Government shutdown: the takedown of America

Government shutdown: the takedown of America

by Jon Rappoport

October 16, 2013

Another brick laid in the path to decimation.

While the Democrats and the Republicans, the White House and the Congress cross swords over the funding of government;

While the White House orders the shutdown of visible national parks and war memorials;

While the USDA threatens to turn off food-stamp benefits for 50 million Americans in November;

While this deadly game of “who will blink first” goes on;

Operation Chaos, the higher-level plan to bring America to its knees, proceeds. Its ultimate goal? Reducing the United States to the status of “desperately needs rescue.”

That is the status which elite Globalists demand for every nation on Earth, in order to introduce one currency for the planet, and one system of management for all nine billion people.

The Matrix Revealed

In such a system, all borders and sovereign countries would be eradicated, “for the greater good.”

No, this isn’t going to happen tomorrow, it’s a long-range op and a long-range plan. But it’s being implemented.

Presidents of the United States are agents of the plan, every one of them. They accept this future. They entertain various delusions about it:

One, the US will emerge as the leader of a Globalist world.

Two, US imperial conquests abroad will continue.

Three, the US will participate as “an equal partner in a kinder, gentler structure.”

Four, the US will be submerged in a glorious international collective, for “the greatest good of the greatest number.”

Five, mega-corporations and banks will make the need for national governments largely obsolete.

Six, the US will finally receive its comeuppance for centuries of oppression.

None of these views is really accurate.

The future which the elite Globalists are planning and implementing is a sluggish, morbid, depopulated Earth dominated from a point of Central Planning, and run by a bureaucracy which would make current national and regional bureaucracies look like streamlined rockets.

In this future, the individual as an idea and a reality would disappear.

Order out of Chaos is the guiding strategy for getting there.

Create crises, large and small, provoke a level of fear that results in people everywhere demanding “a restoration of security, no matter what it takes.”

Set person against person and group against group, cut off people who are on government benefits, while swelling the ranks of those who depend on governments for physical survival.

Characterize all this as “share and care” and even messianic rescue from above.

Make it appear there is no way out, no way to exit this future awaiting all of us.

Meanwhile, keep the world on wartime status, which has been the case since 9/11.

And up the road, to enforce this New World? A single linked international army, a single global intelligence agency, single energy and medical and money cartels.

The self-styled Globalist masters are doing everything they can to export the image that we are all helpless in the face of this onslaught.

This is the primary mind-control message of the 21st century.

The question is: when we, each one of us, throws off this programming, what do we see?

What do we know?

Whatever direction our varied faiths or lack of faith takes, we see freedom. We see our own power. We see the terms of the struggle. We see our own inner resources.

Are these resources small or great?

How much self-imposed ignorance does it take to believe we are helpless?

How we act, what we do has no time limit. No matter how bad things get, the war is never lost.

Freedom forever is a fact. Whether we like it or not.

It is a far greater enterprise than slavery.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

37 comments on “Government shutdown: the takedown of America

  1. […] Government shutdown: the takedown of America. […]

  2. Daniel Noel says:

    Many good points, thank you. I’ll add that the probable “globalist” movement aims at having essential psychopaths and similar unempathic mental deviants (about 500 million people) as rulers, from the global level down to the local level. The circa 5,500 million normally empathic people would be slaves, while the remaining 1,500 or so million partly empathic people would form an intermediate class, bridging the chronic misunderstandings between rulers and slaves, reporting to the former and directing the latter.

    To use the old cliché, for every four normal people wearing chains and minimal clothing, there will be one person with a whip and an abnormal brain. It will be a “bigger and better” replica of the old USSR. This is humanity’s future if the majority of normal people do not understand fast enough what is going on.

    Fortunately, essential psychopaths are not smarter than normal people. They don’t understand what is going on either. As long as they don’t joyfully seek positions of authority that normal people quit in disgust, humanity is doing fine.


