Navy Yard shooting: Aaron Alexis narrative crumbling

Navy Yard shooting: Aaron Alexis narrative crumbling

by Jon Rappoport

September 17, 2013

Yesterday, I referenced a USA Today piece which cited a federal law-enforcement source (off the record), who states that Aaron Alexis, the accused shooter, cleared a Navy Yard security checkpoint in his car. After parking in the lot, he got into an argument and opened fire on one or two people. He then entered the building where he went on a killing spree.

So did Alexis shoot his way past security guards at the building’s separate checkpoint? Why weren’t the guards waiting for him just outside the building with their weapons drawn, after he, Alexis, had already shot people in the parking lot?

This USA Today account hasn’t spread widely through major media. It’s a version of events quite different from the official, more peaceful “gained entrance to the building by using someone’s else’s ID.”

So that’s two accounts.

Now I have a third, from an unsourced person who appears to be familiar with procedures at the Navy Yard and other naval facilities where computer techs (private contractors) work.

According to this source, Alexis was to show up at the Yard to work. He’d been hired as a tech. This was his first day on the job. He didn’t need two IDs, because these private-contractor techs are issued a VAL, Visitor Authorization Letter, which permits them to enter and work in various buildings. These VALs have an expiration date.

Alexis would have been carrying a VAL to get past checkpoints. Also, these techs typically carry no more than a backpack or small bag for cables and program CDs. Highly unlikely that Alexis could have gotten inside with a shotgun.

So that’s three scenarios.

Then we have the variations. He obtained an AR15 inside the building. No he didn’t. He got hold of two handguns. He fired an AR15 shotgun (CNN), which doesn’t exist.

There were two other shooters. No there weren’t. One of the two was interviewed and released. The third suspect? Who knows?

Somebody’s lying, big-time.

The Matrix Revealed

Have the networks shown pictures of the actual security checkpoints outside the parking lot and at the building, allowing us to infer what really happened there? If so, I haven’t seen them. Neither have I seen pictures of the parking lot, where, if pictures were taken early enough, one would expect to find shell casings and blood, assuming the USA Today story is correct.

The narrative is crumbling. And reporters aren’t picking up the ball, because they merely take dictation from law-enforcement officials.

In view of such a miserable excuse for information, assuming Alexis was the killer is speculation.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

29 comments on “Navy Yard shooting: Aaron Alexis narrative crumbling

  1. Anthony Clifton says:

    besides, as everyone with a brain {that works} knows…

    if their lips are moving…they are lying

  2. I wonder if the pointed references in the media to how “it could have been Congress” might have any bearing on things. Was it meant to send a message to them?

  3. joanie says:

    see a paper with Sunday’s date and the upload showed the 15th also in googgles (heh) cache – meaning – predated event.


    See also this video report by Paul Joseph Watson.

    “Did the Associated Press accidentially publish intricate details of the Navy Yard shooting the day before it happened, therefore proving some kind of conspiracy? No, it was a time stamp error.

    “These kind of disinfo rabbit holes only serve to distract us from the real issues, such as SSRI drugs, video games and the gun control debate.”

  4. bob klinck says:

    “Never let a crisis go to waste” is the motto of those who aspire to dominate our lives, and in every crisis, indeed in every ‘story’, is the potential to undermine rationality through the creation of cognitive dissonance. This seems to be the main function of contemporary mainstream media.

  5. archer says:

    Add this one to a long list of murders, bombings, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, Columbine etc. that we’ll really never learn the truth about.

  6. lobo says:

    seems like all you have to do is wait a week after a “terrorist attack” and the media´s story will begin to fall apart. as soon as it happens you can sigh to yourself staged. now some would say that is jumping to conclusions but i haven´t been wrong yet.

  7. Curious indeed Jon. But why is much more not being made of a time-stamped pre-release of the story by a canadian on-line paper?
    It follows all the donation sites similarly done for the “victims” of sandy hook etc…reposting the link from yesterday….


    See also this video report by Paul Joseph Watson.

    “Did the Associated Press accidentially publish intricate details of the Navy Yard shooting the day before it happened, therefore proving some kind of conspiracy? No, it was a time stamp error.

    “These kind of disinfo rabbit holes only serve to distract us from the real issues, such as SSRI drugs, video games and the gun control debate.”

