest in a company that uses the funds to expand the company produce more goods and services and you have a contract of loaning them money for hteir business that is one thing if you like the product they produce it is quite another to invest money in stocks for the purposes of selling it again (thus they do not use the funds to improve the company upgrade it’s infrastruture or sell more products and increase profittablity (rather than just digits in a computer or downsizing a company to make it’s stock prices go up (as profittablilty temporarily goes up) until the productivity eventually goes down, it is a form of gambling when doing the stock market and the companies are the tools used for that, they are trying to make money off of moving money around and using false predictings and deception and legalized fraud to rob people. you cannot trust it sure some make money for a while but only the big wigs manage to keep it in the long run. as long as they can keep companies profitable, for a while until they will make more money destroying it then bracing it up. and the bible says gambling (making more money off money without producing anything people want to buy)like the lottery is a form of greed (making money without working for it or earning it honestly)and greedy persons will not inherit God’s kingdom, (1 co 6:9-10)

  5. Bernie says:

    Nice blog. I was a stock broker on Bay St in Toronto for 5 years. That is how long it took me to figure out that the entire system is just a matrix. It works entirely by people investing with their emotions, at the behest of the manipulators.

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