    • Daniel, your response to Jon set you up as a perfect foil for my comments below, which I presume apply to a much larger audience than you. Thanks for sticking your neck out and being honest with where you are at and thereby inviting me to do the same. Respectfully,

  3. […] Government shutdown: the takedown of America « Jon Rappoport’s Blog. […]

  4. Yes, I believe you are completely right. Bush, McCain, Romney, they were APPOINted to hand the reins over to the soulless Obama. McCain is a traitorous b*stard who was turned by the Chicoms in Viet nam. This moron lost 5 (five) planes while disobeying orders and/or just hotdogging. his father’s lofty position saw him through. He is truly the Manchurian Candidate. But—-hey, it’s all good; America gets what it wants; America gets what it deserves. Mother Nature always sorts it out in the end. America, I have watched you for 69 years—and you have never been dumber or more idiotic or more disgusting and shameful; through the fault of your stoopid, dumbed-down, treacherous, moronic population. It’s all…ok, though. How’s that song go? “The rhythm is gonna get you.” And get you good. Fine. You deserve whatever you get. It doesn’t matter in the quanta of time.

    • Angstfountain says:

      As we go, so goes the rest of the world. You forget that when the Roman Empire fell, Europe spent roughly 1000 years in the Dark Ages.
      The greater the technological level of advance, the faster and harder the collapse hits when it finally comes, and arrive in due order it will.

      • lavalux says:

        The Eastern Roman empire did not fall until the Bolshevik revolution. Holy Russia under the Tsars resisted the satanist infiltrated western powers to the death, and the Orthodox Christian martyrs watered the soil of freedom with their blood for decades. Earth has spent 95 years in a ‘dark age’ without divine authority, and the democratic, humanistic process is bearing it’s rotten fruit. But God does not disdain that sacrifice the martyrs made and He will bring light and natural order again to the Earth for the sake of those who have never had a choice. God is merciful. Have hope and gratitude. God bless you Jon.

      • @Angstfountain

        You think the Roman Empire fell, and because of that Europe suffered a 1000yrs of dark ages….educate yourself on history again. Change your point of view, you decide which. But be through.
        The Roman Empire was costing way to much money. Caligula and Nero were the litmus test on crazy. They were the nails on the coffin of old Rome, and it was walking a razors edge with power. Even then there was a Shadow government. They had a year of four Ceasars. They are animals,and if need be, they will eat their young. The need for war was tearing the Empire completely apart. The violent Jewish Messianic movement was the writing on the wall. The old power structure was corrupted, the Senate was splitting power.

        Rome reinvented itself into the Catholic Church… much more cost effective. It became a spiritual entity, and it invented a cult of God kings (Popes).Through the Imperial cult. And their propaganda that purposely caused a 1000yrs of dark ages, to entrench a ideology extremely deep within an ignorant public psyche. The Roman Empire became the possessor of all knowledge through the University ideal. University means Catholic. And in their zeal they burn every library, and replaced it with a University. Every book they found they burn or stole outright. Every scholar they found they burn or assimilated into the Church. Every artist and thinker, and tinker, tailor and spy, they owned or burn.

        We have been living under a 1500 year blueprint for spiritual domination, and they mean to complete it.

        Now a new metamorphosis, into another thing. a new thing.The names change, but method remains the same.We are at the entrance to the largest and greatest Empire that has ever existed in the history of the world. A one world government. Ruled by what?
        Understand this, it is 8ooo years in the making, this idea, since before Babylon, they thought it. These people are very forward thinkers. They have waited a long time, and have made sure their prodigy are born with silver spoons.
        And they are all bat shit crazy.

        • OzzieThinker says:

          This is absolutely correct and the deal done between the Jews and Catholics resulted in the discovery (sic) of America in 1493. The real attack and defeat of the Cossacks was between 1772 and 1775, when Jew backed Romanovs took over as Tsars. Then, bingo, Amerika’s independence was declared in 1776. Because the Romanovs could not break the Aryans, the Brotherhood lost patience as time was running out for their Rosicrucian goal of 2000-2013 (which coincides with the Catholic “New Age” divine “ascension” of Christ’s consciousness).

  5. @ Daniel: The “plan” is 500 million humans period. The rest are slated for extermination in multiple ways. That means 499.95 million will be slaves, and as you say there will be hierarchical layers of slaves directing and driving other slaves. How many layers? Look at the organizational chart of a major corporation to see the layers of reporting and the different pay scales from CEO to janitor. Your fantasy of 7 billion humans is not on the table of the elite.