  8. LC says:

    I live about 12 miles from the Navy Yard, and I’ve taken many classes at the Shakespearean theatre a few block away from this place. So I’ve walked past this place many, many times. The security there is pretty tight. They even have Marines/Navy men standing at the corners of the compound (even on weekends) nowhere near the actual entrance. This whole thing stinks just like every other false flag setup they’ve pulled in this country.

  9. […] So did Alexis shoot his way past security guards at the building’s separate checkpoint? Why weren’t the guards waiting for him just outside the building with their weapons drawn, after he, Alexis, had already shot people in the parking lot?’ Read more … […]

  10. truthurts says:

    Watson is an Alex Jones puppet.

    Jones refuses to cover the hard core video and pictorial proof that The Boston Smoke Bombing at the Marathon is a hoax. We have everything, including pictures of the actors after the blast with no blood anywhere, the actual pyrotechnic devices still smoking and a lot more.

    The Watson article was torn to shreds by techie comments under the article.

    Not only did AP publish this on the 15th, but a host of other news outlets picked it up and ran it too.

    No way out for Watson and puppeteer Jones.

  11. Amaterasu Solar says:

    They’re getting desperate, seeing the Sandy Hook and Boston psyops failed to get Us to give up Our arms. Expect even more psyop.

  12. Another excuse to seize guns?

  13. BethR says:

    I’m also confused and amazed at the variety of stories – he stole an I’d (at one point reporters said authorities had interviewed & cleared the actual badge-holder who lives in VA). But now it’s all about how he gained admittance due to being a subcontractor. Which is true? I personally know a contractor who does similar work (installing/laying industrial level phone & Ethernet line) and he had to go through an extensive background check to work in a nuclear plant; I simply don’t believe subcontractors allowed access to military installations aren’t also thoroughly screened; it doesn’t make sense for him to have been cleared given his (alleged) history. Also: one reporter suggested he must’ve gotten the weapon(s?) from someone he must have physically overpowered, like a guard. Others say he must’ve had a weapon(s?) in his car. Then there are the conflicting reports of multiple shooters. And of course the public will probably never get to see any real evidence to decide for ourselves if we are being hoodwinked. I’m very interested now to learn more about the list of casualties which may reveal a more logical motive for the killings.

  14. Interesting Jon……..all very chaotic, perhaps on purpose.

    In case no one noticed, the AP reporter on the story is Lolita C. Baldor……heck of a name, eh? when I see such names, i smell a rat…

  15. Peter Stephen says:

    If the following is true then the “rabbit is out of the hat” !

  16. Anthony says:

    I was listening to a BBC reporter interviewing his close friend from a small town just hours after this. He was totally shocked and so was the whole town. This was a community minded guy who helped his friend with a new restaurant…waiting tables for free…helped out all over town and people really liked this guy. Obviously the BBC did not get the same script as the US media..!!

  17. mike porter says:

    This journalist is the type of independent critical thinker our congress is so afraid of. As I read his credentials I realized that from now on any american journalist will have to be indoctrinated through one of the government mouthpiece organizations to be considered a legitimate member of the press. From now on, an independent journalist will not be recognized as legitimate “press” and will likely be charged with su h things as sedition or threatening national security, etc. Well, words are weapons sharper than knives to be used to rightly divide the truth from lies. Guerilla press, our work is cut out for us. The real sad truth is that for all the risk and sacrifice made by men like william cooper and edward snowden, most of the sheeple don’t even want to know the truth. It makes them responsible for their own demise and they don’t want that…

  18. mike porter says:

    Thanks for the bbc link. Hmmm, looks like all the victims were white people, or should I say non-black. Motive? Anyone…?

  19. Angstfountain says:

    So it is supposedly his FIRST day on the job site and nobody checks his credentials or calls in for verification? BULL*****!
    My late father was a USAF Lt. Colonel, and everytime we (family went with him sometimes for the ride) went out to the local Airbase on business, he wore his uniform and the car had the proper bumperstickers in place and the AP’s looked at his ID and all, and saluted and he returned as we drove thru the gate. Others were pulled to the side and “gone over” and this was in the 1970’s.

  20. chris says:

    keep it simple,just ask where the video surveillance footage is,if they had it,they would be jamming it down your throat 24/7…but they don’t,because it doesnt exist.

  21. […] Navy Yard shooting: Aaron Alexis narrative crumbling ( […]

  22. […] Navy Yard shooting: Aaron Alexis narrative crumbling ( […]

  23. […] make things even more convoluted, Jon Rappoport writes about the other versions of events that have surfaced which are very much […]

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