    You are attempting to white wash the extermination of your species. I know it is horrible, but this is the overtly stated intention of the rulers and their scientist minions who direct your world. They do not discuss whether this will happen, only how and on what time scale. This is what your tax dollars for scientific research fund, from weapons, space ships and the LHC to cyborg medicine.

    Ultimately the hyper-elite are also slaves to something that is not human and which is using humanity as its “host” in which to grow the larvae of its hive before launching them into space to conquer other worlds. With a million years more evolution under their belts than humans, they are very good at this. Most “sapient” species never realize what hit them, and with all due respect, this is exactly what you observe and demonstrate in your post.

    The psychopathic rulers you speak of are less than a thousand, and yes they are indeed vastly more intelligent and educated than “normal people.” They are the equivalent in their “discipline” of the scientists who win Nobel prizes. Normal humans can’t even conceive of this level intelligence, however one dimensional or myopic. Regular people have no idea what these geniuses are like and the complexity of skills and ideas they work with in their teams.

    The “science news” (in exact parallel to Jon’s “elite television anchor”) vastly over simplifies things to give “normal people” some idea that they understand what is going on in the world, along with a deluded sense of their own intelligence. On top of this, the standard definition of “psychopathy” gives us a statistic of about 700 million of current humans being psychopaths, so there are plenty of non elite in this category willing to help generate the chaos of “shock doctrine – divide and conquer rule.”

    Maybe you remember doing a four line proof about triangles in geometry class. Imagine doing a 400 page mathematical proof about the geometry of ten dimensional structures that possibly form the basis of this virtual reality matrix we live within (Calabi-Yau manifolds). These guys and gals can write (off the top of their heads) and solve twenty page equations at the drop of a hat.

    No, the Wachowski “brothers” who wrote the “Matrix” film didn’t invent the idea that this world is a virtual reality, they merely marketed it. Lead scientists at Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics, etc. work on complex statistical models demonstrating that this is almost certainly a virtual reality created by a more evolved species. They are also close to certain that humanity will not survive its next phase in this experimental simulation (except in zoos kept by more evolved species).

    Nick Bostrom is one of these researchers, who also studies the risks to human extinction and tries to determine which path is most likely. He is also involved in the “singularity project” designing a post human robotic future. They are essentially certain of human extinction (through ignorant stupidity) and have therefore taken on the task of insuring that something will survive, namely robots into which their own brains will be “uploaded.” Given that humanity is going down anyway, they see no ethical dilemma in hurrying that process if it will give them the resources needed to get into the “computer god mind” that will send its drones into space to seed the galaxy.

    These people may be unethical, narrowly focused, and profoundly misguided (by predatory alien species), but they are not stupid. You haven’t the slightest idea what you are up against.

    Finally, “they” do understand most of what is going on and are steering its unfolding with great care and survivalist determination. Yes they “joyfully seek positions of authority,” and no humanity is not “doing just fine.” Your soul may be doing just fine if it is learning something from this life, but ignoring and denying are not forms of learning. I apologize if this sounds harsh but I can see that you are not yet resigned to the opiates of hospice care and that a wake up call might stir you and your friends to get up and fly. With love,

    • Angstfountain says:

      “Lead scientists at Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics, etc. work on complex statistical models demonstrating that this is almost certainly a virtual reality created by a more evolved species”.

      Well duh! What did you think all this was about? If you will think in terms of aphids and ants, or cattle and humans, you will get a much clearer picture of our so called “reality”.

    • Steve Prewitt says:

      William, well written think piece I might offer a slightly alternate scenario, that being the “Archon/Aryan” scenario for which there is ample ancient and modern evidence: This asylum has been controlled for millennia by the Aryans who hail from nearby Aries. Their agenda(s) are/have been executed knowingly and unknowingly by their genetically mixed offspring/minions/ cutouts, as well as plain ole’ homo sapien “meglopaths”.

      For reasons of survival these Aryans have temporarily taken leave of our marble and left their underlings in charge with orders of “do what you will”, betting that if TSHTF as predicted, then “no harm no foul”, but at the least an interesting petri dish experiment.

      And so, under the minions the depopulation agenda continues apace with the likes of Fukishima, brain and body addling food and pharma, chemtrails, all the events that appear to be insane from a human survival perspective.

      Some refer unknowingly(?) to Aryans as the “break away” civilization which does not negate the preceding scenario, but actually reinforces it.

      IMHO one way out of this box (if one WANTS out), are Jon’s ideas about exiting the Matrix. Another is the way shown by Robert Monroe, Wm. Buhlman, etal, that being to free ourselves of our addictions and become spiritual “free agents” or “graduates” so to speak. This is a human’s ultimate power in response to those who have enslaved our bodies, minds, and souls…

      With Respect,

  6. There are some of us dreamers who still mourn the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution (in secret by a bunch of bankers and merchants because farmers had seized control of the Massachusetts legislature). I thought the whole idea was to set up a loosely knit confederation of sovereign states like the Iroquois Federation.

    If we’re serious about government being more democratic – I mean like ordinary people having a real say – it’s got to be small self-governing regions of several hundred thousand.

    The ruling elite may threaten to establish a One World Government, but exactly how are they going to run something that large without any oil?

  7. RJ Mann says:

    The so-called ‘elites’ have a rather mechanical view of the world. In that cosmology there is no room for creativity, the individual, and the soul. These psychopaths are ruled by their need to control others who they ultimately fear as a potential threat. – – Yes, I often grow frustrated by the dumbed down public. But I recall that I was also as dumb as they are and hadn’t woken up till relatively recently (within the last 5-6 years). People were purposely dumbed down in numerous ways. They are victims. But despite this, its also very likely that more people know the true nature of the oligarch psychopaths than at any time in human history.
    There are times when people have wondered why those poor souls marched off with little a wimper, and definitely not much protest when carted off to Nazi concentration camps or Soviet gulags. In the very least those poor people lacked much imagination. (To contemplate where they were headed, or to respond to their captors when they had nothing to lose). Will humanity play their assigned role in the new Nazi plan ? Will they remain ‘good little boys and girls’ up to the end, just like they’ve been conditioned all their lives ? Will they think ‘its all inevitable where its heading’ ?
    Just another mind op – – – the biggest one of all.

  8. A horrific vision, but seems to be what is actually happening. It’s like a Philip K. Dick dystopia, but just like in those books, the protagonists are people just like ourselves; imperfect and disempowered but moral and determined.

  9. Eileen Kuch says:

    I read through all the comments here, and nobody mentioned the most important factor; that is, the Creator of the Universe, the Lord God Almighty. He, through His Son, Jesus Christ, will put an end to the fantasies of the ruling elite in one fell swoop. The Anti-Christ and his minions will be swept away in the pages of history; and, Satan himself will be cast down into the bottomless pit for a thousand years. Within this thousand-year period, Jesus will reign over a peaceful world, where there will be no slavery and no misery; since all the psychopaths and other followers of Satan and the Anti-Christ will have perished by the sword of the Lord’s angels.

    • Angstfountain says:

      Be careful about that, because The Brotherhood is fond of creating all kinds of belief systems in false frames of reference. Those beliefs are then used to control and manipulate the target individuals. Once you have established a belief in a subject, then your view of reality is colored by that and easily manipulated- see the Crusades just as one example.

      “Belief is the enemy of Truth”


  10. OzzieThinker says:

    Jon, as usual I take things from a very different angle.

    My latest post will struggle to attract sincere consideration from even the most open minded reader. It is, sadly though, the way it is, bizarre as it may seem.


    • Angstfountain says:

      Interesting. There have been wars fought across the face of creation for which in some cases, time has no meaning at all, using weapons which most humans could not conceive of. Weapons of the id if you will.

  11. “In this future, the individual as an idea and a reality would disappear.” -Jon Rappoport

    The death of the Artist.
    It is too bad that a lot more of the populace did not wake up to this state of being. I think the iPhone was the topper.
    Everything became so pastiche.

    “How we act, what we do has no time limit. No matter how bad things get, the war is never lost.” -Jon Rappoport

    As usual another good script Jon.

  12. RJ Mann says:

    I’ve neverr read a Philip K Dick dystopia novel, but its time that we all write a new novel narrative for ourselves. In that novel there is human freedom and individual creativity, with its attached individual responsibility. Versions of this were penned by some people back in 1776; its time more people authored their own freedom & indivuality novels today.
    There is a blandness that has been psy op created in the American mindset today. We hear the orders that equate to the buffalo herd jumping off the cliff, and with resignation leap. Approval ratings for politicians are at incredible low levels, yet people CAN’T IMAGINE reacting differently to the proclamations out of D.C. The creative Americans of 1776 would likely be dumbfounded at the condition of the American soul today.

  13. […] (Jon Rappoport) Another brick laid in the path to decimation. […]

  14. Angstfountain says:

    “The Eastern Roman empire did not fall until the Bolshevik revolution”.

    You are greatly mistaken, Russia was not a part of the Eastern Roman Empire at any time. You need to go back to school and study your History a great deal better.

  15. Angstfountain says:

    “You think the Roman Empire fell, and because of that Europe suffered a 1000yrs of dark ages….educate yourself on history again. Change your point of view, you decide which. But be through”.

    You might try that yourself first, and you would find that what I said is correct. I am a life-long student of history and you know almost as much about “them” as you do about history, which isn’t a great deal from the way you write.

  16. bushhog1942 says:

    DNR = “desperately needs rescue.”
    or “Do Not Resuscitate”?

  17. Angstfountain says:

    “We have been living under a 1500 year blueprint for spiritual domination, and they mean to complete it.

    Now a new metamorphosis, into another thing. a new thing.The names change, but method remains the same.We are at the entrance to the largest and greatest Empire that has ever existed in the history of the world. A one world government. Ruled by what?
    Understand this, it is 8ooo years in the making, this idea, since before Babylon, they thought it. These people are very forward thinkers. They have waited a long time, and have made sure their prodigy are born with silver spoons.
    And they are all bat shit crazy”.

    One of the most marvelously stupid things I have read in my near 6 decades upon this orb.
    The only people who would write tripe like this are one of two things:

    1. Paid shill.

    2. Card carrying, stand up and salute it, hard core Brotherhood.

    It is a LOT longer than 8000 years there Junior.

    • @Angstfountain
      Come on your limiting yourself. Your answer is stereotypical internet response to my retort. Your a life long student of history, are you not?
      Do you believe all that they taught you in school?
      I am sure you are more intelligent than that. Dig deep…reach. Don’t be afraid of your own thoughts.
      You could have thrown in, that I am troll, seeking to disparage the conversation. And ruin the site.
      A paid shill, paid by who? The brotherhood?
      A card carrying member of the brotherhood…as in Neo-Nazi?, Aryan Nation. Some other right wing extremism?
      My argument is against such ideals. I despise the jackboot, I have had it on my throat. And I am no man’s, or organizations shill. I think for myself.
      I was rude in my presentation of my argument to you. A bit quick.
      And so I apologize to you, because this not my website, and because I am a gentleman.
      It is Jon Rappoport’s. and I apologize to Jon and the good people that frequent this site

      Peace .Angstfountain

      • Angstfountain says:

        No apology necessary. Having been beaten into the dirt myself far too many times, I can understand all too well. We reach.


  18. […] Presidents of the United States are agents of the plan, every one of them. Continue here. […]

  19. […] Presidents of the United States are agents of the plan, every one of them. Continue here. […]

  20. Jack Peterson says:

    There is a simple unmolested truth that need no scientific evidence nor mind enrichment. Everything we see: everything we know, all is relative to life Chemically Biological and electromagnetically in your body , on earth plants air animals water life?? Your body is made up of ?? Every particle field , planet sun star is exactley what your body is made up of ?? Solar Systems are nothing more than the cells of a body work exactley like ours? The mind is open to any idea ?? the trick is to disguard 99.99 % of all that enters. The brain is full of what knowledge surrounds the environment Lest there be what ones enlightenment desires? Release biases You are nothing but a antigen on a molectural structure Eating away a disease to free the atom to live and replicate Live free Free your mind of fear !!

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